Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 192 The Ultimate Reckless Man Zhang Zhiwei

Chapter 192 The Ultimate Reckless Man Zhang Zhiwei

in the basement.

"Fucking bastard, how dare these bastards, how dare they?"

Lu Jin's eyes were red with anger, and the fucking words kept coming out of his mouth.

Although Lao Lu was a hot-tempered old man who would swear a few foul words from time to time, he was the young master of a family after all, so it was impossible to expect any new and vicious words to come out of his mouth.

"This group of people is really fucking hateful. I have to draw a thousand painted spirits and bite them to death a hundred times, no, I have to kill them a thousand times!"

Even Wang Ai, who was a little timid, was so angry that he gritted his teeth and swears.

As for Lu Ci, he is a ruthless person. He never speaks much ruthless, and he never does a lot of ruthless hands. He is already sharpening his sword.

What he was grinding was the rib cage. He used this thing before, and made Ishikawa feel old. He thought it was very useful, so he kept it.

Zhang Zhiwei seemed very calm, blood debts are always paid with blood, now that he knows the location of the railway company, he will send them to hell later.

Looking at the three angry young men, Liu Wei and Li Shuwen had different expressions, inexplicably recalling their own past. Once upon a time, they were also young.

As memories of the past flooded into his mind, Liu Wei raised his head slightly and looked at the somewhat dim incandescent lamp. The light shone on his glasses, and the white light made it difficult for people to see his eyes clearly.

But Li Shuwen was a little bit embarrassed. He was not inferior to these little guys back then. He carried a big gun and picked all over the country. superior.

What a joy to live up to my youth and know what to do when I was a teenager in fresh clothes and angry horses.

But now that he is old, has disciples, a wife, sons and daughters, and grandchildren, he can no longer care about his own happiness unscrupulously, and has to consider his family.

However, after all, they were young, and they have no regrets, and don't look at these little guys who are full of enthusiasm and look unafraid, but they, like him, will grow up in the end.

At that time, the people who carried the burden for them will fall one by one, and the burden will slowly fall on them. In the end, they will gradually become the most hated appearance when they were young.

Just like myself, in the last life-and-death fight, he clearly wanted to kill that martial artist named Okamoto, but he actually shot, but only broke his shoulder blade and spared his life.

Obviously, he always knew that this railway company was full of things he didn't like the most, but he couldn't break in with a big gun like he did when he was young, and pick them to death one by one.

Thinking of this, Li Shuwen patted Liu Wei on the shoulder: "Old Liu, give me some of the daughter Hong you buried back then!"

Liu Wei adjusted his glasses, and said, "No, no, they were all drunk by the little celestial master. However, this was once Maozi's territory. When they left, they left a lot of red brand vodka. These quality are not bad. The wine has been kept here for more than ten years, and the taste is not bad, how about some?"

"Come on!"

Liu Wei took out a bottle from his pocket and gave it to Li Shuwen.

Li Shuwen unscrewed the bottle cap, took a big gulp, felt the cold flame rolling on the tip of his tongue, shook his head, and said, "It's not strong enough!"

After all, he drank a few more sips.

"By the way, Shopkeeper Liu, you just mentioned Marshal Zhang, what is your relationship with him?"

Zhang Zhiwei handed Liu Wei the empty wine gourd and said.

Liu Wei took the wine gourd, picked up a bottle of vodka, poured wine into the wine gourd, and said:

"Cooperative relationship. After all, he is the king of the Northeast. If Xiaozhan wants to gain a foothold here, he must establish a good relationship with him, so there are some interests."

"Where is the Master's Mansion that day?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "What does the Master's Mansion have to do with him?"

Liu Wei said: "It can barely be regarded as a cooperative relationship, but the commander-in-chief intends to make friends with heavenly masters, and this time he invited Uncle Li to come out of the mountain, so he has this intention!"

"That is to say, my master owes him favors?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"No need, I didn't do much!" Li Shuwen said.

This is indeed the case. Before being invited by Dashuai Zhang, he thought that the escorts would be a few sons who didn't know the heights of the world and came to take risks.

But it was only when I arrived that I realized, good guy, this also needs to be escorted?It's not his turn to get involved in this kind of king of Hades.

"Uncle Li is being modest. In fact, you have also put in a lot of effort, and in order to cover up your whereabouts, the commander-in-chief has also fully cooperated there!" Liu Wei said.

"I see. I don't need Master to give favors to me for my business. Just now you said that you were entrusted by Marshal Zhang. What did he entrust? Let me listen and see if I can return his favor!" Zhang Zhiwei said .

Liu Wei said: "I didn't have much thought at first, but knowing that you will destroy Fujita's headquarters and the railway company on the bright side, so the commander got up his mind and wanted to ask the little celestial master to pull out this real railway company. It's a thorn in his eye!"

"Then I agree!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "I was going to unplug this railway company!"

"Little Celestial Master!" Liu Wei said, "However, this railway company is very well-prepared, and it is not so simple to pull it out. If you want to pull it out, there are two difficulties. One is General Fujita outside. , and the second is a great priest stationed inside."

"I have all the information on General Fujita here, you can take a look!"

With that said, Liu Wei handed Zhang Zhiwei a document.

As soon as they heard the information about Fujita, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai, who were extremely angry, hurriedly gathered around to read it together.

The information on General Fujita given by Jianghu Xiaozhan is very complete, including his birth date and even what awards he won when he was a child.

Several people glanced at these trivial matters, and extracted several important information from them.

"Practition is the flame piercing fist in karate. He has already developed supernatural powers, can control flames, and has practiced crane-shaped flashing wings?" Lu Jin first looked at the other party's methods.

"The young generation of karate champions defeated the heavy gunner Thunder Dragon, nicknamed "Thousand People Slasher", Meat Grinder, Steel Man, Robot, Iron Man, Devil Muscular Man..." Lu Ci first looked at General Fujita's record.

"The body shield is strong enough to withstand heavy firepower. Even at close range, several sniper rifles can't pierce his body shield!" At the end, read the latest news directly.

"This guy is a bit strong, can we take it?"

Looking at the achievements of General Fujita, Wang Ai was a little apprehensive. He thought that the position of General Japanese Bandits, who gave orders, should be a role of strategizing and scolding Cangqiu behind him, but he never thought that he was such a brash man, who was more powerful than Lu Jin. Both Lu Ci and Lu Ci were reckless.

"Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, Senior Brother Zhang is sure to be fine!" Lu Ci said with a look of reason.

Ever since watching the previous scene where Zhang Zhiwei tore up the fighter jet with his hands, broke through with the hard core, and killed a bloody road, Lu Ci has become obsessed with Zhang Zhiwei's strength.

In this regard, Lu Jin also agrees: "I also think that with the strength of senior brother Zhang, it is not a big problem to win this dog day named Fujita. By the way, he has practiced the flame ability of the flame piercing boxing. I understand this, then What kind of ability is this crane-shaped flashing wings?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "This crane-shaped flashing wings is actually an ability born after Tang Shou practiced to a certain level. The specific display form is to strengthen his latissimus dorsi to the extreme and make it look like wings."

"Once you move your hands, the muscles on your back can flap like wings. Not only can you increase your speed and strength, but you can also fly and glide for a short period of time between jumps. It's a pretty good idea!"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the photo of General Fujita on the information and said:

"Look, Fujita's shoulders are very broad, which is different from ordinary people. It is obvious that the back muscles are greatly expanded, as if two fleshy wings are curled up hidden on the back."

"Judging from the tone of the little celestial master, you can take down General Fujita, right!" Liu Wei said.

"I don't think there is a big problem with the little celestial master, but Fujita has many different people under him, so there may be a fierce battle!" Li Shuwen said suddenly.

Although he had never fought against Fujita, and he and Zhang Zhiwei only had mutual reservations, but frankly speaking, compared to General Fujita, he felt that Zhang Zhiwei posed a higher threat to him.

"Heroes see the same thing. Everyone thinks it's okay for me to take him down, so I think so too!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

Regarding his own strength, Zhang Zhiwei is strong and self-aware, and never underestimates.

But there is no reason to feel that you have lost before the fight has started.

Liu Wei said: "The little celestial master is very confident, so let's skip Fujita and talk about this great priest."

"This great priest is called Watanabe. He comes from the Ise Shrine. Before he traveled across the ocean to the Northeast, he had dealt with many incidents of demons and ghosts in the Japanese pirates' land. He should be very strong."

"However, how strong they are and what shikigami they have are unknown. After all, their method is to exorcise gods and subjugate ghosts. Many intelligence personnel are not strong enough to spy on this method."

"However, judging from the fact that people like Fujita respect him very much, the strength of this Priest Watanabe must also be very strong!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't take it to heart, and said with a smile:

"It's not a big problem. When it comes to exorcising gods and ghosts, they were still playing with mud when I first taught them to become famous all over the world. Let me take care of this shit, and when the time comes, I can still set up an altar to practice. Send each of you a group of Dharma protectors to assist you!"

Hearing that Zhang Zhiwei wanted to dispatch the guardian soldiers and horses, Lu Ci's heart was shocked. He had personally experienced the power of Zhang Zhiwei's guardian soldiers and horses.

Tian Jinzhong was not his opponent, but after being dispatched with soldiers and horses, he defeated him with ease, and made him embarrass himself in front of Lu Jin.

Do I want to experience this feeling now? Lu Ci waved his hands and said excitedly:

"With the assistance of the Dharma Guardian Heavenly Soldiers assigned by Senior Brother Zhang, it is absolutely safe. I must chop these dogs into sticks!"

"I want it too!" Wang Ai said quickly.

He had also personally seen the power of Zhang Zhi's defenders, and if he could be blessed, he would be able to follow Lu Jin and Lu Ci to kill indiscriminately instead of hiding aside.

"Don't worry, everyone has a share!" Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand.

"Then give this old man a copy too!"

At this time, Li Shuwen, who was sitting beside him drinking vodka, smashed the bottle, stood up and said:
"That great priest called Watanabe, leave it to me to deal with!"

Hearing this, Liu Wei looked at Li Shuwen in surprise:
"Aren't you afraid of implicating your family? Japanese pirates settle accounts after autumn?"

"Kill them all, no one will see it?" Li Shuwen said.

"The old man is open!" Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up, and he was not surprised by Li Shuwen's decision.

There is a saying in the Jianghu that martial saints have their weaknesses, and sharp guns really kill people.

The martial sage in this sentence refers to Sun Lutang, the Tai Chi master of Wudang.

Although this person is strong, but after getting older, he is no longer aggressive and seldom fights with others.

But even though Li Shuwen was a little restrained after getting old, he still had a bit of malice from the beginning to the end.

Now, the evil spirit on his body came up.

"Since that's the case, let's talk about how to get in!"

Liu Wei continued: "This railway company is shrouded in a feng shui qi trap. If you trespass, even if you are powerful, you may get lost in it."

"To get in, you need to go through the correct route. I have drawn the route map. Take a look, keep it in your heart, and then follow the route!"

Speaking, Liu Wei took out a very complicated road map.

Everyone glanced at it. The Japanese pirate's railway company was underground, and it was like a maze extending in all directions, and there were many barriers to the correct route.

"If you want to go in this way, you're almost the same as Ming Chuang. I'm afraid you'll have to fight hard!" Lu Jin said.

"What are you afraid of? Senior Brother Zhang is going to dispatch heavenly soldiers for us. When the time comes, there will be thousands of wind soldiers, fire soldiers, and golden soldiers. We have a large number of people, so kill them!"

Lu Ci waved his fist and said murderously.

"Who's scared, I...I mean, I'm afraid they won't kill enough!" Lu Jin said hastily.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's still a bit inappropriate to go so hard. What if they planted some heavy bombs in it? I'm not afraid, it's hard for you to say, how about it, leave it to me, and I'll just take his The Qi Bureau is abolished!"


The little fan Lu Ci was stunned for a moment, then realized immediately, and said with joy on his face:

"I almost forgot, Senior Brother Zhang is an all-rounder. During the competition in the Lu Family Courtyard, Senior Brother Zhang also pointed out Zhuge Yunhui's Qimen Dunjia technique. Senior Brother Zhang is also very good at Qimen. , Do you want to use Qimen to break the feng shui qi pattern they arranged?"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said calmly:

"Don't make such a trouble. A group of local chickens and dogs made a broken feng shui qi situation. Is it worth my effort to solve it with Qimen Dunjia? Is it worth our effort to discuss countermeasures and formulate tactics here?"

"Isn't it just a closed and fixed pattern formed in a specific location? In my opinion, its biggest feature is that it is hidden deep, making it hard to find."

"Now, since I know its location, I will directly use my strength to break the pattern and break the pattern for him, and then everyone will follow my strategy."

"Break the pattern?" Liu Wei was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Then what is the specific strategy of the little celestial master?"

"My strategy is to be simple and efficient, how simple and efficient it is!"

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "That is, I set up the altar first, and sent him a round of cannon fire to wash the ground, blast the qi bureau, kill a group of Japanese pirates first, and then you rush directly into the harvesting battlefield and kill them all, leaving no one behind. That's it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhiwei looked at everyone: "Understood?"

(End of this chapter)

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