Chapter 164
The setting sun in the sky was like fire, and before the train entered the tunnel, Zhang Zhiwei waved.

"Sir, do you have any orders?"

The flight attendant who was waiting at the junction of the carriages came over and asked intimately.

"Go to the dining car and bring us some bottles of Moutai!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Okay sir, just a moment!"

The flight attendant turned and left.

"The person who got in the way left, and before he came back with the wine, according to the original plan, the killing and throwing of the corpse would be completed!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Brother Zhang, is this the same as Guan Gong warming wine and killing Hua Xiong?" Lu Ci was very excited, eager to try.

"This is obviously killing Japanese pirates with warm wine!"

Lu Jin got up, his face didn't look like the gentle and elegant young man of a rich family, with the hostility that had been suppressed all afternoon:
"We kill people, fat man, you are going to wash the floor!"

As soon as the voice fell, the train entered the long tunnel, and the carriage was lit with dim yellow light.

The huge roar of the train when passing through the tunnel, mixed with the sound of the impact of water waves, roared like a giant beast, which was deafening.

"The auspicious time has come, it's time to hit the road!"

Zhang Zhiwei got up first and went straight to the VIP room.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci followed closely behind.

Wang Ai was painting on the spot, only to see an ink-colored shadow fly out and land on the lamp on the roof of the carriage.

Suddenly, the originally dim light dimmed a bit.

In front of the VIP room, stood two Japanese pirate soldiers.

Among the Japanese pirate soldiers who boarded the car before, Ishikawa Osamu and another Kameda Ichiro have been in the VIP room.

For the rest of the soldiers, apart from the two guarding the door of the VIP room, there were a few sitting on the sofa in front of the VIP room, and the seats were scattered.

These soldiers are all aliens, and the trajectories of Qi are roughly the same, which seems to belong to the same school.

In fact, to deal with these guys, even if Lu Jin and Lu Ci didn't make a move, Zhang Zhiwei wouldn't have to spend too much effort.

But even in the best of circumstances, one slap at a time would make some noise.

If these movements were noticed by Colonel Ishikawa in the VIP room, he might jump out of the window and escape, or he might sound the alarm, anyway, it would add a lot of variables.

And if he directly attacked Ishikawa in the VIP room, the Japanese soldiers outside would be unable to deal with it.

Anyway, if Zhang Zhiwei is alone, it is difficult to solve it cleanly and neatly in an instant, and there will be situations where the beginning and the end cannot be considered.

Therefore, it is very important for Lu Jin and Lu Ci to take action. They need to work together to take down Colonel Ishikawa and his subordinates at the same time.

Let Zhang Zhiwei gnaw the tough bones.

He directly passed the Japanese pirate soldiers on the seats outside, and under their surprised eyes, he came to the VIP room.


"What are you doing..."

The two Japanese pirates guarding the door didn't finish "stop" and "what are you doing" before they were slapped by Zhang Zhiwei on their temples with a forehand slap and a backhand slap.

The two groaned, their eyes were filled with scarlet bloodshot eyes, and their heads were pulled at an extremely twisted angle. As soon as their bodies limp and fell to the ground, their souls immediately returned to the underworld, and they died without regret.

In the blink of an eye, two strangers were instantly killed. Zhang Zhiwei looked as usual, as calm as putting his hand into a teacup to pinch a piece of tea.

Then, in front of the Japanese pirate soldiers outside, he arrogantly pushed open the door of the VIP room, and stepped into it calmly.


Only then did the Japanese pirate soldiers outside react.

One of the pirate soldiers pouted and wanted to rush towards the VIP room.

But the next moment, a white light flashed across his neck, creating a huge gap, and blood gushed out wildly. He clutched his neck and fell to the ground unwillingly.

It was Lu Jin who did it by surprise. After killing one Japanese pirate soldier first, he turned around and killed another Japanese pirate soldier.

This Japanese pirate soldier was smarter than the previous one. Instead of trying to rush towards the VIP room, he drew his gun directly, intending to aim at Lu Jin and pull the trigger.

Guns are still a great threat to aliens, especially aliens who have no means of protection.

However, Lu Jin didn't give him a chance, and before he could pull the trigger, Lu Jin pointed to a sword, and the innate qi condensed in his palm, turned into a sharp qi blade, and chopped at the Japanese pirate soldier's gun from the index finger to the middle finger.



With this knife, Lu Jin directly chopped off the gun, cut open the flesh, cut open the bone, and slashed from the Japanese pirate's finger to the elbow.

In the plot, the elderly Lu Jin, who lost his mind, was able to break several ribs of the old celestial master with a stab. Even if the old celestial master did not use the golden light curse, it is very rare for the old celestial master to cultivate with his vigorous life.

Cutting down a Japanese pirate now is of course easy.

"Ah ah ah..."

The Japanese pirate clasped his hands and screamed, and saw that his right hand was like the bamboo that was torn from it, two bones and flesh were split from the middle, and the tragedy was indescribable.

With a successful blow, Lu Jin was so powerful that he slammed forward, raised his palm knife, and stabbed out violently.

With a "puchi", a greasy feeling filled his right hand, and Lu Jin's knife directly pierced through the Japanese pirate soldier's eye socket, penetrated deeply into the back of his head, and then violently stirred it inside.

The Japanese pirate soldier let out a low whimper, his body trembled, and then he became silent, his mind was muddled, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Lu Jin pulled out his hand, bringing out sticky blood streaks, his eyes were fierce, staring at the next target, and he rushed out like a tiger.

The Japanese pirate soldier did not choose to resist, but wanted to escape through the window.

Of course, Lu Jin couldn't let him get what he wanted, he slashed out with the knife in his hand, and the sharp qi blade slashed across the man's back, bursting out a surging wave of blood.

Then, Lu Jin stomped so hard that the floor of the carriage was sunken into a pit.

He stabbed through the back of the pirate's heart, pierced through his body, grabbed the opponent's spine, and used it as a point of strength to pull back the Japanese pirate soldier who was about to jump out from the window.

As a result, the force was violent, and there was a crisp "click", and a joint was pulled out.

"Hey!~ He's so disgusting!"

Lu Jin crushed the spine, and the energy in his hand shook, and the blood in his hand was scattered.

And the Japanese pirate on the ground was still struggling, twisted like a maggot. Lu Jin's blow just now not only tore off one of his spine, but also shattered his heart. Can't die.

Black and red blood flowed into a big pool under him. He struggled to climb towards the second-class compartment, but Lu Jin stepped on his head, making the distance that was so close at hand feel like a barrier from heaven.

And when Lu Jin showed his power and killed the Quartet, Zhang Zhiwei had already stepped into the VIP room.

In the VIP room, Colonel Ishikawa and his fellow countryman Ichiro Kameda were reminiscing about the old days. When they saw the door of the VIP room opened and a tall man in a suit with long hair and shawl entered, they were taken aback for a moment.

"Who let you in?"

Dazuo Ishikawa asked, his first reaction was not that this person was here to assassinate.

The reason for this reaction...

One is that this is the train they operate, there are guards inside the train, and on the railway outside the train, there are railway guards stationed at intervals, and his elite guards at the gate, which can be said to be foolproof.

The second is due to his own strength. He is an innumerable master with illustrious military exploits throughout his life. He participated in the Sino-Japanese War and the Japanese-Maoist War like a meat grinder.

He has launched the Long Live Charge many times, and the battlefield with a hail of bullets failed to kill him. How could there be a blind assassin to assassinate him?
Who let me in... Zhang Zhiwei thought he would be greeted with fire when he opened the door, but he didn't expect to ask him what he was doing here.

Zhang Zhiwei grinned and walked straight towards Shi Chuan:
"Master, I recognize you, have you forgotten, Liangyou Bingshi, you ordered a cup of milk tea..."

Liangyou Ice Room... This person is here to get close. Ishikawa was taken aback.

But immediately after, he felt several bursts of lingering qi bursting and colliding outside the door, how could he still not know what was going on?

"Ishi Chuanliu, in the state of a real sword, slaying people's souls!"

Dazuo Ishikawa pulled out the Japanese sword, and the vitality on the body surface burst out, and the sharp light of the sword surged on the Japanese sword.

There are also families like the Lu family, Wang family, Gao family, and Lu family on the Japanese pirates side.

The Ishikawa family where Ishikawa Osamu is located, together with the Yagyu family and the Mochizuki family are known as the three famous swordsmanship schools in Japan.

The Ishikawa-ryu swordsmanship handed down from his family is incomparably exquisite, and the wonderful thing is that their swordsmanship is divided into two types: real sword state and Buddhist sword state.

In the state of the Buddha sword, one move and one move will wrap the body of the sword with the brilliance of life, never kill the opponent, but slash the dead with all its strength.

But the state of the real sword is the opposite, it does not hurt the dead, but kills the living with all its strength.

Those who practice this way usually choose one to start with, which is somewhat similar to the Yin Five Thunders and Yang Five Thunders of Tianshi Mansion.

However, unlike the harmonious scene of Yin-Yang Thunder in Tianshi Mansion, Shi Chuanliu's warriors practicing Buddhist swords and warriors practicing real swords are somewhat incompatible.

After all, one is a murderer and the other is a virgin, how can they pee in a pot?
The two sides have been fighting against each other for hundreds of years. During this period, the real sword style, which focuses on murder, has always prevailed.

The people of the real sword style even created a demon sword called Hirumaru, which grows by killing people and sucking blood.

But the people of Buddha Sword Style wanted to destroy this demon sword wholeheartedly, but they didn't succeed.

It is worth mentioning that the Nikaidou Eita who beheaded the Lu family's great bi was a member of this school.

In the mainland, holding the demon sword, he completely suppressed the people of the Buddha Sword Stream, and then set foot on Huaxia, and began to feed the demon sword with the blood of other people here.

People of Fojianliu were naturally unwilling to fail. In the later battle between Tangmen and Ninja, they acted as the second and fifth sons, and passed the information of Ninja to Tangmen through Jianghu Xiaozhan, hoping to get back the demon sword.

And this Ishikawa Colonel, obviously like that Nikaido Eita, practiced the real sword mainly for killing people.

A samurai who practiced a real sword, even if he didn't hold a leech pill, would kill more and more murderously, and the stronger his own strength would be.

Ishikawa Dazuo has been through the battlefield for a long time. When he captured Shizikou, he also participated in the massacre. He held a Japanese sword and killed for four days and three nights.

Feed by so many human lives, his murderous aura was like a mighty red wave, collapsing towards Zhang Zhiwei.

"It's very murderous, it looks pretty bluffing. But the quality is so low, who are you bluffing?"

Golden light spread from Zhang Zhiwei's body, and the mighty red murderous aura retreated the moment it touched the golden light.

"how is this possible?"

Colonel Ishikawa had an unbelievable expression on his face. With his murderous aura, he was almost invincible after being fed by thousands of people. How could he be so vulnerable.

He didn't believe in evil, and when he raised the Japanese sword, he was about to swing the sword again.

But seeing a golden light flying and sprinting, it appeared in front of him in an instant.

Zhang Zhiwei, who was a head taller than him, looked down at him condescendingly.

"You..." Colonel Ishikawa wanted to swing the knife, but his hands and feet didn't obey.

A hand was pressed on his dantian, golden light flowed from the hand, and the muscular forearm exerted force, shattering his dantian.

Ishikawa's face was full of disbelief, and the power of command like an arm disappeared at this moment.

He is a soldier, and he has long been loyal to the emperor, and he has the awareness of being shrouded in horse leather. It is not that he cannot accept failure, but he cannot accept being crushed in this posture at all.

"Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, dizziness is normal!"

Zhang Zhiwei tightened his five fingers, shaking Ishikawa until he passed out, then let go, and looked at Ichiro Kameda next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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