Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 229 Zhang Zhiwei and Rootless Discussion

Chapter 229 Zhang Zhiwei and Rootless Discussion

"I said fat man, what is your dream?"

Wu Gensheng said something without thinking, which made Wang Ai stunned, and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

For ordinary people, this question is said casually, but for him, it is a difficult problem.

Dream, what is a dream, what is your dream?
Wang Ai recalled that he grew up carefree under the care of his grandfather, father and other elders since he was a child.

Whatever he dreams of, whatever he wants, he can get.

So what dreams does he have?

If dreams are things that cannot be obtained, then it should be Guan Shihua.

This is the first setback he has suffered since he was a child.

He has a good impression of Guan Shihua, even more than that.

Because, the first time he saw her, his heart beat violently. He wanted to be friends with her, to be with her, to eat together, to play together...

This is a very inexplicable feeling, Guan Shihua is not beautiful, he knows, his maids are more beautiful than Guan Shihua, but so what?He just likes Guan Shihua, and when he sees her, his heart is full of joy.

So, he went to show his favor. He thought that he would get what he wanted like before, but he didn't expect Guan Shihua to ignore him, and waved his hand with a look of disgust, letting him go and go. .

At that moment, Guan Shihua's impression in his heart was even deeper, so he began to think of ways to give gifts to please, to get closer.

Even after drinking, he confessed his love to senior brother Zhang, a dog-headed military strategist, but before he could say it, Guan Shihua kicked him in the air and kicked him far away.

From then on, the impression became deeper, and after that, the appearance of Guan Shihua kept appearing in his mind.

Even the reason why he came to Liaodong this time is that Senior Brother Zhang, the dog-headed military adviser, gave him advice again, teaching him to beg for a wife.

However, after coming to Liaodong, he followed Senior Brother Zhang and his team to travel north and south, fighting and killing all the way, but this kind of thinking has faded away. Guan Shihua seems to appear in his mind less often, and the number of times he wants to become stronger, But there are more and more.

Because, he found that he was getting weaker and weaker. At the very beginning, his magic paint was still very effective, it could release the wind, watch the night, and kill the enemy.

But as he went deeper into Liaodong, his role became smaller.

When his friends were killing all directions, he could only find a corner, hide in the painting and shout that the hedgehog is awesome, serious and serious, Senior Brother Zhang is both wise and brave.

Inexplicably, he felt a bit of envy. He also wanted to join in, contribute his own strength, and wanted to do more, but helplessly, his strength did not allow it.

He is neither stupid nor reckless, he is very persuasive, and he understands that his greatest contribution is not to hold back.

So he has always been steady, and before the little friends started to make a move, he had already started to frown and retreated behind everyone.

To do this, of course, is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the scene where the friends are tied up halfway through the fight, threatening everyone to surrender.

But even though he was so stable, he still overturned his car while watching Senior Brother Zhang performing martial arts, and was almost swept to the bottom of the sea and died.

Although he was picked up by Senior Brother Zhang in the end, the terror between life and death was particularly profound.

He never wants to experience that kind of thing again, and he also wants to become stronger.

The priority of becoming stronger is even higher than that of Guan Shihua.



Wang Ai lowered his head slightly, his face was buried in the shadow, unable to see his expression clearly, he said in a low voice:
"I want to become stronger, improve my cultivation, follow in everyone's footsteps, and follow in the footsteps of Senior Brother Zhang."

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Wang Ai in surprise, he didn't expect Wang Ai to be so enlightened, when did he change?Last time you drowned?
Zhang Zhiwei knew about the progress and changes of Lu Ci and Lu Jin.

Because Lu Ci and Lu Jin often came to him to ask questions, and they made it clear, but Wang Ai didn't know much about it, and he seldom turned his attention to other people.

"Good thing, Fatty!" Lu Jin was sincerely happy for Wang Ai, and said, "I heard from the hedgehog that the reason why Uncle Wang asked you to go to Senior Brother Zhang together this time is because he wanted Senior Brother Zhang to give you advice, why did you suddenly become enlightened?" ?”

Wang Ai said in a low voice, "I've been enlightened all this time, but it's just that brother Bilian asked me just now, so I can fully understand what I need!"

Wu Gensheng didn't dislike the title of Bilian, he chewed ginseng, and said:

"It has nothing to do with me. I just briefly mentioned that what really enlightens you is your experience. Congratulations, you have become the third type of person."

"The third type of people?" Lu Jin asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Wu Gensheng raised four fingers and said, "In my eyes, all living beings can be divided into four categories."

"The first category is the ones that need the most attention. Most people are just living passively. They have never been ignored, but they are the cornerstone of everything. Without them, everything you talk about is a castle in the air."

"The second type of people refers to the characters who stand out from the crowd and stand out from the crowd. They have the ability and technology to make themselves better than most people. I call them 'art', but they live without knowing why. Dao', there is skill but no way, follow the trend, maybe live a more comfortable life than most people, but you can't escape troubles and sorrows in your life, it's just mediocre."

"And the third type of people, who have skills and know that this life should have their own path, but some can't see the path clearly, some don't know it when they are on the road, and some go in the opposite direction, forgetting their original intention and walking Wrong way."

"Then there is the fourth type of people. They have the skills and the way. This type of people know what they should do in their life, and they have the ability to do it. They want to complete their merits and virtues in this life. Even if they fail, they will not hesitate."

After hearing what Wu Gensheng said, Lu Jin said: "You mean, after the fat man has a dream, he becomes the third type of person you mentioned."

Wugensheng said: "Yes, he has the 'art' and knows his own 'Tao'. However, his 'Tao' is to follow others and needs others to lead the way. In essence, he still can't see the way clearly. The third type of people!"

"What about me?" Lu Jin asked again.

"It's the same with you," Wu Gensheng said, "Including the thornhead who is tortured. Although we have just met, it is not difficult to see that you are all following the little celestial master, and the little celestial master is your Tao for the time being. But whether this is the true way in your heart is unknown."

In fact, Wu Gensheng was also quite surprised. He has seen a lot of things in his many years of traveling, but this is the first time he has seen a person as his goal and his own way.

He was a little shocked in his heart, what charm this little celestial master has, deserves these people to respect him as a god and regard him as a lifelong goal.

"Whether it will be in the future, I will talk about it later, but I think it is fine now, the way is under your feet, and you walk step by step. It is your own!"

Lu Jin was still very transparent, and then he asked curiously:

"Bilian, what about Senior Brother Zhang, what kind of person is Senior Brother Zhang?"

Wu Gensheng said: "I can see that the little celestial master is not confused about himself and has a strong heart, so he must be the fourth type of person!"

"Then yours?!" Lu Jin asked again.

"Me?" Wugen said with a smile, "I am also the fourth type of person."

Lu Jinxin said that you are really arrogant, you don't look like Bilian, you don't look like the fourth type of person who is shoulder to shoulder with Senior Brother Zhang, but he just opened his mouth, but he didn't say it in the end.

"Then what is your dream?" Zhang Zhiwei asked suddenly.

This sentence was used by Wu Gensheng to ask Wang Ai just now, but now Zhang Zhiwei used it to ask Wu Gensheng.

Wu Gensheng didn't hesitate too much: "My dream is to save the world!"

Hearing this, Lu Jin and Wang Ai gasped and said, saving the world, this is not something saints do, what virtue and ability are you, what an arrogant statement!
Zhang Zhiwei was very calm, and he understood in his heart why Wugensheng, who had a bright future, wanted to take over the whole mess later, and made himself a show.

In fact, he is practicing his own way, because most of the whole-sex disciples are the third type of people he said in his mouth. They have strength and energy, but they can't follow their own way for various reasons.

But their energy always has to be vented.

If they vent this energy in a positive direction, they are of a decent family. If they vent it in a negative way, specifically to do things that hurt nature and reason, they are full-natured.

Therefore, the first goal of rootless life to save the world is to save the monsters in the whole nature.

This sounds like the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has entered hell, and if hell is not empty, it means that he will not become a Buddha.

"What about you, little celestial master, what is your dream?" Wu Gensheng suddenly asked Zhang Zhiwei.

"Then my dream is to transform myself!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Save yourself..." Wu Gensheng was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Little Celestial Master is more transparent than me!"

"It's just a different way!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

At this point, the two stopped talking too much and concentrated on eating.

The inn suddenly became deserted, only Yuan Guangxin's screams were left from time to time, Lu Ci was no better than Wugensheng, if he fell into his hands, his skin would definitely fall off.

At this time, Wang Ai suddenly said: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, I heard from the shopkeeper that the wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain is very nourishing. If you eat it, can you improve your 'life' cultivation?"

Zhang Zhiwei gnawed on his big elbow, and said: "It's not enough to just eat, it will be empty and not replenished, so we have to cooperate with some other methods."

Lu Jin said curiously: "Fatty, I heard you right, you want to improve your life, but this doesn't match your family's magic!"

"Change is a good thing!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "It doesn't matter if it works or not!"

Wang Aishi scratched his ears vigorously, pondered for a moment, and said:
"The main reason is that the skill in 'life' is too bad, I want to make up for it!"

He didn't want to be yelled at by Brother Zhang's Lei Yin again.

"What are you going to practice to improve your cultivation?" Lu Jin asked.

"It's not clear yet, I plan to go back and ask my father and grandfather for their opinions!" Wang Ai said.

"Senior brother Zhang is here, why are you asking me, grandpa? Are you not looking far away? Senior brother Zhang is a professional in the cultivation of life!" Lu Jin said hastily.

"That's right!" Wang Ai hurriedly said, "Can I ask Senior Brother Zhang to give me some pointers?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and said, "What you are practicing now is your Wang family's magical painting. This mainly improves the cultivation of 'sex', and there is very little tempering of 'fate'."

"If that's the case, you can find a genre that specializes in 'fate' to make up for your own shortcomings!"

"There are many schools of this kind, like Mr. Li Shuwen's Wumen, which mainly focuses on 'fate' at the beginning, and only starts to practice 'sex' after reaching the advanced stage."

"However, in the way of martial arts, it is very difficult to practice the three volts in the summer and the three nines in the winter. It is not too late for you to practice now, but it is unrealistic to catch up quickly. However, I have a quick way. ..."

"What way?"

Wang Ai's eyes lit up. Even though he was ready to practice martial arts and suffer hardships before asking, he still didn't want to eat if he could not endure hardships.

"Don't you like Guan Shihua from the Ma family very much?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, "Guan Shihua's practice of Chuma Xianyi is a simple way of cultivating 'fate'. Bigger, so that it can accommodate more power of the Xian family!"

"As for the training of other methods, there are very few. After all, it is the immortal family who are on the horse, but because of this, their "fate" has improved very quickly. The fairy family invited!"

Hearing this, Wu Gensheng looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise, never expecting that he would directly arrange for Wang Ai.

Like him, he will never come and make rough arrangements for others, he will only seduce people in an orderly manner, and let people make choices according to their own wishes.

However, he didn't say anything, just listened silently.

"Is it a horse fairy..." Wang Ai pondered.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's very simple to be a horse celestial being. You only need to practice the acupoints. When you practice, you will have the help of the immortal family. If you can improve quickly, you must serve the immortal family as a disciple of the horse."

"However, your Wang family has a great career, so take good care of those fairy families, and they shouldn't embarrass you."

"Also, didn't Guan Shihua just set up a hall in the Lu family compound? If you want to quickly improve your 'fate' cultivation, you can try to join her hall!"

"Besides, if you can join, Guan Shihua's hall will be the first to get the moon if you are close to the water. Wouldn't it be more contacts, and the chances of finding a wife will be increased."

Zhang Zhiwei was talking, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, and a demonic wind blew outside, and a rather pungent female voice sounded:

"Begging for a wife, who wants to beg for a wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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