The god of the world

Chapter 2 Visit by Professor X

Chapter 2 Visit by Professor X
Rogers ran wildly with a black cloth covering his head, only two small holes for eyes to see the way were exposed, and he was holding a large piece of bread in his hand, which was snatched from the customer of the nearby bakery.

"Mommy Falk! He hasn't paid yet!" the owner of the bakery yelled, his fat body could not support him to go out and find the little boy.

The customer even walked out of the bakery cursing, dispelling the desire to buy.

There are too many people on the street outside.

Pedestrians didn't care what happened, and no one stopped Rogers.

See how dirty he is, and stay away from him.

He escaped smoothly, hid at the corner of the street and bent over to support the wall, panting heavily.

Yes, Rogers really went to rob. He was hungry all day long, his stomach was on fire, and his mutant ability was still strengthening his stomach.

The strength of the stomach in turn makes the stomach acid hotter, so the mutants continue to strengthen the stomach, forming a vicious circle.

He couldn't stand looking for food in the trash can anymore, and he searched for a suitable target for a long time before grabbing the bread.

"That thing doesn't belong to you, it's wrong for you to do this."

Just when Rogers was smelling the aroma of wheat, he was about to take off his headgear and taste it.

A man's magnetic voice entered Rogers' head. It sounded like a middle-aged man.

Rogers shuddered.


He turned his head and looked around, but found nothing. He knew that he had encountered a superpower, and he was a little nervous and vigilant.

"Don't be afraid, kid, you can call me Charles or Professor X, I can help you."

Professor X?

Rogers was taken aback for a moment, then he thought of something again, and was stunned, because Professor X can read thoughts and memories, and those things about comics in his mind...

"You are special, Rogers, you need guidance." Professor X continued.

Because he found that he couldn't read Rogers' thoughts and memories at all. Although the distance between the two parties was a bit far, he could only perceive some of Rogers' emotions and establish some simple spiritual links with him.

Rogers is even hard to find by his telepathy.

There is no doubt that it has a strong spiritual defense ability.

This is the main reason Professor X wants to bring Rogers back to mutant school.

He went to great lengths to find Rogers in New York, even wearing the helmet with the big blue X on it.

Rogers has just activated the X gene, and he has rapid self-healing and extremely powerful spiritual defense capabilities.

Professor X believes that if Rogers is kept wandering outside, it will be dangerous for Rogers and others.

Because Rogers just activated the X gene, he already has two superpowers, who knows if Rogers will awaken other superpowers later?
Once Rogers learned to control his ability, he was a child, it was too dangerous and easy to be used.


Rogers didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. Could he be special? He was a time traveler, or a time traveler whose parents worshiped the sky at the beginning, and was reduced to picking up garbage and eating.

"Yes, I can't read your mind, Rogers, your spiritual power is very powerful, and your power needs to be guided by someone. I will take you back to the mutant school and let you study here."

Unable to read?

Are you a fake Professor X?
Why don't I feel that I have any spiritual power?
Now that Professor X is looking for me, how should I choose?

Join a mutant school?
Rogers stayed where he was thinking, and even forgot to eat the bread he was thinking about.

"Son, you go to the police station and surrender first, and I will arrange someone to pick you up." Professor X's kind voice appeared again.

"No, I don't need your help."

Hearing this, Rogers had a plan in mind, and he rejected Professor X.

Because Professor X is too kind, his idea is doomed to be impossible to realize, and he still has to find those two robbers, how can he surrender himself?
The high-level human beings have been deceiving Professor X and surrendered to the police station, and then what?Will the police and the military agree to be picked up?
The super power that I show to the outside is quick self-healing.

Think about Wade, that is, Deadpool, he also has self-healing, how miserable he was tortured by the so-called evil organization experiment.

Don't the top Americans want to live forever?Rogers didn't believe it.

And I killed someone without losing control of my super power!

The police station surrendered itself, which is basically a self-inflicted trap. There is no guarantee of safety, and it is unreliable.

And the Marvel Universe is full of changes, God knows if Professor X in this universe is a mean and shameless old bastard, and Magneto is the benevolent leader of mutants?

That's really hard to say!
Rather than pinning his hopes on Professor X, Rogers is more willing to believe in himself.

Since one's thinking and memory cannot be read, one can develop insignificantly for a period of time without being restrained.

Mutant schools restrict mutants from learning to fight and enhancing their abilities to a certain extent. They have their own criteria for judging.

It would be even worse if you went to a mutant prison.

"No, child, you don't know how dangerous your own power is."

Rogers gnawed on the bread, feeling the sweetness of the starch, and chewed slowly.

He started to stimulate his mutant ability, and then carefully perceived Professor X's psychic power. If Professor X had been linking with him in psychic communication, Rogers might really have to thank him.

Anyway, he said that he has powerful psychic abilities, what if it is true?If he activates his spiritual power, the days to come will be much better.

Hypnosis, brainwashing, modifying consciousness, Rogers doesn't mind using it.

After all, life is not guaranteed, who can control so much.

Yes, Rogers' mutant ability can not only be triggered passively, but also actively manipulated.

Rogers can use his mind to control his own adaptation or evolution.

For example, scratching yourself with a knife can be triggered both passively and actively, and the self-healing ability will be strengthened, the enhancement is very weak, but it is indeed strengthening.

Rogers tried.

This is completely different from the ability of a certain mutant named Darwin.

The reason for his rapid self-healing may be the increase brought about by the first awakening of the X gene, which will gradually improve later.

After all, mutants' abilities have an upper limit.

Rogers at this stage, in a short period of time, he can only have fast self-healing, not extremely fast self-healing or super self-healing.

He hasn't grown up yet, his body is only a teenager, and as time goes on, as long as Rogers works hard to develop himself, he believes that he will definitely be an Omega-level mutant.

Or it is like this now, when external energy touches him, Rogers wants to try to see if he can detect this energy, and then learn it himself.

If he can, he will try to get electrocuted, or exposed to some radioactive energy.

It is also very fragrant to be a Thunder King.

His passivity will strengthen himself according to the environment, and his initiative can cooperate with his passivity, which may give rise to different superpowers.

Rogers is willing to call his passive adaptation to the environment, and his initiative as learning evolution.

Of course, the premise is that all these speculations are true.

(End of this chapter)

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