This star likes to die

Chapter 58 I can never be addicted!

Chapter 58 I can never be addicted!
"Ding dong! Skill points added successfully!"

"Your downhill bike skills have been taken to the pro level!"

[Bicycle Downhill: Professional (0.09/20)]

While a lot of knowledge about downhill cycling was pouring into his mind, Xiao Ning's body was also undergoing some changes, and the skills about downhill cycling were engraved in his body like muscle memory.

"Braking, posture, cornering, road conditions..."

After digesting all these contents in a very short time, Xiao Ning originally wanted to close the system panel and start working directly, but found that there were options on the panel that were not available when adding points before, and there were a few more system prompts in his mind .

"Ding dong! Because the host has unlocked the learning space module before! Now you can enter the learning space to test the corresponding skills every time you upgrade your skills!"

"It should be noted that entering the learning space to use skills for testing purposes cannot obtain special skill points for corresponding skills through self-learning modules!"

[Do you want to enter the learning space to test your skills? 】

The last time he upgraded his vocal skills from a professional level to a master level, the system forced him to enter the learning space for a lot of practice.

According to the system's previous statement, upgrading most skills from professional level to master level requires a lot of practice in the learning space.

Under normal circumstances, there is no such process for upgrading amateur-level skills to master-level skills.

Although entering the learning space to test skills will not give you special skill points, Xiao Ning is still planning to enter.

On the one hand, it’s because although his skills have reached the professional level, he understands all the things that the professional level should know, but after some practice and hot hands, it is definitely better than being straightforward in reality.

On the other hand it is.

"It doesn't cost skill points or money to enter..."

"Why is prostitution undetectable?"

"I test!"

After Xiao Ning's order was issued, the surrounding instantly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Ding Dong, host, the skill you want to test now is - bicycle downhill!"

"Dingdong, when you use the corresponding skills in the learning space, it will simulate the real situation one by one. You will have all perceptions except pain. At the same time, you will not be injured or die."

"You can choose the car model, equipment and map!"

Just like some racing games, the panel that appeared out of nowhere in Xiao Ning's eyes contained a variety of dazzling options.

"It's kind of like playing a game."

After thinking this way in his mind, Xiao Ning randomly picked a trolley and a map to start testing directly.

Although the map he chose at random is not as steep as the average slope of Qiuming Mountain, it has more curves than Qiuming Mountain, and with his professional downhill bicycle skills, he directly flew off the cliff.

Then he was teleported to the starting point.

Just like what Xiao Ning thought before starting.

This test is really like playing a game.

"I'm sure I still have no interest in extreme sports."

"The park was so exciting at the time, it was just a whim."

"But playing games!"

"No man can say no!"

Xiao Ning, who had such an idea in his heart, soon started downhill again.

In the learning space, not only all perceptions except pain are available, but also physical strength, sweating, weather and other factors are completely restored to reality.

However, because it will be refreshed every time, it is not necessary to take a rest after riding for a while.

After riding several system preset maps, Xiao Ning let the system simulate the map of Qiuming Mountain.

Previously, he was practicing to get familiar with everything about rappelling, but this time, although he was still in the learning space, Xiao Ning treated it as a reality.

"Braking tips for high-speed downhill..."

"Frequent and aggressive braking can lead to brake overheating and even brake failure..."

"Brake force brake point..."

"Correct posture, center of gravity control to maintain balance."

"The best cornering method at high speed is not achieved by twisting the handlebars sharply, but by relying on the body's center of gravity to corner or even tilt the whole body to press the corner..."

The learning space, the map of Qiuming Mountain, and the starting point for the descent from the top of the mountain.

Xiao Ning was riding a Diverge STR that was exactly the same as in reality. He stepped on the ground with one foot, and the breeze from both sides gently blew past his side face.

In his mind, he was flashing back everything he had learned about the bicycle downhill skills after his promotion to the professional level, recalling the various handles and center of gravity in the many tests just now.

After feeling that it was almost done, Xiao Ning slowly stepped on the pedal with one foot, giving the car an initial speed to slide downhill, and at the same time, stepped on the pedal with the other foot to complete the lock with the shoe.

When the speed gradually increased, after reaching [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, his whole body was like a cheetah, lying flat on the handlebars, trying to reduce the contact area between the body and the air as much as possible, in exchange for lower air Drag and higher sprint speeds.

Sprint, slow down, corner, and sprint again!
At the same time that the heartbeat was racing and the blood pressure was full, Xiao Ning was almost addicted to this exciting feeling.

Adrenaline and hormone rush!

Every extreme cornering, every crazy sprint, every feeling of being hit on the face by the wind, all fascinated him.

Sprinting down on Qiuming Mountain, where the curves and slopes are quite outrageous.

Really addicting!
Although Xiao Ning, who only has a professional level, was not able to achieve theoretical perfection in some narrow and complicated corners, it was even far from it.

But in the testing process down the road.

He did feel the "near-death sense" more than once.

And it seems that it is precisely because of this sense of near-death that he feels obsessed, addicted, and finds himself...

Really alive.

After exiting the study space.

"No, those feelings just now are just games, no matter how realistic the system simulation is, it is still a game after all!"

"I can't be addicted to this feeling of dying!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Xiao Ning took a deep breath, and while pushing the car to the starting point of the steep slope at the entrance to the top of Qiuming Mountain, he called the driver, Master Xie.


On the top of Qiuming Mountain, a tourist rest area.

Master Xie Binxie was smoking a cigarette while flirting with the aunt in the canteen.

It used to blow pretty well.

It's a pity that aunt's husband is here.

Although the eldest brother also wanted to chat with Xie Bin later, Xie Bin seemed to be tired. After giving him a bottle of love lemon tea, he only drank tea and didn't talk to the elder brother in the commissary.

And at this time, he had the time to think about Xiao Ning.

"He told me that he was riding on Qiuming Mountain. After all, Qiuming Mountain is also a scenic spot. There is indeed a place on the top of the mountain where you can ride a bicycle."

"But people are either children riding toy cars, or renting two-person or three-person bicycles for sightseeing..."

"The young man looks like he's wearing clothes for cycling, right? And that bike doesn't look cheap, why did he come to ride this mountain?"

"A young man, a young guy, in order to ride so well on this mountain and that bicycle sightseeing route, he specially paid a purse and hired a driver to rent a car to run up?"

Regarding this kind of question, he has been thinking about it ever since Xie Bin picked up Xiao Ning and drove the pickup truck out of the car rental company.

He always felt that something was wrong with Xiao Ning, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.


"It's nice to have money."

For Xiao Ning's behavior, Xie Bin can only think that the other party is a rich man, who has too much money and has nothing to do.

After all, there are a few people with bad money who usually like to play things that ordinary people can't understand.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"Master Xie, we have to change our itinerary plan, our car should have enough gas, right?"

Xie Bin didn't know, so he said: "There is enough oil, it's no problem to run four to five hundred kilometers, and there is a gas station on this mountain. However, we just went up the mountain not long ago? Are you going to another place now? Didn't go for a ride?"

"That's right, you may have to go up and down Qiuming Mountain all the time."

Xie Bin was a little confused: "Uh? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about this, you drive to the mountain gate now, I will give you 3000 yuan for hard work in private, you come here first and I will tell you in detail, do you think so?"

When he heard "3000 yuan for hard work", Xie Bin had already thrown away his cigarette and trotted to drive.

Then, the two met at the entrance of Qiuming Mountain.

Seeing Xiao Ning fully armed riding on the bike and landing on one foot, he looked calmly at the extremely steep slope ahead.

A thought suddenly appeared in Xie Bin's heart that made him a little scared.

No way?
 Recommend a book, entertainment and romance, everyone can read it, the results are better than the dog author.

  "My ex is a queen, I'm on fire"

  Thank you for your monthly pass!Recommended ticket!
  Thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins in Xiruosheng!
  There is another chapter in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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