Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 189 The Great Influence of Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 189 The Great Influence of Tianshi Mansion

In the hall of the basement, the dim incandescent lamp overhead made the sound of "hissing" electricity, and the old-fashioned record player played music.

In the middle of the hall, there were four complete corpses, and the scene looked a little creepy.

However, the people present, whether it was Zhang Zhiwei and his party, or Li Shuwen, and the people in this stronghold, all had experienced big scenes, they didn't care about it, and they were even talking and laughing.

"What kind of hanging hair music is this? It's so good?" Lu Jin asked.

Recently, he has actively followed his idol and learned a lot of inexplicable but interesting new words.

"It seems to be the music from Maozi's side!" Lu Ci said.

"This is Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake"!"

The person in charge of this stronghold, an adjutant of Zhang Dashuai explained:

"This place used to be a church built by Maozi, and most of the things in it belonged to Maozi. After we occupied this place, we found that many of the things left by Maozi were very useful, so we continued to use them."

"If you want to change the music, you can tell me, there are still some vinyl records here."

"By the way, if you want to drink, you can. There are several large boxes of vodka in the storage room. Although it's not very delicious, it can satisfy your craving occasionally."

"Really? You can try it later!" Zhang Zhiwei pointed to the four corpses in the middle of the hall and said, "By the way, what are these corpses for? They look weird!"

The reason why it was strange was not that there was anything wrong with the corpse itself.

It was the images of these four corpses that matched the four of them unexpectedly.

One of the corpses was tall and straight, nearly two meters in height, similar in shape to him.

Another corpse was a short, fat middle-aged man with a big belly, fat head and big ears, and the hair on the top was still falling out. It was a Mediterranean man, and he looked a bit wretched, but at first glance, he was inexplicably associated with Fatty Wang Ai.

The other two corpses were more than 1.7 meters tall, well-proportioned and strong, and looked ordinary, but comparing the first two corpses, it was easy to think of Lu Jin and Lu Ci.

"Tell me this!" the adjutant said, "These four corpses are all Cheka agents who have been lurking here for many years. They were killed by Mr. Li Shuwen before, and they were specially used to hide your identities for you. Their names are Vic. Do, Andrey, Boris, Anton."

With that said, the adjutant pointed to the tallest of the four corpses, then pointed to Zhang Zhiwei, and said:
"The name of this corpse is Victor. He has the tallest figure. In terms of pure size, he is very suitable for you."

Afterwards, he pointed to the body of the bald middle-aged fat man with a big belly, turned his head and said to Wang Ai:
"This is Boris. His false identity is a businessman. He is lurking in Bincheng. He often invests in some Japanese-funded enterprises in Bincheng and buys some high-level Japanese pirates to collect information. Although this person is a few rounds older than you, but fortunately They are similar in stature, so you can use them at will!"

"As for the other two corpses, they are quite satisfactory!" the adjutant said to Lu Jin and Lu Ci, "You two choose for yourself!"

After hearing what the adjutant said, Zhang Zhiwei was not too surprised. When he asked this question, he had some guesses in his heart.

However, Wang Ai has a different opinion on this: "Is there any mistake, this middle-aged man who looks very wretched, how does he look like me?!"

In order to increase his persuasiveness, Wang Ai even lay down on the ground with a "snap", side by side with the body of the chunky middle-aged man.

When everyone saw it, they immediately called it a good guy. It was just like before, but now they were lying down and compared it.

Zhang Zhiwei also agrees with this, so what, it is indeed very similar, if it is not bald, it will be even more similar.

"Does this corpse look like me?" he asked.

"Like!" Everyone said in unison.

"Really?" Wang Ai didn't believe it.

"Yes, it's just that you're still a little young!" Everyone continued.

Wang Ai turned his head to look at the corpse, his expression changed for a moment, then he turned his head again, and said stubbornly: "It doesn't look like it at all!"

"You say he doesn't look like it?" Everyone asked, "You should take a closer look!"

Wang Ai stared at it for a while, until he became a little suspicious, and said angrily, "It doesn't look like this, it doesn't look like it at all!"

"It doesn't matter if it looks like it or not. Anyway, from now on, my name is Victor, Fatty, and your name is Boris. Brother Lu, your name is Andre, and Erbi, your name is Anton. The identity of Agent Ka is confirmed!"

With a wave of Zhang Zhiwei's hand, the matter was confirmed.

When Zhang Zhiwei spoke, Lu Ci and Lu Jin, who had no objections, naturally accepted it readily, and Wang Ai, who had the most opinion, pursed his lips and accepted it by taking the opportunity to get off the donkey.

In fact, the reason why he became a little angry from embarrassment was because he felt a bit similar, but he definitely couldn't admit it.

Wang Ai always remembered that both his grandfather and his father said that he is still young, and he is so fat, which is a blessing. When he grows up and his body is stretched, he will become handsome and unrestrained.

Therefore, he always thought that even if he was not as good as Lu Jin and Lu Ci in the future, he would definitely not be like this fat man.

"Now that the identities are matched, how should we operate?" Zhang Zhiwei asked Marshal Zhang's adjutant.

The adjutant said: "You don't have to worry about the specifics. In fact, when you stepped into Liaodong, the intelligence personnel of the entire three eastern provinces began to revolve around you. You take care of the aftermath!"

As he said that, the adjutant looked at Zhang Zhiwei with a smile that was not a smile: "You are the treasure of Longhushan, do you know how many people are secretly supporting you when you come to Liaodong this time?"

Hearing this, the four of them were shocked.

"Since we stepped into Liaodong, we were discovered?" Lu Jin looked in disbelief.

"In every move, there are people who are kind to us... to deal with the aftermath?" Lu Ci was also taken aback.

"Then let me tell you that I lied to my grandpa to kill the monsters and made up a bunch of lies. In fact, my grandpa knew all about it, but my grandpa didn't expose it?" Wang Ai muttered to himself.

"Your grandfather may really not know, because all this was arranged by the celestial master!" The adjutant laughed.

"My master arranged..." Zhang Zhiwei said to himself, and he was not surprised that his master could find out his whereabouts.

Once you enter the Zhengyi Sect and receive the Zhengyi Sect's talisman, you will be connected to the Zhengyi Sect's dharma veins. You will be Zhengyi's people everywhere you go. It is not difficult to find him.

In the plot, after Zhang Huaiyi caused the Jiashen Rebellion, he hid deeply. All sects and sects were looking for him, but they couldn't find him. However, two people from Tianshi Mansion went down the mountain and found him.

Later, the reason why Zhang Huaiyi was able to hide for so many years was because he didn't look for him. If he really wanted to look for him, he would be found in minutes.

But what Zhang Zhiwei wondered was, does Tianshi Mansion have such great energy?

Also, who can follow me all the way and take care of the aftermath for me, but I can't find it!
And... Zhang Zhiwei looked at the adjutant in front of him, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

How did a mere adjutant know what the old man of the Wang family knew and didn't know, and even said lightly that he mobilized intelligence personnel from the entire three provinces...

Who does he think he is?

Not to mention an adjutant, even Zhang Dashuai himself doesn't have this ability.

Not only that, this adjutant feels a little strange, there is a feeling of lightness and impracticality.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiwei had a thought, stared at the other party, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and activated the ability of divine eyes.

Then he was surprised to find that the adjutant in front of him was very empty.

That's right, it is very empty, literally empty.

The adjutant gave Zhang Zhiwei the feeling that there was qi running in his body, but the trajectory of the flow was very erratic, there was no fixed route, just like a pool of flowing water.

This is undoubtedly abnormal.

Different people, no matter they are innate or acquired, have a set of trajectories, and it is impossible to be so random.

Unless he's not human.

With this in mind, Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand without warning, and slapped the adjutant on the forehead.

This slap stunned the adjutant, as well as the others.

"Senior brother Zhang, you... what are you doing?"

Lu Jin didn't understand why Zhang Zhiwei suddenly wanted to call the adjutant in front of him who seemed to be very talkative and warmly greeted them.

And Lu Ci was very straightforward, with wishful energy running, purple qi rising all over his body, with a murderous look, no matter what, he stood by Zhang Zhiwei.

Li Shuwen folded his hands, sat on the chair with a big horse, and watched the scene quietly.

Wang Ai, on the other hand, had to be more resourceful, pointing at the adjutant and shouting:
"Look, look, it's not human!"

The crowd quickly looked.

I saw that the adjutant's head was slapped by Zhang Zhiwei and shrunk a little, like an inflatable doll with air leakage.

"What's the situation?" Several people were dumbfounded.

And Zhang Zhiwei's slap just now seemed to have angered the adjutant.

His face twisted, he roared, his arms swung like whips, and he lashed towards Zhang Zhiwei with a piercing sound.

Zhang Zhiwei raised his hand, grabbed the adjutant's hand casually, and then pointed it into a sword, with a golden light on his fingertips, and slashed down from the adjutant's forehead.


The adjutant's head was sliced ​​open by the golden light, like a punctured balloon, it shriveled up instantly.

It turned out that this adjutant had no bones, no internal organs, no flesh and blood, and was only supported by a stream of qi under a layer of skin.

The human skin was punctured, and the qi inside flew out immediately.

Without the support of Qi, the human skin shriveled up and turned into a complete human skin.

The human skin is spread on the ground like a piece of clothing. The eyeballs, hair, mouth and nose are intact, which makes people panic from behind.

"Painted skin?"

"How is this going?"

Lu Jin, Lu Ci and the others were taken aback immediately. They looked at Li Shuwen, who was sitting next to the old god, and wanted to know what was going on.

Li Shuwen squinted his eyes, sitting there like a doze.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't look at Li Shuwen, he looked at a dark corner in the basement that couldn't be illuminated by the incandescent lamp.

There was a locker there, and on the locker, a middle-aged man with glasses, a robe, and disheveled hair was reclining there, holding a red wine gourd in his hand.

Just now, after the person's skin was punctured, the qi inside returned to the person's body.

"It's such a strong concealment method that I didn't even discover it!"

Zhang Zhiwei sighed in admiration. He had already guessed who the person was. No wonder he had such great energy to mobilize intelligence personnel from the three provinces.

"Little Heavenly Master, you're being polite. I'm just humble and good at escaping. I have no other strengths. If I were to fall into your hands, it would be over in the blink of an eye!"

The middle-aged man shook the gourd and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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