Chapter 49 Danzo's Suspicion

Shimura clan land.

Danzo was sullen, sitting in a house that hadn't been destroyed.

Beside him, there were also several elders from the Shimura clan.

The Great Elder asked, "Danzo, haven't you found the murderer at your root?"

Danzo said with a sullen face: "No. The enemy is very cunning, and there is no clue at all."

"Who is targeting our Shimura clan?" The second elder asked with a dark face.

"Could it be that Sarutobi Hiraku did it?" The third elder asked with a gloomy face.

Danzang said with a gloomy face: "Old man Rizhan understands that he will not do such a thing. He still needs this old man to do the dirty work for him, so it is impossible for him to turn against me."

"If you don't push him into a hurry, he will definitely not make a move easily."

"Who could that be?" the elder asked suspiciously.

Danzo said with a gloomy face: "The old man asked Konoha's patrol team. That night, no suspicious person was found sneaking into the village. The biggest possibility is that the enemy is still hiding in the village."

"The old man will send people to dig three feet into the ground to dig out the hidden enemies."

Danzang dug three feet to search, but the real culprit was not found, but he found some foreign spies acting suspiciously.The large-scale search caused by Wang Zhengyi's revenge on Danzang also indirectly found many spies for the village.Of course, these are things for later.

The meeting is over.

Elders Shimura leave.

Danzo sat gloomy in the room.

"Will Uchiha Masayoshi be you?"

Danzo Shimura stared sullenly at Wang Zhengyi's official profile.

"The title of ninja was obtained a long time ago five years ago. After so many years, with your cleverness, you must be more than ninja."

"The old man sent people to attack you the night before, and the next night, the old man's family was bombed. Are you taking revenge on the old man?"

"However, logically speaking, it is impossible for Uchiha Itachi to leak the secret."

"Uchiha Masayoshi is going out, it is impossible to know the grievances and hatred between the old man and Uchiha."

"Except for our four high-level officials, no one knows the truth about the Uchiha extermination."

"Has Hirizhan leaked the secret? Or Mitomon Yan is also the sleeping Koharu?"

Shimura Danzo's face became more and more gloomy, "Sarutobi Hiruzen still wanted to regain Uchiha Masayoshi for his own use. He was also one of the accomplices of the truth that night. It is impossible for him to tell Uchiha Masayoshi the truth of that night."

"Not long ago, Mitomon Yan was asked by Sarutobi Hiruzen to compensate Uchiha Masayoshi 10 taels because of his son. He has hatred for Uchiha Masayoshi, and it is impossible for him to reveal the secrets of the year."

"As for going to bed, will Xiaochun know?"

Shimura Danzo looked gloomy, and analyzed in his heart: "Zanju Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan have always been in cahoots, advancing and retreating together. It is impossible for Mitomonyan to leak it, and she naturally cannot leak it."

"Did you find clues from the root ninja that night?"

"The ones who broke in were all killers raised by orphans collected from other villages. They never saw people with their true faces. In the village, except for the old man, no one knew them at all. Even if the mission failed, it would not be exposed. old man."

"Which part is the problem?"

"and many more?"

Shimura Danzo suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Curse seal!!!"

"My curse mark, apart from me, only Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the other three know."

"However, it is not ruled out that Uchiha secretly grasped the information of the curse seal."

"Is that you, Masayoshi Uchiha?"

After a series of analysis, at this moment, Shimura Danzo listed Wang Zhengyi as the first object of suspicion.

"Nichiha sent two teams to protect Kagami Tsukihime at Uchiha's house, plus Kakashi and Mitekai, if they want to attack Uchiha Masayoshi again, unless a large number of people are dispatched, the team's efforts will be in vain. "

"And after the last attack, Ri Zhan has sent people to monitor the old man, so don't take it lightly for the time being."

"However, one person can make a shot. That guy wanted to ask the old man for what he had more than once."

Shimura Danzo showed a sneer on his gloomy face, "Uchiha Masayoshi, let him test your depth!"

Thinking of the decision, Shimura Danzo immediately started to act.

A root ninja was dispatched by him.

Wang Zhengyi's home.

Luna Ji stared at Wang Zhengyi angrily.

Wang Zhengyi looked at Luna Ji suspiciously and said, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Luna Ji glared at Wang Zhengyi angrily and said, "I said, don't you plan to give this princess a bottle of papaya nutrition juice?"

"This princess is now your fiancee!"

Luna Ji put her hands on her hips, with her moderately large chest, staring at Wang Zhengyi with a puffy expression.

When Wang Zhengyi heard this, he smiled angrily, "You stared at me all day because of this? I thought you were still resenting me for not picking you up on time!"

Luna Ji stretched out her jade hand, "This princess will now give you a chance to curry favor with this princess, quickly hand over all the papaya nutrition juice hidden in your body, and this princess will forgive you."

"No." How could Wang Zhengyi follow her wishes!If she did what she wanted, then from now on, wouldn't the little sow go to heaven and be invincible?
"You!?" Hearing Wang Zhengyi said no, Luna Ji was so angry that her eyes almost popped out.

"Mr. Justice, you can just give a bottle to Her Royal Highness! After all, she is going to marry you soon." Xi Hihong said while sitting on the sidelines.

Wang Zhengyi gave Yuhihong a blank look: Didn't you notice that Mitarai Anko is eavesdropping on the door at the gate?
If you want to give, you have to secretly give it!

After all, it was his fiancée, and Wang Zhengyi was not very good at resolutely opposing it, so he could only say softly: "Papaya nutrient juice is not available for the time being, and I will give it after a while."

"How long will I have to wait!" Luna Ji asked without haste after hearing this.

"Maybe a year or two! Maybe longer." Wang Zhengyi said slowly, and then whispered meaningfully, "It depends on how hard Yuhihong and the others are."

"Are we giving enough?"

"what does it mean?"

When Yu Hihong heard about it, she looked at Wang Zhengyi with a puzzled expression.

"When you have a baby, maybe there will be a new one." Wang Zhengyi said with a smile.

Xi Hihong asked suspiciously: "Papaya nutrition juice has something to do with giving birth?"

"Yes, there must be!!" Wang Zhengyi said loudly.

The papaya nutrient juice is rewarded by the system, and Xi Hihong and the others have a great relationship with the papaya nutrient juice when they give birth!No kids, no rewards.Without rewards, there will be no papaya nutrition juice, so the relationship between papaya nutrition juice and children is closely related and has a great relationship.

"Papaya nutrition juice has something to do with having a baby?" Mitarai Anko, who was eavesdropping outside the door, widened her eyes and thought inexplicably, "If I and Mr. Zhengyi have a baby, will there be papaya nutrition juice right away?"

"Bah ah ah!!!"

"How can I think so?"

"Uchiha Masayoshi is Xiao Honghong's, how can I think about having a baby with him!!!"

"Sins, sins, Buddha, please forgive me, I didn't mean to think about dirty things." Mitarai Hongdou started talking nonsense in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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