I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 10 010. Humans and Foxes Coexist in Harmony

Chapter 10 010. Humans and Foxes Coexist in Harmony
With the goal of controlling Chakra, Naruto's work and rest became extremely regular.

After getting up on time at four o'clock in the morning, Naruto started running around Konoha, and then returned home to cook under the strange eyes of the Konoha villagers.

In the morning, Naruto chose to read and study to gain a deeper understanding of the ninja world.

It was lunch time around eleven o'clock. Naruto spent half an hour cooking and taking a half-hour nap after dinner before he began to refine chakra and practice ninjutsu and taijutsu.

This process will continue until five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sweaty Naruto will go home to rest.

And at eight o'clock in the evening, after drinking a cup of hot milk, Naruto chose to fall asleep so as not to bring his fatigue to the next day.

Such a regular life naturally attracted the attention of the third Hokage. He was very satisfied with Naruto's performance. He was glad that he did not train Naruto in Anbu, but let him grow up like a normal child.

If things go on like this, Naruto will become the next Namikaze Minato, shining light for the village.

The villagers are curious about the regular life of the demon fox, but they are only curious, and dare not get in touch with it too much.

When the two are superimposed, they simply regard Naruto as air and ignore it directly.

The only one who expressed dissatisfaction with this was the left-behind old fox lying in the sealed space. It had been waiting for Naruto to subdue first, and then used this to control Naruto step by step, and finally realized the purpose of escaping from the prison.

But Naruto did not give in, and the cold war between them lasted from winter to spring.

At this moment, Nine Tails already felt empty and lonely.

As a tailed beast sealed in Jinchuriki's body, it could have endured loneliness, but with the appearance of Naruto, it has become accustomed to being noisy and calculating with each other.

Kyuubi, who was not satisfied with the status quo, began to deliberately control the overflowing chakra, and used the method of interfering with Naruto's cultivation to attract Naruto's attention, and it seemed to work well.

Affected by the Nine-Tails Chakra, Naruto even failed to perform the transformation technique.

The failed Naruto squatted on the ground, holding his head, looking impatient and on the verge of collapse.

Nine Tails was greatly encouraged by this scene, and began to intensify his efforts.

However, what Kyuubi didn't know was that the corner of Naruto's mouth always raised a vague smile.

Kyuubi thought he was interfering with Naruto's practice, but he didn't know that its interference had become a part of his practice.

"Soft Fist Practice Experience" contains Hinata's many years of training memories from Genin to Chunin, and the Hyuga clan itself is one of the ninjas who know how to control chakra best in the ninja world.

Although I have only grasped some fur, but the level of control is comparable to that of Genin, and the ordinary treading water and climbing trees are not a problem at all.

In order to achieve the level of chakra control of Chunin, in addition to practice, there must be pressure from the outside world.

Counteracting the interference of Nine-Tails Chakra on oneself is the best way to practice.

After practicing a few more times, Naruto finished the practice of Sanshenjutsu and set his eyes on the wooden stake not far away.

These simple wooden stakes were built by Naruto according to the "Key Points of Taijutsu Practice". In addition to using them to practice some simple taijutsu, they are also used to practice soft boxing.

Naruto, who has "soft fist training experience", has no reason not to practice soft boxing.

It's just that for unnecessary trouble, Naruto only practiced a few starting moves, and didn't involve the core Baguazhang and the more core 'Zongjia' secret technique.

After all, although he is practicing alone, he is always under the surveillance of three generations of old men, and there are countless Anbu around him. These Anbu are to protect himself and prevent him from going berserk.

A few days later, Naruto continued to maintain a cold war with Kyuubi, neither of them liked to talk to each other.

As soon as they met, there were cold eyes and a few words of sarcasm full of gunpowder. It seemed that one person and one fox had returned to the normal relationship between Renzhuli and Tailed Beast.

With the passage of time, Nine Tails also gradually come to terms with it.

It is the smart Nine Lamas, not the simple and honest bull ghosts and the arrogant Shouhe, and is born with the ability to perceive malice.

Naruto's malice towards it exists, but not much, but the way Naruto looks at it is always a look of bitterness and hatred, which is a bit strange.

But it couldn't find a specific reason, so it had to suspend all unnecessary behaviors and wait and see.

In this way, a few more days passed, Kyuubi looked at Naruto outside the cage, and seemed to realize something: "Little ghost, you are using the old man's Chakra to exercise the control of Chakra."

"I do not understand what you're saying……"

Kyuubi said quite seriously: "Little ghost, you thought you were hiding it well, but the chakra that I used to interfere with you recently is a certain amount, so you should be able to adapt easily, and then successfully perform ninjutsu... ..."

Speaking of this, Kyuubi stopped, because Naruto had a smirk on his face: "Big fox, you also said that you didn't intentionally interfere with my use of ninjutsu, you just admitted it!"

Kyuubi was slightly embarrassed, but the fox couldn't see any blush on his face:
"What do you know, this old man is exercising your chakra control. After all, trash ninjas are not qualified to be the old man's Jinchuriki."

"I just understand this, so I silently practice Chakra control, right, Nine-Tails-sensei."

"Teacher Nine Tails? What is your name, old man? This old man has no human disciples."

"You misheard..."

Naruto was also not used to Kyuubi, he walked out of the sealed space, leaving only Kyuubi in the cage, and kept repeating the words of Kyuubi teacher.

Obviously, Naruto's joke just now touched Kyuubi's heartstrings.

After a while, Kyuubi's voice rang in Naruto's ear: "Human brat, this old man will not recognize your human disciple, nor will he interfere with your cultivation at will, so you can rest assured."

"However, I have one thing to remind you. Every time you go out, there are ninjas quietly following you behind. They should be the eyeliner of the third Hokage. Some things, you should be careful..."

Kyuubi didn't say anything, but the meaning was very clear, telling Naruto to be more careful.

Whether it is Naruto's ability to control Chakra, or the behavior of deliberately using mushrooms to embarrass the third Hokage, once exposed, it will have a considerable impact on Naruto.

Naruto also knew what Kyuubi wanted to say, and acquiesced to what Kyuubi said.

But in the face of Anbu's surveillance, he has no countermeasures at all, just like he can't counter the telescope technique.

However, since Kyuubi told him, he should be willing to help. Maybe he can get rid of the surveillance of three generations of old men in the future and become a truly free person.

Glancing at the bushes not far away, Naruto suddenly felt something, and said to Kyuubi, "Big fox, is the ninja who watched me hiding somewhere?"

After Nine-Tails sensed it, he was a little surprised: "Little ghost, you're lucky...you got it right."

(End of this chapter)

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