Chapter 661 Rotten Corpse

After Li Xun used a tree branch to lift the long coat and fly it away, the rotting body of "Zhang Songkang" appeared directly in front of everyone.

The pale, rotting flesh exuded a stench, and there were countless white maggots rolling and rippling in the flesh.

And the "buzzing" sound that reached everyone's ears before has become more obvious.

Li Xun and the others stared closely at the body of "Zhang Songkang", wanting to see what was hidden inside.

Who knew that the next second, "Zhang Songkang"'s body began to tremble violently.

Feng Kan stretched his neck, tilted his head and looked inside.

But at first glance, it didn't matter, but he discovered that there was a huge blowfly hidden in the carrion.

Just looking at the size, it's about the size of an adult's fist.


With a muffled sound, the blowfly emerged directly from the carrion and rushed towards Feng Kan.

Feng Kan's reaction was also very fast. He raised his leg and kicked the blowfly directly.

With a "pop" sound, the green-headed fly was kicked to pieces.

The white, foul-smelling mucus was all over Feng Kan's shoes.


Seeing this scene, Yan Ya almost vomited.

Feng Kan frowned, suppressing his nausea, and rubbed the uppers of his shoes on the ground a few times, finally removing most of the mucus on them.

At this time, there was no movement in the body of "Zhang Songkang".

"These white maggots should all be eggs laid by that blowfly!"

Li Xun glanced at the maggots still rolling in the carrion and analyzed them seriously.

Yan Ya rolled her eyes when she heard this, but didn't say much.

"What do we do now?"

Yan Jun asked with a frown.

"Go up the mountain! Go see what's on the mountain."

"We must leave this illusion as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, God knows what bad things will happen if we stay here for a long time."

"Don't be like what Zhang Songkang said, you will never be able to leave here..."

Li Xun rubbed his chin and replied.

After hearing these words, Feng Kan and the others naturally had no objections.

Li Xun and Feng Kan walked in front, while brothers Yan Jun and Yan Ya followed closely behind.

The four of them walked slowly along the winding and rugged mountain road. When they entered the village, they couldn't help but be shocked by what they saw.

Wherever you look, all the wooden houses are in dilapidated condition, and they are covered with a layer of black stuff. I don't know what it is.

"There seems to be something over there!"

Yan Jun, who was following behind, suddenly spoke.

Upon hearing this, the three of them turned to look in the direction he pointed.

That was the wooden house closest to them, and there seemed to be a pigsty set up next to it.

Looking from where they were, they could vaguely see a dark shadow inside the pig pen.

"I gonna go see!"

After Feng Kan finished speaking, he cautiously leaned over.

When he walked to the pig pen, he frowned and took a look, then immediately waved to Li Xun and the others, indicating that they could come over.

When Li Xun and the others saw this, they immediately spread their legs and came to the pig pen.

I saw three pigs left in the pig pen.

Two of them are still standing in a eating position, while the other one is lying in the corner.

Through the occasional flash of lightning, it can be seen that the three pigs have turned into rotting corpses, bloody pieces of meat, squirming maggots, and yellow mucus that drips to the ground from time to time.

"I'll go take a look inside the cabin!"

Just as Li Xun and the others frowned and looked at the three rotten pigs in the pig pen, Feng Kan opened the door of the wooden house next to them.

"Fuck!" Feng Kan suddenly exclaimed as soon as he entered the wooden house.

After the three people heard the noise, they immediately poured into the wooden house.

In this dilapidated wooden house, two people, a man and a woman, were standing.

The two of them were dressed similarly to the ancient Dragon Kingdom, but it was unclear when exactly they were.

There was a strong look of anxiety on their faces, and they each held a baggage in their hands.

The man held the woman's hand tightly and gestured to walk out, as if he wanted to escape from the cabin.

It's a pity that time has been frozen at this moment forever...

"What exactly happened here?"

"How come both humans and animals have turned into carrion?"

Yan Jun frowned and said in confusion.

This man and woman, like the previous "Zhang Songkang", had turned into rotten corpses, with pieces of rotten flesh all over their bodies, and emitted a strong stench.

"It looks like they want to escape?"

Yan Ya interjected.

"do not know!"

Li Xun shook his head and said in a deep voice: "However, I guess some disaster must have happened in Shimiao Village."

"These two people were preparing to escape from here, but they lost their lives before they even left the house!"

“Why don’t you go check out other wooden houses?”

At this time, Feng Kan suggested.

"Go and see!"

Li Xun nodded slightly, then looked at Yan Jun and Yan Ya, as if asking for their opinions.

If Yan and Ya had any opinions, they naturally nodded in agreement.

So, the four people checked multiple wooden houses in succession. In almost every wooden house, there was one or more rotting corpses.

The state of these rotting corpses was the same as the first two rotting corpses, a man and a woman. They seemed to be eager to leave the cabin, but before they could leave, they lost their lives inexplicably, and then turned into the current rotting corpses. state.

In addition to human carrion, there are also different types of carrion such as cattle, horses, dogs, cats, donkeys, etc.

All living creatures in the village seemed to have turned into rotting corpses.

"That's weird!"

"Since the people and animals in Shimiao Village have turned into carrion."

"Then what happened to the previous wave of rats?"

When walking out of the last wooden house, Li Xun murmured to himself.

"I remember that wave of rats seemed to come down from the mountain?"

Yan Jun recalled with a thoughtful look on his face.


Hearing this, Li Xun sighed softly and said, "It seems that we will finally have to go to the top of the mountain to have a look!"

After walking around for a long time, the four of them set foot on the winding and rugged mountain road again.

But just halfway up the mountain, a burst of intermittent crying suddenly reached their ears.

"Damn it, there are still people alive?"

Feng Kan was surprised when he heard the cry.

"The crying seems to be coming from over there, should we go over and take a look?"

Yan Ya pointed to the distance to the west and asked softly.

Li Xun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and decided to see who was crying over there.

Following the direction from which the crying came, the four of them walked to a courtyard.

Different from the dilapidated wooden houses before, this yard seems to have maintained its original condition, but it is still covered with a layer of black stuff...

(End of this chapter)

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