Chapter 260 Mindfulness
The element of thunder and lightning was not unfamiliar to Harry. He was even very familiar with it, very familiar with it.

qo-Lightning, this awakener magic text Harry who can shape materialized thunder and lightning is very skillful in using it. Although the amount produced each time is a bit touching, it does not prevent him from accumulating enough experience with it.

There is a difference between being able to use spells, magic text summons, creating thunder and lightning, and converting one's own magic into magic with thunder and lightning properties. For Harry, this feeling is a bit like 'I squatted down and found myself constipated. ', it is a bit counter-intuitive to convert the magic power into elements without performing the final step similar to the release of a spell. This process of being stuck halfway and not moving.

But Uncle Tian told Harry seriously that this was the right feeling.

The magic that has been transformed in this way is similar to taking a cannonball out of a cannon box and loading it for use. Their bodies are the barrels of the cannon. After filling the cannonball, the ready cannonball will explode instantly when needed.

It is precisely because of this that these guys who play with fists and kicks can compete with the two schools of magic and sword cultivation. Whether it is magic or sword cultivation, they need a start-up time to cast spells and sacrifice swords, but body monks are different. , whether it is offense or defense, they do not need any preparation time. When encountering unexpected situations, they are always the first to respond.

This is a very valuable ability in high-risk battlefields.

What's more, no one stipulates that body cultivators cannot use spells. As long as they are careful not to transform all the magic power in their bodies into elements, it is okay to intersperse spells in the battle.

Converting magic power into basic energy with certain elemental attributes was a bit novel to Harry, but meditation along with it seemed a bit redundant.

The awakened person's magic power itself possesses a spiritual will that surpasses all magic power, and meditation is a means of increasing the concentration of spiritual will. Harry needs to practice this process of giving magic elements, but transforming the mind energy is not necessary for him. It's a matter of fact. The magic power of the awakened person itself is already a superior substitute for Nian Qi.

However, this led to a very embarrassing situation.

The thought energy with the attribute of thunder and lightning should have been in the state of a white luminous body, but Harry's 'thought energy' was the iron-gray color of his magic power itself. After the elemental transformation, it looked like thunder floating in the sky brewing a storm. cloud.

"Well, your situation is like this." Uncle Tian, ​​who was holding his chin and lost in thought, fell into a state of doubting his life. "This is really the first time I've seen it. Rima Heile is angry. This thing came from the sewer." Come out and restrain the barbarians?"

"Oh, I beg you, as long as you can use it, it's good. It's black. You can also shoot black guns at night. Other Qi Masters are just like big light bulbs. They are very blind at night. Put it this way, It feels okay!”

After thinking about this, Uncle Tian happily patted Harry on the shoulder. If the telepathy master, a profession with the longest range and ability to shoot both near and far, has any weaknesses, it must be that it is too dazzling, making it extremely easy to be targeted. Fire, even if they are body cultivators and have the fleshiest bodies among spell casters, this does not guarantee that they can survive the crisis safely every time.

"Damn it! How can you pretend to be cool if your mind energy can't shine!"

When Harry came into contact with the Nian Qi, he had already pictured himself transforming into a shining Super Saiyan, sending out waves and blowing up the whole place, but if the Nian Qi turned into black... no matter how he thought about it, haha Lidu felt like he was some kind of plague apostle, laughing maniacally and spreading the dark despair of corruption to the world.
"You're just fooling around. Being dark has its benefits. It makes you invisible at night, you know. If you want to shine, just use a brightening spell."

"Come on, come on, let's try rolling the prayer beads. I see you learned very quickly just now. Let's hurry up. It's going to be dinner time in a while. Let's have dinner at my uncle's house today. I'll also take that little girl with me. , Your baby hasn’t dumped anyone else all day, so why are you trying to bully me like this? You have to show your attitude when it comes to love, and you should cherish a good girl."

Hearing this, Harry's expression froze in embarrassment, and then nodded numbly, no longer thinking about anything.

"The air beads are not just about making a ball. This thing is to learn the front of the air cannon, and it is also to exercise the control of the air. The only difference between the air beads and the air cannon is that the air beads fly If you don't go out, the cannon can fly very far."

"To put it bluntly, Nian Qi cannons and Nian Qi beads are the most basic ways to use Nian Qi to highly compress Nian Qi. If I weren't good at this, I could still demonstrate to you those awesome-looking ones. Things that look even more awesome, such as the spiral mind aura and the mind beast shaping. In addition to these external mind energy abilities, when the mind energy is wrapped around the surface of the body, the means of attack will also become quite... uh... weird! "

Uncle Tian scratched his head. He didn't know how to accurately describe the close combat of the Nian Qi Master. If he had to say it, he could only use "I seem to be fighting with a mutated octopus, and I can beat him with a fierce punch." It's quite evil.

"I don't specialize in studying telekinesis. I just learned a telekinesis cannon to make up for my shortcomings in long-range. I'm not very good at learning magic. I don't have that talent. Heiwa can do it. He can do whatever he wants with magic. He learned well."

"Come on, let me teach you. It's very simple to learn Qi beads. In simple terms, there are only two words. One is to rotate, and the other is to compress. Condensate the loose Qi into a lump without leaking it at all. Well, your prayer beads will do it."

Uncle Tian sat in front of Harry and taught him step by step how to condense the beads. After a few minutes of trying and contacting, a black sesame dumpling appeared in Harry's palm.

"You learn very quickly! Remember this feeling. Once you can get nine beads at once, the Mind Qi Cannon will wave to you."

"Is that right?"

Harry raised his head and looked at Uncle Tian, ​​then opened his hands and held ten fingers. On each fingertip was a rosary bead the size of a table tennis ball, "This thing is quite simple. I am good at controlling magic power." ah."

The hardships he endured during the magic body refining were not in vain. Compared with the people from Taishi Celestial Dynasty, Harry's body has not developed the adaptability to magic fusion. The fusion of every inch of muscle, bone and magic has It is accompanied by severe pain. Although this kind of pain can be used to it, no one is stupid enough to always choose the most painful way to torture themselves.

How to reduce the pain without affecting the progress has become a necessary choice, and this requires fine control of magic power, and the magic power required by the prayer beads. Harry can only say that after figuring out the method and After paying attention to the precautions, there is no big problem if you pick dozens of them and use them as marbles.

Every bit of hardship you endure while working hard is not in vain. You may not be able to see it at the moment, but maybe one day, this accumulation will become your unique ability.


Uncle Tian blinked and smacked his lips in displeasure. He recalled the scene when he was hung up and beaten by his second uncle. While being beaten, his second uncle scolded him: "Are you a brute with no brains in your head?" !The labor and management asked you to spin the ball, but you are a fool and you are shaking your hands and asking the labor and management to see how fast the ball is spinning. The labor and management cannot beat you to death today, you Japanese dragon bag idiot! '

"I figured it out today." Uncle Tian shook his body violently to shake off the bad images that appeared in his mind. He stood up and sighed: "My second uncle really didn't beat me unjustly when he hit me. I can learn how to do it." This thing is really hard work for him."

"Although I don't know what level of talent you have, at least you are much better than me."

He waved to Harry, "Let's go find your baby girl, and then go to your uncle's house for a meal. In the evening I will take you to meet my second uncle Yiha. You must learn from him tomorrow." He is more powerful than me, and I really don’t dare to lead you, for fear of turning you around. If you want to learn from me, Pandaren’s Hard Kung Fu, haha!”

Uncle Tian raised his head, straightened his chest and put his hands on his hips, "I'm a Niubile in this matter. It's no problem for me to learn from you!"

——Unlike what Harry expected, Fleur didn't seem to be aware of the fact that she was 'lost' by Harry. The two of them had lunch at a panda cafe with a lot of cubs. , I don’t know if the food is delicious, but those cubs are so cute, there are so many.

The most cubs here are those of magic pandas. As top magical bear creatures with combat power similar to that of Frost Tyrant, magic pandas have a fatal weakness, that is, their infancy period is too long. The cubs are no bigger than mice when they are born. Although Magic Pandas are a little different, their cubs have an extra long period of infancy. They will remain as big as a pillow for at least 20 years. After this extremely long period of infancy, their changes can be said to be rapid.

It only takes less than two and a half months for them to grow from fifteen kilograms to fifteen tons. In two and a half months, they can suddenly change from a cute little boy who eats bamboo shoots and meat to a huge mouth with fangs open, and a mouthful of bones and meat. A super ferocious beast that chewed up the pot and swallowed it.

I heard that this was the iron-eating beast that Chi You rode back then. The fully adult magical panda could really roll up its sleeves and pull the slender oriental dragon down from the sky and eat it as spicy sticks. It was often very cute when it was young. When it grows up, How cruel they can be.

Under the siege of these panda cubs with a shelf life of 20 years, Fu Rong could not feel the passage of time at all. She only had time to feed each panda cub with snacks, then hold it in her arms and rub it twice. The sky already had a hint of sunset.

"Harry, look, look what I got!"

Fleur, who ran to Harry with a pamphlet in her arms, smiled brightly. There was no trace of fatigue from a busy afternoon in her smile, but only the happiness that was almost overflowing.

"Honorary panda breeder?"

Harry couldn't help but grin after taking the booklet, "You fed more than 300 dumplings this afternoon. Are you tired?"

"Not at all!" Furong shook her head, "The store manager said, there is another store on the other side of the village. There are more than 700 panda cubs here. I have only fed half of them. I have to go there tomorrow. You You need to take a lot of photos for me."

"It would be great if I could take one back to raise one, but unfortunately the store manager said no, not even an ordinary panda, ugh."

"This is a national treasure." Harry reached out and pinched Fleur's little face with a hint of regret, "But we can come here more often. Tonight we are going to a panda uncle's house for dinner, and he plans to take me there. Ask his second uncle to learn something. If I succeed in becoming a disciple, it should be much easier to come to the Panda Village in the future."


Furong's sky-blue eyes really lit up, a bit like tiny star points, making people unable to take their eyes away from them.

"Of course." Harry was stunned for half a second, took her hand and nodded, "Uncle is in the square outside, let's go there."

After arriving at Uncle Tian's house, Harry finally met Xiong Dezheng's mother. Although it was a little different from what he imagined, she was indeed not a panda, but a moon bear from the bear tribe. On her chest, She has a crescent-shaped patch of white hair, and compared to Uncle Tian, ​​who is tall and thick, her figure can be clearly seen as graceful and graceful. When Harry saw her for the first time, he was deeply shocked.

Although they are of different races, they can still feel good-looking under the aesthetic gaze of different races. Uncle Tian must have been a beautiful person back then.

The panda people's exclusive bamboo tube rice tastes different in every restaurant. At least the ones they eat here have different flavors from the ones they had in the store before. Harry twisted eight half-meter-long shanks in a row. Bamboo tube rice, but such a good appetite can only be said to be normal among Pandaren.

After dinner, Fleur was taken to the workshop on the third floor by her enthusiastic aunt. Only then did Harry know that Uncle Tian's wife was also a very famous tailor in the village. Whether it was fashionable clothes that kept up with the trend or suitable for She is very good at personal soft armor on the battlefield.

"Your auntie (aunt) was afraid that I would get hurt, but she couldn't go there with me. She was not in good health and suffered a lot when she gave birth to Hei Wale, so she learned this in front of the house and said It's done well. If I get hurt, I won't be too severely punished."

Speaking of this, Uncle Tian showed a happy giggle. He touched his chest and said, "There were a few times when I almost didn't come back. If you hadn't pulled up your clothes to block it, I would definitely have a bruise on my chest. It’s about having more eyes and less flesh.”

"Have eaten enough? I'll go find my second uncle when I have a jar of wine. Then you can call him sir. He used to teach in school, but he doesn't do it now. When you see him, You know that he has a bad temper and he can't rub it with any sand. The problem is, where are there so many good children in the world to teach him."

"If he doesn't like you, I will find another teacher for you. Although the level is definitely not as good as my second uncle's, I will definitely not give up. If you start after graduate school, if you are here It's easy to talk about studying and talking. I'll ask someone to ask you a few good teachers. Is this a good question? But I don't have much leave left. I have to wait until next year to come back next time. There's nothing I can do about this situation now."

As they talked, they took the Pandaren's special edition bamboo boat and arrived at a quiet road. They had left the Panda Village and entered the bamboo mountain connected to the village. It was just across the village from Harry's residence. Looking at each other.

A luxurious bamboo building with about five floors looks a bit like a small palace, but the lack of decoration gives it the impression of an unfinished building. The frame is beautiful, but it lacks decoration and embellishment, which makes the building look like an unfinished building. It feels weird when people look at it.

"Second uncle! I'll bring you wine!"

Uncle Tian didn't knock on the door, but roared at the gate at the top of his lungs, which made the quiet forest rattle and frightened many animals living in the bamboo forest.

"Shout Hammer, get out!"

There was a flash of white light, and a whip-like tentacle protruded from the bamboo building. No matter how much Uncle Tian jumped into the air and changed positions, his butt was still not spared.

"You stole the wine from me and gave it to me. You son of a bitch are here to ask for a beating today, aren't you?"

After whipping the person, the white whip was wrapped around the wine jar and withdrawn, and the wine jar weighing more than [-] kilograms disappeared behind the window.

"I'll give you a jar another day. Today I'll bring someone here to bring you a good student. Your mother-in-law doesn't want to marry, so she spends all day idle in front of the house. Yes, haha, my old man yelled at me. You say something, if he comes back in the next year, if you are still alone, he will hang you up and beat you. There are KPIs for giving birth to a baby. If you don’t give birth to a baby, I will not give birth. Every panda village has no one. If you give birth to a second child, you will be born. Third child, happiness comes knocking on the door."

"You damn son of a bitch!" came a scolding voice from the bamboo house, "Go, go, come in. I've been doing evil all my life. When I meet you two, I can't beat one of you, and I can't beat the other." Run, but there are still many things to do, alas."

With a helpless sigh, the closed door slowly opened at this moment, and lights lit up one after another in the dark room.

(After revision, the actual number of words is 4700, the additional 600 words will not be included in the charge)

(End of this chapter)

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