This star likes to die

Chapter 38 Teacher Xin Su Didn't Come Today?

Chapter 38 Teacher Xin Su Didn't Come Today?

The most important factor that determines whether a singer sings well or not is not actually vocal skills such as singing skills and skills.

but timbre.

It is no exaggeration to say that the timbre determines the upper limit of a singer!

Because singing skills can be practiced slowly the day after tomorrow, even if the talent is dull, as long as they are willing to work hard, they can improve.

However, the timbre cannot be changed because of your acquired practice. This thing is innate and will be fixed after the voice change period.

With a good tone, it can even be said that God is appreciating the meal.

Inside the soundproof glass of the recording studio, this cute girl with exquisite facial features, wearing a slim black dress and a pink kitten hair accessory, is a singer with an excellent timbre.

She is quite cute in appearance, but her tone is not the cute type, but has a feeling of iceberg in her affectionate, which is quite contrasting.

When she sang the verse, the timbre has a soft and lingering feeling, and after entering the treble of the chorus, the emotional level progresses, and this soft and soft feeling naturally turns into passion and deepness .

With such a timbre and a wide enough range, Xiao Ning has already considered him the most suitable candidate even if he is a little lacking in technique.

At this time, she, who was not tall and looked a little petite, was dazed because of Xiao Ning's decision outside the soundproof glass.

"Is Chen Zhi right?"

It wasn't until Xiao Ning used the microphone outside to talk to himself that Chen Zhi came back to his senses.

"Xiao... Teacher Xiao, yes."

Xiao Ning smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, you are very suitable for this song, so, let's take a rest for a while to recover your voice, and wait for the people behind to come in and finish the audition, how about you just try the full recording later? "

Although Xiao Ning did not explicitly say that it was Chen Zhi, but according to what Xiao Ning said, those who were waiting for the audition were probably just going through the motions.

Chen Zhi understood this.

At this time, she was stunned again, never expecting that she would be the one chosen, and she was completely shocked.

Trying to calm down, she took several deep breaths before she seriously nodded towards Xiao Ning and Qian Zhen outside the glass.

"Good two teachers."

According to what Xiao Ning said, Chen Zhi was taken aside by the staff to rest, while Xiao Ning and Qian Zhen in the recording studio were still listening to the next singer's audition, but their attention was no longer on the audition. The sound is here.

With Chen Zhizhuyu in front, the next female singer who auditioned had just sang a line, and Xiao Ning had already crossed her in her heart.

He whispered to Qian Zhen, "When did this Chen Zhi enter our company?"

"Let me take a look." Qian Zhen stroked his chin with one hand and retrieved from his mobile phone the information of the audition singer that Wu Feng had sent him at noon.

Qian Zhen flipped through the pages, suddenly he was taken aback.

"In our company...for four years."

Xiao Ning also froze.

Four years...

Not to mention him who has just debuted for a year, even Qian Zhen, it's only been three years since he's done his best!
If we only talk about the debut time, this Chen Zhi is still the senior of the two of them...

After learning that Chen Zhi is definitely not a little transparent in terms of time, Xiao Ning also had doubts in his heart.

A singer with such a recognizable tone, full of emotions in his singing, and a singer who is not perfect in terms of technique, has been working as a little transparent in Hummingbird for four years?

When Xiao Ning was wondering, Qian Zhen was dumbfounded and said, "Junior Brother Xiao...this Chen Zhi seems to be our alumni!"

"She also graduated from Jiangcheng Conservatory of Music!"

"And she's a year older than me, can you believe it?"

"Although she is only 22 this year, she is younger than me, but she is a year older than me! I even have to call her senior sister..."

Ah this...

Xiao Ning was also stunned: "No wonder I heard her singing skills just now. Although she is not perfect, she definitely has received formal vocal training, but this is too coincidental, isn't it? A senior sister came out after the audition?"

Qian Zhen looked at the information and continued: "She was signed by Hummingbird when she was still in school, and she debuted a year earlier than me, but she didn't release too many songs during school, about one or two songs a year... ..."

"I reckon the company also took a fancy to her for her timbre signature at the beginning, but I'm afraid they will gradually forget about this girl later on."

"But then again... now our circle is still very crowded, there are a lot of people who are good at singing, you can go to any bar and you can meet quite professional singers, but if you want to be popular, you have to I have no resources, no background, and no originality, so it is reasonable to be a little transparent for four years..."

Xiao Ning can empathize with what Qian Zhen said.

Chen Zhi's voice is very good, but Xiao Ning himself is not bad at all!

Isn't it still the same as a transparent person after debuting for a year?

In the case of not engaging in original and unimpressive works, as a singer, if you want to become popular without resources and contacts, you can only rely on luck.

Xiao Ning felt that his luck this year was bad enough.

Now there is Chen Zhi who is even less lucky than him...

Although some ideas are not very polite.

But after discovering that there is someone worse than himself, Xiao Ning did feel a little "lucky".

"Sin, sin..."

After realizing that his thoughts were not very polite, Xiao Ning immediately cut them off, and glanced at Chen Zhi who was sitting and resting in a corner of the recording studio with a slightly nervous expression.

"Although it's really unlucky to be a little transparent for four years, but senior sister has already started to change her luck!"

"Although you may not make much money from this song."

"But as long as this song is released."

"Your fame will definitely go up like a rocket! There should be more opportunities in the future, right?"

Although Xiao Ning hadn't had any contact with this senior she just met before, but thinking of a person with good conditions who can persist in obscurity for four years, and finally survived until the hope came, he actually felt quite sorry for this senior. Sister is happy.

More than half an hour later, after all the singers who came in the afternoon had completed their auditions and were asked to leave, Chen Zhi returned to the recording studio.

Although Xiao Ning was very satisfied with Chen Zhi's voice and everything else, after all, Chen Zhi hadn't picked up this song not long ago. Even though his professionalism was quite good, there were still many details that Xiao Ning was not satisfied with.

For this reason, the entire recording time has been lengthened a lot.

But because Xiao Ning already had a "muscle memory" understanding of this song when he got it, so after his tireless corrections and reminders over and over again, the recording didn't take too long .

After Xiao Ning listened to the audio file of the seventh complete recording, he nodded towards Qian Zhen with great satisfaction.

Say something.

Senior sister's understanding is really strong.

During the audition just now, the other party handled the details such as the conversion of true and false, strong and weak voices, etc. that Xiao Ning raised quite well this time.

But after all, Chen Zhi didn't get this song for a long time, so overall, there are still some flaws.

But this level of flaws is already acceptable to Xiao Ning.

At this moment, under Xiao Ning's nod, Chen Zhi walked out of the soundproof glass. Although she was a little happy, what she showed was actually more reserved and embarrassed.

Don't look at her yelling "Mr. Qian" and "Mr. Xiao" throughout the whole process, but she is actually very embarrassed in her heart.

Xiao Ning and Qian Zhen didn't know that she was also from the Jiangcheng Music Academy, but she knew that Xiao Ning and Qian Zhen were all her alumni, and they were all her juniors...

Of the two juniors, one is now sprinting to the front line, and the other is popular with the two songs "Lonely" and "Night". It is naturally impossible to say that Chen Zhi has no psychological gap.

But then again, although she felt a big gap in her heart, she was still very happy with today's audition, and thanked the two juniors from the bottom of her heart.

After walking out of the soundproof room, Chen Zhi mustered up her courage, her pretty face flushed slightly: "Thank you Teacher Xiao for correcting me so much just now, and thank you Teacher Qian for giving me this opportunity!"

Now it was Xiao Ning and Qian Zhen's turn to be embarrassed.

When they were recording just now, they were both focused on the song, so the other party yelled "teacher", but they didn't care.

But now that the recording is done, people still keep their attitude so low...

Not to mention Xiao Ning, even Qian Zhen, who was uncomfortable for a minute without pretending to be forceful, felt a little uncomfortable right now.

Qian Zhen coughed dryly, and took the initiative to say: "Well, what, Chen Zhi, right? You can just call us by name, but please don't call me teacher or something. We only found out that we are a school after reading the materials just now. of."

Chen Zhi, who was still blushing, said modestly, "Teachers, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Seeing that Chen Zhi was still like this, Xiao Ning didn't know what to say, so he said casually: "Senior sister, you have nothing to thank us for, and finally decided to ask you to sing this song because your voice suits you very well. Thank you, probably thanks to God for giving you such a good voice."

Chen Zhi's face became more and more red, she didn't know what to say, and she thanked her again.

After that, Xiao Ning and Qian Zhen discussed some details about the later stage of the song.

And after this matter was over, Xiao Ning didn't have anything to do, so he took the first step to leave.

But Chen Zhi, Qian Zhen and Hummingbird's "Million Tuners" still have work to do.

The tuner started to fix the sound according to Qian Zhen and Xiao Ning's instructions.

And Qian Zhen asked someone to take out the contract and sign it with Chen Zhi.

When signing the contract, Chen Zhi didn't even ask about the income she could get from the song, and signed her name directly.

Then, she suddenly asked Qian Zhen a question, which caught Qian Zhen off guard.

"That's right, Teacher Qian."

"I saw this song on two days ago, and the well-recognized father and teacher Yindi were full of praise. I just listened to it and watched it, and I was shocked."

"Actually, when I came here today, I was thinking, is it possible for me to meet Teacher Xinsu..."

"Mr. Xin Su, didn't he come today?"

 Some details have been modified in Chapters 36 and 37, which will not affect subsequent reading.

  This chapter wants to say one thing is.

  There are really many very good singers who have been unknown for a long time. Some are lucky enough to get up, but more are not so lucky at all.

  Don't doubt it, just singing well doesn't necessarily make it popular.

(End of this chapter)

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