This star likes to die

Chapter 80 Where Did This God Come From?

Chapter 80 Where Did This God Come From?
When Xiao Ning first came to the back mountain to look for downhill routes, he found a lot of ruts, and even wooden boards, simple jumping platforms and other objects that were obviously artificially built by off-road enthusiasts.

Xie Bin also said that off-road enthusiasts often come here.

But when he was groping for the route and getting familiar with the road conditions, there was no one else besides Xiao Ning himself.

The person on the motorcycle in front obviously came here during the time when he went down the mountain to buy a car.

For the situation of other people on the route, Xiao Ning was unexpected.

But the task has already started, it is impossible to give up halfway because of other people, right?
"If you don't overtake the person in front now, you will encounter him later on the section that requires speed, and accidents are likely to happen!"

The worry in Xiao Ning's heart was not groundless.

Although the speed requirement of [-] kilometers per hour has been met, other mission requirements such as air steering and somersaults will require a certain initial speed.

And the whole downhill route is quite narrow and rough.

If Xiao Ning happened to bump into the person in front when he was doing "somersaults", "turning in the air" and other actions in front, and the front and back met on a narrow road, maybe something big would happen!

"We must speed up and overtake him now!"

While pondering these things in his mind, Xiao Ning had already driven out of the gully road under a handsome floating movement.

Next is a section of gravel road that is slightly wider than before. Although the slope is not as big as the speed-up section after the starting point, if the operation is limited enough, the speed can still be raised to a higher level.

Xiao Ning resolutely gave up any idea of ​​braking, and prepared to speed up to catch up with the motorcycle rider in front and overtake him on this section of the road!

Jiang Cen is a road bike enthusiast, a mountain bike off-road enthusiast, and a motorcycle off-road enthusiast.

My favorite hobby outside of work is to call friends from the Cheyou Group to cruise on the road with road bikes, or to go off-road with other friends in the off-road venues around Jiangcheng.

Because of the natural slope and road conditions of the back mountain of Qiuming Mountain, it has become a frequent place for off-road enthusiasts as early as a few years ago.

Originally, Jiang Cen didn't plan to come to Qiuming Mountain today.

However, I heard that there was a "Qiu Mingshan Rider" here, who set a terrifying record of overtaking an entire convoy by bicycle, and he drove over at noon.

I found that there were a lot of people in Qiuming Mountain today, and everyone was looking for the car god, but no one saw the car god. After seeing the car god, Jiang Cen went directly to the parking lot to drive his long-term off-road car. The motorcycle was taken out, ready to go to the back mountain to have a refreshment before going down the mountain.

At this time, he was riding a motorcycle on a relatively flat gravel road.

Because he was alone and for safety reasons, Jiang Cen's speed was not fast. The average speed on this section of the road was only fifty or sixty kilometers per hour.

Seeing that he was about to pass the gravel road and enter the long downhill where the road conditions became steep and undulating, Jiang Cen even deliberately released some accelerator to slow down.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of the hub rubbing against the chain behind him.

"Crack clap..."

Is there someone behind?

"Is Gangzi here?"

Jiang Cen's first reaction was that a riding friend he was familiar with came.

Because when we set off today, Gangzi also said in the group that he might come.

Because the long downhill ahead was extremely steep, Jiang Cen didn't dare to turn around to confirm, so he could only continue to slow down, preparing to wait for the other party to catch up with him to say hello.

Soon, the distance between the man on the mountain bike and him was shortened to ten meters.

Feeling that the other party was approaching him, Jiang Cen shouted.

"Gangzi, is that you?"

"You're coming after the sun is about to set? Let's run?"

He had just finished shouting two sentences, and the people who were originally behind him had already passed by him.

After completing the overtaking, the man didn't intend to stop gossiping, but continued to accelerate!
"Brother, you've got the wrong person!"

Jiang Cen was a little dazed as he watched the figure who was obviously not Gangzi gradually move away from him.

What made him confused was not that he mistook this person for Gangzi, but because the other party didn't slow down!

He knows almost all the riders who have been running in Qiuming Mountain all year round, whether they are motorcycles or mountain bikes.

But including him, there are only a few fierce people who continue to accelerate through the gravel road on this downhill route!
This fierce man who was riding crazily was obviously not one of those people he knew!

"Looking at the frame, it looks like Lightning's soft tail mountain!"

"Good guy!"

"Where did the fierce man come from?"

"Dare to go over sixty yards in a place like this when riding a mountain?"

After a brief shock, Jiang Cen turned on the accelerator decisively, and the sound of the engine roared instantly.

He was overtaken just now, and the competitive spirit in his heart has been completely aroused.

"I'm worried that no one will run with me!"

I thought that riding a cross-country motorcycle would easily pass the mountain bike in front of me.

But what Jiang Cen didn't expect was that let alone overtaking...

He can only barely chase the other party so as not to be thrown off for the time being!

The distance between the two is even slowly widening!

This part of the road is extremely steep. There are countless steep slopes up and down, and there are even several slopes that are several meters deep that can be used as "jumping platforms"!

Under normal circumstances, even if you do not slow down on the gravel road, you will decelerate to a certain extent after actually driving into this part of the road.

But Jiang Cen found that even though he had already entered this part of the road, the mountain bike in front seemed to have no brakes at all!
After a few seconds have passed.

Jiang Cen stepped on the accelerator decisively.


"I still don't believe I can't surpass you!"

In the beginning, he was simply motivated by being overtaken.

But now, the competitive spirit in his heart has doubled!
Even though he usually ran several cross-country downhill routes in Qiuming Mountain countless times, and could draw a complete route map with his eyes closed, in fact he rarely accelerated on the current part of the road, but at this moment, He couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ride a motorcycle and get blasted by the mountains!"

"What the hell am I going to do when it gets out?"

"I can't bear it!"

Those who can play the limit, there is no coward!

Jiang Cen is not bad, he is quite kind!

While the accelerator was directly turned down for a few minutes, the speed increased instantly!
The distance between him and the mountain bike in front is also visibly shrinking.

Jiang Cen, who thought he would be able to catch up to the opponent smoothly, became irritable after a while.

Throttle, he twisted.

Speed, he added.

Even at the risk of not daring to chase after it.

But he still can't catch up!
In a straight line, he can twist the accelerator to accelerate, but when cornering, he has to slow down slightly to enter the corner.

However, every time the opponent makes cornering operations, there is no deceleration at all, and it is a reckless operation that is stuck on the limit to enter and exit the bend!
The other party's skills are even more terrifying than those mountain bike masters he knows!
So much so that he, who was riding a motorcycle, couldn't catch up with the mountain bike in front of him!

Just when Jiang Cen was trying his best to follow the car with difficulty, a scene that made his jaw drop appeared.

When the soft-tail mountain bike in front reached a steep slope with a height difference of more than five meters, it didn't choose to slow down and slide down the steep slope, but rushed out directly!

that person!
That car!

Just when Jiang Cen thought that this scene was shocking enough, a scene that made his eyes widen even more appeared immediately!
As if a human and a car were united, that person actually performed a complete front flip while leaping at least six or seven meters in height!
The bike rotated a full 360 degrees vertically in the air!
Then land firmly!

The man did a handlebar flip before even hitting the ground!
Jiang Cen was completely dumbfounded.

"Oh shit!"

"Where did this fairy come from!"

 Don't you all have tickets?

  Ask for a ticket!

  These two chapters have corresponding video easter egg chapters, but they have not been reviewed at night, so you can watch them during the day.

  Thanks to book friends 170301201120213 for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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