I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 65 I'm Free Like the Wind

Chapter 65 I'm Free Like the Wind

Skydiving is known as "the sport of the brave".

Thrilling, exciting and challenging.

Although tandem skydiving reduces the thrill and improves safety, it is still a sport that makes your heart beat.

Zhou Youqi and the coaches boarded the plane.

The plane runs on the runway, pulls up, takes off, climbs.

As the plane climbed, the entire Yazhou shrank in sight until the whole Yazhou panorama was seen.

Dense buildings, beautiful islands, emerald-like sea surface... The feeling of traveling around is that I seem to have suddenly gained the perspective of God.

Overlook the entire Yazhou with a global attitude.

1000 meters, 2000 meters, 3000 meters...Three thousand and 900 meters!

Yazhou is getting smaller and smaller in sight.

It's an amazing experience.

They took to the sky.

Above the cotton-like white clouds.

The picture is presented in front of the audience through the live camera.

"Wow!! This is too beautiful."

"Buildings, streets, all become a small piece in sight! It's so beautiful to overlook the whole Yazhou."

"My God!! I really want to experience skydiving too."

"It's wonderful to be accompanied by the breeze and white clouds."

"There is a great desire to jump down."

In the heartbeat observation room, Tang Mi said: "Looking at Yazhou from a high-altitude perspective, it feels so different. It's so beautiful."

Gu Jiang: "My mood instantly improved."

Li Qingyao: "If I have the chance, I'd like to see it too."

Director's room.

Wang Jia has been wowing for a long time, and kept asking the prince: "Boss, do we have employee benefits? Do we have team building? Next time we build a team, let's skydive?"

Prince: "No money."

Wang Jia: "If you pay Zhou You, they will get money."

Prince: "That's different."

Wang Jia: "What's the difference? Please, Uncle~~~"

When Xu Feifei heard the sound of uncle, his eyes lit up. What's the matter?The boss didn't even let Wang Jia off?What about going to work, engaging in unspoken rules?
Prince: "We have made an agreement in three chapters. You can't call me uncle during working hours."

Wang Jia: "Then are you my third uncle?"

Prince: "Yes."

Wang Jia: "Then I will ask... to pay for it."

It turns out that Wang Jia and the boss are uncles and nieces. Hey, this workplace is really complicated...


on the plane.

The plane has climbed to an altitude of 13000 feet, nearly 4000 meters.

4000 meters is also the upper limit for skydiving without an oxygen mask.

So what Zhou You experienced this time is already experiencing the very extreme height of skydiving.

After the plane reached an altitude of 4000 meters, the hatch of the plane had been opened, and the parachuting was about to begin.

The wind poured in.

Although it has not started to jump down.

But I have already experienced the excitement in advance.

Jiang Chuxue couldn't help but look out of the cabin door, then yelled and marveled.Our little puffer fish was not scared at all.

Zhao Xiaolong and Yu Shan were very calm.

Only Li Jingwen was slightly nervous.

Wu Xing: "Can you?"

Li Jingwen: "At the first 1000 meters, my heart was pounding. But now at 4000 meters, I don't seem to be afraid anymore. But I'm still a little worried."

At such a height, the fear will really disappear.

Because instead of fear,

What you see is a super beautiful view of the sky, the earth and the clouds.

Marvel at the beauty of this view.

Thus completely forgetting the fear.

After the hatch was opened, Zhao Xiaolong volunteered to perform the "first jump".Followed by Yu Shan.

Travel around the third.

When Zhao Xiaolong and Yu Shan jumped out of the sky, the director Wang Hou didn't switch the perspective of the camera on their heads.When it was Zhou You's turn, Wang Hou immediately issued an order: "When Zhou You parachutes later, the camera will switch to the camera on his head, and present the scenery from his perspective to the audience."

"Good director."

Because the cameraman does not have an independent skydiving license, the cameraman was actually replaced by a professional coach from the Oriental Skydiving Club during the skydive.

Travel around with a handheld camera.

There is a three-party camera lady.

quite pretty.

At the base, the young lady said to Zhou You: "Hi, I'm Wu Fei, your Sanfang."

It is another camera coach who is responsible for connecting the camera to the live broadcast room. He claims: I am your Sifang.

So when skydiving around, it is equivalent to having four cameras.

He "grew" one on his head.As we all know, men with cameras on their heads are not simple.

A hand-held camera captured his handsome face.

A three-party young lady and a four-party male coach.

The skydiving instructor who was "tied" with Zhou You moved himself to the cabin door with his buttocks, held the handle on the cabin door, and stepped on the side of the cabin.

At this moment, Zhou You, who was pushed ahead by the coach, was completely suspended.

The wind howls by! !
Clouds are at your feet.

Zhou You glanced down.

Didn't even feel the slightest bit of fear.

The coach communicates with the camera in three and four directions by tilting his head.

one two Three……

The coach tilted his head three times.

Miss Sanfang also followed him, turning her head in the same direction three times.That's pretty cute.

After turning his head for the third time, the coach, the three-way camera, and the four-way camera simultaneously let go of the handle of the cabin door, and their bodies fell forward and fell.

At the moment of "throwing" the hatch,

Zhou You's heart skipped a beat.

It was like the heart palpitations when the elevator suddenly fell down...but the palpitations disappeared in an instant.

Travel around in the sky against the airflow to do free fall.

Passing through the wind, passing through the clouds, seeing mountains, seeing the sea, seeing islands, and seeing the panorama of Yazhou like a sand table...

He was ready for a roller coaster of weightlessness.

However, what surprised Zhou You was that during the rapid free fall, there was no strong sense of weightlessness.

He feels like he is flying.

like a bird.

a free bird.

The thrill of soaring adrenaline made Zhou You feel an unprecedented excitement and happiness.

[Experience high-altitude skydiving for the first time, life point +5]

He even got 5 life points at once.

"Flying" in the air through the soft clouds like cotton, I suddenly felt trapped in a huge layer of sponge world, and my body became wet.


Very moist.

When descending rapidly across the clouds, the whole person is like a knife cutting through a huge cotton candy-like cloud.

Clear the clouds and mists and see the mountains and the sea and the earth.

suddenly see the light.

As a highly intelligent artificial intelligence, Xiaoqi enjoys the same perspective as Zhou You, and also feels the excitement of skydiving.

She used the system authority to play BGM in Zhou You's mind!

"Above your heart, fly free..."

Zizizi...the sound of the tape recorder sounding like snowflakes, and the song was cut.

"I am as free as the wind, just like your tenderness cannot be retained~~~"

Zizizi...continue cutting songs.

"I want to fly higher, fly higher, dance like a gust of wind and break free from my embrace, I want to fly higher, fly higher, my wings roll up and my heart screams like a storm..."


"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky..."

So all kinds of weird music played in Zhou You's mind.

I felt like a free bird.


Instantly felt like a birdman.

The footage of Zhou You's skydiving was transmitted to the live broadcast room through the camera on Zhou You's head, handheld camera, and four-way camera. Under the command of director Wang Hou, the camera was constantly switched.

The first is the footage of Zhou You's "jumping cabin" captured by the Sifang camera.

Then there is the shot of Zhou You flying in the air like a "bat".

Immediately afterwards, it switched to the camera screen above Zhou Youchang's head.

A first-person view of a simulated tour.

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room boiled up.

The barrage exploded.

"It's so exciting!"

"The moment I jumped, I felt the adrenaline rush."

"What if I really want to go skydiving?"

"It's so cool! I'm envious!"

"This is the cloud walk."

"It's so cool."

“Thai pants are spicy!”



Quotation tickets include: ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket~~~ If you don’t vote!I don't dare to do anything to you~~ woo woo woo~~
(End of this chapter)

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