Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 140 Lu Ci performs martial arts, Huaiyi self-doubts

Chapter 140 Lu Ci performs martial arts, Huaiyi self-doubts

The living room of Tianshi Mansion.

Zhang Zhiwei met Lu Ci and Wang Ai here.

"Er Bi, Fatty, long time no see!"

Zhang Zhiwei greeted with a smile.

In this day and age, 2b has not been endowed with any special meaning, so even though Lu Ci finds it weird, she has no objection. The Lu family has two biscuits, the jade bis, this is a good talk.

"Senior brother Zhang, please leave the Lu family, and you will be safe and sound!" Lu Ci stood up and said, clasping his hands.

"Senior brother Zhang, please come here!" Wang Ai also stood up and said.

"Don't come here for nothing, don't come here for nothing, by the way, Er Bi, I see that you are completely exhausted, and your cultivation has improved a lot!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Ci, he had a keen sense of spirit, and could intuitively observe that the qi in Lu Ci's body had solidified by more than [-]%.

Lu Ci said with a serious face: "This is thanks to Senior Brother Zhang for his guidance. If it wasn't for Senior Brother Zhang's slap in the face that day, I'm afraid I'm still depressed!"

Zhang Zhiwei could feel Lu Ci's deliberately suppressed excitement. From this point of view, he probably gained a lot, and said with a smile:
"You don't have to be so polite, you can understand, it's not my blow to the head, in fact, you are very extraordinary, if you change someone, I'm afraid you will end up with a lot of money!"

"No matter what, it was Senior Brother Zhang who gave me advice anyway. This point will never change. To be honest, if Senior Brother Zhang hadn't invited me to Longhu Mountain for a gathering this time, I would have wanted to come here by myself!"

Lu Ci is an unruly person, and has never been convinced by anyone, but in front of Zhang Zhiwei, he is not at all unruly, with a polite look.

"That's fine. If I don't invite you in the future, you can come to Longhu Mountain to find me. If I'm not here, my junior brother and the others will also warmly welcome you!"

As he said that, Zhang Zhiwei patted Tian Jinzhong on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You say so, Xiaotian!"

"Hey!" Tian Jinzhong scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, brother Lu, don't worry about the previous matter, don't worry about it!"

"No problem!" Lu Ci waved his hand and said, "It's the truth, and there is no slander. It has spread all over the world, so I don't care!"

When Lu Ci said this, Wang Ai behind him suppressed a smile.

He knew that Lu Ci had already taught many people who said this.

"By the way, where's Dabi?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "And Lu Jin, why didn't he come?"

Lu Ci said: "Lu Jin didn't go along with us, so we came here first. As for my elder brother, the family arranged for him to go out on business!"

"Work? What are you going to do? Aren't the Lu family's two bibis brothers in the battle, are they like brothers, even in the sparring together? Is there anything else you need to do to leave your two bibis behind?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, in fact, he probably had the answer in his heart. It is estimated that Lu Ren went to Liaodong, and his father was worried about Lu Ci, a thorn in his side, so he stayed.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Lu Ci said angrily:

"They went to Liaodong to kill Japanese pirates. Unfortunately, my father is always worried about here and there, and won't let me go. Otherwise, I will make those Japanese pirates know my methods!"

"So it is!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded, as expected.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, I heard that you Longhushan were also involved in this matter, why didn't you go?" Lu Ci responded quickly and asked.

"Just repeat what you said just now!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Hearing this, Lu Ci reacted, inexplicably, he felt a sense of sympathy for a hero in his heart, it turned out that it wasn't just me, even the majestic Senior Brother Zhang was the same.

"Ah? What are you talking about, brother, what is Liaodong? Has anyone of us gone to Liaodong? What happened to Liaodong?"

Tian Jinzhong said with a puzzled face, he had been in Longhu Mountain for a long time, and he had no news. He only knew that there was a war outside, but he knew nothing about the specific news.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem, don't pay too much attention!"

About Liaodong, Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to reveal too much to his "Minister of Propaganda".

He didn't want the next morning, all the vegetable sellers down the mountain knew that he was going to Liaodong, so he changed the topic:
"By the way, Erbi, since you've made a lot of progress, do you want to show it? After the show, let's go down the mountain and drink together!"

"That's a must!" Lu Ci hurriedly said, he came to Longhu Mountain, drinking secondly, and mainly came to seek advice from Zhang Zhiwei.

"Then let's go to the school grounds!"

Afterwards, the four of them came to the school grounds of Tianshi Mansion.

"Brother Zhiwei!"

"Brother Zhiwei!"

"Is Zhiwei here to teach the way of practice this time?"


As soon as Zhang Zhiwei arrived, the brothers practicing on the school grounds hurried over to say hello, all of them were extremely enthusiastic.

Even Lin Huaiyi, who was at the corner of the school grounds, came over, greeted him from a distance, and then stood at the outermost part of the crowd, muttering.

The little Taoist next to him glanced at Lin Huaiyi strangely, not quite understanding why this brother, who was obviously very accomplished in the Golden Light Curse, behaved so low-key.

The day before yesterday, he came to Lin Huaiyi, with a respectful face, he said that Senior Brother Zhiwei asked him to come over and ask Lin Huaiyi to teach him the Golden Light Curse.

As a result, Lin Huaiyi was unwilling to say anything when he heard it. He also said that his cultivation of the Golden Light Curse was mediocre, and he was misleading his disciples by pointing out others. He wanted to introduce the little Taoist priest to other brothers and let them teach them.

As a result, this little Taoist priest was also a dead man. Zhang Zhiwei asked him to come to Lin Huaiyi, but he only looked for Lin Huaiyi, and the two immediately froze.

In the end, the little Taoist said that Zhang Zhiwei said that if Lin Huaiyi didn't teach him well, he would be beaten when he returned home. Lin Huaiyi reluctantly began to teach the little Taoist how to practice.

With this point, the little Taoist realized that Lin Huaiyi's cultivation was not as ordinary as he showed.

Many questions, he asked other senior brothers, the answers given by other senior brothers were ambiguous and could not solve the confusion, but every time he asked Lin Huaiyi, he could solve them perfectly.

Brother Huaiyi is actually very strong, why does he keep showing that he is not strong... The little Taoist looked at Lin Huaiyi, who was inconspicuous in the crowd, and Zhang Zhiwei, who was full of stars in the crowd, and was very puzzled.

"Clap clap clap!"

Zhang Zhiwei clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then introduced the identities of Lu Ci and Wang Ai to everyone.

When everyone in Longhu Mountain heard about Lu Ci's identity, they immediately underestimated him a bit.

There is no way, after some publicity by the "Minister of Propaganda", the fact that the Lu family's Shuangbi didn't talk about martial arts, and was instantly killed in two-on-one, is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

You know, they were competing in Zhang Zhiwei, and occasionally they could do a few tricks, but this trick was defeated. The Lu family's two jades, young leaders, are a little watery.

Even though they thought so, they were so far away that they were guests, and the crowd didn't make it too obvious.

However, even so, Lu Ci still noticed it, and frowned immediately.

If it is according to his temper, now it is designated to slap the face, let this group of bull-nosed people know what it means to look down on people with a dog's eyes!
But for Zhang Zhiwei's sake, Lu Ci didn't say anything, but stood behind Zhang Zhiwei expressionlessly.

Looking at the performance of the brothers and sisters around, Zhang Zhiwei murmured in his heart, no wonder the master and uncle always talk about the atmosphere of Longhu Mountain being broken by me...

Afterwards, he said loudly: "My master always said that the ethos of Longhu Mountain has been spoiled by me, and he has become a little arrogant. Today, I invite my friends over here just to let you have a glimpse of the young generation of top masters. strength!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted Lu Ci on the shoulder: "Er Bi, come on! Let them know what is strength, what is someone beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Hearing Zhang Zhiwei say that he is a top expert of the younger generation, the lump in Lu Ci's heart immediately disappeared, and he was even vaguely happy.

It turned out that Senior Brother Zhang recognized his strength and planned to use him as a warning to his fellow seniors.

Then he must perform well and let these Taoist priests see his methods.

Lu Ci nodded, took a deep breath, walked to the middle of the school field step by step, did not speak, and worked hard.


Suddenly, the air vibrated, making a sound like a swarm of bees.

At the same time, Lu Ci exerted energy all over his body, under the influence of his energy.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

In an instant, huge waves of air surged in the air, rushing in all directions.

Affected by the air wave, the brothers who watched around took several steps back one after another.

At the same time, Lu Ci took a step forward, and the ground of the school field immediately collapsed, as if a large piece of landslide had sunk down, but his movement skills were not affected in the slightest.

The skirt of the clothes was in the wind, and Lu Ci slapped out with a palm, almost condensed into a substantial wishful energy, bursting out from the palm of his hand, engulfing the air, forming a huge wave and rushing forward.

Moreover, this huge wave is not just one, but one after another, and the power is getting stronger and stronger.

Lu Ci slapped several palms in a row, opening and closing his palms wide, advancing and retreating at a certain pace. The momentum, strength, and spirit of each palm reached their peak, and even the sound of the surging tide resounded in the air.

These tides intensified, and the few juniors watching around were even a little unsteady, so they had no choice but to activate the golden light spell to protect themselves.

This time, everyone's eyes on Lu Ci changed.

It turned out that the Lu family's double bis, who didn't talk about martial arts, and were killed in two against one, were not silver-like wax gun heads. The two of the two bis had such powerful strength!
Then by analogy, how strong should the big jade be among the two jades? !

Push it again, how strong should Zhiwei senior brother (junior brother) who killed them both in one move? !

Everyone looked at Lu Ci who was performing martial arts, and then at Zhang Zhiwei, with complicated eyes.

How can they not understand that it turns out that Zhang Zhiwei is letting them in the usual sparring, so they can take three or five moves.

If you get serious...

The Erbi of the Lu family who is so powerful in front of him has been dealt with like a little chick, so what is his level of cultivation?
Among them, Lin Huaiyi's eyes are the most complicated. Is this white-haired thorn head the one who was instantly killed by his senior brother?And it's two seconds at a time?
After watching Lu Ci's rehearsal, he had to admit that he somewhat underestimated these masters who were instantly killed by their senior brothers during the martial arts performance in the Lu family compound.

If the white-haired thornhead didn't hide his clumsiness during the rehearsal, he would have to spend a lot of trouble to win the opponent, let alone instant kill.

If you face two at the same time, you may even lose.

An opponent that he might lose, brother instakill?

(End of this chapter)

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