Chapter 2 Shocking Huge Remuneration

Taozi was wearing a short black skirt on her lower body, revealing her long legs, which were wrapped in a layer of white silk, covering her knees.Wearing a white shirt on the upper body, with a slim waist and bumps, holding a stack of documents in his hand, he walked ahead with a smile on his face and led the way.

Wang Zhengyi followed behind, admiring Tao Zi's graceful figure.

"Lord Justice, the mission department has arrived."

After turning around a few aisles and coming to a hall, Tao Zi stopped, pointed to the hall, and said to Wang Zhengyi.

"Thank you, Tao Zi." Wang Zhengyi smiled brightly at Tao Zi, and said very gently.

Hearing Wang Zhengyi's gentle thanks, Taozi Xiaolu jumped wildly.

"Master Justice, what task do you want to announce? Taozi will announce it for you."

"I want a lot of money to ask for a son." Wang Zhengyi said with a smile on his face.

"Ah!" Taozi's beautiful eyes widened when she heard Wang Zhengyi's words, "Master Zhengyi, are you talking about asking for a child with a lot of money?"

She wondered if her ears had heard it wrong. This extremely handsome adult actually wanted a lot of money to ask for a child?
"Yes, I want a lot of money to ask for a child."

Wang Zhengyi nodded.

"Master Justice, you are so handsome, do you need a lot of money to ask for a child?"

Taozi stared wide-eyed, "You are so handsome, there should be many girls pursuing you, right?"

"What? Do you want to pursue me, Tao Zi?" Wang Zhengyi smiled and looked at her with appraising eyes.

After hearing Wang Zhengyi's words, Tao Zi blushed immediately, and said shyly and reservedly, "Where is it?"

"I, I, and I are going to help Lord Justice release a mission!" Facing the sudden ambiguous atmosphere, Tao Zi fled shyly.

Wang Zhengyi smiled and followed Taozi to a counter.

"Master Justice, what is the mission level you want to release?"

Tao Zi took out a document and began to fill it out.

"S rank!" Wang Zhengyi said.

"S-level?" Taozi's eyes widened. S-level missions are usually issued when they are related to the life and death of the village, or when dealing with some S-level rebels.

No matter how you look at it, this heavy money begging for a child can't reach the level of S level!

"Master Justice, this S-level task requires a reward of more than 100 million taels, or it should be lowered! This way, the reward will be lower." Tao Zi kindly reminded.

"You don't need to lower the level, just fill in the S level!"

"Requirements, healthy single women aged 18-30, height not less than 155cm, good appearance, weight."

"Ordinary woman: pay 100 million taels."

"Ninja girl: The reward is 300 million taels."

"Chunin girl: The reward is 800 million taels."

"Junin girl: The reward is 1500 million taels."

"Film-level girl: The reward is 3000 million taels."

Taozi listened to Wang Zhengyi's report, her eyes widened.

Leaving aside, Wang Zhengyi's handsome looks make people's heart flutter, just for this generous reward, even an old man, it is estimated that it will make countless women's hearts fall in love!
As a civil servant, she was only 3 taels a month.After one year, plus a little bonus, it is only a mere 4 taels.

Xia Ren's reward is 300 million taels, to be honest, she was moved.

She is a ninja, and if she completes the task, she will be paid 300 million taels.

The 300 million taels, according to her current salary, can only be saved for 75 years without eating or drinking.

After taking a good photo and paying a huge deposit, Wang Zhengyi left under Taozi's reluctant eyes.

Taozi was torn inwardly, should she take on this task that could make her rich overnight?
In the end, due to the shyness and reservedness in her heart, she didn't speak.Or observe and observe first.

After Wang Zhengyi left the Hokage Building, in a hidden corner, his body directly turned into a cloud of smoke.

Uchiha clan.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of his house, Wang Zhengyi suddenly opened his eyes, "The matter is settled, just wait for the news!"

From the news sent back from the shadow clone, Wang Zhengyi knew everything that happened in the Hokage Building.

Brush! ! !

Two darts flew through the air and shot directly into Wang Zhengyi's heart. Wang Zhengyi fell down in response and hit the floor heavily.

A small figure walked in cautiously from the gate, holding a handful of kunai in his hand, and stared vigilantly at the place where Wang Zhengyi had fallen.

A figure flashed directly behind the small figure, and the sharp bitterness hit his throat.

"Little Sasuke, are you planning to murder your uncle?" Wang Zhengyi said with a hint of a smile in his voice.Immediately, he removed the kunai that was on Uchiha Sasuke's throat.

Uchiha Sasuke turned his head to look at Wang Zhengyi, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Are you Uncle Zhengyi?"

"Yes, little Sasuke, I'm back." Wang Zhengyi smiled and touched Uchiha Sasuke's small head.

"Woooo~~~~Uncle Zhengyi." Hearing Wang Zhengyi's voice and the familiar touch on the head, Uchiha Sasuke directly hugged Wang Zhengyi's thigh, and burst into tears.

"Uncle Justice, Itachi. That guy killed all his parents, aunts, and uncles. I'm so scared, Uncle Justice."

After some touching family reunion.

"Uncle Zhengyi, are you here to take me away?" Uchiha Sasuke looked at Wang Zhengyi with some expectation on his face. During this time, he has been living alone, with no relatives, no friends, only Dugu and fear Occupy my heart.Now that Wang Zhengyi came back, it brought a light to his heart. He was very afraid that Wang Zhengyi would leave suddenly, leave him, and make him alone again.

Wang Zhengyi shook his head.

Seeing Wang Zhengyi shaking his head, Uchiha Sasuke thought Wang Zhengyi was going to leave him alone, and immediately became depressed.

Seeing Uchiha Sasuke's frustrated expression, Wang Zhengyi touched his head and said with a smile: "I won't leave, I will stay in Konoha in the future."

Hearing Wang Zhengyi's words, Uchiha Sasuke's expression immediately changed, and his eyes glowed, "Does Uncle Zhengyi want to live at home?"

Wang Zhengyi nodded with a smile.

"Great." Sasuke Uchiha jumped up excitedly when he saw Wang Zhengyi nodding.

With Uncle Justice here, he is no longer alone.

"In Konoha, there are only two uncles and nephews left in the Uchiha clan, so the two of us need to shoulder the great responsibility of revitalizing the Uchiha clan."

"Little Sasuke, do you understand?"

Wang Zhengyi said seriously.

Sasuke Uchiha showed a determined expression on his immature face, nodded and said: "I understand Uncle Justice, I will definitely work hard to cultivate and revive the clan."

"Well, Uncle, I am very pleased that you can think so." Wang Zhengyi nodded, and then said: "However, the strength of the two of us alone is not enough. We still need more clansmen to work together to implement Uchi The great revival of the Bo family."

Uchiha Sasuke heard this, with a trace of sorrow and hatred on his face, he said: "But... Uncle Justice, all the clansmen were killed by that guy."

"So we desperately need a new Uchiha population."

"In order to carry out the great revival of the Uchiha clan, I have decided to sacrifice all my personal reputation and increase the population of the Uchiha clan at all costs."

"Therefore, my uncle decided to spend a lot of money to seek a son to give birth to more people for my Uchiha clan, so as to quickly restore the prosperity of the Uchiha clan."

Wang Zhengyi said with a righteous face.

Hearing Wang Zhengyi's words, Uchiha Sasuke was stupefied at first, and then when he figured it out, he was moved to tears. For the great rejuvenation of the clan, his uncle had to sacrifice his appearance and pay a lot of money to beg for a son.

Uncle sacrificed too much for the family.

Uchiha Sasuke was very moved, looking at Wang Zhengyi, he felt that his whole body was shining.

Those girls are so annoying to chatter, it's disgusting to watch, but my uncle is willing to sacrifice his color to deal with them, his uncle is really great and admirable.

(End of this chapter)

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