This star likes to die

Chapter 56 I'm afraid this car will cost a few dollars, right?

Chapter 56 I'm afraid this car will cost thousands of dollars, right?

"Extreme sports are not cheap goods!"

After heaving a sigh in his heart, Xiao Ning and the sales consultant finally decided on the car model he was going to buy in the store tomorrow.

Lightning S-Works Diverge STR.

In the Lightning bicycle brand, S-Works represents high-end and top.

And the price of this rather high-end GRAVEL road bike is as high as 98990.00 soft sister coins.

The reason for choosing this car is that compared with normal road cars, this kind of gravel (GRAVEL) road car, which is specially optimized for shock absorption and brakes for poor road conditions, is more suitable for driving on the road conditions of Qiuming Mountain .

After filling out the pre-order form on the official website, Xiao Ning communicated with the salesman about tomorrow's pick-up time, and then hung up the phone.

After checking the information about cycling and road bikes, Xiao Ning took a shower and went to sleep.

And on the Internet, the discussion about Xiao Ning's "Chasing the Dream" is more and more wave after wave.

"This song is so fucked! Really fucked!"

"Brother Ning's singing skills have improved!"

"Singing skills are already very strong! Now that I have improved, I am afraid that I am rushing to the front line!"

"You should know that he ran a marathon the day before! He ran the marathon the day before and was still invincible the next day! Don't call him Brother Ning anymore! Call him Ning Shen!"

"My tears are low, and I heard the high school entrance exam sound! Now the college entrance examination is coming soon, I will definitely work hard!"

"Work hard for a hundred days! I want to go to Jiangcheng driving school!"

"@胡鸟娱乐, I hope you don't know how to praise, and send me "Chasing Dreams" tomorrow! I want a single loop!"

"Do you think Ning Shen will release new songs in the future?"

"Ningshen's way of finding inspiration is quite special. He just finished running a marathon, so he might have to rest for a few days? He can't do some extreme sports anymore, right?"


Early the next morning.

Xiao Ning went directly to Lightning's specialty store to pay and pick up the car.

After counting the price of the whole car and the essential things he bought such as helmets, knee pads, backpacks, riding clothes, temporary tire repair tools and on-board computer, he paid a total of almost 12 at the checkout.

There was also a small episode when picking up the car.

Before picking up the bike, Xiao Ning specifically checked the necessary equipment for riding on the Internet.

At that time, some netizens mentioned that when riding long distances or in complex road conditions, it is best to put a sanitary napkin or something on the pad.

So after Xiao Ning went out today, he directly bought a pack of extra-wide sanitary napkins at the convenience store downstairs.

However, after picking up the bike at the bike shop, he realized that the bike shop sells cycling pants that are much better than sanitary napkins.

Sanitary napkins are bought for nothing.

After the payment was completed, Xiao Ning changed into a full set of riding equipment in the fitting room of the bike shop.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the clerk, Xiao Ning got into the car for a test drive.

As soon as he rode up and was about to pedal, he completely confused the shop assistant.

"Sir, your lock shoes have not been locked with the lock pedal..."

Afterwards, the pure Xiaobai Xiao Ning listened carefully to the clerk's popular science.

"Unlike ordinary flat pedals, lock pedals and lock shoes can be locked and fixed, which is equivalent to fixing the rider's feet on the pedals."

"If it is a long-distance ride, it is recommended to use lock shoes with lock pedals, which can not only effectively transmit the pedaling force to the pedals, but also correct the riding posture to reduce the risk of knee wear. In addition, if you are on a bumpy road or shaking the car When sprinting, the shoes and the pedals are locked, and you can step on it with confidence, without worrying about your feet coming off the pedals..."

After some popular science, he figured out how to lock and unlock with the hands-on teaching of the clerk.

Then I strolled around on the Daping Road outside the store.

Although Xiao Ning is a layman for professional cycling, he is also a loyal user of the little yellow bike.

It's just such an ordinary ride on a flat road, no difficult things, simple commuting or something, there is no problem at all.

After expressing satisfaction with everything, Xiao Ning, dressed in cycling attire, left the Lightning Store directly.

Although Xiao Ning, who just got this high-end road bike, wanted to go directly to the city to find a place with a long downhill to practice, but he still has work to do today.

Just like after the previous two rounds of "Strength Creator" competitions, today he has to go to the company to record the song "Dream Chaser", and the music department will rush to give this song to the audience today. send out.

Because this lightning store is not too far away from the company, Xiao Ning rode for half an hour to the downstairs of the company.

Xiao Ning, who was worried that it would be unsafe to leave the car downstairs, pushed the car directly into the company building.

The building security originally wanted to stop him, but after seeing that the person in cycling uniform and helmet was actually Xiao Ning, he sent him to the elevator with a flattering expression.

After arriving at the music department on the tenth floor, Xiao Ning, who was dressed on a bike, pushed the bike into the office area.

Then everyone in the office area looked dumbfounded.

"What are you doing, brother Ning?"

"What's the situation, Mr. Xiao?"

"No...he just finished the marathon the day before yesterday, and now he's playing bicycle again?"

"Are you looking for inspiration again?"

"Why am I a little flustered?"

"This car looks like a new car? Is it estimated to be several thousand?"

"Thousands of thousands? Who do you underestimate? I heard Minister Sun said that day that Brother Ning's No. 15 salary was paid almost 100 million yuan! He is not short of money now! This car costs [-] to [-] yuan, okay?" !"

Under the eyes of everyone in the office area of ​​the music department who were bewildered, curious or worried, Xiao Ning went directly to the recording studio.

When the staff in the recording studio saw Xiao Ning's attire, they were also stunned.

"Mr. Xiao, why...why do you change your clothes first and then record?"

"No, no, I have something to do later, let's make it quick."

After changing into a pair of disposable slippers, Xiao Ning went straight into the recording area of ​​the recording studio.

While the staff looked dumbfounded, Xiao Ning, who was dressed as a biker and wearing a bike helmet, started to "run forward" hard in the recording studio.

"Dream Chasing Innocent Heart" was recorded and passed in one pass.

Then Xiao Ning, who was dressed as a biker, pushed the car that was placed at the entrance of the recording studio and left.

After he left, the staff in the recording studio began to discuss.

"Ms. Xiao's singing skills seem to have really improved. I have recorded "Lonely" and "Night" two or three times before, but this is obviously more difficult to sing "Chasing" in just one pass."

"He was already very good at singing, not inferior to Brother Zhen, but now he seems to have made a qualitative leap."

"Hurry up and pass the file on to the colleague who issued it. Besides... Teacher Xiao seems to have changed his hobby again."

"Downstairs, stairs, marathon, and now it's a bicycle... Lao Ma, do you think we should inform Minister Sun or Mr. Xiao and his agent?"


After pushing the cart to the first floor of the building, Xiao Ning was going to go directly to the nearby place with a long downhill to find out the feeling.

As soon as he went out to get in the car, he ran into Qian Zhen who was following Wu Feng and several assistants behind him.

After approaching and recognizing Xiao Ning, Qian Zhen looked astonished: "Junior Brother Xiao? You should be here to record songs at the company, right? By the way, why are you dressed like this?"

"The song has already been recorded. As for the outfit, I'm thinking about the good weather today, so I'm going to go for a ride."

After hearing the word "cycling", Qian Zhen's eyelids twitched, and he even imagined in his mind that the opponent entered some bicycle race by mistake and won the championship by the way.

He asked politely, "Junior Brother Xiao, do you even know how to use a road bike? I heard that it's different from an ordinary bike."

Xiao Ning said casually: "Uh, I understand a little bit."

Qian Zhen nodded in a daze: "Oh, by the way, Junior Brother Xiao, there is something I was going to call you today, and I just happened to meet you and let me tell you about it. Our movie will be launched on the 20th, and the song "Thinking" "Your 365 Days" will be released simultaneously."

Xiao Ning nodded: "Okay, Senior Brother Qian, then I'll go first."

"Wait, Junior Brother Xiao."

"Senior Brother Qian, is there anything else?"

Qian Zhen moved his eyes from Xiao Ning to the bicycle, and asked curiously: "Your car looks very high-end, how much is it?"

"I'm afraid it will cost several thousand yuan more?"

"Uh... more."

"More than 1?"

"About one hundred thousand."

Qian Zhen: "..."

Watching Xiao Ning go away on the bike, Qian Zhen was still in a daze, and Wu Feng's voice sounded from the side.

"Brother Zhen, a good bicycle is indeed very expensive, let alone a hundred thousand, there are hundreds of thousands, don't let it shock you, these two wheels are really expensive!"

Qian Zhen shook his head, and said with a complicated expression: "I was thinking, if I go for a ride around normally, it won't cost a hundred thousand yuan, right?"

"Junior brother Xiao just ran a marathon the day before yesterday, and today he is riding a car worth a hundred thousand..."

"I always feel like he's going to do something flirty again!"

 Thank you for the 5000 starting coins rewarded by Zhongxing Juyinyue Xuxing, and thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Xi Ruosheng!
  There are still two chapters in the early morning, and I am writing them.

  Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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