The god of the world

Chapter 10 Manipulating the Motherland

Chapter 10 Manipulating the Motherland

It is true that it is impossible for him to beat the motherland with pure physical fitness, but he has spiritual power, and the motherland has no spiritual defense.

On the contrary, the spiritual weakness of the people of the motherland is very prominent.

If his mutant ability is strong enough, then the people from the motherland will be a good whetstone.

With his hot sight, Rogers also wanted to try if he could steal a trick.

He doesn't mind having more super powers, and it's very simple to increase the power of heat vision, as long as he keeps firing lasers.

Breaking through the upper limit of one's eyes, the mutant's ability will enhance the thermal vision, and it will also make the eyeball's self-healing stronger and more resistant to high temperature.

I don't want such a good ability, I feel sorry for myself.

Rogers did not evacuate with the staff. He fell to the ground and strode towards the laboratory takeaway. With a sweep of his psychic power, the distribution of personnel in the entire experimental base appeared in his mind.

Through them, Rogers saw a ruthless Wolverine-like man, the Butcher.

"Where are you going? It's dangerous outside! People from the motherland will come at any time! You can't beat him now, come with me!"

At the corner of a corridor in the experimental base, Rogers met President Edgar.

Edgar regarded Rogers as his second hand, so he couldn't show it now, he could only hide it.

"It's the people of the motherland who are in danger." Rogers used his thoughts to keep him in place, and strode away.

This trick is quite easy to use, he should thank Professor X.

"Fack! I don't know how high the sky is! Contact the vice president quickly, and don't let the people from the motherland come here!" Edgar was furious. He was afraid that Rogers would go out to die, and he was afraid that the people from the motherland would go crazy after killing Rogers, so he ran away. to warn him.


The steel door of the laboratory had been opened, and the three butchers rushed into the laboratory. The bullets seemed to have eyes, and they couldn't hit them at all.

But soon, their progress was hindered.

Storm looked at the three of them, smiled slightly, and pushed her hands forward, the purple electric current was released from her hands, knocking all three of the butchers flying.

"Fake!" Butcher resisted the numbness and pain caused by the electric current, and shot immediately.

Da da da! ! !
Storm didn't dodge or dodge, and once again the concentrated plasma was released from both hands. This time, the current directly hit the butcher against the wall and couldn't fall off.

Storm's electric current is very weak, and if she wants to kill someone, she needs to release the electric current for a long time.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Huey and Wolf Girl retreated immediately.

Quickly ran to the back of the bunker to hide and shoot. The bullet hit Storm, only knocking her back a few steps.

But the effect is also very good, because the storm girl was interrupted from the release of the current.

The butcher fell to the ground in a daze, unable to take care of himself after being electrocuted.

"Mary Falk, there are superhuman defenses here."

"Get out, the people from the motherland are flying this way!" At this time, Huey shivered with fear when he received the news from Xingguang.

"Mommy Falk, retreat!" The butcher blushed, his veins popped, and he gave the order, and the three of them ran away quickly.

"You bastards, don't give it to me!" Storm turned her head and yelled at the special security team, and then rushed up to grab the butcher in a rage.

If it weren't for the butcher's thick blood, she might have killed him with three punches and two kicks.

At this moment, Rogers flew out from behind, and all the bullets he passed were hovered.

Storm glanced at Rogers in surprise, apparently not expecting that Rogers' superpower could fly, and then she punched the butcher flying, who fell to the ground in pain on the spot.

Rogers had no interest in their fight, and as for Storm's currents...

Rogers was also not interested, so he might as well find a high-voltage wire and get electrocuted.

Rogers' flight speed was not fast, but the psychiatric hospital was not big. Soon he went out, saw the blue sky and white clouds, and waited silently for the arrival of the motherland.

Not long after, the three butchers fled out in a panic, and Storm disappeared.

Before leaving, the butcher looked up at Rogers and said with emotion: "Another 'superhero'."

Before he could react, the native broke through the sound barrier and flew here. His eyes locked on Rogers, and his eyes suddenly glowed scarlet: "You are the thing that the company is hiding from me?"

Rogers adjusted his spiritual power to the maximum, and slowly landed on the ground: "You are a bastard that no one loves."


The scarlet high-heat beam shot out from the ferocious expressions of the motherlanders.

There is no doubt that Rodgers hit his heart out.

He grew up in a laboratory with no empathy, no relatives, and no self-esteem. He especially longed for family and to be loved.

What's more, the Homelanders love to fight using heat sight.

Rogers did not hide or dodge, and met the hot gaze of the people of the motherland with his eyes, and the burning pain immediately passed through his eyes into his head. After a second, Rogers lost the vision of his eyes, but he could still perceive his surroundings through spiritual power and thought power.

The huge impact shattered the stone slab under his feet.

Rogers fully stimulated his mutant abilities.

His eyes were burnt red and carbonized, but they were quickly repaired and shelled out under the powerful self-healing ability, which was a process of less than five seconds.

The native of the motherland is very strong, but he is just a beggar's version of Superman, not enough to kill Rogers instantly.

But this power is still somewhat beyond Rogers' ability to bear.

His eyes were slowly being shot through.

With a move of Rogers' spiritual power, a spiritual shock erupted in the minds of the people of the motherland. He immediately let out a muffled snort, and the power of the light beam weakened.

Although the people of the motherland are angry, he is not a fool. Seeing that the heat vision has been unable to take down Rogers for a long time, and he was attacked inexplicably, he gave up the heat vision and rushed over with a punch.

This simple and rough punch was dodged by Rogers sideways. The fist of the motherlander could not break the sound barrier. His speed was fast, but Rogers' reaction was not slow.


Then a more powerful spiritual impact knocked the native man to the ground, covering his ears with a painful and ferocious expression on his head, and scarlet light once again appeared in his eyes.

This is not the limit of Rogers, he only uses about a quarter of his psychic power.

It can be seen that the brain of the motherland is an important weakness, and he does not have a super brain.

Moreover, the self-healing ability of the people in the motherland is not much different from that of ordinary people. If you are injured, you have to endure it.

"Your eyes are not strong enough." Rogers kicked a football and hit the head of the native of the country, kicking him out, and then planted his thoughts.

The people of the motherland feel that they have received an unprecedented insult. A brat dared to challenge his authority. I should burn him alive with my eyes!
"Ahh!!" The motherlander stood up again, and he roared with a high-heat beam in his eyes.

Rogers went up again, and he felt that his eye cells were constantly mutating.

The motherlander took off slowly, he was condescending, with a terrifying expression on his face: "You hybrid product that didn't know where it came from, die!!"

The light beam he shot became even hotter.

(End of this chapter)

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