Chapter 176 Unrivaled Power

On the other side of Guandong Street, Zhang Zhiwei stood on the top of the building, looking at the fighter planes circling high in the sky, the chaotic crowd on the street not far away, and the army with live ammunition that suddenly appeared. , leaving them a few messages.

At this time, a fighter plane broke away from the team and swooped in his direction.

It was attracted by the movement of the sniper on the roof when he blew himself up.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at it, but didn't care, and let the fighter fly for a while.

While writing, he was thinking about who the Japanese pirates were going to fight against?It can't be to deal with him.

As soon as he thought about it, he heard the sound of an explosion in the distance, and looked far away, only to find that the police station set up by the Japanese pirates was ablaze and thick black smoke was rising.

"Someone attacked the Japanese pirate's police station, who is it? Really Cheka agents? Or people from other organizations?"

Attracted by the explosion just now, several fighter planes circling in the sky headed towards the police station.

But at this time, the fighter plane was coming towards him, it was already very close to him, and it was swooping down. At the same time, it pointed its gun at him and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Huge tongues of flame spewed violently, and the aviation machine guns on the fighter jets were all heavy machine guns, so powerful that ordinary people would be smashed to pieces if they were shot.

However, hitting Zhang Zhiwei had no effect other than a series of "Dangdang" sounds.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this? Even aviation machine guns can't penetrate it, come on, try this!"

At high altitude, the pilot pressed the release button, and a series of bombs drew a parabola from the high altitude, and landed near Zhang Zhiwei.


The sound of the explosion resounded, and the shocking waves of fire surged, engulfed by tens of thousands of shrapnel, and completely submerged Zhang Zhiwei below!
Flames and smoke swept across, forming a mushroom cloud, and the strong shock wave almost overturned the entire street.

"This will always die!"

This thought flashed through the pilot's mind, and immediately he saw a tall figure intertwined with golden light slowly walking out of the flames and thick smoke.

Those golden lights, like flowing water, alternately surrounded his body, forming a shape similar to Tai Chi.

Faced with a round of heavy bombs, Zhang Zhiwei was unscathed. This is the application of Tai Chi Yuanzhuan to the Golden Light Mantra.

Those huge impact forces were all exported by Jin Guang in the way of Tai Chi four or two strokes of a thousand catties, which saved a lot of force, and naturally also saved a lot of Qi.

"Although the consumption is much less, there is still consumption, and the throttling can only be reduced to this extent. We still need to open up!"

Zhang Zhiwei thought, and immediately looked at the plane in the sky. At this distance...

"How is this possible?" The pilot yelled with a dumbfounded look on his face, "I can't even blow it up?! What a monster!"

He was inexplicably terrified, and wanted to increase the height to stay away from the monster below.

But... a bit late.

Zhang Zhiwei stepped on his feet and jumped up with unparalleled strength. At this moment, it was like lightning tearing the sky, and the mad dragon straightened up and went straight to the sky.

In the air, the pilot's pupils shrank suddenly, and a small golden dot rapidly enlarged in his sight.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of his cabin, staring at him coldly.

" is it possible?" The pilot saw a big hand reaching out to him, his eyes were about to split open.

With a "bang", he scratched the glass, and pulled him out of the seat as if he was carrying a small chicken.

Not talking nonsense, his hand shook, and the seven holes that shook it bled to death.

Zhang Zhiwei stood on the crumbling plane, looked down, and suddenly found that the Yamato Hotel was on fire.

At the same time, a large number of Japanese pirate soldiers surrounded the area, along with chariots.

Not only that, but in several other places, there are also troops gathering and besieging.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhiwei instantly understood the Japanese pirates' intentions. He wanted to solve the enemies lurking in Bincheng together once and for all. Yamato Hotel was only one of his goals.

"If you really want to be surrounded by these troops, I'm fine with that, but Lu Jin and Lu Ci will have a hard time leaving. You have to dismantle the firepower!"

With this in mind, Zhang Zhiwei stepped on his feet, and the fighter plane under him suddenly fell towards a group of Japanese pirate soldiers.

In their desperate eyes, the plane crashed into the crowd and exploded into a ball of fire.

The army that appeared in the city was the railway garrison sent back by General Fujita. As soon as they entered the city, they encountered this kind of thing, and suddenly there was chaos.

However, what was even more frightening was yet to come. A person walked out of the wreckage of the fighter plane, and when he stretched out his hand, silver lightning spewed out from his palm.

Lightning galloped, like a chain, connecting the remaining dozens of Japanese pirates in series, and split them into coke.

After a face-to-face meeting, Zhang Zhiwei killed the Japanese pirate soldiers in this team, but immediately after, more Japanese pirate soldiers appeared and launched a fierce attack on him.

In order to save qi and deal with the subsequent crisis, Zhang Zhiwei did not launch a large-scale thunder method, but rushed into the formation, and dealt with the soldiers in the most labor-saving and cleanest way.

He wanted to fight all the way to the Yamato Hotel, defeat the encirclement of the Japanese pirates, and at the same time pick up Lu Jin and others.



On the other side, inside the Yamato Hotel.

Yellow flames and billowing smoke spread from the room and poured out of the corridor, and Lu Jin walked out from the spreading black smoke.

The power of the white phosphorous grenade is indeed great. Once it explodes, it will be full of fire and rain, and the high temperature of [-] degrees is enough to melt everything.

However, Lu Jin was carrying a fat Japanese pirate in his hand at the time. At the moment the bomb exploded, he quickly backed away and opened the distance. At the same time, he used the fat man as a meat shield in front of him to resist the first wave flame.

With the fat man as a buffer, Lu Jin seized the time and successfully activated the reverse life state.

In the state of reverse life, Lu Jin was wrapped in the innate qi all over his body, and the qi energy was activated, separating the flames and thick smoke, and rushed out quickly.

But as soon as he emerged, a heavily armed squad greeted him.

These are wearing yellow combat uniforms, bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, submachine guns on their chests, and grenades on their waists. They are obviously elites.

Seeing Lu Jin rushing out of the thick smoke, the team members immediately raised their black muzzles and fired wildly at him.

Gunshots resounded throughout the floor, and yellow shell casings kept popping like popcorn, but nothing was found except ugly bullet holes on the walls and ceiling.

This kind of elite squad, if it is faced with ordinary aliens, it may have a miraculous effect under a sudden attack.

But what they were facing was Lu Jin, who had cultivated both life and soul, and his own reflexes far surpassed that of ordinary people. After turning on the reverse life state, it was even more terrifying.

Even if ordinary soldiers are well-trained, their basic quality is too different. Their every move, in front of Lu Jin, is like slowing down. Before they can aim, Lu Jin has already changed positions.

I saw Lu Jin gathering his qi on his legs, moving in the corridor like a spiderman, dodging the fire with ease, and landed in the middle of the team.

Immediately afterwards, there was a one-sided killing, gathering Qi in the hands, and the sharp hand stabs penetrated from a soldier's face and came out from the back of the head.

Then he slashed to the side, cutting the man's head with the knife like a hot knife cutting butter, and at the same time chopped off the head of another soldier.

The stinky blood splattered on the ground, Lu Jin looked indifferent, and passed through the crowd. During this period, he kept raising and lowering the knife, and the sound of flesh and blood bursting could be heard endlessly.

After a while, Lu Jin stopped, and there were a pile of corpses lying around him, and the blood under his feet was scrambling to spread.

"The situation is different from what Brother Zhang said. The Japanese pirates seem to be jumping over the wall in a hurry. I have to keep a little strength!"

Lu Jin murmured to himself, and immediately lifted the reverse life state, reached out and took out two submachine guns from the two corpses, carried a few magazines and a few grenades on his body, and planned to get the body armor, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Yes, this thing is worn on the body and affects the action.

The state of reverse life consumes a lot of energy, and it consumes a lot of energy to use foreign methods. To deal with these ordinary people's troops, it is undoubtedly more suitable to use firearms.

As the young master of an aristocratic family, Lu Jin naturally knows how to use firearms.

He skillfully changed the magazine, loaded the bullet, and then jumped out, flashing past the corner of the corridor like a falcon, dropping two white phosphorus grenades.

In an instant, there was an explosion, and yellow flames and thick smoke swept across. A team of Japanese pirates who had just climbed up the stairs was instantly swallowed by the explosion and flames.

Fierce flames and thick smoke filled the corridor, forming a line of fire. Anyone who wanted to come up had to cross this line of fire with a temperature of [-] degrees.

After making a barrier, Lu Jin went straight to the previous room. While running, he took out the yin and yang paper and wanted to report the situation, but found that there was news from it.

Lu Ci: "Damn it, just now I went to tie up the meat ticket, and before I even did it, the meat ticket was beaten into a sieve, and the Japanese pirates seemed to start indiscriminately attacking the people in the hotel. I hid in the dark and directly put The people in that team were shocked to death, checked it, these guys are well equipped, be careful, especially the fat one, don't fight recklessly."

Wang Ai: "It happened to me too, but I'm already hiding, you don't have to worry."

Zhang Zhiwei: "The Japanese pirates are a little crazy. They sent a large number of troops into the city, and there are still many planes circling in the sky. Be careful, try to hide in the buildings, don't go out and get shot, wait for me to kill a bloody road, and then I will pick you up."

Looking at the news on the paper, Lu Jin froze for a moment, thinking about what he should write, he wrote:
"I just killed two teams, hedgehog, fat man, where are you?"

Wang Ai: "I'm hiding, I'm not in danger for now, don't come looking for me!"

Lu Ci: "I'm on the seventh floor, and I also dealt with two teams, but I noticed that there are still a few fully armed alien teams in the building. I'll deal with them alone. Lu Jin, find a place to hide yourself!"

Lu Ci was the "first" who proposed to come to Liaodong. His original intention was to fight to the death in order to make a breakthrough. Now that the opportunity came, he naturally did not let it go.

"It's up again, the hedgehog has become a mad dog!"

Lu Jin muttered to himself, then tilted his head and looked out the window.

Then I saw a fighter jet passing by at low altitude, and the dazzling flames from the huge machine gun were like sharp swords.

Lu Jin quickly retracted his head. This kind of aviation machine gun is very powerful. The reverse life triple has the ability to protect the body, but it is not comparable to those who specialize in horizontal training. If you hit a few guys, it will be enough to eat a pot.

"Listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, don't go down to be a living target, just fight the Japanese pirates in this building, but I can't let the hedgehog deal with the two alien teams alone, I have to go up to support him!"

Lu Jin raised his two guns, turned around and walked towards the seventh floor.

(End of this chapter)

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