Chapter 258

People's likes and dislikes are determined according to their positions.

In the previous life, Uchiha Tokumitsu only thought that Jiraiya was also an incomparably free and easy temperamental person, but now in this situation, he felt that this person was extremely brainless.

"He brought two toads to the door, I really don't know what this guy thinks..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu originally didn't want to have anything to do with the so-called Three Holy Lands of Psychic Beasts, but if he took the initiative to come to the door, then he didn't mind using some tricks.

"The two immortals have arrived now, so you can tell me what the Elder Master has ordered you to come here?"

Ji Lai also lowered his voice and asked the two green-skinned toads in cloaks: "If there is something really wrong, it's enough to send an edict to let him go to Miaomu Mountain."

"The master's order naturally has its purpose, we don't need to guess."

One of the green-skinned and purple-lipped female toads said.

"Say less!"

Another toad said dissatisfiedly: "Who knows if that old guy fell asleep and made us run so fast to meet a mortal..."

"If you don't like it, you can go back now."

A figure came from the door of the living room, which surprised one person and two toads in the hall.

Jiraiya and the two toads are both masters in the ninja world, but their perception did not detect that someone was coming at the door.

Tokumitsu Uchiha stepped in, and the eyelids of the three characters in the court who witnessed his figure all twitched involuntarily, and some wondered if there was something wrong with their perception.

Whether it is a ninja or an ordinary person, it is not so insignificant.

Then one person and two toads immediately overturned their doubts about their own perception.

Hundreds of strong chakra fluctuations came from far to near, and quickly fell around the living room, completely surrounded by water.

Even the two toads felt that there seemed to be a kind of prying chakra fluctuations in the ground and in the air, monitoring them all the time.

Immediately after, dozens of piercing qi passed through the partition walls around the living room, locking him firmly.

Although the barrier was not activated, under the blockade of the first division of the Deguang Chibei Squad, if they made a move, the one person and two toads in the hall would have no chance of escaping.

"What are you doing!"

Jiraiya jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the startled Jiraiya, walked to the upper seat and sat down, looking down at one person and two toads.

"You two are visitors from Mount Miaomu..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said leisurely: "I have admired your name for a long time, but I am disappointed."

"General Tokumitsu, although we are far away from Mt. Myogi, we have long admired the reputation of the Uchiha clan. I was lucky enough to meet you today, so I know that the rumors are true..."

The green-skinned toad with white beard and eyebrows said: "Under Mt. Myogi Fukasaku, this is my wife Shima. I am here to visit you at the order of Mr. Toad of Mt. Miaogi. Please forgive me if I disturb you. "

"Although I have never met, I have admired your name for a long time..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded and said, "Give my regards to Toad Immortal."

"General Deguang's heart, I will definitely bring it to..."

Fukasaku replied with the same humility.

It's just that I no longer have the impatience that I bluffed at the beginning.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also nodded, expressing his satisfaction with the effectiveness of Shimonu Mawei.

The reason why the red team was brought back was not because Uchiha Tokumitsu was afraid of the two visiting toads from Mt.

"Since both of you came here from Mount Miaomu, you must have something to do, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer went around in circles, but said bluntly: "It is said that the Toad Immortal can sense and predict the future in his sleep. I don't know what is the purpose of entrusting the two to come this time?"

Jilai also showed surprise on his face, and the two toads looked at each other.

But then I was relieved, Jiraiya also mentioned the mysteries of Mt. Myogi with his teacher Hiruzaru Sarutobi. Perhaps after the civil war, Uchiha Tokumitsu may have read the relevant files in the secret records of the Hokage Office. content.

"The abilities of the Great Immortal are beyond our reach..."

Fukasaku first raised his fist towards the sky to show respect, and then said: "I do have something to ask, but it may make General Deguang a little embarrassed..."

"Since you know it will embarrass me, why did you come to see me again?"

There was a vague smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth, and he sneered mercilessly: "Could it be that Miaogishan's lineage claims to be able to control the direction of the ninja world?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became tense.

Jilai also felt that the aura outside the hall had become even colder.

Both Fukasaku and Shima were a little surprised. I don't know why Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his face when he said that he turned his face.

But they can't openly threaten with force, that would violate the principle of seclusion of Mt. Miaomu.

"The human world is the foundation of the ninja world. I wait for the Miaomu Mountain lineage to naturally keep an eye on it, but interference and manipulation are not considered..."

After thinking for a while, Shen made a speech and explained: "It's just that I came here because the Great Immortal sensed the future prophecy in his sleep, so I came here to meet General Deguang..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu fell into deep thought.

In the memory of the previous life, different from Shibone Forest and Ryūji Cave’s attitude of avoiding the world, Miaomu Mountain has always had a relatively deep connection with the human world. The shadow of the great master Miaomushan.

But the bloodlines of the Uchiha clan, other people don't know the inside story, Uchiha Tokumitsu is the same as the big toad on Miaogi Mountain, they are very clear!
In the final analysis, the Uchiha clan, including the Senju clan who inherited the blood of the immortal human body, and the ninja clans such as Hinata and Kaguya who were born in Otsutsuki Hamura, are all descendants of aliens!

As for the native ghosts of Mount Miaomu, Uchiha Tokumitsu has no idea what their attitude is towards these blood-inherited ninjas.

"Then let's talk about it..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Since the Great Immortal has already talked about this, if it is not a particularly embarrassing thing, maybe I can still agree."

"...If that's the case, then I'll be blunt."

Fukasaku breathed a sigh of relief, straightened his waist and said, "The Great Sensei predicted that there would be someone in Konoha Village who might be the savior of the ninja world, but because General Tokumitsu rose against the trend, all the predictions were disrupted, so the Great Sensei hopes Can General Tokumitsu allow me to enter Konoha to check."


Uchiha Tokumitsu tilted his head, a little bored.

This is another set of inexplicable fate prophecies that entrust the future to someone!

"What do you think? Jiraiya Jonin."

Uchiha Tokumitsu cast his eyes on Jiraiya, who was a little embarrassed after hearing the words, and said quietly: "Do you also think Miaogi-san's request is reasonable?"

Zilai is also silent.

He is also from Konoha, so he naturally understands what Fukasaku's request means to a ninja village.

It would be fine if they sneaked into Ninja Village quietly, even if they find some clues, you can still turn a blind eye and pretend not to know, and fool them, but if you openly ask to enter a Ninja Village for inspection , it is estimated that none of the ninja village chiefs would agree to such a rude request.

This is not because the psychic beasts of the Holy Land enter Ninja Village will cause much loss of benefits, but because it is related to the dignity of a Ninja Village!

What is a psychic beast?
To put it nicely, it is called a combat partner, but to put it bluntly or the contract is harsh, it is nothing more than a combat servant. If such an existence is allowed to enter the village for "inspection", it will be no wonder that Konoha will not be fried.

Although the status of the Holy Land of Psychic Beasts is detached, due to various inexplicable restrictions, the strongest of the Three Holy Lands have basically never left the Holy Land where they live together, so the strong ninjas do not take them seriously. And although its strength is strong, it is not enough to subvert the order of the world.

Otherwise, those strong men since the Warring States period would have tried to find out where the so-called holy land is located by "sweeping holes".

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly: "The Great Immortal of Mt. Miaomu must have slept for a long time, right? You dare to say that!"

"If you bully Ninja Village so much, aren't you afraid that one day Konoha's army will sweep the hole and destroy the species!"

"Jiraiya Jonin, did you know this request beforehand!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed at Jiraiya who was full of panic.

"This has nothing to do with Ziraiya, and the Elder Master asked to keep it secret beforehand, so I didn't talk about it with Ziraiya."

The other Shima toad, who had not spoken, was oppressed by Uchiha Tokumitsu's language, so he also explained.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha obviously didn't accept its explanation, and still stared at Jiraiya who looked embarrassed.

"What's with the oily forehead guard on your forehead?"

Uchiha asked again: "Could it be that the identity of Konoha Ninja is so difficult for you to take action?"

After Jiraiya heard the words, he immediately stretched out his hand to cover his modified forehead, with a embarrassed expression on his face.

"Aren't you wearing a forehead protector, kid? Why do you say that about Xiao Zilai!"

Shima muttered dissatisfied.

Its wife quickly grabbed it and told it not to provoke Uchiha Tokumitsu's brow.

"I'm Uchiha, and I'm still a senior!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said of course.

"The high-level is amazing! The high-level has privileges!"

Shima, who was pulled by Fukasaku, still muttered in dissatisfaction.

"That's right! The upper echelons are great and privileged!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said confidently.

Then he pointed the finger at Jiraiya again: "Mr. Shuo Mao and I have been very tolerant of your promiscuous behavior, please be conscious and stop doing things!"

After putting down his harsh words, Uchiha Tokumitsu also prepared to get up and leave.

Since the two sides are not speculative, there is no need to talk about it. Anyway, with his special status, he does not expect to be able to get the fairy art of Miaomu Mountain, and get too close to this group of nagging toads. Maybe it will reveal his reincarnation identity.

Jiraiya and the two toads could only watch Uchiha Tokumitsu leave under the lock of many ninja machines outside the hall, not daring to make a slight move, for fear of being misjudged as having other plans and causing trouble Strike hard.


Uchiha Tokumitsu stood still at the door of the living room as if he had thought of something, turned around and said: "The village's security and health management regulations will only be strengthened and will not be abolished, and you don't want to throw those miscellaneous toads into the village. !"

"Otherwise, the village will pursue it, and you can't afford it!"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu walked away.

Zilai was also dejected, and the two toads looked at each other.

Although I knew for a long time that the request of my great sage was unreliable, the two toads still came according to its orders; although I knew from the beginning that Ninja Village would not agree to such a request, I did not expect that Uchiha Tokumitsu would behave So shameless.

With Uchiha Tokumitsu's departure, the red reserve team that was originally deployed on the periphery also withdrew, and one person and two toads in the hall finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No master can remain calm and composed when surrounded by hundreds of Uchihas and the Uzumaki Seal Jutsu Jōnin mixed in them.

"Unsurprisingly, I messed up~"

Fukasaku shrugged and said, "Old lady, shall we go back directly?"

They set up the coordinates on Mount Miaomu from the very beginning, and as long as there is no interference, they can return directly through spiritism, without having to climb mountains and run back.

"...Jiraiya, what are you going to do?"

Shima turned her eyes to Jiraiya.


Ji Lai also had a troubled face, showing a rare sense of being at a loss.

"I do not know either……"

Jilai also touched the oily forehead protector on his forehead, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

There is nothing to say about the death of teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen. It is just a winner and a loser. It is considered magnanimous for Uchiha Tokumitsu not to launch an internal purge to chase down all relevant personnel, so Jiraiya is also very dissatisfied with Uchiha Tokumitsu in his heart. But it is still very smart to keep pretending to be deaf and dumb, and continue to wander around the ninja world.

It's just that the edict of the Great Immortal Miaomushan disrupted his plan.

"Then you come out of here with us."

Shen made a speech and said: "This is not a good place, we are really worried about letting you stay here."

The aura of the Uchiha clan is full of blood and killing intent, which makes the Mt. Myogi toad, who is close to nature, very uncomfortable.

"All right……"

Jiraiya, whose mind had become a mess, left with the two toads in a muddleheaded manner, without any interference from the Deguang shogunate.

Until he left the country of vortex and landed on the eastern coast of the country of fire, Jiraiya also came back to his senses.

"Two immortals..."

Zilai also said slowly: "...I plan to go back to the village, let's leave here."

"...Just don't do stupid things."

Fukasaku looked at him for a while, confirmed that Jiraiya's condition was fine, then nodded, then activated spiritism and turned into a puff of smoke and left.

After Jiraiya watched the two immortals leave, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, and ran towards Konoha.



After Fukasaku and Shima returned to Mt. Miaomu, they immediately went to the main hall to meet the master of Mt. Miaogi, the Great Immortal Toad.

"...Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't agree?"

The huge Immortal Toad slightly opened his eyes and asked in an old voice.


He bowed deeply and replied.

It's just that I secretly wondered in my heart, it would be hell if Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed to such a request!

"Just go back to Konoha..."

Immortal Toad slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep again.

Fukasaku and Shima, who were somewhat confused, backed away slowly after making sure that Toad Sensei fell asleep without incident.

"Let me just say, the old man is already dizzy from sleep, and can't tell the difference between dreams and prophecies!"

Fukasaku muttered to his wife Shima.

"...the prophecy is correct."

An old voice came from the hall, and Fukasaku, who had just uttered nonsense, froze in fright.

 Update a chapter first, Chapter 2 should be around midnight
(End of this chapter)

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