Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 78 Protecting Lord Hinata (for collection)

Chapter 78 Protecting Lord Hinata (for collection)

Hinata Takumi, the strongest branch family who can fight seven fathers at the same time, and kill them in battle, is infinitely close to Kage-class, recalling the simple information about this person in his mind, Hinata left the carriage.

"I'm just here to take a look, you go on, don't worry about me."

Hearing what Hinata said, everyone nodded yes, turned around and continued to devote themselves to their own hard work, which has nothing to do with Chakra, it is the most boring and basic physical exercise.

"What's the result, how many people can open the internal door independently now," Hinata said, her eyes couldn't be separated from Hyuga Takumi.

From the powerful muscles that the old man's clothes can't hide, it can be seen that he has put in a lot of effort in his cultivation.

Push-ups with one hand and one finger, calm and calm, without changing expression, start from the thumb and rotate to the little finger in turn.

The face is haggard and old, but the body is so strong, the contrast is simply...

"There are 51 hidden jounin who participated in the penance training, including Takumi who joined halfway. So far, there are only two who can independently open the inner door." The second uncle of the housekeeper said solemnly.

"They were called by the ninja development team to cooperate with testing new ninjas."

"How many doors can you open?" Hinata asked.

"One has five doors, and the other has four doors." The second uncle of the housekeeper said: "Master Hinata, with all due respect, this is not the way to go, this inner door, if it can be opened, it can be opened, if it can't be opened, no matter how much you exercise it, it's useless. "

"Instead of continuing to waste a lot of manpower in this way, it is better to invest in other places and earn more benefits."

"Our generation has exhausted its potential, and there is no room for promotion. The strength still depends on the younger generation. They are the hope of the family's future."

Hinata insisted: "Keep exercising, use the best medicine, and eat the best food."

The housekeeper's second uncle nodded yes, feeling disappointed in his heart. There was a huge deviation from the blueprint he had conceived.

Including himself, these elderly hidden jonin are all half-buried guys. Is it really necessary to invest so much time and money?

If he can open the internal door and it works, then he has nothing to say, but it is clear that it cannot be opened, so why insist on it?
After staring at the old man for a while, Hinata rolled her eyes and scanned his body inside and out.

Ask the guard to take out a mat and lay it flat on the ground. Hinata pointed to the mat and said to the old man who was still exercising: "Stop, come and lie down here."

Puzzled in his heart, Hinata Takumi complied without a moment's hesitation.

"You have exercised your body to such an extent, but there are so few hidden injuries. Do you know medical skills and take care of yourself?" Hinata asked curiously.

"I don't know, my wife has been taking care of me." Takumi said honestly: "She often borrows the convenience of her mission to collect medicine in rare mountains, boil it outside, seal it in a scroll, and bring it back secretly Feed me."

With white eyes, you can clearly understand the situation in your body, and you can accurately find the pure natural herbs hidden in the mountains. If you study medicine with your own heart, how many conventional medical ninjas will be exhausted?
The thoughts in his mind turned and turned, and Hinata said to the housekeeper's second uncle: "The clansmen who are not interested in fighting or killing the enemy should let them practice medical ninjutsu."

Medical ninjas can greatly reduce the casualty rate and are indispensable.

"Yes." The housekeeper's second uncle said.

"Those who are talented in this area should practice medical ninjutsu full time." Hinata thought for a while, and added: "If you lack talent, then take it as a minor, and focus on combat ability."

"Yes." The butler's second uncle nodded.

Looking at the old man again, Hinata said: "Refine Chakra, follow my guidance."

Takumi blinked, not knowing why.

Hinata opened her white eyes again, and locked on the old man's body, corresponding to the eight important chakra points.

The chakra was refined, mobilized to the fingertips, first tapped on the left side of his forehead, the chakra contained in the fingertips, penetrated in, and stayed in the first door, the chakra point that opened the door.

The supercilious white-eyed insight of purity allows Hinata to easily see the impurities and the blockage caused by the impurities, control her own chakra, and remove these impurities from their original positions.

Takumi had already prepared his chakra, but he was still unable to come in, and suddenly found that the invisible barrier disappeared, and in his daze, chakra rushed in.

The first door, open the door, was opened just like that, indicating that the restriction of the brain region was lifted, and the body could truly exert 100% of its full strength.

The second door, Hugh's door, opens.

The third door, the door of life, is open.

At this point, from the perspective of a bystander, obvious changes can be seen. The body is congested and red, and the body is surrounded by light green energy.

The housekeeper's second uncle opened his mouth wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

The other Hidden Jonin, who was exercising on the surface but was actually focusing on this side, stopped exercising almost at the same time, dumbfounded.

The same goes for the accompanying maids and guards who are responsible for taking care of and protecting Hinata.

Although they are not in the ranks of cultivating Bamen Dunjia, they have heard of it more or less, and it depends on God's will.

God has made you qualified to practice, and you can open it step by step through hard work.

God has made you unqualified to practice, even if you try your best to die, you are still powerless.

But what is happening right now?Hinata just poked the corresponding chakra point, and then opened it. What is the principle?Eight doors are such an easy thing to open?
"My chakra can't get in, you control your chakra to move away and make a way for me." Hinata said.

Takumi, who fell into a sluggish state, subconsciously complied.

The fourth door, the injury door, opens.

The fifth door, Dumen, is open.

The sixth door, Jingmen, opens.

The seventh door, the shocking door... opens.

Even though Takumi tried his best to suppress Chakra, control Chakra to deflect, and bypass Hinata, Hinata was still thrown away by the aftermath of the terrifying explosion.

Even if the chakra is all over the soles of the feet, it won't work if it is firmly attached to the ground, because even the ground will be blown away.

Terrible and frightening energy overflows.

"Protect Lord Hinata!!!" The housekeeper's second uncle screamed.

Except for the maid, everyone present was hiding Jonin, and each reacted faster than the other, rushing towards Hinata at the same time in no particular order.

When the maid came to Hinata's side in a hurry, with disheveled hair and disheveled hair, she was hidden by a wall formed by jonin, and Hinata waved her hand to protect Hinata.

"It's okay, I'm mentally prepared, and I have Chakra armor protection, what can I do? It's okay, compared to this, hey, Mr. Takumi, are you okay?"

Blue steam was exuding from his body, and his whole body was filled with terrifying power. In his senses, everything around him became so fragile, as if it was made of paper. Takumi, who was the person involved, looked around in a daze.

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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