Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 52 Manual of the Will of Fire (for collection)

Chapter 52 Manual of the Will of Fire (for collection)

At the beginning of school, the seat is not fixed, you can sit wherever you want, you have to wait for a while, and the seats will be arranged according to the conditions of each person.

Hearing that she could choose her own seat, Hinata immediately rushed to the window seat in the back row. The place is well lit and ventilated, and it is not easy for the teacher to find out if she wanders off.

"Can I sit here?"

Resting her chin on one hand, Hinata, who was reading a novel, looked sideways, and saw that the person who came was the young version of Ino Yamanaka, not an unknown person.

The strength, financial resources, and population of the Yamanaka Clan instantly appeared in his mind. These related reports, and then he thought that Ino's father is the current head of the Yamanaka Clan, Kaiichi Yamanaka.

In the future, Ino will be the helm of the Yamanaka Clan, and he is worth making friends with.

Hinata nodded and smiled, "Of course."

The maid standing behind helped pull out the chair and wiped off any dust that might exist on it.

"Thank you." Ino said politely, sat next to Hinata, took off his backpack, put it in a drawer, glanced at Hinata frequently, and to be precise, it was the novel in Hinata's hand.

"Records of Mountain and River Wars." Ino couldn't help but asked, "Excuse me, what kind of novel is this?"

"Rather than a novel, it's better to say it's an unofficial history." Hinata said: "The people who specialize in describing the past, how they fought wars, how they governed, and how they developed."

"Ah!" Ino opened his mouth slightly, and said blankly, "What's so interesting about this kind of thing?"

"Recently, there is a shortage of books, and I haven't been able to find any good novels. I'm still idle. It's good to use this to increase my knowledge and pass the time." Hinata said.

With consent, Ino probed to read the content, then quickly backed away, lost in thought.

This kind of book that records a large number of names of people, places, tools and materials, whether it is cutting trees or farming, will it really look good?Wouldn't romance novels be a better choice to pass the time?

But seeing Hinata read with gusto, Ino couldn't help being a little interested, and went back to ask her father to find some similar books for her to read.

Soon, everyone found a seat to sit down, and the only one that was vacant was Hinata's row, the seat to the right of Ino, and this seat was occupied by Naruto who was led by Iruka later.

"Yellow hair, Uzumaki clan crest, is he the boy my father said, who needs special attention?" The village is very big, Naruto doesn't go out very much, Ino, who had never seen him before, noticed Naruto's features, and said to his father I couldn't help but take a second look.

Seeing that Naruto's clothes were sloppy, his clothes were not washed, his nails were not trimmed, and there was a strange smell, Ino frowned slightly.

Fortunately, her father just asked her to pay attention to her attitude towards this person, and didn't force her to be friends, as long as she didn't feel bad.

No longer paying attention to Naruto, Ino looked directly at the podium, and from the corner of his eye, secretly observed Hinata.

This eldest lady is the one whom father specifically told her to have a good relationship with, and will be of great help to her future, and even to the clan.

"Cute, just like a princess." Ino secretly said.

Hinata's side profile is really too top, hairstyle, hair texture, skin, face, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, ears, neck, it's like a perfect incarnation, and the smell on her body is also very good.

"These are all the textbooks for this semester. Everyone queue up to get them." Iruka said.

"Dictionaries are always useful, be careful not to break them, and the will of fire, this booklet is very important, everyone must memorize it, of course, that's for the future, now, we have to start learning from reading and writing. "

"Teacher! I want to learn ninjutsu! I want to breathe fire!" A boy raised his hand.

"Learn to stand first, and then think about walking and running." Iruka smiled.

"Students who have already met, don't disturb other students, come, look at the blackboard, this is the teacher's name, Iruka, can everyone write their own names? No, raise your hand."

The first class, the first half, was used by Iruka to teach students who couldn't write their own names how to write, and the second half was the self-introduction session.

She didn't like to show off, so Hinata just said her name, and didn't say anything else, her attention was on the pamphlet of the will of fire.

Where there are dancing leaves, there is fire burning, and the light of the fire will illuminate the whole village. When the fire goes out, new leaves will grow again.

The core is this passage, and it is also what needs to be memorized.

In addition, there are also notes to help readers understand the meaning.

Sacrifice the ego to achieve everyone.

Burn yourself and light up others.

The whole text is focused on self-sacrifice, and sacrifice is highly regarded.

Whether the third generation is selfish or selfless, that is his business, Hinata does not want to over-speculate, standing on her personal standpoint, and the standpoint of the entire Hyuga clan, she has a lot of reasons to take the position of Hokage, for herself, For the tribe, strive for more benefits.

In this way, she must be familiar with the will of fire, recite it fluently, and agree with and support it from the bottom of her heart.

In the future, it will be easy to use this method to brainwash civilian ninjas and other families, ninjas like Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, and shine for her.

Naruto Office.

Naruto went to school on the first day, and the third generation paid special attention. He saw Naruto squinting at the blackboard, and the pen in his hand had not moved for a long time.

Is the name so difficult to write?Everyone else knows it, but then again, Naruto's name has quite a lot of strokes.

Thinking, Sandai looked at Hinata, who was also in the field of vision of the crystal ball, who was copying the Will of Fire manual.

This child has a very high level of thought, he can pay more attention, maybe he can become the next Itachi.

This year, the children from the family have very special identities. They are all the children of the patriarchs in their respective families. It means that in 30 or [-] years, if there is no accident, these people will be the top of the village and hold important positions.

Among the children of civilian background, considering the type of late bloomers, they cannot be generalized. In the future, they need to be divided by examination and performance.

Based on the current performance of this first class, Haruno Sakura is the only one who has entered the third-generation attention list.

Understanding, strong learning ability and willingness to learn.

She alone learned the names of the whole class, including Iruka, and copied them repeatedly in the draft book.

"It would be great if there was another genius ninja like Orochimaru and Minato." Saidai said to himself.

After finishing the watch list, he finally took a look at Naruto and saw that he was finally writing, but instead of writing, he was doodling. Sandai shook his head, controlled the perspective of the crystal ball, and shifted to the river not far outside the village.

There are some young ladies who like swimming playing here, which is very pleasing to the eye. In his mind, it is only after the bathhouse.

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(End of this chapter)

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