This star likes to die

Chapter 54 Mission Location: Autumn Underworld Mountain!

Chapter 54 Mission Location: Autumn Underworld Mountain!

[Bonus task: Highway downhill! 】

[Task content: The host needs to ride a road bike for downhill on the road and complete the task requirements at the same time. 】



Xiao Ning glanced at the content of the task roughly, the excitement that should have been the excitement of winning the championship disappeared, and his heart was even more chilled.

System, you are a dog!

I can accept your reward of 100 yuan!
Why are you directly rewarding a mission?How can even tasks be regarded as 'rewards'?

Is the key still such an abstract task?
Xiao Ning's mood fell to the extreme.

Because the so-called "reward mission" right now is undoubtedly the most difficult mission he has encountered so far!

Ride a bike, he will.

But his level is still at the stage of riding a shared bicycle, and he has to firmly grasp the handlebars with both hands, and he panics when he puts the bike on with one hand, let alone let go of his hands...

He may not be as good at riding a bicycle as some elementary school students.

This kind of task that requires him to ride at a speed of no less than 50 kilometers per hour is really a bit beyond the standard for Xiao Ning.

What's more, the task requires that he has to overtake 333 motor vehicles in a ghostly place like Qiuming Mountain within a week!

What the hell is Qiuming Mountain?

It was a winding mountain road with a [-]-kilometer downhill slope!Although the road pavement is good and comparable to the highway, but the mountain road is relatively narrow, with various slopes changing constantly, and one curve after another, the road conditions can be said to be extremely complicated!
If you drive up the mountain with a navigation system, the sounds of "turn left 50 meters ahead" and "turn left 100 meters ahead" all the way can upset you.

Some people who don't usually get motion sickness even get motion sickness when they drive through this mountain road.

more importantly.

Usually there are very few cars on this road.

As a tourist scenic spot, Qiuming Mountain usually has a very small traffic flow, and it only increases sharply during some holidays.

And because the road conditions of Qiuming Mountain are very suitable for racing games such as mountain running, this area has always been the favorite of all underground drag racing parties in Jiangcheng.

In other words.

This place is usually not run by normal people.

Those who can go for a run are all buddies who don't normally run for drag racing.

And now Xiao Ning wants to overtake 333 motor vehicles in this kind of place within a week!

Which pretty much means letting him ride a bike and do some underground drag racing!

It's just abstract!
In Xiao Ning's memory, he had only seen reports about this ghostly place, Qiuming Mountain, two months ago.

Two months ago, Jiangcheng TV station reported an accident that happened in Qiuming Mountain.

The situation at that time was that a group of underground drag racing gangs went up the hill to race in groups of three or four. As a result, one of the owners of the Mercedes-Benz seemed to be communicating with the co-pilot. Because of a momentary distraction, his Mercedes-Benz rushed directly to the road at high speed. tree!
There were two people in the car, a man and a woman.

It became two souls on the spot!

When the police rushed over, the men and women in the car were no longer human, but the girl in the co-pilot still had her clothes on, but the man couldn't even find his pants.

Two months ago, this matter was very popular, and the words "Mercedes running up the tree" were once on Weibo's hot search!

"It's outrageous!"


"I knew this song wouldn't be so good tonight!"

When Xiao Ning's grief and indignation couldn't be increased, the staff led him to the center of the stage to wait for the award presentation to begin.

Backstage at this time, several staff members led 2, 3, 4, and 5 people to the stage.

Among the four, Qian Zhen, whose score ranked No.3, showed no sense of loss.

Although Xiao Ning took the first place, he was far happier than Xiao Ning at this time.

"Sure enough, I saw the right person!"

"Junior brother Xiao really has a lot of things! One after another!"

"In the future, I will be rewarded with a little bit of crooked melon and cracked dates, that buddy will definitely be the first line!"

Qian Zhen was very happy.

As for the fourth and fifth players, because they are far behind Xiao, Qian, and Xu, this meeting is neither happy nor disappointed.

As for Xu Minghao.

It's been a long time since he spoke.

Usually, he does have a paralyzed expression a lot of the time.

But that doesn't mean he's dumb.

There would still be normal communication, just like how he took the initiative to say hello to Xiao Ning before today's final.

In the process of returning to the stage with the staff, Qian Zhen also saw that something was wrong with Xu Minghao.

He remembered that the opponent ran up to Xiao Ning before the final to pretend to be a bluff, so he went straight up.

"Hey, old Xu, why are you unhappy?"

Xu Minghao: "?"

"Say it to make me happy?"

Xu Minghao: "..."

Seeing Xu Minghao's paralyzed expression, there was an emotion called "sorrow".

Qian Zhen pondered that he was not a life-and-death enemy, and it seemed that there was no need to step on the other party too much, and prepared to ease the atmosphere: "Forget it, Old Xu, this matter is over and it will be over."

"Although you, Xuanji, don't deal with us hummingbirds, but to be honest, we really don't have any conflicts in private."

"Let's talk about something else, Old Xu, what do you think of Xiao Ning's song Chasing Dreams and Chizixin tonight?"

Xu Minghao was slightly taken aback when he heard the words "chasing dreams with a pure heart", and then his face became paralyzed again.

"This song."

"Although it looks difficult."

Hearing Xu Minghao's words, Qian Zhen felt a little upset again. What do you mean although it looks difficult?It's really sour!

At this time, Xu Minghao suddenly let out a long sigh: "Actually, it's not simple at all."

Qian Zhen frowned: "Old Xu, why don't you leave it here?"

Wait until several players come to the stage together.

Under the auspices of the host, several judges presented awards to Xiao Ning and others as award presenters.

Xiao Ning took No.1 and received a cash reward of 10 yuan, as well as the honorary certificate of "Strength Creator" issued by Jiangcheng TV Station and Qinhai Provincial Music Association.

As for the last four, they received [-], [-], [-], and [-] bonuses, and nothing else.

Like this kind of music variety show that focuses on singing, the real reward for singers participating in the competition is not the reward, but the opportunity to express themselves on stage.

The "Voice of Dragon Country" launched by a provincial TV station before, even the championship did not have any rewards at all.

For singers participating in this type of program, the bonus itself is not important, what everyone wants is the opportunity to show their face and be exposed, and the pursuit of rankings is entirely for honor and to increase their popularity.

If you compare the program "Strength Creator" to a copy, in fact it is just a daily copy for singers with second-tier and first-tier potentials like Qian Zhen and Xu Minghao.

After all, the similar programs of this kind of local station, such as Qian and Xu, they often meet, and they go to check what exists when they have nothing to do.

But this time, for Xiao Ning, the copy of "Strength Builder" is a copy of qualitatively changing equipment for him.

As the champion of this season's "Strength Creator", his popularity and fame will rise a lot!

Moreover, with this opportunity of exposure, there will be more or even larger similar programs to invite him in the future.

Some brand advertisers even asked him to be an endorsement, and to take on serious business performances!

At the end of the award ceremony, the audience cheered.

Many people even started to shout the name of "Xiao Ning", as if they were shouting for a rising star.

Through the three songs "Lonely", "Night" and "Chasing" brought by Xiao Ning in these three rounds of competition, everyone seems to have seen the signs of a singer with first-line potential who is rising strongly from him!
However, Xiao Ning was under the attention of everyone and all eyes were focused on him.

Right now, I'm checking Du Niang on my phone.

[Can shared bicycles be used for road downhill? 】

[Can you ride a shared bicycle, can you ride a road bike, can you downhill? 】

[May I ask what brand of road bike is most suitable for road downhill? 】

[Is it dangerous to play downhill on a road bike? 】

[If you wear a helmet and ride a bicycle at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour, can you be saved if you accidentally crash? 】

[Is there any insurance product recommendation for a better outdoor sports insurance company? 】

 Thank you CPST Xiaoyu for your suggestion. The dialogue between the protagonist and Yindi in Chapter 53 has been slightly revised.

  Thanks to the rich buddies "Yonggui" for the 2000 starting coins!
  Thanks to the book friends who are still voting for the dog author at night!

  It's late at night, it's time to sleep!Remember to vote if you see it during the day! (The new book period is one month, and there are only four or five days left in the new book period of this book, and it will end soon. Tickets are really needed!)
(End of this chapter)

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