Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 182 I killed more than a billion points

Chapter 182 I killed more than a billion points
In the hotel that was almost in ruins.

Lu Ci sat on the ground, leaning on the Dongfeng Great Sword, with all the broken limbs behind him, and the fatigue all over his body could not be concealed.

Wang Ai was in good condition, with an excited face, and let out a villain-like quacking laugh.

Lu Jin took off his suit, revealing his body covered with bandages. Because of the action just now, there was faint blood oozing from the bandages. He was holding a roll of bandages to strengthen them.

In this battle with Japanese pirates and aliens, Lu Ci's qi in his body was almost exhausted, and he was about to lose strength, but Lu Jinke suffered injuries and bled.

If it hadn't been for the reverse birth triple layer to innately transform the body into Qi, he might not be able to hold on anymore.

"I said Fatty, stop quacking, send a message to Senior Brother Zhang and ask him what's going on there?"

Lu Ci said weakly, he was a little too exhausted after the continuous battle.

"Oh, alright!"

Wang Ai quickly took out the yin and yang paper and reported the battle situation to Zhang Zhiwei.

the other side.

Half of the long street was stained red with blood, and the corpses and scorched black marks all over the ground were shocking.

On the long street, Zhang Zhiwei pinched the face of a samurai wearing a red body ball with one hand, and lifted him up. This is the only survivor in the team that reported the news to Fujita earlier.

Before, after the news was delivered, the team did not rush forward, but stayed at the same place, waiting for Fujita's reply.

However, in the process of waiting, the onmyoji of the squadron was killed, and even released shikigami to inquire about the news, wanting to inquire more about the murderer who destroyed these squadrons.

As a result, unfortunately, one of the shikigami he released was caught by Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei followed the clues, found this team, and easily wiped them out.

The samurai wearing the armor did not die under unknown AOE because of the armor, so he was picked up by Zhang Zhiwei alone.

Zhang Zhiwei was nearly two meters tall, and the Japanese pirate warrior he was carrying was only a little over 1.6 meters. He grabbed the helmet and carried it in the air like a three-year-old child.

Just as he was about to get rid of this person, he suddenly sensed a message from the yin-yang paper in his pocket, so he took it out to have a look.

Wang Ai: "Brother Zhang, the battle on our side is over. The three of us were killing each other randomly in the hotel. We killed all those who broke in, whether it was the Japanese pirates' soldier team or the alien team. Alright, the three of us have killed twenty or thirty strangers, how are you doing?"

"It's rare to be able to deal with the opponent one step ahead of me!"

Zhang Zhiwei said something to himself, his five fingers slowly tightened, and the samurai who was being carried by him trembled all over, his limbs twitched unconsciously, one can imagine his fear at the moment.

However, he was wearing a thick face mask, not an inch of skin was exposed from top to bottom, so there was no chance to see the desperate expression under his mask.

I only heard him tremblingly say: "Monster!!" (Monster)



The helmet, which was so hard that it needed Lu Ci's Dongfeng sword to split open, was as unbearable as the empty soda can after drinking soda, and it slowly shrank under Zhang Zhiwei's strong hands.

The head of the Tomaru samurai collapsed together.

Viscous blood gushed out from the helmet, and the warrior, who was struggling violently, let his hands and feet hang down feebly.

Zhang Zhiwei casually threw away the body of the samurai Domaru, and wrote on the yin and yang paper:
"I've got it done too, by the way, killing random people? Fatty, didn't you just hide and watch the show? Why, did you also make a move? You shouldn't just be squatting next to you, right?!"

Wang Ai: "How is it possible? Of course I made the move, and I made the move as the finale. As soon as I made the move, I just hit the world with one blow and settled the match. By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, how many people have you solved? How many people have you killed?" A road of blood, I'm afraid it's not a lot!"

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head to look at the shocking scene behind him, and wrote:

"So-so, not much more than you, just a few hundred million more!"

Wang Ai: "Billions? Brother Zhang, did you make a typo?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Yeah, fat man, you are really smart, stay at the Yamato Hotel and don't move, it's not safe here, I'll pick you up."

After finishing speaking, he put away the yin and yang paper, stepped on his feet, and jumped up, like a falcon gliding across the street.

Stepping on the buildings on both sides of the street, the rabbit rose and fell, and landed in front of the Yamato Hotel.

In front of the building, Zhang Zhiwei held his breath and concentrating on it. He sensed a few people in the restaurant of the hotel. Dang even rushed over and successfully met Lu Jin and the others.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's arrival, the tense strings in the minds of several people suddenly loosened.

Especially Lu Ci and Lu Jin, a huge sense of exhaustion came like a tide, almost engulfing them.

"It's safe!"

Lu Jin muttered something, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly had many double images in his eyes, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell down.

Zhang Zhiwei hurried over to support him, stretched out his qi, and walked around Lu Jin's body. After learning about Lu Jin's injury, he said in surprise:

"It's a serious injury, what did you do?"

Wang Ai didn't speak at the side, he really didn't know.

Hearing people's persuasion and eating enough, Zhang Zhiwei told them to calm down and wait for him to come back.

Wang Ai used a secret method to hide in the mural in the living room, and could only learn the outside information from the yin and yang paper.

Based on the information he got from the yin and yang paper, before he met Lu Jin, he thought that his little friends were killing all directions, and there were many good news, how could he want to make it like this.

Lu Ci said weakly: "Fake and serious charged upstairs with two submachine guns, but was ambushed by a few ninjas on the way, not to mention a few knives, peanuts and hand grenades, that's why I became this bear." Sample."

"It's really reckless!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a speechless face: "I told you to be steady, and I will pick you up after I kill a bloody road."

"Is that how steady you are? You charged upstairs with two submachine guns in your hand... Wearing a suit means you're a thug in a suit, right?"

Thugs in suits... Lu Ci glanced at Zhang Zhiwei who was wearing a spotless white suit, grinned and said nothing.

Although the previous battles were frightening and risky at every step, they were really enjoyable. He had never fought so heartily.

This feeling of walking on the tip of the knife and making people's blood spurt is simply fascinating.

He has an intuition that after this trip, he will make great progress.

"I'd better treat Lu Mangfu's injury first!"

Zhang Zhiwei unwrapped Lu Jin's messy bandage.

On Lu Jin's muscular body, distorted shrapnel and ugly centipede-shaped scars spread all over the back and chest, and the lower abdomen was almost disembowelled.

After losing the restraint of the bandage, blood splashed out immediately, dripping into Zhang Zhiwei's hand.

Zhang Zhiwei touched Lu Jin's forehead with his hand. His forehead was as hot as coals. If he hadn't been in a strong body, he might have died long ago.

"Fatty, bring me my baggage!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he stretched out his hand, and Wang Ai responded, and quickly handed the package to him.

Zhang Zhiwei opened the package, and said: "Actually, when I left, I left a lot of functional talismans in the package, and I didn't bring the Dongfeng Great Sword. It was just for your self-defense. I didn't expect you reckless people, It's useless!"

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei took out a healing talisman and stuck it on Lu Jin's chest.

The moment it was pasted, the talisman emitted a faint white light and enveloped Lu Jin.

The fainted Lu Jin grunted in pain, the hideous wound squirmed at a frequency visible to the naked eye, and traces of black blood were squeezed out.

This is poisonous blood. The ninja who attacked Lu Jin earlier, Ku Wushang, was poisoned.

Although Lu Jin used Xiantian Qi to deal with it, it was not completely cleaned up, and there were still remnants, which is why he fainted.

However, this remnant was slowly removed under Longhushan's healing talisman.

Seeing that the poisonous blood was almost flowing, Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand, and spat out a burst of energy from his palm, sweeping away the poisonous blood from Lu Jin's body, revealing the bright red flesh and blood on the wound.

Then he used another healing talisman, and a more intense white light enveloped Lu Jin.

After twisting for a while, the white light shrank, covering the wound he was looking at, and it lasted for a long time.

After some rescue by Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin woke up, gasping for breath, his face recovered a bit of blood, and muttered to himself:

"What's going on, I feel cold all over my body, so comfortable!"

"This is the mystery of the talisman, but it is not a means of living dead human flesh and bones. It can only speed up the healing speed, and it cannot restore you to your original state immediately!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

A smile appeared on Lu Jin's pale face:
"It's okay, this is enough, as long as my qi recovers, I can run the third stage of reverse life, let those wounds innately transform into qi, so as to restore the injury!"

"With this means of recovering from injuries, no wonder you are so reckless!"

Zhang Zhiwei sighed, but didn't say anything. In fact, he and Lu Jin are the same.

Didn't he also rely on the Golden Light Curse to have a strong defense, and he would accept all incoming attacks?Big brother don't talk about second brother.

"Since this is the case, then we should withdraw. Many people have died here. If we delay for a while, I'm afraid there will be another ambush!"

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei got up and held Lu Jin under his arm like a cat.

"Don't, don't, senior brother Zhang, I, I, I... go by myself!"

Lu Jin kept struggling, a little embarrassed.

"If you move around again, I will sacrifice you as a hidden weapon!"

After Zhang Zhiwei said harsh words, Lu Jin didn't dare to move immediately, and looked at Lu Ci and Wang Ai who were secretly laughing with a flushed face, rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Ci.

Lu Ci's face suddenly changed, and he quickly stood up with a big sword, and waved wildly at Wang Ai. He didn't want to be carried like Lu Jin, it was too embarrassing.

Wang Aixin understood, and hurried over to help Lu Ci up.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiwei gave up his thoughts of having a duck in his left hand and a chicken in his right, and led a few people out of the hotel gate.

There are several military vehicles with sun flags parked in front of the hotel gate, which are left by the Japanese soldiers who first invaded Yamato Hotel.

"Come on, let's get in the car!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Who can drive this foreign thing?" Lu Ci asked.

"I usually sit in the back row!" Wang Ai said.

As for Lu Jin under Zhang Zhiwei's armpit, he was fainting.

"I'm coming!"

Zhang Zhiwei stuffed the "fainted" Lu Jin into Wang Ai's hand. As soon as he climbed into the driver's seat, he saw Lu Jin who was unconscious. He jumped up and climbed into the back row of the car. on the far corner.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Lu Ci: "..."

Wang Ai: "..."

Embarrassed, Lu Jin quickly changed the subject, pointed at the car steering wheel and said:

"Senior Brother Zhang, you didn't insert the key!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the empty keyhole under the steering wheel and said with a smile, "Don't panic!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and tapped on the keyhole. The golden light from his fingertips spread and poured into the keyhole, outlining the shape of the key. With a slight twist, the car started immediately.

How many people are dumbfounded, can it still be used like this?Brother Zhang must have a side job.

"Sit tight, let's go!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei stepped on the accelerator, he felt a strong push back, making everyone lean on their seats, and the military vehicle drifted and turned around, and flew away at high speed.

"By the way, Brother Zhang, didn't you say that there are many Japanese pirates surrounding this place, did you break out and kill a bloody path?"

Wang Ai was more thoughtful, recalled the previous events, and said, "Why didn't you see the people surrounding you? Where's the bloody road? Let's just drive out like this openly?"

(End of this chapter)

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