This star likes to die

Chapter 15 If I don't get the first place, don't let anyone else get it!

Chapter 15 If I can't get the first place, no one else can get it!

"It sounds awful!"

"I don't think so."

"It's not good! I don't think it's good! Isn't my brother's new song ten thousand times better than this one?"


This part of the comments that give bad reviews, although some of them really don't appreciate "The Lonely Brave", most of them are people who deliberately come here to blackmail.

However, with the massive praise of "The Lonely Brave", these comments often sink to the bottom soon after they are released.

Tonight, at eight o'clock.

In addition to being busy shooting commercials recently, Qian Zhen also took over the shooting of an online movie.

He just finished working on the set, and now he is having dinner with his manager Wu Feng.

Dinner is hot pot.

Qian Zhen, who can only cook lunch on the set at noon, has a good appetite at night. He is eating hot pot and singing, while chatting with Wu Feng about some recent gossip in the entertainment industry.

Wu Feng's phone rang.

While helping Qian Zhen burn his belly with chopsticks, he connected the phone.

Soon, after hanging up the phone, Wu Feng's face suddenly sank, and after putting the hot hair belly into Qian Zhen's bowl, he swallowed hard: "Brother Zhen, I just received the news that your song The new song "Love Will Strand" has lost its ranking."

"Love Will Run Away" is Qian Zhen's new song released at the end of last month. Since the release of the song, various statistics have been rising all the way, and even broke his previous record of time-consuming singles to enter the charts.

The deadline for Wang Yiyun's new song list is within one month of the song's release, because the performance of "Love Will Strand" has been very stable. According to the prediction of the professional data analyst of the music department, it is inevitable that this song will enter the top three within a month , and there is even a high probability of winning the first place!

At this time, Wu Feng mentioned the "dropping ranking", Qian Zhen's expression turned bad instantly, and the hairy belly in his mouth didn't even smell good: "Dropping ranking? Why did I drop ranking? Didn't my song enter the fifth place the day before yesterday?" , Are you steadily launching an impact towards the top three? What's the situation?"

Wu Feng's face turned green and said: "You are now the sixth...the lonely brave man is the fifth."

"That's all right." Qian Zhen heaved a sigh of relief, and started eating his belly again.

Wu Feng stared blankly: "Brother Zhen, you... aren't you angry?"

"What's there to be angry about? It's not like you don't know the momentum on the day the Lone Warrior debuted. Sooner or later, this song will have to kill my new song. I figured it out before."

Wu Feng suddenly felt that Qian Zhen in front of him was a little strange, and he said unwillingly: " are the most popular and highest-ranking star among the young Hummingbird artists! Are you willing to be trampled down like this?"

Qian Zhen didn't say anything.

"Brother Zhen, you have suddenly become a stranger. You were not like this before. If your previous works were stepped down by others, you will definitely react. Our Zhen family does not cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble! Moreover, since I was After your agent, I have never seen you take the initiative to give money to anyone in private, but you actually gave 20 to Xiao Ning! You can't do this! I'm afraid!"

The first half of Wu Feng's sentence still didn't make Qian Zhen respond, but the second half of Wu Feng's sentence made him frown.

Meow meow, it's not that I want to make you feel strange.

What the hell!Junior Brother Xiao, he's such a dick!

The quality of "The Lone Brave" is there!

What can I do if I was stepped on by him?
As for giving money!

The fucking money is my life!You think I want to give it!

"Damn it's all Xiao Wang's fault! If it wasn't for him to call Liu Weiwei without my permission, he wouldn't have spent the 20!"

After cursing in his heart for a while, Qian Zhen picked up the phone with a stern face.

First, open Wangyiyun to find the Lonely Brave, and then like, comment, and pay to download three consecutive one-stop.

Immediately afterwards, he changed another account and continued for three consecutive times.

After changing numbers several times in a row, Wu Feng, who was silently watching all this, couldn't sit still.

"Brother Zhen! What are you doing! This Lonely Brave is quite strong, but Xiao Ning is just a little transparent! Even if the Lonely Brave is very strong, but after all, he only has this song. His status is not at the same level as him at all! You don’t want to mess with him, but you are still changing numbers to collect data for him? What the hell is wrong with you! "

Wu Feng's eyes were full of worry, and his tone even begged a bit: "Please, get back to normal, I'm really scared when you're like this!"

Qian Zhen ignored Wu Feng, and continued to change his number to "The Lonely Brave" for three consecutive times. He frowned until all the trumpets had been played three times, and said: "You should have more numbers than me, right? Use yours immediately." Wang Yiyun's account is given to Xiao Ning three times!"

Wu Feng was confused, but he still did it. After changing several accounts and doing a wave of three consecutive rounds, he finally asked aloud: "Brother Zhen, what do we mean by giving Xiao Ning three consecutive rounds? Could it be... ..."

"You have already found a hacker to replace the data algorithm of Xiao Ning's song? As long as someone gives him a triple, he will be deducted a triple?"

"So that's it! Everything makes sense in this way! It's wonderful! Brother Zhen is wonderful!"

Qian Zhen didn't fully understand Wu Feng's brain circuit, but he still felt that Wu Feng had such an imagination, and it was a bit of a shame not to be a writer but to be his agent.

He sighed, unlocked the phone again and opened Wang Yiyun's new song list, pointing from number one to number four in front of Wu Feng's eyes.

Wu Feng didn't understand: "What do you mean? Are you going to let hackers hack the first four songs? Is this how to guarantee our new song to win the first place?"

Qian Zhen took a hard bite of the freshly ironed belly: "No!"

"I can't get the first place! No one else can get it!"

"I want to use this meager strength to drag a few of them to be buried with me!"

"If you want to die, you should be neat and tidy, and no one should even try to run away!"

Wu Feng: "..."


After hearing the news that "The Lonely Brave Man" had entered the fifth place on Wang Yiyun's new song list, Liu Weiwei immediately called Xiao Ning.

"Huh? Already fifth? So fast? I saw that they were only in the dozen or so two days ago!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's rather bewildered voice from the receiver, Liu Weiwei also became bewildered.

He said he saw more than a dozen people two days ago?
It means that he hasn't paid attention to the new song list in the past two days?
After being stunned for a moment, Liu Weiwei frowned: "Hey! Xiao Ning! You are not floating now, are you? This is your own song! It's fine if others don't pay attention! Now is the time to enter the list, Don’t ask you to stare at it all the time, at least you have to look at it every day, right?”

Xiao Ning on the other end of the phone was very embarrassed.

In fact, he has been paying attention to "The Lonely Brave", but the direction of attention is different.

Liu Weiwei and the others are concerned about the new song ranking of "The Lonely Brave".

What he is concerned about is the number of broadcasts and paid downloads of "The Lonely Brave".

No matter how high the ranking of the new song list is, Wang Yiyun will not give more money, it is just an exposure entrance similar to recommended resources.

How much money he can make depends on the number of views and paid downloads.

Xiao Ning has to use a calculator to calculate his income several times a day...

"Ahem! So what! Sister, I just fell asleep. You woke me up on the phone just now, and my head was in a daze. Don't mind me. I actually pay attention to the list every day! Don't worry! I No bloating!"

Liu Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief just now, when she suddenly heard some strange noise from the receiver, she asked in confusion, "Xiao Ning, what's the noise over there? Is it the wind? Hurrah."

"Yes, the sound of the wind, the window was blown open by the wind, I'm going to close the window, let's not talk about senior sister."

The phone hangs up.

There are six floors of residential buildings in a residential area.

On the outer wall of the fourth floor of the residential building, Xiao Ning, who was wearing a rock climbing suit and stepped on rock climbing shoes, let out a sigh of relief.

He first put the mobile phone back into his pocket with one hand and zipped it up, and then stretched his free hand up to reach the window sill of the family on the fourth floor.

The rock-climbing suits, rock-climbing shoes and other equipment that Xiao Ning ordered before arrived yesterday morning. After the equipment arrived, he took time out to experience the professional rock-climbing places in Jiangcheng during the day.

Professional rock climbing skills are indeed very professional, at least at the time he was shocked by the rock climbing coaches.

Perhaps it was also because the coaches were completely overwhelmed by his professionalism and brought confidence. That night, Xiao Ning chose a place with five floors to practice.

very successful.

In order to go one step further, tonight he set his goal on this six-story building.

As for why it is always practiced at night?

It's very simple, because it's not good to be seen by many people during the day, and the lesson of being filmed and making funny sounds in a novice task is still vivid in my memory!At night, there are few people and it is not easy to be found. As long as you look for a place with many street lights, the time of seven or eight o'clock will not affect your vision.

"The performance of the Lone Brave has indeed exceeded my expectations."

"But the most important thing for me right now is the task."

"Of course, after these two days of practice, I feel that with the blessing of professional-level rock climbing skills, it's really not particularly difficult to climb the [-]th floor of Hummingbird's headquarters with bare hands."

"Although the task deadline is still three or four days away, why don't I try it directly tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

When Xiao Ning was thinking like this in his heart, he opened the window on the window sill, and suddenly there was a strange sound.

It seems that someone is shouting "Help"?
Xiao Ning frowned, supported his body with both hands and slowly moved up a certain distance in a "pull-up" posture, and then, he saw a scene that stunned him.

"It's so big!"

(End of this chapter)

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