This star likes to die

Chapter 230 Every breath of oxygen I take is helping my junior brother!

Chapter 230 Every breath of oxygen I take is helping my junior brother!
At this time, a handsome guy from the Red Bull team passed by.

"Brother Zhen, your main task today is to hold on and hold him steady. Although these crampons are not very heavy, I think Brother Ning has already worked hard enough. There is really no need to add more weight to him, right?"

After the handsome boy's words floated in Qian Zhen's ears, Qian Zhen blushed and became silent.

In order to achieve the planned goal as scheduled today, the departure time from the advance camp was set at five o'clock in the morning.

Although it is already morning at this time, Mount Everest is still pitch black in winter.

After the formation of the team, the entire mountaineering team began to head towards Camp No. 7028, located at an altitude of [-] meters on Mount Everest.

Because the altitude at this time was much higher than yesterday, the team that had nothing to talk about now became even less talkative.

Still out of consideration of saving energy and not disrupting breathing, the upward marching team remained silent.

Xiao Ning, whose physical fitness was already incredible, carried Qian Zhen on his back and followed the team calmly, orderly and effortlessly while contemplating the task panel in front of him.


Although yesterday's decision to descend alone with the cameraman Xiaoma on his back was entirely Xiao Ning's spontaneous act.

As far as the situation was concerned, if he didn't do anything, Xiao Ma would probably die on Mount Everest. He only thought about saving people, and did not consider the consequences of such a risky saving behavior in the eyes of others. What to bring for yourself.

But in fact, Xiao Ning did get some unexpected "surprises" from this incident.

He only discovered this "surprise" after he returned from the transition camp to the advance camp after sending the ponies off.

At this moment, there was an additional record in the task panel in front of him.

[Rating score items obtained:...]

[While climbing Mount Everest, he successfully descended back to the camp while carrying a patient on his back at night (rating score +10)]

When Xiao Ning first received the task, the system specifically mentioned that there were other hidden rating score determination conditions.

According to the system, various situations during this mission can increase the rating score, and the score improvement will not be limited to the fixed judgment conditions given in the mission.

Obviously, this extra record was added last night due to the descent with the pony on my back.

The reason why this was an unexpected surprise was because Xiao Ning never thought that he could get extra points when he led the pony down.

"Ten points is not much, but it is definitely better than nothing."

"I remember."

"My grandpa used to always talk about doing more good deeds before he was alive."

"You really have to do good things..."

After a familiar yet unfamiliar figure flashed through his mind, Xiao Ning smiled softly, then closed the task panel and focused entirely on the road in front of him.

It didn't take long for the entire team to reach an altitude of 6600 meters.

Among the team, the four-member professional mountaineering team leading from the front stopped together. Team leader Yin Feng gestured to the people behind him to stop, and then spoke to everyone with his portable walkie-talkie.

"In a while, we will completely enter the snow line. From the next position to the bottom of the North Col ice wall, it is an ice field terrain. Although it is not difficult to climb because of the gentle slope, you must use crampons in this kind of terrain. of."

"It's time to put on your crampons on the spot, and it's time to attach your safety straps. It's best not to talk if it's not necessary for the rest of the journey. If you want to talk, try to lower your voice and communicate through the intercom."

"Although it is rare for an avalanche to occur on Mount Everest due to talking or other circumstances, there is a possibility of it happening, so we must try our best to avoid it."

After Yin Feng finished speaking, everyone began to put on their equipment on the spot.

Xiao Ning first asked Qian Zhen to come down, then put on crampons, checked the safety straps and other equipment, and squatted down again.


Qian Zhen lay obediently on Xiao Ning's broad back again.

Although he keeps emphasizing how bad he is, Qian Zhen actually knows how much he weighs, especially in front of Xiao Ning.

After hearing Yin Feng mention the key word "avalanche" just now, Qian Zhen's heart trembled inexplicably, and he said the most pretentious words in the most cowardly tone.

"It's just an avalanche."

"Junior Brother Xiao and I work together. Even if we encounter an avalanche, we can escape together with Junior Brother Xiao, ez!"

People around: "..."

Everyone in the live broadcast room: "6666."

Xiao Ning touched his forehead and thought about it briefly.

The technology of various extreme sports can actually come in handy in some extreme situations.

Such as skydiving, such as parkour.

Some people say that extreme sports are an art of seeking death, but others think that extreme sports are a technique of escaping in the face of natural disasters.

It is theoretically speculated based on the various extreme sports skills Xiao Ning currently masters.

If he really encountered an avalanche on Mount Everest, as long as it wasn't particularly outrageous, he would be able to escape unscathed with the help of existing equipment.

The probability is quite high.

Even if you have to take Qian Zhen and run away together, there is no problem in gritting your teeth.

"So what Senior Brother Qian said is not unreasonable."

"I put in [-]% of my effort, and he put in [-]% of my effort. But if we work together, we can indeed achieve the effect of escaping."

Xiao Ning smiled and looked back at Qian Zhen: "Brother Qian, you are right."

Although Xiao Ning's attitude seemed very sincere, Qian Zhen always felt that there seemed to be a hint of amusement in the other person's smile.

To be precise, it’s the feeling of seeing through something without telling it.

He quickly changed the topic: "By the way, Junior Brother Xiao, when I went to urinate in the middle of the night, I saw that the foreign mountaineering team set off in the middle of the night."

“I inquired before and found out that they are also trying to climb to the summit in winter, so they must be going straight to C1.”

"Do you think we can catch up with them later?"

It is not easy to catch up with a mountaineering team that set off much earlier on Mount Everest.

Especially this mountaineering team composed entirely of foreigners looks very professional.

Xiao Ning shook his head: "If I chase it alone, I might be able to catch up, but there are so many of us..."

Qian Zhen then added: "Junior brother Xiao, you are wrong. There is also me. We are two people."

A Red Bull team member next to him smiled and answered: "Brother Zhen is quite right, but I think if Brother Zhen gets off Ningshen's back, Ningshen should be able to catch up with that team earlier."

Qian Zhen didn't like hearing these words very much. He coughed dryly and said, "Can you stop looking at people through the crack in the door? Although I'm just lying on Junior Brother Xiao's back, I haven't done anything, right?"

At this time, everyone around them, whether they had checked their equipment or were putting it on, all looked this way.

Everyone was very curious about what Qian Zhen said.

So besides lying on Xiao Ning's back, what else did Qian Zhen do?
Being watched by many eyes, Qian Zhen did not panic at all. He very magnanimously pulled out the oxygen bottle from the small bag he was carrying, pointed with his finger and spoke with an incomprehensible expression.

"Every breath of oxygen I take is reducing the burden on Junior Brother Xiao."

"This is actually helping Junior Brother Xiao!" Everyone was stunned.

In a way, what Qian Zhen said is true.

After all, among all the people present, only Qian Zhen could "reduce" Xiao Ning's burden.

Of course, as long as a normal person listens to Qian Zhen's words, they will only think that he is using these words to enliven the atmosphere. After all, he is about to enter the snow line and start the real "climbing".

But at this moment, the words "I'm serious" were written on Qian Zhen's face.

His expression told everyone that what he said was really not to liven up the atmosphere, but that's what he really thought.

After a brief silence, everyone continued to do their own business, as if Qian Zhen had not spoken at all just now.

Qian Zhen was hurt and glanced at Xiao Ning for help.

Xiao Ning didn't say anything, but silently reached behind his shoulder and patted Qian Zhen on the shoulder.

Qian Zhen gritted his teeth, and as if to prove that there was nothing wrong with what he said, he took a deep breath of oxygen.

At this moment, the enthusiasm of the audience in various Red Bull live broadcast rooms was almost overflowing from the screen.

"Suddenly I feel that Brother Zhen is really showing off his talent as a singer. He should be engaged in live broadcasting as an anchor. As for the effectiveness of this special program, I asked who can be more sure than him?"

"I thought Brother Zhen was joking to cheer up the atmosphere, but looking at him, he really didn't mean to be joking!"

"Brother Zhen looks so handsome when he is serious!"

"The way he takes oxygen can rival Fa Ge's way of smoking."

"Who is Brother Fa?"

"You're a has-been star, don't you know Zhou Paofa?"

"Theoretically speaking, the oxygen in the oxygen bottle really has quality. Although it is better than nothing, it does have weight. Brother Zhen is right! With so many people at the scene, he is the only one who can do it in such a practical way. Help calms the mind!"

"Is Brother Zhen really a genius? What is going on in his head? How did he come up with the genius idea that oxygen can help Xiao Ning reduce his weight?"

"I suggest Brother Zhen to urinate more, which can also help calm the mind and reduce the burden!"

"Brother Zhen is advised to drive all the way to the top of Mount Everest, so as to reduce the burden on Ning Shen as much as possible!"

"Brother Zhen! I'm a big fan of Ning Shen! I don't want Ning Shen to work so hard! So please! Please rush more! Think of it as reducing Ning Shen's burden!"

"Talents! Everyone here is a talent!"


After spending a short time getting ready, the on-site mountaineering team set out again on the road to C1.

The people who put on crampons had already reached a position above the snow line of Mount Everest without walking too far.

What is above the snow line?

In the simplest way, the snow line mentioned by Yin Feng is a dividing line that divides a high-altitude snow mountain into two parts.

Above the snow line is a rock wall covered with white snow, while below is a rock wall that is not completely covered by ice and snow and is mostly exposed.

The main function of crampons in areas above the snow line is to increase the friction of mountaineering shoes on sections covered with ice and snow to avoid accidents caused by slippery ice and snow.

The entire mountaineering team has fallen completely silent.

Except for the various noises made by moving forward, no one in the team started chatting.

Although there are professional mountaineers like Yin Feng in the entire team, most of the other people who are still following up to this point have experience in high-altitude snow mountain climbing, and have even climbed Mount Everest multiple times. .

But everyone who seemed to be considered experienced had no intention of taking it lightly.

What Yin Feng said before, such as "causing an avalanche," was by no means groundless.

Although there is still a distance between the most difficult section of the road and the real altitude of death, in the current environment where the altitude is getting higher and higher, any unintentional mistake can already ruin the lives of one person, several people or even the entire team.

It is precisely because the entire mountaineering team has rich experience and has seen the power of nature to some extent that their mentality becomes more solemn and cautious.

of course.

It is completely different from other people who carefully control their body posture and breathing rate.

Xiao Ning, who was carrying Qian Zhen and following the team up, not only had a Buddhist expression on his face, but even glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room from time to time through his handheld device while walking.

If we say that others have truly entered the state of "climbing" at this time, they have entered the serious and awe-filled mood that should be felt when climbing to the top of the world.

So Xiao Ning is still in the state of going on a weekend outing.

Counting from the departure from the advance camp, more than two hours had passed while Xiao Ning was "outing" and the others were waiting.

The mountaineering team reached the first difficult climbing point to climb Mount Everest from the north slope - the North Col ice wall.

Anyone who knows something about Mount Everest will definitely know about the North Col Ice Wall.

As the last hurdle to reach Camp No. 400, the height difference of the North Col ice wall is almost [-] meters. The slope of the entire ice wall is between [-] degrees and [-] degrees. In some places, the slope exceeds [-] degrees or even approaches [-] degrees. exaggerated slope.

If it were somewhere else on flat ground, such height differences and slopes might not matter.

Any rock climber with some rock climbing training can easily accomplish this.

But in fact, the North Col ice wall is not something that ordinary rock climbing enthusiasts can challenge without special training.

With an altitude of nearly 7000 meters and a complex and steep North Col ice wall, there are no "rock points" that can be used for rock climbing.

If you do not go up through the routes that have been set by predecessors and follow the rope positions fixed by the ancestors, every "rock point" you choose may be the cause of your slipping and falling.

After all, the ice on the ice wall and the rock on the rock wall can withstand different forces, so they cannot be confused at all.

Under the ice wall of the North Col at this moment.

Everyone on the Red Bull Climbing team is working hard to adjust their breathing and keep their heartbeats as low as possible to ensure their best performance.

The ice wall stretched across their eyes, as if this huge and majestic ice wall had blocked everything in sight.

Xiao Ning silently stared at the ice wall in front of him, then smiled and patted Qian Zhen's body, which had begun to tremble unconsciously.

"Senior Brother Qian, don't be afraid."

"If you are really scared."

"Then you can get more oxygen later."

"Just think of it as helping me reduce my burden."

 It may not be updated tomorrow. I will be cremated tomorrow, and I have to drive [-] kilometers back to my hometown with my family in a hurry.

  Sorry sorry!I'm so sorry lately!But there is really no way!
  My grandpa was the one who took care of me when I was little, and he can be said to be one of the best people to me.

  The old man suffered a lot for a long time before he left. Let's talk about relief, and he felt relieved. However, this relief is indeed difficult for his relatives to accept in a short time.

  I still haven't recovered from it now, and my mind was very confused when I wrote this chapter.

  I don’t know when I will be able to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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