This star likes to die

Chapter 99 Xiao Ning missed it! 【Part 3】

Chapter 99 Xiao Ning missed it! 【Third update】

This metal fence is not high at all.

For Xiao Ning, who has already added his rock climbing skills to the master level in advance in order to complete the three extreme tasks, even without Cayenne as a "stepping stone", he can easily cross over.

The reason why the car was parked here was actually that Qian Zhen wanted to make it easier for him to climb over.

Different from Xiao Ning's coherent and smooth jumping movements, Qian Zhen stumbled and stumbled for a long time before stepping over the iron railing that was one meter higher than the roof of the car, and even nearly fell when he jumped off the ground.

"Senior Brother Qian, I have come here to step on several points before, and I have already planned several routes on the southwest side."

"I will climb up the outer wall directly from this aluminum alloy frame later, and go up along the glass windows."

"Just stay around here and keep an eye on me for the whole time. If there is any situation, just call me on the walkie-talkie."

Although Xiao Ning has not officially started climbing, Qian Zhen's heart has already begun to beat faster.

In order to overcome the tension and discomfort caused by the rapid heartbeat, he took a deep breath, and then looked at Xiao Ning seriously.

"Junior Brother Xiao."

"Go at ease!"


Xiao Ning nodded, turned around and walked towards the aluminum alloy frame at the bottom of the twin towers.

Even though there are still LED light curtains outside the main building walls of the Petronas Twin Towers late at night, and the "light pollution" in the sky continues to provide light sources for the exterior of the building, but just in case, when Xiao Ning purchased equipment for this mission, he specially I kept a hand.

Under the aluminum alloy frame, Xiao Ning took out a civilian portable monocular head-mounted night vision device from the satchel, and directly assembled it on the right eye.

After adjusting the night vision device until the parameters were right, he put on the single-ear walkie-talkie, and finally began to apply chalk on his hands.

Different from real outdoor freehand rock climbing, the process of climbing each layer of artificial buildings is almost the same, and the hands of climbers are almost always rubbed at the same angle.

In order to prevent injury, Xiao Ning tied the anti-slip cloth strips prepared in advance on several fingers of both hands.

After all the preparatory work was completed, he went under the aluminum alloy frame and jumped up, grasping the upper edge of the frame with both hands, and then adopted the relatively labor-saving "up and down synchronization" method.

The so-called "up and down synchronization" refers to not relying solely on the strength of the upper body to climb with an action similar to "pull-ups", but to push up with both hands at the same time, as the height rises, the feet will also be kicked as a fulcrum The frame provides support on both sides.

No matter how much force the upper body uses to raise the height, the feet of the lower body will also cooperate similarly.

For climbing super high-rise buildings, such a climbing method is the most labor-saving.

It didn't take long for Xiao Ning to climb to the seventh floor very smoothly.

Because of the special height of the lower, middle and upper parts of the Twin Towers, the seventh floor above the ground is actually more than [-] meters above the ground.

Qian Zhen below could barely see Xiao Ning's figure clearly with the help of various light sources.

When Xiao Ning first began to climb up, Qian Zhen's heartbeat accelerated accordingly, even though he tried to take a deep breath to try not to be nervous, but the deep breath was not as effective as before.

However, the time when the heart beats the fastest is actually the first moment. After confirming that Xiao Ning was going up steadily and easily, Qian Zhen's heart rate actually dropped a lot.

Never doubt the adaptability of the human creature.

Qian Zhen, who was not as nervous as before, was admiring and shocked by Xiao Ning's proficient operation of continuously ascending heights like a stroll in the courtyard, but he was actually a little weird in his heart.

Xiao Ning, who was still climbing up the stairs, looked very much like an animal in his eyes.


"Junior Brother Xiao looks like a spider."

"It should be said..."


Just like those who write novels like to write late at night, for some people, they often get some special inspiration in the early hours of the morning.

At this time, in the middle of the night, Qian Zhen suddenly had an inspiration.

"Junior Brother Xiao became abnormal at the beginning, that's when he climbed down the outer wall of the TV station before "The Lone Brave"."

"He seems to have always preferred climbing stairs over marathons, cycling, etc."

"And the reason why he likes to climb stairs so much is because he wants to climb any stairs he sees!"

"I'm afraid he was bitten by some spider spirit before!"

Qian Zhen, who is full of inspiration in his heart, is imagining the scene of Xiao Ning being bitten by a spider and turning into a spider-man after biting Xiao Ning.

Xiao Ning who had climbed to the twelfth floor suddenly stopped still.

Qian Zhen first took a look around to make sure that they hadn't been spotted and that no one would pass by, and then immediately spoke through the intercom headset.

"Junior Brother Xiao, what's the situation? Why are you not moving? Are you out of energy?"

"Drink some water, by the way..."

Because Xiao Ning is already tens of meters in the air right now, the wind is very loud.

The high-altitude wind came from the intercom headset, but Xiao Ning's voice Qian Zhen could barely hear clearly.

"Senior Brother Qian, I may take a break after climbing two floors, so as to ensure that I have enough energy to go up. If I stand still later, I am resting. Don't worry about me."


While talking, Qian Zhen took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera to zoom in and look up.

Outside the southwest side of the Twin Towers, Xiao Ning, who was holding the frame of the French window on the outer wall, was indeed drinking water from his satchel.

After taking a sip of water, Xiao Ning continued to climb.

Twenty floors.

25 floors.

Thirty floors.

Before I knew it, almost an hour had passed.

Xiao Ning is still climbing upwards.

After reaching a certain height, he will take a short rest every time he travels a certain distance.

Because there are overhanging eaves like wavy lines on the outer wall of the main body of the twin towers, when Xiao Ning keeps going up along the original route, he has to move sideways at the same time.

He climbed from the southwest side at the beginning, and now he has come to the northwest side.

Qian Zhen below followed Xiao Ning all the way on the ground.

Although Qian Zhentou on the ground could see Xiao Ning's figure at this time, it was already difficult for him to fully see the opponent's subtle movements with his naked eyes.

Half worried and half curious, he has been observing Xiao Ning's every move with the help of the hybrid zoom function of the phone camera since just now.

"Junior brother Xiao really didn't lie to me before!"

"I'm afraid it's true, he was secretly doing some wild unarmed rock climbing before!"

"Climbing such a tall building, the movement is so smooth!"

"Simply delightful!"

Qian Zhen had a new understanding of Xiao Ning's rock climbing skills in his heart, but before he had time to continue his emotions, an accident happened suddenly.

In a flash!
Qian Zhen, who had gradually adapted to Xiao Ning's climbing process, no longer seemed so nervous, and his heart rate was not so high, suddenly his heart was hanging in his throat!

Heart rate soaring!

Even breathing stagnated!

The zoom of the phone camera zooms in on the screen!
Xiao Ning's hand reaching up to the window frame!
Caught empty!
At this moment, Xiao Ning's whole body was leaning towards the side facing away from the outer wall of the building!

"My grass!"


"Just said Junior Brother Xiao is invincible!"

"He nima!"

"This thing really can only be played at noon!"

"How to do how to do!"

Although Xiao Ning, who was leaning outward at this time, did not really appear to be in any danger.

But from Qian Zhen's point of view, the opponent's posture has been obviously out of control since he caught the air just now!
The reason why he can maintain his balance at this time is only because although the opponent's right hand is grasping the air, his left hand is still holding the metal frame on the other side!

If you shake your hands at this time!
The whole person will definitely fall off!
Then the final result will only be "scrambled" in the literal sense!
Qian Zhen's understanding of rock climbing is limited to the content of Xiao Ning's popular science.

And the cognition of climbing high-rise buildings with bare hands is limited to the videos of Xiao Ning climbing the TV station and the company headquarters building before.

Although Qian Zhen can clearly see all the routes around Xiao Ning from the camera of his mobile phone, he is blank in both theory and practice. Although he wants to make suggestions to Xiao Ning immediately, he doesn't know how to make suggestions at all...

Just when Qian Zhen was completely frightened and didn't know what to do, a thin black strip suddenly "slapped" to the ground.

The sound was actually not loud, but Qian Zhen was already panicked because of Xiao Ning's "mistake", and this sound almost scared him to pee.

He took a closer look and found that the thin black strip looked like silicone glue.

Silicone glue is also called glass glue.

This kind of glass glue used for sealing and bonding at the glass joints is generally black, and it will become this black strip after solidification.

Obviously, this piece of glass glue fell from upstairs.

Qian Zhen subconsciously looked up again.

I saw that Xiao Ning, who looked like he was "grabbing the air" with one hand just now, has adjusted his posture now, and the other "grabbing the air" hand has also changed its position to grab the frame.

Qian Zhen hurriedly asked: "Junior Brother Xiao! Are you okay? Did you miss out just now?"


At the same time as a gust of wind rang through the intercom earphones, Xiao Ning said: "I didn't catch the air, the glass glue on the upper side I touched just now wasn't glued properly, it's half-removable, and it fell off with a slight touch."

Qian Zhen let out a long breath: "It's fine as long as it's fine!"

"I thought you missed it!"

"Don't worry, every time I change the support point and grip point, I will first test whether it is stable."

At an altitude of nearly 200 meters, Xiao Ning let go of one hand and grabbed some chalk from the "powder box" next to the satchel, and then said on the intercom channel at the same time: "Senior Brother Qian, it's half done now. You wait a little longer and I will, and I will try to end it as soon as possible."

Qian Zhen's panicked voice came from the earphones: "Don't, don't! Slow down! Be careful! I'm not in a hurry!"

"it is good."

Xiao Ning took a deep breath, took out the energy glue stick, squeezed a mouthful, chewed it, and looked at the diagonally upward position again.

"Although my physical fitness can indeed support me to go up in one go, it consumes too much energy, and I don't know if I can fully recover tomorrow."

"In order to avoid any troubles when the three tasks are carried out in succession tomorrow, it is still necessary to save energy."


"It really has to be slow."

 The next chapter will be updated before four o'clock!Only overnight tonight!
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket!

  Say the important thing three times!

(End of this chapter)

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