I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I don't need approval

Chapter 1 001 Heh, boring village

Chapter 1 001. Heh, boring village

Konoha, winter.

Snow began to fall in Muye Yin Village, and the snowflakes fell like catkins, turning into quilts on the ground.

Under the heavy snow, Naruto put on a hood and walked out of the house with an umbrella. He walked alone on the street, looking around from time to time, looking at the passers-by.

If the villagers found out, they would have to face those indifferent faces and the eyes of monsters.

Although Naruto didn't care about other people's eyes, but being looked at by such eyes would be somewhat uncomfortable.

After successfully arriving at the shop on the street, Naruto put away the umbrella, shook off the rain and snow on it, and shouted inside: "Boss, buy some rice, bread and milk."

The owner of the store is a middle-aged man, sitting by the stove, wearing gloves to keep out the cold, looking around, he found a customer who is not as tall as the counter, and said with a smile:
"Why do you come here to buy things alone, kid? Where's your adult?"

"The family has something to do, and they asked me to come over and buy some food, which they said was enough for a family of three for a week."

As he said that, Naruto put the money on the cash register and scanned the dazzling array of products on the shelves.

The store owner took a look at the bills with odds and ends, and put them into the cash box.

Just as he was about to pick up the goods, Naruto's hood slipped off, revealing his bright blonde hair, blue eyes the color of the sky, and his fox-like beard.

The fox in the village?

The store owner recognized Naruto's identity and frowned.

Naruto raised his head unhurriedly, exchanged a glance with the store owner, put on the hood again, as if to say: What are you waiting for?
The store owner hesitated to speak, looked at Naruto with a frosty face, turned around and began to prepare the goods.

During this period, Naruto stood at the door with his hands in his pockets, bored and continued to look at the shelves, thinking about what to eat tonight.

At this time, the villagers who came to shop also found Naruto, and after avoiding Naruto and entering the shop, they began to whisper.

"That little ghost is the incarnation of the demon fox. I remember that the four generations of adults were killed by him... and the village suffered huge losses..."

"But that brat is just a brat, and the fourth-generation master is a hero in the war. Does he have this ability?"

Someone raised such doubts, but was quickly interrupted by another voice:
"You don't understand, this is the horror of the demon fox. Although he is just a little devil, his body contains the power to destroy the world, and he may run away and hurt others at any time."

"Ah, such a dangerous monster, how can the village accommodate him?"

"Three generations of adults are kind-hearted. They are afraid that he will wreak havoc in the outside world after leaving the village, so they keep him in the village. But we are the only ones who are so unlucky."

"So that's the case, but how can this kind of monster have the face to live in this world? If I were him, I would have committed suicide and apologized."

The surrounding villagers looked at this "demon fox" who had destroyed the village indifferently, with disgust in their eyes.

Three years have passed since the Nine-Tails Rebellion that destroyed most of the village.

People still haven't forgotten the pain of the year, but transferred their hatred to the "fox" Naruto. As for whether the young Naruto has the ability to create the Nine-Tails Rebellion, they have never thought about it.

Maybe what they need is just an excuse to vent the depression accumulated in their hearts.

Listening to these heart-piercing words, Naruto remained expressionless, but stared at them coldly when they were discussing vigorously.

Some villagers were frightened by the fierce eyes. After barely standing still, they distanced themselves and never dared to discuss in person.

Naruto felt a little bored, and after a cold snort, he came to the shop owner, looked at the packed cardboard box, and said lightly:
"Boss, there shouldn't be expired and rotten food inside."

The store owner was slightly stunned, and vowed: "How is it possible, this store will never sell expired products."

"It's best not to, if I find expired food, I will report this store to Hokage and the security forces."

After speaking, Naruto walked out of the store without looking back, holding a cardboard box that was about the same height as him.

When the surrounding villagers saw Naruto approaching, they moved out of the way as if avoiding the plague god. After Naruto left, they cursed the words "bad luck" and "unlucky".

The villagers who were frightened by Naruto approached the owner of the shop, and issued a question: "Boss, why are you selling food to that monster? Let him have the strength to continue to threaten us, and that kind of monster that is not cooked well should live." It's better to starve to death."

The shop owner glanced at the villagers: "Anyway, it's a life. This is Konoha. Even abandoned wild cats and dogs can't just starve to death."

The villagers sneered and said, "That's not the case. I think those commodities are short of catties and almost expired. You are greedy for the money of the demon fox. You are worthy of being a well-known profiteer in the village."

"How can charity be said to belong to profiteers?"

The shop owner explained with a guilty conscience, and immediately there were happy voices around him, who didn't know that he was a famous profiteer.


Opening the door, Naruto put the cardboard box on the ground with a bang, then turned and left with his homemade fishing tackle.

As for the bought food in the cardboard box, Naruto didn't need to open the box to know that it was the impending food carefully selected for him by the profiteer boss.

Although it is not overdue and rotten, it is definitely the leftovers from the same batch, and there is nothing good about it.

For this, it depends on the face of the shop owner, otherwise, the next time he comes to the door, the other party will most likely use the excuse of out of stock to persuade me to leave, and I, a four-year-old child, can't find a way to deal with it.

Who made him the incarnation of the demon fox that destroyed Konoha?Born to be spurned and hated.

Even if he encounters an unfair attitude, the villagers will stand against him. I don’t know how the four generations of couples will feel when they see this scene in Tianzhiling. They should be very relieved, after all, this is the village they guard.

When we came to the river, the turbulent water had not yet frozen, Naruto threw the hook into the river, looked at the splashing water, and waited for today's harvest

If he got nothing like a few days ago, he wouldn't be able to eat meat again.


Naruto couldn't help shrinking his neck from the biting cold wind, and the fly couldn't help sighing after rubbing his hands together to warm his palms.

It is true that he is Uzumaki Naruto, but in his body is the soul of a time traveler.

In his previous life, he was a hard worker who grew up in an orphanage. He loved Hokage since he was a child, and he grew up with Naruto Sasuke.

When he became an adult, he who stayed up all night and burst into the finale, complained wildly about the Naruto Beast Ranking, and unexpectedly changed hands.

As a result, after waking up, he saw the famous scene where Namikaze Minato used ghouls to kill himself, and became an orphan again.

There is nothing wrong with being an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage in his previous life and was used to living alone.

It's just the beginning of Naruto's identity, which is more stressful than he imagined.

In just four years, he has experienced nanny refusing to breastfeed, going to the street to buy vegetables with price hikes, gang bullying by bear children and other bad incidents.

These things are more unbearable than the lack of supplies.

With the thinking of an adult, it is difficult for him to bear these malice, and he can only rely on the physique of the Uzumaki clan to support him.

It's hard to imagine why the Naruto in the original book still maintains a sunny and cheerful personality while bearing all these malice. Can Ashura Chakra really affect his personality?
Anyway, it was difficult for him to face those malicious villagers with a smile on his face.

Even though the villagers don't know the truth about their identity as a demon fox, their malice has already affected them.

While worrying, the fish took the bait. Naruto grabbed the fishing rod and swung it vigorously. The fresh fish with long arms fell into the snow.

"You can have fish soup tonight."

A smile appeared on Naruto's face, and when he was about to continue his swing, he realized that the night was gradually dimming, and he couldn't help but rush towards home with some regret.

It's not that he's afraid of the dark, it's mainly because going to bed late will affect his development, and he doesn't want to be stunted.

Night is the best camouflage. Under the dim yellow light, Naruto took off the hood that concealed his identity, walked happily in the streets and alleys, breathing fresh air wantonly, without caring about other people's eyes.

Soon, Naruto stopped, and someone blocked his way in the middle of the intersection ahead.

The one who blocked the way was a girl who was about the same age as me, with lavender hair, pure white eyes, and faint tears flickering, making it difficult to breathe for a while.

At this moment, the girl's little face was full of helplessness, as if she was lost at the crossroads of life.

This is Hinata?Naruto was really not sure, but those white eyes definitely belonged to the Hyuga clan.

Naruto was slightly confused, frowning and looking towards the end of the dark street, and any corners where people might be hiding.

Miss Hinata Zongjia lost her way when she went out, and ran into a poor boy who sealed Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. It was unusual no matter what, and it was deliberately arranged like a script.

After thinking for a few seconds, Naruto was about to turn around and leave, but he heard Hinata's helpless voice: "Can you help me? I can't find my way home?"

Naruto stopped in his tracks, stretched out his hand, and grinned with a foxy smile: "Of course."

Hinata raised her little hand, as if hesitating, but was quickly grabbed by Naruto, and asked while leading the way: "What's your name, are you related to Hinata? Your eyes are very similar to theirs, so I will Send you to the Hyuga Clan."

Naruto didn't ask any questions, Hinata kept nodding, but he hesitated and didn't speak.

More than ten minutes later, Naruto brought Hinata to the outskirts of the Hyuga Clan. After seeing Hinata, the guards surrounded him in a panic.

Today is an important festival in the village, when will the eldest lady leave the clan land.

Seeing the guards rushing up, Naruto subconsciously squeezed Hinata's hand tightly, sweat dripped from his palm.

After realizing this, Naruto let go of his hand quickly, and smiled at Hinata: "It seems that you have already arrived home, so I will go back first."

Hinata hesitated to speak, but Naruto didn't give her a chance to speak, leaving only a lonely back.

Although the guards were a little puzzled, the most important thing right now is to send the eldest lady home.

It's just that the Jonin guard at the head seemed to recognize Naruto's identity and frowned.

After walking about a few hundred meters, Naruto was attracted by the movement behind him and turned his head. He saw that the Hyuga Clan's land was full of lights and festoons, which seemed to be celebrating some important festival.

Naruto scanned the clan area with his eyes, and finally placed it on the outer wall of Hyuga's house. The wall was three or four meters high and seemed insurmountable. The inside and outside of the wall separated the bustling and deserted.

Liveliness belongs to others, only loneliness belongs to oneself.

He who can't have the excitement can only enjoy the desertedness alone.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Naruto's ear:

"Hinata Hinata's affection for you has reached recognition, and you have gained a pair of 'winter cold gloves'. The girl who was helped hopes that her friend's hands will no longer be cold."

 Newcomer and new book, this is my first time writing Naruto, please take care of me!

(End of this chapter)

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