Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 145 I, Lu Jin, Only Played in the Peak Tournament in My Life

Chapter 145 I, Lu Jin, Only Play Peak Games All My Life
On the edge of the school grounds, Wang Ai, who was elbowed in the throat, looked unwilling, and said vaguely in his mouth that he was beaten badly, and asked Lu Jin to go up to avenge him and teach that guy who looked like a mouse a lesson.

"Hey, fat man, be more gracious. You were injured by your own means. The elbow that hit you was already very reserved!"

Lu Jin carefully watched the whole process of the competition. Even though Zhang Zhiwei reminded him in advance, he didn't notice anything wrong with Lin Huaiyi.

But this is the scariest thing. It is obvious that this person has a problem already known in advance, but he can't find the problem.

This big-eared Taoist priest is a bit unfathomable. Fatty may not have lost as unjustly as he showed this time... Lu Jin thought to himself.

"Lu Jin, Lu Ci fought against Senior Brother Zhang's Heavenly Soldiers earlier, and fainted from exhaustion, you go up, you go and help me avenge, and teach him a good lesson, okay?"

Wang Ai said unwillingly, if the tradition of the Tianshi Mansion is to protect the calf, then the tradition of the Wang family is to spoil.

As soon as Wang Ai was born, he was praised by his father and several grandfathers. Since he was a child, he had never encountered a wall except at Guan Shihua's. Now that he was beaten so badly, how could he swallow this pain?

He kept urging Lu Jin to go up to avenge himself. In his opinion, the reason why the mouse-like guy was able to win against him was due to his sudden attack.

If he opened his posture, the opponent must not be his opponent, and Lu Jin is much stronger than himself. If he played, he would definitely teach that big rat a lesson.

A lesson... Lu Jin looked at Lin Huaiyi.

At this moment, Lin Huaiyi had already left the field, and many brothers and sisters were applauding him, praising him for his wit, for defeating the strong with the weak, and not falling into the reputation of Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

Lin Huaiyi smiled shyly, and what he said was luck, the other party's carelessness, and it would be hard to say if he was serious.

"It looks like... It seems that except for Senior Brother Zhang, no one in the Tianshi Mansion knows the details of this Taoist priest named Lin Huaiyi!"

Lu Jin remembered what Zhang Zhiwei said before, "Now the four of you are together, Wang Ai is defeated, you remember to go up and avenge him!"

But since Senior Brother Zhang has said so, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, and it happens that I can also meet the masters of the Tianshi Mansion other than Senior Brother Zhang...

Lu Jin straightened his face, took off his suit vest, and stuffed it into Wang Ai's hand together with the jacket he was holding earlier.


Wang Ai looked puzzled.

"Go and avenge you!"

As Lu Jin said, he unbuttoned the slit on the sleeves of his shirt, and rolled up the cuffs to make it easier to move.

"Avenge me..." Wang Ai's face was touched immediately, "Lu Jin, you really want to go, you are so kind..."

Although Wang Ai has been urging Lu Jin to go up, he actually knows in his heart that with Lu Jin's personality, the possibility of going up to help him take revenge is very low.

But I didn't expect that Lu Jin really went up, this was a surprise, he was so moved that he almost cried.

"..." Lu Jin glanced at him with some embarrassment, without explaining too much.

Looking at Zhang Zhiwei, the two looked at each other.

Lu Jin nodded, and immediately stepped onto the ring, saying loudly:
"Lu Jin, the next Sanyi sect, would like to ask Brother Huaiyi to teach me!"

"Three One School Lu Jin, that kid is the leader of the younger generation, the direct disciple of Immortal Daying?"

"The one who was slapped and cried by Zhiwei?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't say that in front of other people. Besides, being slapped and crying by Zhiwei doesn't mean he's weak. Isn't the Erbi of the Lu family just an example?"

"In that case, this guy named Lu Jin is actually very powerful? What should I do, Huaiyi, do you want to go up?"

"I think it's better not to go up, rest and rest!"

Lu Jin reported his family name, and the brothers in Tianshi Mansion talked a lot. Some people asked Lin Huaiyi's opinion, whether he should go or not.

Some people suggested that Lin Huaiyi should not take up the challenge. He had already fought once, and even if he refused this time, he would not be criticized.

Lin Huaiyi did not give an answer immediately, but turned his head and stared at Lu Jin.

Is this the one who was slapped and cried by the senior brother?Judging from the breath alone, it is much stronger than the fat man just now, do you want to go up!
For a while, Lin Huaiyi was a little tangled.

On the one hand, I want to go up and try to defeat Lu Jin through a few tricks to learn the gap between myself and my senior brother.

On the one hand, I was very nervous, if he suddenly showed his strength, how would the brothers think of him?

Why don't you refuse, I'm still far from being an opponent of my senior brother, even if I beat him, it's meaningless, instead I'm just creating a lot of trouble for myself.

Lin Huaiyi is a competitive person in his bones, but he is also a forbearing character. He doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city, but only cares about the ultimate goal.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Huaiyi was about to refuse when he heard Zhang Zhiwei say:
"Why are you so troublesome? It's so far away that you are a guest, Huaiyi, go up and have a few tricks with Brother Lu. We will be friends in the future. You don't need to make it so formal. Just join hands casually. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose! "

The last sentence seemed to be addressed to Lin Huaiyi, but it was actually addressed to Lu Jin.


Zhang Zhiwei's words made Lin Huaiyi hesitate.

"Zhiwei, isn't it too hasty? Doesn't this make Huaiyi go up and make a fool of himself? I see the qi of this little brother Lu is very strong. I'm afraid Huaiyi is not an opponent. Why don't you let me go up and try the trick?" ?”

An older senior brother said.

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Brother, you are worrying too much. The last time Master saw that Huaiyi was slack in his practice, he reminded him. Now he seems to be a little enlightened. He has done a lot of private work and achieved some results. I won't let him give it to him." Do you guys show off?"

"Really? Is Huaiyi enlightened?"

"You know how to work secretly, hahaha, what's the matter, you want to work hard secretly, and then scare us, right?"

"Zhiwei has said so, it seems that Huaiyi has achieved something, why don't you go up and try, let us open our eyes and see the results?"

Hearing that Lin Huaiyi was practicing kung fu secretly, and he was making great progress, for a while, the brothers in Tianshi Mansion were all happy for him, cheering him on, without any grudges about it.

And these encouraging voices made Lin Huaiyi startled, feeling a sense of guilt. Master and senior brothers treated him like this, but he kept hiding it everywhere and didn't communicate with them. No wonder the master was so furious that day.

Otherwise, go up and show off your skills, step by step... Lin Huaiyi turned to look at Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei raised his eyebrows at him, motioning him to hurry up.

Lin Huaiyi gritted his teeth and walked onto the school field.

And the moment Lin Huaiyi stepped onto the colonel's field, Zhang Zhiwei faintly sensed an extremely hidden aura behind him, which disappeared in a flash. Among the people present, except Zhang Zhiwei, no one noticed it.

This... is the breath of the master, and he is peeping again?Zhang Zhiwei reacted, but he didn't expose it.

Zhang Zhiwei probably knows the thoughts of master Zhang Jingqing, and he also knows Lin Huaiyi's thoughts.

But for this, he somewhat disagrees. In his opinion, don't give too much hope to something that is destined to be impossible, it will become an obsession.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for Huaiyi to surpass him, but the master has given Huaiyi several years of private meritorious service, and let him go forward day and night with the goal of surpassing himself. Isn't this expanding his obsession?

This kind of obsession will become a demon, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly understood why Lin Huaiyi later made the 36 thieves sworn brothers and went to explore the eight strange skills.

Lin Huaiyi wanted to become stronger and improve too much.

Then after Lin Huaiyi realized the origin of the eight strange skills and energy body, did he go to fight him again?

Zhang Zhiwei doesn't know, but even if he fights, the result is already doomed.

Come step by step, let Lao Lu fight with you first... Zhang Zhiwei stared at the school field.

At this moment, on the court, after Lu Jin and Lin Huaiyi hugged each other in respect, they started to fight.

At the beginning of the battle, it was still Lin Huaiyi who rushed to attack. The golden light took the shape of Qi, attached to his hand, and poked at Lu Jin's throat, but was blocked by Lu Jin's backhand grip.

Afterwards, Lu Jin fought back, and immediately twisted his feet, and fought with Lin Huaiyi.

The series of movements of the two made people dizzy, and the exquisite coordination of body and boxing skills attracted everyone to amaze.

"Huaiyi still hid his hand, it's no wonder, otherwise, how could Zhiwei feel at ease and let him go up to seek abuse."

"I really didn't expect that Huai Yi, who usually doesn't show mountains or waters, has such skills." Tian Jinzhong also exclaimed,

"I'm surprised, there will be more surprises later!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

On the field, the two people moved their feet, and the sound of pounding the ground kept going.

Suddenly, Lu Jin was punched in the chest and flew back.

Off the court, Wang Ai was shocked. He never expected that Lu Jin would suffer a disadvantage in the face of that vicious big rat!

Lu Jin also frowned. He didn't expect this person to look ugly, and the qi in his body was not strong, but the number of ways made people wonder.

The two had a short confrontation just now, and they collided more than ten times during the period. Just when Lu Jin felt that he had figured out the opponent's way, Lin Huaiyi suddenly changed his move and almost punched him in the chest. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, so he didn't Suffer too much.

"This person's control over Qi is higher than mine, so I can't try any more, and I was able to break through!"

Lu Jin thought to himself, the qi in his body was gushing like a spring, his body was filled with white qi, his skin was almost transparent, and even his pupils were shining with white light.

He started the reverse life state, and after discussing with Zhang Zhiwei, under the guidance of his master Zuo Ruotong, he went further to the reverse life state.

In this state, he can't guarantee whether he can resist Zhang Zhiwei's slap, but he will definitely not be able to stop the qi in his body casually.

"This is……"

Lin Huaiyi didn't know the details, and suddenly felt his scalp tingling!
Just as he was about to react, Lu Jin had already approached him in an instant, his fist wrapped around the innate qi, and he smashed down with a fierce momentum.


Lin Huaiyi didn't know the strength of the triple layer of reverse life, so he miscalculated Lu Jin's strength for a while, and didn't adjust the qi in his body in time.

This caused his deliberately restrained, camouflaged thin golden light to be smashed to pieces with a single punch.

Afterwards, with all the strength going through his body, he was directly sent flying, turned over three or four somersaults on the ground, and lay motionless on the ground.

On the school field, Lu Jin stood, with white light all over his body, his clean face, and his eyes were clear, like a god like a demon.


Wang Ai jumped up excitedly and cheered loudly.

Everyone in Tianshi Mansion was in an uproar.

"Is this the third level of reversing life? That Lu Jin's qi has become much stronger all of a sudden!"

"Suddenly become stronger during the battle, so suddenly, who can stand it?"

"Who can stand it? Didn't Zhiwei resist it, and even slapped him out of this state, and even cried!"

"It's boring to talk about Zhiwei. Is he a normal person? Let's see how Huaiyi is doing. This is not easy!"

"Why are you panicking, Zhiwei hasn't moved yet!"

But at this moment, Zhang Zhiwei was shaking his head, secretly scolding Lin Huaiyi for his brain damage, obviously the golden light is very thick and of high quality, why make such a thin layer on purpose?Who are you putting on a show for? You deserve to be beaten!
Tian Jinzhong looked worried, and was about to go on stage to see how Lin Huaiyi was doing.

But Lin Huaiyi stood up slowly.

Lu Jin's punch was really heavy, and Lin Huaiyi's left eye was black and blue.

Zhang Zhiwei rubbed his nose, remembering that last time Lu Ci was also slapped black-eyed by Lu Jin unexpectedly. In the plot, after a hundred years, he was also slapped black-eyed by Lao Lu.

Lu Jin, this kid, looks like a dog, but he really doesn't pay attention to his hands, he just hits his eyes!

But at this moment, on the field, Lin Huaiyi didn't say a word, rubbed his eyes lightly with his hands, and stared at Lu Jin.

Afterwards, the whole body was covered with golden light, a golden light that was ten times stronger than before covered the whole body. With a sudden step on his feet, his figure rushed out, and his fists were like thunder, blasting at Lu Jin's handsome face.

That punch seemed to wake Lin Huaiyi up!

Stop pretending, it's a showdown, he, Lin Huaiyi, is a master.

To use all means, take down Lu Jin within three moves.

(End of this chapter)

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