Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18.

Chapter 295 Tom Riddle’s missed treasure

Chapter 295 Tom Riddle’s missed treasure
Slytherin is actually a very fair person who treats everyone equally?

After saying goodbye to the fat monk, Harry still didn't come to his senses for a while. This thing sounded outrageous!
For hundreds of years, Slytherin's rhetoric and propaganda to the outside world has been that this academy is a palace prepared for noble pure-blood wizards. Only these truly 'noble ones' can enter, and it is the most powerful and powerful academy in Hogwarts. , this is a symbol of glory, this is a bunch of rhetoric.

"It seems that Slytherin's trademark," Harry Brick glanced at Snape, "are all made by the pure-blood wizard family shamelessly."

"Maybe." Snape's mouth twitched slightly, "I guess in the eyes of Slytherin, every one of those guys is a useless idiot."

"No, in terms of talent, the most talented Slytherin students I know are Tom Riddle and you, the godfather."

"What's wrong?" Snape asked a little strangely. He didn't mind that Harry put himself and Voldemort together. He knew very well that he was definitely not a good person, otherwise he wouldn't have indulged in curses during school. When it comes to potions and poisons, we prefer to develop high-risk gadgets that are extremely effective in killing people and can be exterminated wherever they are thrown away.

If he really wanted to compete with Voldemort for the title of 'Dark Lord', Voldemort would be hard pressed to compete with him. Avada would kill one person at a time. It would be difficult for him to destroy an entire city with a bottle of poison, but he could still massacre an entire village in minutes. If you really want to be ruthless, it is not impossible to create a highly contagious viral plague that affects the world.

He has been able to easily analyze the werewolf curse, so it is not impossible for him to tinker with something that is just right.

What is the value of getting the title of Potions Master at the age of 30?
For centuries, no one has surpassed Snape's fastest promotion record. He is a Potions Master on the same level as him. The youngest is an old man in his sixties or seventies, and most of them are in their eighties, nineties or even over 70 years old. I have reached the threshold of master level.

As a teaching material, he optimized the textbook-style potion ratio recognized by the European magic community when he was in school. No one knew about this, just forget it. If anyone knows, it is what shocked the pharmacy community. Feat, potion science is a classic empirical subject. Talent is very important, but experience is more important. And no one who can rely on talent to forcefully destroy the accumulation of experience is a simple person.

"You're all half-blood, aren't you?"

Harry knew that Snape was half-blood. When he was giving Harry lessons, he took out his old textbook and taught Harry. The nickname Half-Blood Prince even made Snape blush. , under Harry's questioning, Snape told Harry about his deeds when he was young and frivolous with a murderous expression on his face. He really doted on Harry as his own son.

"Tom is a mixed-blood, Harry, how did you guess that?" Dumbledore looked at Harry with a little surprise. Everyone in the wizarding world thought that Voldemort was a pure-blood wizard. After all, he advocated pure-blood supremacy. ism.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle." Harry waved his hand to create a line of floating text, and then the letters were reorganized to spell out a new word: Voldemort.

"After a little research, I figured it out. At any rate, I had two solid fights with him."

This kind of trivial matter would just get over in a hurry. Harry couldn't tell Dumbledore. This was what he had read in his previous life, right?

Dumbledore just asked casually, with no intention of going into details. Just as Harry said, if we really want to investigate, this is not something difficult to find, especially after it is confirmed that the secret room 50 years ago was Tom. After opening it, the clues suddenly became clear.

After leaving the Hufflepuff common room, they walked up the stairs to Myrtle's bathroom door. Before they could open the door, Miss Ghost's self-pity reached their ears through the faint cold wind.

"This is the girls' bathroom!"

A burst of angry voices rushed out from the toilet cubicle. Myrtle, who was depressed in the toilet, immediately rushed out after hearing the male voice saying "This is it" after the door opened.

"Oh~ why are you~ Harry~"

After the voice circled 360 degrees, Myrtle grabbed the corner of her clothes and spoke shyly. Maybe the devil knows why she can change her face so quickly.

"The toilet is under maintenance. Please give way. Be careful of accidental injuries."

Harry said with a straight face. When dealing with Myrtle, it's best not to go along with her wishes, and certainly don't go against her. The first choice will make her stick to her, and the second choice will make her splash her with toilet water. All in one.

"He cares about me~"

Myrtle held a small face with watery eyes. She was indulged in her own fantasy and immediately became a very suitable background board.

"It's almost here."

Harry stopped in front of the circular sink in the bathroom. The copper faucets formed a circle around the carved stone sink.

"Don't you need to ask Myrtle? She should have seen something."

"You can't build the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets in the toilet, right, Professor Dumbledore." Harry smiled and shrugged, "The sink is the most suspect."

"Then how are you going to open it?" It's like playing a detective game with a child, with Dumbledore narrating the story.

"Of course." Harry, who was about to roll up his sleeves and start working hard, was stunned, and then looked at Snape with a sneer on his face, "Godfather, you should do it, I'd better take it easy now."

Although it's not that he can't use magic, it's best not to use it now. His body has finally recovered a little, but he really can't do "intense exercise". Small spells are okay, so forget about this kind of forced demolition work.

"Open this place, right?"

Snape looked at the sink, then twitched his wand and pulled the trigger on the sink.

It's Shen Feng Wuying!
Several invisible blades of light flashed by, and without any sound, the stone washbasin was cut instantly. The pipe water that was supposed to spurt out was frozen by the ice before it could spread and erupt. Into the water pipe.

With a few movements of Snape's hand, the cut sink flew to the side and was neatly stacked together.

"It seems to be covered with magic."

Seeing that there was a smooth stone slab under the sink, Snape narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The magic at the entrance is related to the protective magic of Hogwarts. Headmaster, only you have the authority now."

The original Gaunt family had not yet fallen to the point where all members were insane. Although it had begun to decline, their accumulation of enough wealth still allowed them to squander extravagantly for several centuries before they lost all their wealth and participated in the history of Hogwarts. In the largest renovation project, the magic level of the participant was not low, and with the construction authority, he built the magic of the hidden entrance into the protective barrier of Hogwarts Castle, thus maintaining the new entrance to the secret room. It must be a long-term and stable secret. Otherwise, if no one repairs it, it will collapse and become abandoned as time goes by, just like the countless secret passages in Hogwarts.

"It's not difficult."

As the principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore has the highest authority over Hogwarts Castle, including but not limited to opening and closing the castle's magic wards, lifting protective magic in certain areas, enabling disembodiment permissions, etc. This simple The magic attachment is quite simple for him to deal with.

Dumbledore waved his hand and temporarily cut off the magical connection between the bathroom and the castle. The stone slab that collapsed instantly was lifted up by the levitating spell the moment it fell, and then fell steadily to the side, a bottomless A dark hollow appeared in front of the three of them. Under the bathroom sink, there was a huge passage connected to the Hogwarts sewer network. Although the pipes were not dirty because they were abandoned, they were connected to the other pipes after all. It is related to the sewer pipe, and a unique smell of sewer rises at this time.

The sewer pipe with a diameter of more than three meters is enough to stuff an adult African elephant into it. Even Hagrid can walk around in it without bending. No one knows how thick the basilisk is, which is almost a thousand years old. But this pipe The mouth is large enough for it to move freely.

The three people who were bubble-wrapped by Dumbledore with the Floating Charm and the Giant Bubble Charm slowly sank into the sewer pipe that led to an unknown place. The feeling of stagnation caused by the rapid fall made people feel like they were falling into the abyss. panic, but that is for ordinary people. The three people who have entered it now are ruthless characters with hearts as strong as steel.

The albino skeleton has been weathered and brittle by time. There is another faintly visible path on the road paved with the bones of various sewer creatures. Don't think too much, that is the path Nagini stepped on when he came here. Harry didn't. Nagini was killed directly, but Harry didn't know much about her whereabouts. Dumbledore took over the aftermath. After all, Nagini was once his 'friend' when Grindelwald caused a lot of fun in Paris. At that time, it was Nagini and her group who came to Hogwarts to seek help from Dumbledore. Without them...
The young and frivolous Grindelwald will probably really piss off Nicolas Flamel. By then, let alone the Wiccan Party, Nicolas Flamel will really show the world how to attack the Goblin Empire hundreds of years ago. What kind of demeanor does the alchemist army have in the remnant operation to destroy the country? Thousands of steel torrents march forward. Within the tens of thousands of square kilometers covered by the alchemist array, the key to the phantom door can only be captured by those who are targeted. The fate of being hanged.

Nagini and the others were kind to Dumbledore. Without them reporting for help, Grindelwald would have died miserably.After walking along the ancient path for a few minutes, a stone wall blocked the way forward. On the wall were carved two intertwined snakes, with large, sparkling emeralds inlaid in their eyes.

Several people stopped in front of the stone wall. Snape once again took out his wand and prepared to cast a spell, but Dumbledore reached out to stop him.

"Violence will be countered, Severus. The entrance here is not the lame disguise above."

Dumbledore, who squinted his eyes, looked at the ancient wall carefully, his eyes shining with serious concentration, "This is the entrance gate decorated by Slytherin himself. Maybe we really need someone who can speak snake language to do it." Let’s open the door.”

"If you force it open," Dumbledore looked down at his wand, and then slowly uttered a few words: "People will die."

He slightly raised the muzzle of the gun, and saw that the big snake originally entangled in the stone wall came to life at this moment. The emerald eyes lit up with a pale green light. The chill of death made Snape sweat at this moment. DC, almost couldn't help but take something out of his arms.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I just asked politely."

Dumbledore spoke calmly. He was the kind of person that a skilled person would dare to say. He did a very good job at controlling distance.


Harry spoke somewhat dullly. He really didn't expect that the entrance protection level left by Slytherin would be so high, but after Dumbledore activated the two snakes guarding the door, he also saw something different. The place.

The snakes are 'alive', not the living kind. There is magic power flowing in their bodies. They are artificial magical creatures endowed with illusory life and powerful power by magic power. They are more advanced than Professor McGonagall's living transformation, and After thousands of years, the protective magic here has not weakened at all, and the emerald green magic flowing in the snake's body——

A string of strange and unfamiliar syllables came out of Harry's mouth. It was not the hissing sound of a snake whispering, but some kind of special language that was incomprehensible and exuded an ancient and majestic tone.

The two swimming snakes became more and more agile at this moment, but the cold death hanging above the human head gradually dissipated. The swimming snakes moved to both sides, and the stone wall blocking the front also opened to the left and right, revealing Enter the long passage at the back.

"What's going on?" Dumbledore looked at Harry in astonishment, and then said softly "Oh" as he suddenly understood.

"Slytherin is an awakener wizard. After Dumbledore taught you to activate the snakes in the stone wall, I saw the emerald green magic flowing in them, so I tried it, but I didn't expect it to succeed."

"Now that the door is open, let's go in."

Passing through the double snake doorway, they came to the side of a long, dimly lit room. There were many stone pillars engraved with entangled and coiled snakes. The light emitted by the emeralds in the snake's eyes was one of the sources of light here. The shadow-shrouded black ceiling is flowing with a faint green light, making people who walk here draw a long and strange black shadow.

Their shadows seemed to be twisting, like snakes.

A faint smell of old blood filled the air here. In this dark long hall, a huge snake was lying in a pool of dried blood. The blackened blood covered almost one-third of the floor. , the long silver nails penetrated the snake's body, nailing it firmly to the floor.

The huge, dead-eyed snake stared at them with gray light, but the fatal yellow light in the basilisk's eyes had completely disappeared.

Nagini absorbed the curse on the basilisk and turned herself into a new container of the death curse. However, her dead gaze failed to kill anyone. In the face of the invisibility cloak that isolated all magical power, even this fierce Even the harsh curse cannot take effect.

"What a waste."

Harry walked down with some pity. He looked at the huge body of the basilisk and couldn't help but said with regret: "It would be a shame not to barbecue such a big snake. The snake stew should taste good too. The older it gets, the better it tastes." Well."

"The magic power has also been drained, and the materials on the body are also useless, otherwise the basilisk can still be used to make some potions."

Snape also said with some regret that he took off a scale, but the scales of the basilisk that had been dead for only a few months were already so brittle that he could crush them with his bare hands.

Although the cultivation of basilisks has been expressly prohibited, as a potion master, Snape was still able to obtain these precious materials, but those materials were only available for a few decades.

It’s not that basilisks don’t live long, but the purpose of raising basilisks now is to sell them. The cost of a complete body is so high that it is impossible to recover the original cost. Nowadays, the ones that are raised are all abridged versions that have been weakened in various ways, although the efficacy is poor. Not separated, but after all, it lacked a bit of charm. Snape was really greedy for this extremely old and luxurious version of the basilisk material.

"Voldemort really deserves to die!"

Snape said with some hatred, and then with a wave of his hand, the whole dead snake was lifted into the air and packed up, stuffed into a pocket containing materials, and then he took it back and rummaged through it carefully, maybe he could pinpoint it. You can also save some scum.

After cleaning up with a few simple magics, the originally messy and dirty hall became clean. Several fluorescent light balls floated in the room, lighting up the dim room with a faint green light.

The huge stone statue of Slytherin was also completely illuminated by soft white light.

It was a wrinkled, old monkey-like face, with a sparse long beard that almost reached the hem of the robe. The statue, which had no lofty demeanor at all, gave people a weird awkwardness, but if you take Slytherin, Transformed into a cunning dark wizard with a dark mind and a passion for torture and dark experiments, this sculpture really fits the character.

However, this is very ironic in Harry's eyes. As a dignified awakening wizard, does Slytherin need to tinker with those things?What kind of black magic is this?The upper limit of ordinary magic is far from the lowest limit of the awakener's runes. Slytherin may play with black magic, but the content of his core research cannot be such a 'shallow' thing.

"If only a pet snake was left in the secret room"

Standing in front of the statue, Harry said softly, "Then do you need to go to such trouble to set up a secret room?"

He played with the Slytherin pendant in his hand and suddenly smiled.

"Please let us descendants take a look and see what kind of surprises are stored in the secret room you left for us, although I am not your descendant."

Harry raised the pendant in his hand and spoke in a clear voice. Iron-gray awakener magic was injected into it, lighting up the green gems inlaid on it.

"Only true geniuses can lead the progress of the world, and Slytherin only belongs to the true elite."

"Oh, by the way, I'm not a Slytherin." Harry turned around and threw the pendant away, but Snape reached out to take it. "He is the best student of Slytherin in centuries, Severus." ·Snape, the 30-year-old Potions Master."

"Better than your descendants, Heir of Slytherin."

There was a bang - the stone statue shattered, and the ugly monkey statue fell apart in an instant. Countless swimming snakes swam out from the cracks in the stone statue, spreading a black and green patterned carpet on the ground.

People's eyes turned to the vague door revealed after the stone statue collapsed. In the door exuding a faint green light, there seemed to be a tall figure standing at the door, waiting quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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