Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 158 Lu Ci is not kind, Lu Jin's bottom line

Chapter 158 Lu Ci is not kind, Lu Jin's bottom line
Northeast, Fengtian.

Fengtian Station is a big station, with several platforms lined up. The long platform can't be seen at a glance, and the "Fengtian" station sign is hung on the ceiling.

The platform was full of people, the crowds were turbulent, the windows were crowded with peddlers, and there were many people getting on and off the train, crowded together. It was very noisy, and it was full of human fireworks.

The green-skinned locomotive chugs black smoke, Zhang Zhiwei and his party walk out of the carriage, and the sun slams down violently.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the Japanese pirate soldier in the shit-yellow military uniform staggering on the platform, turned his head and said to Lu Ci:

"Er Bi, you are very restrained in your strikes!"

Lu Ci grinned: "If you can't bear it a little, you can make a big mess, I still understand that!"

Wang Aiyin smiled tentatively: "How long will it take to die?"

Lu Ci smiled and said: "About a week, I just used Ruyi Jin to damage his two kidneys, the sense organs there are not well developed, and because I struck lightly, he didn't feel any pain during the whole process. At most, it will be a little weak, and it will be three days before there will be obvious pain, but by then, it will be too late, there will be no cure for the medicine, and it will be an ugly death!"

"How ugly?" Lu Jin asked curiously.

Lu Ci smiled coldly: "The kidneys will slowly rot, and then the injury will spread to the outer epidermal nerves bit by bit, and finally die of pain!"

This is the basic usage of wishful energy, which hurts people's internal organs. In the plot, Zhang Chulan once took a wishful energy without using the golden light curse. At first he thought it was nothing serious, but after a while, he would vomit blood wildly. After a long time Only then healed.

Lu Ci's control over Ruyi Jin is much higher than those of the Lu family who hurt Zhang Chulan in the plot.

To deal with this kind of ordinary people who have no cultivation at all, he can control Ruyi Jin to penetrate deep into the internal organs through the tiny pores of the human body like a silk thread, without leaving any trace on the surface.

"Damn it, hedgehog, you're the one who is ruthless!"

Lu Jin exclaimed, and said again: "Then let's transfer to the Japanese pirate train later, you can show your strength and keep playing tricks, so that all the Japanese pirates on that train will have kidney necrosis and urinate blood to death!"

"Hey, old Lu, have you changed your sex? What you said this time really won my heart!"

Lu Ci grabbed Lu Jin's shoulder, looking like he was not alone.

Behind, Zhang Zhiwei and Wang Ai looked at the two people who were shoulder to shoulder in front of them, and looked at each other.

These two enemies are now working together... Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised and said, "Lu Jin is also a ruthless person!"

Wang Ai was also a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect that either. I thought that the proposal to kill the Japanese pirates on the train just now would be proposed by the hedgehog, and then Lu Jin would stop it, saying that not all Japanese pirates are bad, it can't be like this Talk about indiscriminate killings!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wang Ai: "Did Lu Jin say something similar before?"

Wang Ai said, "No, but I thought he would!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Old Lu is still clear, but Er Bi looks a little excited!"

Wang Ai nodded, and said deeply: "The hedgehog is indeed a little excited, Brother Zhang, you have to keep an eye on it, this is the base camp of the Japanese pirates!"

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen!" Zhang Zhiwei smiled and strode forward.

In the back, Wang Ai, carrying a burden on his back, followed step by step, complaining in his heart, with you here, it feels like something big will happen sooner or later.

Later, Zhang Zhiwei and his party bought train tickets to Bincheng at Fengtian Station.

Bencheng can be regarded as the terminal station of the railway controlled by Japanese pirates.

At the same time, it can be regarded as the base camp of Japanese pirates in Liaodong.

The headquarters of the Japanese pirate railway company that Zhang Zhiwei decided to take away is located there.

Although the Japanese pirates' railway company is called a railway company, it involves a wide range of businesses.

In addition to operating railways, there are also enterprises and institutions such as ship repairing, coal mines, iron mines, other metal mines, oil making, iron making, and post and telecommunications.And set up service industries such as hotels, restaurants, and bathhouses.

Not only that, in addition to the above-mentioned economic institutions, there are also administrative institutions, cultural institutions, schools, etc. inside.

All in all, if Shizikou is the military center of the Japanese pirates in Liaodong.

The railway company in Bincheng is the economic and cultural center of the Japanese pirates in Liaodong.

But today, Zhang Zhiwei decided to blow it up. This decision is neither arrogant nor crazy.

If Zhang Zhiwei came to Liaodong to support the Gao family with the elders of Tianshi Mansion, and proposed the idea of ​​bombing the railway company, he would be ruthlessly suppressed as soon as he said it.

Of course, with Zhang Zhiwei's strength, it is unlikely that he will be suppressed, and it is more likely that the Celestial Master will directly lead him home and put him in confinement.

Fortunately, his teammates are Lu Ci, the killer, and Lu Jin, the reckless man. The two of them are not afraid of tigers when they are newborns, and they are willing to go for a ride with him. If they were other people, they would have broken up a long time ago, and Wang Ai, it is a charge for love The banner, half pushed and half came.

As for the cause of the Liaodong incident and what conspiracy the Gao family wanted to stop the Japanese pirates, Zhang Zhiwei didn't know.

Before leaving for Liaodong, Zhang Zhiwei also asked Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Wang Ai, and they also didn't know.

The content of this large-scale operation is the top priority, let alone left behind personnel like them.

It is that many fighters who went to Liaodong did not know the specific details. Only the heads of the various forces and the leaders who led the team to Liaodong knew the specific details.

In this regard, Zhang Zhiwei expressed his understanding. If they, the left-behind people, knew about it, what kind of secrecy would there be?

Isn't this the same as the famous brand with the Japanese pirates? You know, the Japanese pirates have a special high-level intelligence organization class.

In the normal world, there are some well-trained agents in this organization, but in the one-person world, Zhang Zhiwei feels that [-]% of the personnel inside are aliens like ninjas.



After buying tickets, Zhang Zhiwei and others sat in the bustling VIP room of Fengtian Station for a while, and the train to Bincheng entered the station.

A man in flight attendant uniform knocked on the door, walked into the VIP room, bowed ninety degrees, and said with a professional smile on his face:
"Several gentlemen, the train has already entered the station, please follow me, and I will take yours to their respective positions."

The service attitude is first-class, it is the tradition of the Japanese pirates... Zhang Zhiwei got up and said:

"Come on, let's try this train!"

Behind him, a ray of purple light emerged from Lu Ci's palm, about to burst out.

Lu Jin quickly grabbed his hand and broke his wishful energy.

Lu Ci stared, and said in a low voice: "Crybaby, did we have a tacit understanding before?"

Lu Jin explained in a low voice: "Don't get the target wrong, this person has a straight voice, and he is one of us at first glance!"

"Whoever is his own person, did not mistake the target, this kind of second devil who works under the Japanese pirates, it is not a pity to die!" Lu Ci said in a low voice.

"He's just a flight attendant, just begging for a living. He's not a traitor. He's no different from those flight attendants on the train outside. Don't do anything wrong!" Lu Jin said, grabbing Lu Ci's hand.

Wang Ai watched the play silently and didn't speak to her.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei turned back, hooked one of the people's shoulders with one hand, pushed the two of them forward, and said through voice transmission at the same time:
"Erbi, look at you, and you're in a hurry. This is the base camp of the pirates in Liaodong. The pirates are walking all over the place. Those who live under the pirates' hands cost [-] to [-] yuan. How can you compete with them? Conserve your strength and wait for a while. Maybe there will be a fierce battle!"

"Senior brother Zhang, I understand!" Zhang Zhiwei said, Lu Ci immediately stopped, dissipated his wishful energy, and obediently got into the car.

The flight attendant didn't know that he had walked before the gate of hell, and was eagerly helping Wang Ai to carry things.

A group of people boarded the train.

Compared with the previous train, the Japanese pirate's train is newer and more fashionable in appearance. The front is blue, the body is light green with a pure white ribbon, and there are six carriages in total.

Because the trains of this era use coal as fuel, the closer the carriage is to the front, the heavier the soot.

Wang Ai bought a premium seat, so they boarded the last sixth car.

When getting on the train, Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the front compartment and found that even the third-class seats were equipped with soft sofa chairs, which were better than the hard benches of the National Train.

As for the first-class seat, it is even more luxurious. The streamlined tail car is equipped with large glass windows, which has an excellent view. The cabin is covered with silk, and is also equipped with bookshelves and tables. Passengers can write letters, read books, and You can play chess.

"The facilities are very luxurious. It's more than one grade better than the trains of the national government. Fatty, how much is it?" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"I didn't notice, but it seems to be more expensive than the national government train!"

Wang Aiman ​​said nonchalantly, as the eldest son of the Wang family, since he was a child, the most important thing he lacked was money.

But since Zhang Zhiwei asked, Wang Ai turned to the flight attendant and asked how much the fare was.

Encountering a master who bought a ticket without asking the price, the flight attendant who was carrying Wang Ai's luggage clicked his tongue, bent slightly and said:
"Gentlemen, from Fengtian Station to Bincheng Station, the fare for the first-class carriage is 31 oceans, which is three times that of the first-class carriage of the National Government."

Good guy, it came faster than robbery... Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the package that Wang Ai was carrying. It contained the ocean that he confiscated after killing the bandits last time, plus a little stock, there were nearly a hundred pieces in total. .

He always thought that he had a lot of money, but he didn't expect that with all his belongings added up, he couldn't afford three first-class tickets for the Manchuria train.

"Three times the price, you really get what you pay for!" Lu Jin said. He didn't have much emotion. Like Wang Ai, he was also a man who was not short of money, but he didn't carry much with him.

"That's what I said, but luckily I brought Fatty here this time, otherwise...Old Lu, you're going to steal the train!"

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head towards Lu Jin and said in a low voice.

Lu Jin was stunned: "Why am I the only one picking up the train, why don't you guys have to pick it up?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I will rob the rich and help the poor, and Erbi will kill people and steal goods. We can all get money, but you are the only one who picks up the train?"

Lu Jin: "..."

When he thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case. If he didn't have money, he shouldn't be able to do such things as robbery.

However, that certainly wouldn't be the same as picking up the train. With his ability, he could sneak into the crowd and escape a fare easily?
(End of this chapter)

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