Chapter 40

Good guy!
What is missing?
After the system's voice appeared, Xiao Ning was a little dazed for a while.

Although Jiangcheng TV Station is a local TV station, he didn't care too much about the final result of "Strength Builder". If he still has no goods and can only abstain in the finals the day after tomorrow, he can accept it.

But if there is a chance to compete, it is definitely impossible to say that he does not want to.

What's more, because "The Lonely Brave" and "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" became popular one after another, not only did people in the company change their impression of him, but it also made Xiao Ning see something different from Liu Weiwei's eyes.

On stage twice, Liu Weiwei rushed to the show, behind the auditorium, she always had relief and anticipation in her eyes.

In the year since his debut, if Liu Weiwei hadn't taken care of him everywhere, Xiao Ning would have been kicked by the company long ago.

If he had to abstain in the final, Xiao Ning could accept it, but according to what he knew about Liu Weiwei, Liu Weiwei who had high hopes for him would definitely be disappointed, even if the other party would not express this disappointment and would try to comfort him, but Liu Weiwei You will definitely be disappointed.

all in all.

At this moment, Xiao Ning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved, like a big stone falling to the ground in his heart.

However, after he read the mission content.

The loose air was sucked back by him again, the heavy burden returned to his body, and the stone in his heart became bigger, thicker and harder.

"This task."

"It doesn't look that simple."

[Task name: Run out of your life! 】

[Task Content: Please complete a full marathon! 】

[Task requirements: 1. The task needs to be completed within 48 hours. 2. When carrying out the task, the total running distance of the host must reach 42.195 kilometers. 3. When performing tasks, the host needs to complete a full marathon. If the mileage is not reached, you are not allowed to rest. (If any condition is not met, it will be deemed that the task of the host has failed.)]

Before the release of this mission, Xiao Ning had also thought about the content of the next mission.

But he really didn't expect that the task would be to run a marathon.

What about this task?

"It's a little bit annoying."

Regarding running, Xiao Ning actually has some experience.

When he was in college, he was quite good at running and exercising. He once ran a charity half marathon with his classmates.

But that time, it was only a half marathon of [-] kilometers, but it took him nearly three hours to finish it.

Although he didn't take a break the whole time, but kept running according to the rules of the game, the exhaustion was really terrible.

Running often and running marathons are two different concepts.

If it is not for long-term half-marathon or even full-marathon training, for an ordinary runner to engage in such a high-intensity exercise, it really depends on perseverance and luck to complete it.

Although he felt that this task was a little difficult, Xiao Ning did not panic.

Because the 20 skill points he was rewarded for completing the mission last time are still useless...

"It was too prescient to not rush to use up the skill points last time!"

After silently rejoicing in his heart, Xiao Ning looked at the last reward column of the mission content.


Except for the number of lucky draw opportunities, the mission rewards this time seem to be the same as last time.

Even the good luck amulet that Xiao Ning suspects is a "life-saving talisman", if he completes the task this time, he can get another one.

At first glance, it seems that the task reward this time is a bit of a loss because of the lack of a chance to draw a lottery.

But in fact it is not a loss.

There were indeed two lucky draw chances for the last task reward, but those two lucky draw chances were purely random draws, and even the classification was completely random.

And this time the lucky draw opportunity rewarded by this mission can be assigned a category!

The final of "Strength Creator" is coming soon. For Xiao Ning, he needs this kind of lottery opportunity that can specify categories more than the kind of lottery where the categories are random.

"In general, there is nothing to say about this task, but... the difficulty is a little bit high, and it is estimated that you need to upgrade your skills."

When Xiao Ning was thinking this way, the system's voice suddenly appeared.

"Ding dong! Host, this task is not particularly difficult for you! According to the system's definition of human physical fitness, with a physical fitness of 11.0, you are not much inferior to third-level athletes in terms of strength, stamina, endurance, etc. , From a physical point of view, you are completely capable of completing this task, and whether the task can be successfully completed depends on your perseverance and belief, come on!"

Xiao Ning was caught off guard by the sudden chicken soup served by the system.

But I have to say, he really wanted to do this chicken soup.

The system does make sense.

Although he hasn't verified how much his body has become stronger recently, Xiao Ning is very sure that his overall physical quality has indeed improved a lot from the perspective of self-perception.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to climb the eight floors so easily in the Weibo live broadcast two days ago, without panting.

This chicken soup, let's do it.

After all, drinking soup is a beautiful thing...

"Judging from the reward content of these three missions, the rewards for skill points are usually not many, usually only ten or twenty."

"There are too many skills that can be upgraded, so skill points are very precious, so you have to save them."

"As long as the task is completed within 48 hours, it means that I can complete the task until the morning after tomorrow."

"If you can complete this task without spending skill points, that would be the best."

"As for whether it will work or not..."

"Go find a treadmill and try it out!"

Do it when you think of it.

Xiao Ning took a taxi directly to a nearby gym.

Because today is a working day and because it is not yet ten o'clock, the fitness area of ​​the gym is almost empty.

no one.

After Xiao Ning got the cheapest card, he went directly to the treadmill area.

After setting the mileage and pace on the treadmill, he started running on the treadmill.

Although Xiao Ning occasionally went to exercise during his debut year, but recently his focus has been on how much money he makes from those two songs, and he really didn’t take the time to go for a run or do other things. exercise.

As soon as he started running, he obviously felt something was wrong.

The body is very light!
The breathing rhythm is also completely controllable, and there is no particularly rapid situation!
My heartbeat didn't start beating wildly just a few hundred meters away like before, but there was a gradual and steady process!

After running for three kilometers, Xiao Ning got off the treadmill, and was surprised to find that he was only covered with a thin layer of sweat!
 Chapter 2 is estimated to be at 12:[-].

  It's a new month, can you dare to ask for a monthly pass? (Didn’t two big bosses vote for the monthly vote today, I thought no one would read it)

(End of this chapter)

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