Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 169 The Arrival of Zhang Zhiwei Makes the Clouds Roll

Chapter 169 The Arrival of Zhang Zhiwei Makes the Clouds Roll
The dharma sword clanged and rose through the air.

On the deck of the cargo ship, Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai unconsciously turned their heads upwards following the magic sword.

"This...what is it that flew out just now?" Lu Jin muttered to himself.

"Okay...it seems...it's a flying sword!" Wang Ai was also dumbfounded.

"It did look like it at the beginning, but later on, you call it a flying sword? Flying... Flying Cannon... Flying Thunder Cannon!" Lu Ci looked like he had seen a ghost.

Zhang Zhiwei also looked at Fei Lei Jian Heng Kong.

The violent airflow screamed, and there seemed to be two meteors in the sky from bottom to top, cutting across the sky like an indestructible saber.

"My two enhanced Feilei swords, one was aimed at the fake railway company of the Japanese pirates, and the other was aimed at the medicine storehouse of the Japanese pirates' headquarters, if that guy named Kameda is not lying , There may be a series of explosions later, and the movement may be a little big, let's withdraw first, and find a place to stay before things escalate!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Against the ammunition depot?"

"The power will be... a little bit bigger?"

The friends were all stunned, but when they thought of what Zhang Zhiwei said later, they didn't care about being surprised, and hurriedly left in the dark.

It is estimated that there will be turmoil in Bincheng soon, and martial law will be enforced. What is the matter with them dragging a box with a commander in it outside?

A minimum of respect is required.


And just as Zhang Zhiwei and his party stepped onto the cargo ship and cast their spells, they arrived at Bincheng Railway Station.

As the end point of the South Manchuria Railway, even at night, there is still a lot of passenger traffic here, and many people are protesting because the train that was supposed to leave on time is inexplicably delayed.

The train stopped at the station, but it was guarded by a team of Japanese pirate soldiers and cordoned off.

Inside the cordon, a group of people in black police uniforms shuttled through it, collecting information on the scene just like criminal investigators.

They are a notorious organization among the Japanese pirates, the Special Advanced Section, the full name is the Special Advanced Police Section.

"Chairman, we have searched the whole train inside and out, but we did not find any trace of Ishikawa, and the ones missing together, besides Ishikawa's guards, are Kameda, who is in charge of the military department's contact with Fengtian. Ichiro!" said a member of the extra-high school.

The middle-aged man known as the head of the section has gray temples and a majestic face. He said angrily:

"With so many people, it is impossible to disappear out of thin air, not to mention that Shi Chuan is still a master of real swords, there must be some special reason!"

Another member of the super-high class said: "Chairman, I interrogated just now and found that this train ran into the snake demons that attacked the Shizikou Naval Base earlier, and the largest one even looked back at it." Train, tell me, Ishikawa Colonel may have been attacked by those snakes."

The middle-aged class leader listened, pondered for a moment, and said:

"Perhaps it is really possible that the group of snake monsters that attacked the lion's mouth earlier had a lot of treacherous and unpredictable spells. Maybe it looked back and had the ability to seduce people's souls. Ishikawa was hooked away by it."

"By the way, class leader, what's going on at the Lion's Mouth, have you killed those giant snake monsters?" a person from a super-high class asked.

This is not a secret, the middle-aged class leader did not hide it, and said:
"Not yet. The group of snake monsters attacked the base unexpectedly, causing a large number of casualties. The warship used naval guns and killed a few big ones before they stopped. They are now hiding on the bottom of the sea, ready to Sneak attack, the higher-ups have decided to temporarily transfer some of the aliens who stayed in Bincheng under martial law to Shizikou, so as to cooperate with the army and take down the group of snake monsters!"

"Chairman, not long ago, didn't Master Gongsi negotiate with those fairy families here? Why did these snake monsters come to attack us?" Someone asked.

The middle-aged head teacher was about to speak.

Suddenly, a member of the super high class wearing a black police uniform shouted:
"Chairman, I found out that although the scene was handled very cleanly, several depressions were found on the ground of the carriage, which should be footprints. If I guessed correctly, there was a battle here not long ago, and it was stepped on. Just a few footprints and almost no other traces."

Hearing this, a group of people hurried over to check.

"It seems that the disappearance of Shi Chuan and his party was not caused by the giant snake, but there were no bloodstains, no corpses, and not even many traces of fighting, just a few powerful footprints..."

The middle-aged head of the class looked solemn. He had worked in the extra-higher class for many years and had never encountered such an outrageous thing.

You know, Shi Chuan is a master of aliens, who can take him down so quietly?
At this time, a member of the Special High School in police uniform broke into the train and said:
"Section Chief, there is a message from Fengtian that there seem to be several groups of unknown Cheka agents who have infiltrated into Bencheng."

"Also, we just checked all the crew members of the entire train and got a piece of news."

"On this train, there are four Chinese people wearing black suits with extraordinary temperament. They once went to the dining car to eat while the train was running."

"During the meal, they said a few Russian words in an unsuitable manner. The waiter in the dining car even heard the word 'Ula'!"

Hearing the word "Ula", all the faces present were terrified.

"Ula" means long live, who is okay to read this?

They usually only say when they give action instructions, or when they want to be loyal to the emperor.

"Chairman, Is it possible that Colonel Ishikawa was killed or taken away by Cheka agents from Maozi's side?" someone said.

The middle-aged class leader also looked solemn: "It's really possible. Ishikawa is a master, and he can take him away without anyone noticing. It's terrible that this kind of person has lurked into Bincheng."

"Bincheng already sent a lot of troops and aliens to Changbai Mountain. The defense is weak, and a few ruthless characters have come. We can no longer split up the manpower to deal with the snake demon. We must find him out!"

After all, he hurried out of the train, went to the office of the train station, and called the Bincheng Command through the phone here.



Bencheng Japanese Pirates Headquarters.

General Fujita's office.

A middle-aged man who is not tall is working.

He has broad shoulders and a thick back, a square-inch head, a brown military uniform, shoulders the rank of major general, and high leather boots. His eyes are sharp like knives, and iron and blood can be seen from his body at a glance.


Suddenly, without knocking, the office door was opened from the outside.

Presumptuously, General Fujita frowned and stared up at the past.

Then I saw a female staff officer wearing a military cap and uniform, with a figure ready to show, holding a document, ignoring his eyes, and walking in.

"Father, this is the list of aliens dispatched to the Lion's Mouth to encircle and suppress the Snake Demon. Please sign it. Those alien warriors will only obey your orders!"

The female staff officer said quickly.

"Keiko, how many times have I told you that you call me a job at work!"

General Fujita sighed. Outside, he is a general full of iron and blood. He can easily command a battle to conquer a city, and he can also start a massacre without changing his face.

He was one of the initiators of the massacre in Shizikou back then, but he was a tough man with tenderness towards the family, and he couldn't be cruel, especially in front of this daughter.

The female staff officer named Keiko pursed her lips, and the corners of her mouth curled up, as she was about to answer her father's words.

At this time.

"Ding ding ding..."

The office phone rang.

General Fujita answered the phone while receiving the documents handed over by his daughter.

This call was made by the head of the special high school.

General Fujita didn't have a good look at these people in the special high class, they were just a bunch of special waste that couldn't penetrate anywhere.

"My time is precious."

General Fujita was succinct.

On the other end of the phone, the head of the special high-level class made a long story short, told General Fujita the news he had just received, and persuaded General Fujita not to send some other people to Shizikou.

"With me sitting in Bincheng, no one will be able to turn the world upside down!"

General Fujita said categorically.

"General Fujita, maybe in your eyes, the group of people who sneaked into Bincheng is just a ridiculous provocation by a group of jumping clowns. You also look down on Cheka, an espionage organization, but I want to tell you that Cheka agents are very unusual. The ones who came to Bincheng this time are even more unusual, they are fully capable of beheading, threatening you and me!"

"It's alarmist, but it doesn't get rid of the fact that your super high class is a bunch of trash. If you are really useful, then submit the infiltrator's information to my office!"

General Fujita said coldly, his face was like ice that would never melt: "You still have time for one sentence."

"You are like this, if something happens, you will regret it!" the head of the extra-higher class persuaded.

"There is nothing I will regret!"

General Fujita hung up the phone directly, then signed quickly and handed over the document to his daughter.

The female staff officer took the document, and when the two touched their fingertips, they suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a series of sparks burst out.

The female staff officer and General Fujita were taken aback for a moment, and when they looked down, they saw clusters of "burrs" growing on the clothes.

"Zizizi", subtle static electricity visible to the naked eye rose up on their clothes, entangled with each other.

Not only them, but the entire headquarters felt the ubiquitous static electricity.

Even people on the railroad company on the other side feel this way.

"what happened?"

Everyone is puzzled.

But if they can walk out of the office and look up at the sky, they can see that in the dark night sky, the clouds are left and right, and two huge gaps have been drawn.
The clouds were pitch black, but the two sides of the gap showed burning bright colors, as if two meteors were about to fall in the sky.

But they didn't get a chance to go out and see.

Because, the next second.



The two thunders exploded almost simultaneously.

The sound was extremely loud, as if someone was holding a heavy hammer and hitting the eardrum to death.

Immediately afterwards, blazing flames blazed out, and the magnificent European-style building of the railway company, which was decorated, shattered.

The group of people located in the center of the company were immediately devoured by the thunder and turned into dust, and those who were further away did not escape.

Because, the spiral airflow caused by the explosion brought up debris like stray bullets and swept the surrounding area.

Almost all those who were still in the railway company were wiped out.

On the other side, there was even more movement in the Japanese pirates headquarters.

Because, that flying thunder sword was aimed at the ammunition depot. It was a coincidence that Kameda Ichiro did have a lot of tricks, but he didn't lie about the location of the ammunition depot.

The moment the Feilei Sword fell, a chain reaction was set off. The surging flames radiated from one point and rolled in all directions, carrying a strong shock wave.



The explosions continued,
The huge Japanese pirate headquarters collapsed in the explosion.

The mushroom-shaped flame wave spread out, and everyone inside was involved in it.

The blazing temperature caused the surrounding turf to instantly carbonize and die, and the flamboyant flames rolled and rolled, making people afraid to look directly at it.

The movement of the landslide attracted the attention of everyone in Bincheng.

The instigator Zhang Zhiwei and his team, the head of the super-high school who slumped on the ground holding the phone, the real Cheka agent lurking here, and the secret line of Marshal Zhang...

Everyone looked at the sky above the Japanese pirate headquarters.

A grand red flame swept across, and huge black smoke billowed up, forming a scene like a mushroom cloud.

After a while, the explosion stopped, and the Japanese pirates headquarters had turned into ruins, and the ground turned into black.

Suddenly, a vigorous and powerful palm protruded from the ruins, and then, a person emerged, General Fujita.

On his forehead, there was a deep wound with visible bone, half of his face was soaked in blood.


He let out a low cry, flames burst out all over his body, and the broken military uniform was bathed in the flames but not damaged.

With a violent push of both hands, the strong arms with gnarled muscles pushed away the large building ruins that were pressing on him.

With one person in his arms, he strode out of the explosion area,

The person he picked up was Keiko, his staff officer, and his daughter.

Her daughter was naked, and her skin was burned to the point of festering by the flames, only her chest was still heaving.

She whimpered softly: "Father, father..."

General Fujita froze for a long time, and finally, his eyes moved down a little bit to look at his daughter's face.

What caught General Fujita's eyes was the exposed red muscle tissue, bones, and festered eye sockets...

In the attack just now, his daughter had already lost her human form, and her exposed scorched gums opened and closed slightly. She wanted to speak, but the extreme pain prevented her from saying a complete sentence.

Seeing his daughter's miserable state, General Fujita's eyes were bloodshot, he covered her face with trembling hands, put his head next to her ear and spoke softly, as if he had sung her a lullaby back then:
"It's okay, it's over, everything is over!"

"Father...Father...I...I am so...in pain...it hurts to death..."

Keiko's fingers were tightly gripping General Fujita's sleeves, her fingers turned white, and her frightening face was full of fragility and fear.

"Sleep, sleep, you'll be fine when you wake up, you'll be fine when you wake up!"

General Fujita trembled slightly, Keiko's sobs stopped, and he killed his daughter with his own hands.

Then, holding her daughter's body, she slumped in the ruins.

After coming for a long time, General Fujita stood up, took off his torn military jacket, and gently covered Keiko's body.

Looking up at the sky, his eyes are fierce.

If you don't avenge this revenge, you swear not to be a human being.

(End of this chapter)

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