The god of the world

Chapter 24 Not From Another Universe

Chapter 24 Not From Another Universe

The two Spider-Man reacted, but their speed was not as fast as Rogers', and the spider silk they launched would be bounced away by Rogers' thoughts, so they could only watch Rogers take away the Green Goblin.

"This guy is too dangerous, and I don't know why he took the Green Goblin away. Let's retreat first, and then go investigate. The surveillance around here should have captured his face."

Gwen was helpless: "Okay. He also said he was coming to us, so he shouldn't be a bad guy. After all, he caught that green guy easily."

This is not to blame for Peter being nervous. The main reason is that Rogers is standing in the fire, but the flames and smoke are not close to him, and he has superpowers, so that whenever he makes any changes, the spider sensor will crazily call the police.

It's normal to be overly nervous. After all, he's just a fledgling friendly neighbor. Has he ever faced a mutant of Rogers' level?

On Rogers' side, he brought the unconscious Osborn back to the roof of the Osborne Group Building.

Psychic power entered Osborne's mind cautiously and tentatively.

After all, he has no experience in dealing with personalities, not to mention that Osborn's evil personality was successfully born after being injected with body strengthening serum due to various factors.

Who knows if there is any weird setting, this thing may be related to genes.

After going deep into Osborn's level of consciousness, various noisy voices swarmed in, but this was nothing to Rogers.

Today, he listened to and watched the memories and voices of hundreds of thousands of people, and Osborne's side was nothing.

At the level of Osborn's consciousness, there are two completely different consciousnesses, one is chaotic and has great emotional ups and downs, and the other is peaceful with almost no fluctuations.

According to the investigation of the power of the mind, Rogers attacked the one with the most emotional ups and downs, first wrapped it with the power of the mind, and after slowly crushing it, Rogers took this thought out of Osborne's consciousness and exiled it into the air .

This is like rootless water, which quickly disappeared without a trace under the action of Rogers' spiritual power.

"Is this done? Could it be too simple." Rogers thought to himself.

Instead of dwelling on this kind of issue, Rogers implanted some beneficial thoughts in Osborn and woke him up.

Opening his eyes in a daze, Osborn was still a little confused, because he had no memory of the Green Goblin, so he didn't know why he appeared here.

He noticed the mask on his face and the exoskeleton armor on his body, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

Osborn is not unaware that he has another personality, but he is out of control and his evil personality is too powerful for him.

"Hello, Mr. Osborne, I think the other you may not be able to come out in a short time." Rogers said slowly.

"So, how about we negotiate a deal?"

Osborn took off his mask and looked at it. His strong psychological quality quickly calmed him down.

"what do you want?"

"Are you about to be kicked out of the Osborne Group? We can cooperate to help you stabilize your position in the group. And you need to fully support my research."

"You are the Green Goblin now. I don't need to tell you what the Green Goblin did? Mr. Osborne, do you want to die or live?"

Osborn was silent for a moment. Of course he knew what the Green Goblin had done, but he didn't want to admit that the Green Goblin was himself.

After all, the Green Goblin has killed the other major shareholders of the Osborne Group, so Osborn doesn't have to do anything and enjoy the benefits of the fisherman, isn't it good?

Lying down and winning is everyone's dream.

But when he woke up, there was Rogers in front of him, and even the Green Goblin hadn't killed him. How could he have done it?
"You don't want your son to die of a family genetic disease, either. I can help you. I need your resources. It doesn't mean you have to. Osborn, answer all my questions. Do you want to die or live?"

"Can you cure my family genetic disease?! Good! As long as you can cure it, we will cooperate!" Hearing this, Osborn hesitated to take it.

What he values ​​most is the Osborne Group and his son.

If he can save the Osborne Group and save his son's life, then he has no reason not to cooperate!

"Very good, then, you should go and test your body in all aspects, especially your mental state, to see if there is any remaining Green Goblin consciousness."

"You killed the Green Goblin?!" Osborn was surprised again.

"Go ahead, I'll contact you."

Rogers didn't want to talk to Osband any more, so he flew away, planning to have a good chat with the two Spider-Man.

"Drip drop~"

At this moment, the phone rang and Rogers dialed through the air.

"Rodgers, I found those two brothers and sisters, are you coming now? I'll send you the location."

It was Tony's voice.

"So fast?"

"No way, Pepper takes this matter very seriously."

"Okay, you can send the location to my mobile phone, and I will go there when I am free."


After hanging up the phone, Rogers continued to fly, after all, Spider-Man was closer to him.

Let's deal with Spider-Man's side of things first.

By searching his memory, he quickly found the two people who communicated on the top of the building.

"That guy is here!"

"How did he find us?"

The two quickly became vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything malicious." Rogers landed smoothly.

"Where did you take the Green Goblin?" Spider-Man asked anxiously.

"That's right, that green guy should be handed over to the police, we have no right to do weird things to him." Gwen also echoed.

"The Green Goblin shouldn't appear in the future. I cured his evil personality, and he will repent for his crimes."

Gwen and Peter looked at each other, a little disbelieving in their hearts, the Green Goblin is mentally ill?Couldn't be killed by you, that's why you said that, right?
Rogers smiled, leaning his back against the railing: "Of course I didn't kill him, and you both know the Green Goblin under the mask."


"Can you read minds?"

Gwen and Peter looked like they had seen a ghost.

Then tell me, who is the green goblin under the mask!

"It's Norman Osborn."

"Damn it, you really know how to read minds?!" The little spider hurriedly hid behind Gwen.

Gwen: "..."

Gwen didn't get too entangled in these issues, and said straight to the point: "OK, then, what do you want to see us for?"

"Of course, I wonder if one of you two is from another universe."

"From other universes? No, why do you think so?" Little Spider asked suspiciously.

Rogers saw that he wasn't lying, and looked at Gwen.

"Look at me, I'm not either."

I didn't panic either.

Rogers laughed.

What the hell is this fusion universe, where two Spidermen coexist?

Don't tell me that the fate weaving master is taking cp.

If this is the case, all Spider-Man is not lost their loved ones.

"In that case, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

If you can't figure it out for a while, then wait until your spiritual power is strong enough to explore.

(End of this chapter)

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