I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 219 Patient, until the end of the world

Chapter 219 Patient, until the end of the world
Horn, Suona, Qu'er has a small voice...

The underground rose fan meeting scene, neon lighting effects, Xiongshan's red cheongsam, plus this "life-threatening" suona.

The painting style and atmosphere, where is the underground rose?
It is clearly the hell rose.

Under the "Suona Suona", the fans jumped up and waved the dancing fans in their hands. The scene was like hell.

"Xian'er!! I have been promoted to Xian'er!"

"I suggest that Red Rose be renamed Hell Rose in the future."

"Black and white roses are also fine, corresponding to black and white impermanence."

"Damn it! It sounds so good! I can't say anything, it's just a matter of energy."

"I have always felt that Red Rose is not a normal band. After listening to it, I feel that they are even more abnormal. The point is that I am not normal."

"Am I the only one feeling relieved?"

The fans at the fan meeting just went to "Hell Dance", and were sung by Red Rose's "Xian'er".

Everyone forgot to take pictures with their phones.

However, there are also a small number of people who have already pulled out their mobile phones when they heard Suona, but they didn't take a complete shot. They only took part of the performance of "Xian'er". Woke up.

After the public rose band sang "Xian Er", the fan meeting called "Underground Rose" also came to an end.

Members of the Red Rose band interact with fans.

The meeting ended at ten o'clock in the evening.

The Red Rose Band is indeed a maverick band. Their fan meeting is arranged during the day, on the ground... Good guy, their arrangement is at night, underground.

How to think how to feel the underworld.

Now with the suona blessing of "Xian'er", this underworld atmosphere is even stronger.

After the fan meeting,

Fans of Red Rose posted incomplete clips of "Xian'er" online.

Red Rose Band, Xiaoyao Creation, Suona... Not to mention the "unique attributes" of the Red Rose Band itself, the word "Xiaoyao" alone is enough to attract a large number of fans.

Soon the topic of "Suona Suona, Hell Dance" became popular on Weibo's hot list.

Related video views quickly reached tens of millions of views.

The comment area is very lively and exciting.

"Damn it!! Xiaoyao really wrote this song? After listening to it, I drifted away."


"Funeral song book! This song will be played at my funeral when I die."

"There's only one word for this suona: Dry!"

"When I was sitting on the toilet and shitting, I jumped up when I heard "Xian'er"."

"Congratulations to Red Rose for successfully transforming into a funeral rock band."

"While lying on the hospital bed, I was refreshed after hearing this."

"Who can write this stuff if there is nothing wrong with it?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, who would think this song is exciting..."

"This patient has fallen."

The style of painting in the comment area gradually went astray, and fans of the Red Rose band began to call themselves "patients".

And when the discussion about "Xian'er" was the most heated, the Red Rose Band took advantage of the situation and released the official version of "Xian'er".

Just 10 minutes after the official version was released, it directly airborne at No.18 on the new song list!
It doesn't matter if other songs are No. 18 on the new song list, but this song is No. 18, and the multi-talented fans immediately exploded.

"Fuck!! This song was No.18 as soon as I came in."

"Me too!! As expected of the Divine Comedy from Hell!! Airborne on the No.18 floor."

"Hahaha this song focuses on pure prison style."

"What pure hell wind? It's clearly hell wind!!"

"Let me listen to this in the middle of the night... why don't you let me sleep."

"I'm sick, mentally ill, a disease called suona punk psychosis."

"I'm exchanging and listening to "Happiness", it's so emotional."

Everyone in the comment area is talented, handsome, and nice to speak.


The three sluts are having dinner and chatting together.

Zhai Nan mentioned that Big Fish Entertainment recently accepted the order of the Red Rose band, and Xiaoyao personally created it.

Qian Qiuyuan is definitely Xiaoyao's number one fan.

As soon as he heard that Xiaoyao had written a song for the Red Rose Band, his curiosity was immediately aroused, "Quickly let us listen to it."

Zhai Nan is about to open the manuscript of "Xian'er" in Big Fish Entertainment's "Music Library".

Suddenly found that the song had been released and became a hit, so they clicked to play, and the three sluts listened with bated breath.

The moment the suona sounded, Qian Qiuyuan directly said "Fuck".

After hearing that, he kept saying: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!
Lu Yu: "This suona can send me away directly."

Qian Qiuyuan: "I have already been sent to the west."


Junting Villa Area.

Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu warmly entertained the third uncle who came to Jinghai for the first time, and the third uncle's eldest son Zhou Jun.

Zhou Jun's height of 182 meters makes Zhou You, who is [-] centimeters, have to look up.

After all, the extra 18 centimeters is not short.

Can go to the stomach.

After dinner, the siblings and Zhou Jun took the third uncle to wander around Jinghai, watched the night view of Jinghai, and went to the landmark buildings of Jinghai to check in.

The third uncle is all happy.

Full of praise for Jinghai.

"Hello, Jinghai! Good, good, good!"

Uncle San felt even more proud that his son Zhou Jun was able to study in the Physical Education College of Jinghai University.

Zhou Jun has a match tomorrow, so he walked around with his father and went back. He has to live with the team members tonight.

Before leaving, Zhou Jun gave Zhou You three tickets.

It just so happens that Zhou You, Zhou Lingyu and Third Uncle will be able to watch together tomorrow.

After returning to the villa for a tour, I arranged for my third uncle to stay in the room.

After settling down, Third Uncle Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu slumped on the sofa for a while.

Zhou Lingyu was brushing Weibo.

Zhou You was looking at WeChat circles.

Zhou You found out that the third uncle returned to the room and immediately posted a circle, the photo taken by Jiugongge tonight, with the text: In the light of my son, I came to Beijing for the first time, and the bumpkin finally entered the city.

There is simplicity and pride between the lines, as well as a trace of self-mockery.

Also... When Zhou You went to study in the capital for the first time in the previous life, seeing those high-rise buildings towering in front of him, and people walking out of office buildings in a hurry, a sense of inferiority and insignificance would indeed emerge from the bottom of his heart.Will feel like a bumpkin.

It wasn't until later, after a long time and a deep understanding, that I realized that these glamorous people are not worthy of envy.Because they may have a salary of less than [-] yuan, live in remote and narrow rental houses, and squeeze the subway every day to eat cheap takeaway or instant noodles.

Behind the prosperity of the big city is the struggle and sadness of countless little people.

When the mood drifted away, suddenly the suona sound of "Xian'er" brought Zhou You back to reality.

Sister Zhou Lingyu is playing "Xian'er"!
"My dear brother, why did you write this kind of song like a mental hospital?" Zhou Lingyu looked at his brother like a strange monster.


Sometimes he feels that traveling around is very strange.

But he is indeed his younger brother.

Zhou You used to be a scumbag, the kind who could only score more than 60 points out of 20 points in writing... But now his younger brother can not only write songs, but also write novels and scripts.

Even the ad copy "driving" skills are top-notch.

How did my scumbag brother counterattack?Very magical.He deeply doubts whether his younger brother has two personalities.

A scumbag personality.

An artist personality.

"Because," Zhou You paused, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then sang a lyric: "I want to become a fairy, happy as heaven~~~"

This is the opening song of Earth's "Journey to the West".

Zhou Lingyu didn't expect Zhou You to open his mouth and sing.

Strangely sound.

My younger brother has a talent that can't be hidden.

I want to become a fairy... so that's how the title and lyrics of "Xian'er" came about, right?

"My sister is really worried that if she wants to see you one day, she will have to go to a mental hospital." Zhou Lingyu teased, "But...you should have quite a few patients."

Zhou Lingyu showed Zhou You the comment on the song "Xian'er".

The fans in the comment area all call themselves patients.

Is the author crazy or the reader crazy?Hmm, no... Is the creator mentally ill, or is the fan mentally ill?

A song actually exploded many "patients".

It also reflects from the side how much pressure modern people have... Someone said in the comment area: Listening to this song makes me feel at ease when I sleep.

"Listen to Xian'er writing a thesis, stay up all night cultivating immortality, don't be too sour."

"In honor of the song, I've laid down and waited to be delivered."

"We may not be able to become fairies, but we will definitely become ghosts in the future."

"Writing code is exciting."

"PubMed rest stop."

"The Suona blows up to the Nine Heavens, and down to the Three Realms of Dizang."

Zhou You pressed his sister's mobile phone to read the comments for a while, then handed the phone back to his sister, "Go to bed, my dear fairy sister."

"I'm not dead yet!" Zhou Lingyu said angrily.Now I hear Sister Shenxian and think of Sister Shenxian'er~~ The poisoning is too deep.

"In the future, if you don't want to play "Xian'er" at the funeral, I can write "Hundred Birds to the Phoenix" for you."


Then Zhou You rolled back to his room.

After returning to the room and washing around, a lottery was held.

This time it was inspiration fragments.

As long as there are fragments of inspiration, you can accept orders with confidence... From Zhou You's understanding of fragments of inspiration, it is very similar to the current popular AI creation. He only needs to activate "ideas" and put forward "requests" in his mind, and the inspiration will come will explode in that direction.


Early the next morning, Zhou You, Zhou Lingyu, and Sanshu drove to the Jinghai Gymnasium.

The scale of Jinghai Gymnasium ranks second in China.

Second only to Kyoto's No. [-] National Gymnasium.

Zhou You drove Zhou Lingyu's car today.

three people,
A traveling Pagani Zonda certainly won't fit in the seat.

Moreover, Pagani Zonda is too cool, so let's keep a low profile so as not to cause too much sensation.

Travel around their place in the fourth row.

When they arrived at the Jinghai Stadium, many fans had already arrived.Since it is the finals of the National College Basketball League, many college students from colleges and universities can be seen.

Men and women, youthful vitality!
Of course, the most attractive thing is the basketball babies dancing on the field before the opening.

That leg, that waist, that face value...it's a visual feast.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Lingyu couldn't help thinking of her college days, "College life is really good."

Zhou You: "Yeah, a college student... life is really good."

Zhou Lingyu: "??!!"

Dear brother, you are such a genius for punctuation.

Zhou You never wears a mask or sunglasses no matter where he goes.

Therefore, when he appeared in the auditorium of the arena, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Is that... Zhouyou?"

"Fuck!! It's really traveling around."

"Travel around!!"

The audience and students couldn't help but exclaimed.

The camera of the live broadcast also moved over in an instant, capturing Zhou You's figure.

The scene became very lively because of Zhou You's arrival.

From Zhou Jun's point of view, Zhou You didn't come to say hello.On the one hand, he has to prepare for the game and listen to the coach's instructions and instructions.

On the other hand, he didn't want to be noticed in this way.

The barrage in the live broadcast room began to discuss why Zhou You appeared at the game, did he like basketball, or was it because he had relatives on the team... Netizens were actively brainstorming.

And Zhou You sat there very calmly.

He only regards himself as an ordinary audience.

The competition system adopted in this finals is a seven-match four-win system.

Six games have been played before!

Jinghai University team vs. Kyoto University team!

Today is the first one!
It is also the most important one!
Because the winning team will represent Xia Guo in the "All-Federation College Basketball League" next year.

By then,

All the "delegates" from the entire federation will go to Datang to decide the champion of the federation league at the end of June.

Being able to enter the All-Federation League, a player's career and worth will undergo earth-shaking changes.

To win the championship of the Xia Guo University Basketball League this time, it is safe to be a reserve member of the national team.

Don't worry about your future prospects.

Therefore, the teams from these two top summer schools are concentrating on preparing for the competition.

Both sides want to win the championship!

While Zhou You was sitting there quietly, music suddenly started playing.

What was playing was Zhou You's "Blue Lotus"!
Then the whole audience sang in chorus.

I don't know who handed over the microphone, Zhou You had no choice but to catch it, and said "Lian Lianhua!!!!"

Burn the audience.

Then also played "Dream Chasing Child Heart".

Zhou You didn't continue to sing, after all, this was the basketball finals, not his personal concert.Don't get confused about the situation.

But the two songs have completely mobilized the atmosphere.

The basketball babies off the court jumped even harder.

The young body of the school girl... is really desirable!Girls who have graduated and girls who have not graduated have completely different feelings.

After all, he has not yet accepted the extreme devastation of the big dye vat of society.

On such an occasion, Zhou You thinks of many songs about basketball!

"Until the End of the World", "I Believe I Can Fly"...and of course "Basketball Fire", which I was obsessed with when I was a child.

"Daxia Zhou" of "Slam Dunk".

"I don't sell tofu tofu. What I learned in my martial arts school is Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu..." I haven't stepped out of Kung Fu basketball so far!
When I was a student, I was very fond of basketball.

But after graduating from college, it seems that I seldom played.

I want to play.

But no time.

When I was a worker, I was busy screwing 996 every day, helping the boss to live in a luxury house and driving a luxury car... After starting a business, I worked hard for my own luxury house and luxury car, and also worked hard for the young models of the shareholders' club. I was busier than when I was working.

Played golf a lot.

But it's all about business on the golf course.

Where is the real relaxation to play?When I was playing, I had eight hundred thoughts in my heart.This goal can't be scored... You have to let President XX, give him face, and make him happy, so that you can win this project cooperation.

Not to mention "Slam Dunk".

It's literally inscribed in the DNA.

The name Yingmuhuadao is still very famous!
That's all youth.

How many years of youth have been wasted, Yingmu Huadao is still in that summer.

"Metropolis に令はもう一人で (Lonely, wandering in the metropolis)"

"投げ舍てられた空カンのようだ (like an empty beer bottle thrown away)",

That damn memory is back!



Just an update today.Make an outline.

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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