Chapter 28 The Heifer in the Circle

Most of the water friends in Lu Heng's live broadcast room are old fans, and only a small part are newcomers.

When everyone comes here, there are not many people who really want to tell their fortunes.

More importantly, it's still fun to eat melons.

Starting from Ah Hu, to Xiao Cai, Xiao Hou, and then to Little Tutu, Spirit Guy, etc., watching it every day is more interesting than watching comedy movies.

Of course, although watching the show was the main thing, everyone still gave gifts by coincidence.

What if?
What if?
When everyone was busy giving gifts, someone in the live broadcast room suddenly sent out ten cloud-piercing arrows!

Looking at the person who gave the gift, he was actually an acquaintance.

The other party is none other than the spirited guy + ghost fire boy "Little Overlord with Silver Spear in Lead Mountain".

After the water friends saw him, they were immediately happy.

"What's the matter, little brother, are you still alive?"

"I saw you come out to brush rockets, so I knew you must have been cowardly that night, right?"

"If you should be cowardly, you have to be cowardly, life is still long!"

"Young people are not arrogant, so is that called young people? Young people, you must be full of energy!"

Facing the ridicule of the water friends, the spirited guy didn't respond like last time.

"Master Dao, thank you for your help!"

"If it wasn't for your reminder that day, I'm afraid I would really have died."

The spirit boy typed gratefully in his heart.

"Tell me what happened that day!"

"Yes, tell me quickly, I'm very curious."

"Solution +1!"

Seeing this, the spiritual guy didn't hide anything.

He recounted in detail what happened that night that the ghost fire friends and the ghost fire teenagers next door raced, then rear-ended a large truck, and met Hades collectively.

"Fuck! All I can say is Chang Niu x!"

"Daozhang, you are so powerful, why don't you let this kid inform other people? In this way, don't other people need to die?"

"Where did the Holy Mother come from? Eat my old grandson!"

"If you are so caring, why don't you go to the street to stop those ghost boys?"

"A virgin whore like him only uses the keyboard to accuse others, and I think it's a waste of energy to say one more word to him."

"Survival of the fittest in nature, those who like to die, let them die!"

"I checked the news just now. There was indeed a traffic accident in Qianshan Mountain, and six people died!"

"The Taoist priest is really a heifer in circles——Niu x is home!"

The revelation of the spiritual guy, coupled with the verification of the news, made Lu Heng's image in everyone's minds once again infinitely elevated.

At the same time, the time of 5 minutes is also very fast.

Lu Heng glanced at the gift list, there were many more than last time.

Lovely leeks, you are so proactive!
It's just a pity that now he wants to focus on the long flow of water.

Otherwise, whatever he said, he would have to wave his sickle to cut off all the leeks.

"Okay, everyone, don't give any more gifts."

Lu Heng stopped the water friends from giving gifts, and then said: "Now let's start the lucky draw."

"If the water friends who are drawn don't want to tell their fortunes, then we will draw one more time."

After speaking, he clicked on the lottery function in the live broadcast room.

In the blink of an eye, two lucky water friends were born.

"Tonight's two lucky water friends have been born!"

"Let's congratulate the two water friends 'Kugou' and 'Chu Xia Yu'!"

Lu Heng glanced at the two water friends who won the lottery, and took the lead in applauding.


"There are two more victims... No, a predestined person was born!"

"I don't know what fun these two will bring to everyone tonight?"

"'Kugou' and 'Early Summer Rain', these two names sound familiar, are they both anchors?"

"They are all anchors, and they are all big anchors with tens of millions of popularity!"

"Damn it, the Taoist chief doesn't know how to operate in the dark, does he?"

"What the hell! You don't care if he's a water friend or an anchor, aren't they all fun people?"

"Yes, yes, eating melons and watching a show, who do you care about the protagonist?"

Looking at the barrage of the water friends, Lu Heng was also slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the two anchors were actually drawn today.

Could it be that the Douhu official changed the odds of winning in the background program?

Not impossible!
Although from the beginning to the present, he has only broadcast three live broadcasts in total.

But these three games created countless topics.

Many netizens who did not watch the live broadcast on the Douhu platform were also attracted by him.

Invisibly, he helped the Douhu platform to expand its business plate.

But the problem also came with it...

Douhu officials repeatedly invited Lu Heng to sign a contract, but he refused.

Such a popular anchor who has not signed a contract, who can rest assured?

The other live streaming companies didn't know the inside story. If they knew that Lu Heng didn't have a contract, they would probably come to snatch him by now.

Douhu officials were very afraid that Lu Heng would take people away.

But the other party was unwilling to sign the contract, and even donated the gift money, as if I was not short of money.

How do you handle such an anchor?

Can you still block his live broadcast room?

If this is the case, it is tantamount to self-destructing the Great Wall.

When the time comes, people will take the fans away directly, and you won't even have a place to cry.

After much deliberation, Douhu officials decided to wait and see for a while, and continue to send signing invitations to Lu Heng.

At the same time, let other anchors come over and interact with each other to gain popularity.

So, there is today's scene...

To be honest, Lu Heng didn't care who he told his fortune to.

In his eyes, as long as it can provide the power of heaven, it is a good leek.

But the Douhu official's behavior of secretly changing the chances of the lottery without notifying him, isn't it a bit too much?

Maybe I should change the live broadcast platform and give Douhu official a backstab?

He already had some ideas in his mind.

However, the live broadcast is the most important right now.

"Now we invite our first lucky water friend—Kugou!"

After Lu Heng found the other party, he sent an invitation to Lianmai.

Lian Mai's invitation was quickly accepted by the other party.

As the camera shakes for a while, first a sharp and piercing sound of car horns reaches everyone's ears.

Then, a 27-year-old man with fashionable clothes and sharp hairstyle appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, you really are the second brother!"

"Second brother actually came here to tell the fortune. Could it be that he wants to calculate the future of himself and the second sister-in-law?"

"Maybe the second sister-in-law is also pregnant, and the second brother wants to be like the first brother, so ask the Taoist priest to help me choose a name."

"No, I can't help but laugh out loud!"

"The old man counted, Brother Gou, your wife has someone outside, and the child has another father!"

"Hahaha, Brother Gou goes out to fool around every day, he deserves to be cuckolded!"

"Second sister-in-law is still too gentle, this kind of scumbag should let him go home and kneel down on the durian!"

"It's a pity my gentle and considerate sister-in-law Gou, if Brother Gou divorces, I'm willing to take over."

"Don't you guys like rich wives? Leave those rich wives to you, and I'll take them away!"

"There are a few beauties standing beside Brother Gou, those legs are really long!"

"I want to ask, sister, you wear so little outside, isn't it cold?"

(End of this chapter)

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