I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 214 "The Little Prince" All adults were once children

Chapter 214 "The Little Prince" All adults were once children
For the promotion and release of Su Qianxia's new album, Big Fish Entertainment has mobilized all the resources the company can mobilize to create momentum for it.

There is only one goal, and that is to win this year's Best New Female Singer Award!
It's no problem for Zhou You to win the Best New Male Singer Award.

If the Best New Female Singer Award is also won by Big Fish Entertainment, then Big Fish Entertainment will be in the limelight this year.

Zhang Yao's desire to win this award is even more urgent than Su Qianxia herself.

Because this will be of great significance to Big Fish Entertainment.

For Zhang Yao, the second boss, it is also of great significance.

Therefore, Tang Mengxi felt that the prelude to Su Qianxia's new album was as big as a first-line singer, and it was reasonable... It didn't feel like it was that big!But really that big.

Big Fish Studio filled the specifications directly.

In the three major entertainment companies, rookie singers would not receive such top treatment.

With the blessing of heavy resources, fans flocked to listen to the song "Encounter".

Su Qianxia shot the MV.

The playback volume of the MV has risen rapidly.

It easily broke through 50 plays.

Straight to the million plays.

In the barrage and comment area of ​​the MV, fans actively spoke and discussed.

"Su Qianxia's new album is absolutely full."

"Obviously Big Fish is flattering Su Qianxia!"

"This is for the best new female singer of the year award."

"Tang Mengxi is also going for the Best New Female Singer Award!! The rhythm of fighting with Tang Mengxi."

"Listen to the song, listen to the song!"

Fans began to listen to the song one after another.

What the fans didn't expect was that Xiaoyao was the one who wrote "Encounter" to Su Qianxia this time.

Big fish and big hand! !
Happy shot.

Su Qianxia's odds of winning immediately became much higher.

In fact, the production lineup of Tang Mengxi's album is not low, led by A-level creator Jiang Nan.

And the title song "Notes" was written and composed by Jiangnan.

Although it is not the joint work of "Double Swords Heroes" Jiang Nan and Su Yuexi, the work itself is already very capable.

So inadvertently led to a PK between Jiangnan and Xiaoyao.

Zhou You listened to this song "Notes" written by Jiangnan. The lyrics and music are excellent, and it is very pleasant to listen to.Tang Mengxi also sang well.

But Zhou You still prefers the song "Notes" by Earth Zhou Bichang.

"I really want to fly no matter how far I will not get tired, only to realize that the deeper the love, the more painful the heart will be. I just want to fly in my sky~~"

"The picture of memory, the language of recording, love is always a long thread in your hand, carrying my thoughts and flying across the horizon, your warm smile is the same as before..."

This song is full of memories.

Thinking of this song seems to bring me back to the era of Super Girls when the talent show was just sprouting.

Zhou Bichang, Li Yuchun, Zhang Hanyun...

I remember that the commercial song of yoghurt was resounding in the streets and alleys at that time. At that time, I was young, but Zhou You liked to drink that sweet and sour yoghurt.

When Jiang Nan heard that Big Fish Entertainment had released a new song for Su Qianxia, ​​he immediately went to listen to it.

because he felt,
This song should be from the hands of Xiaoyao.

When I saw the song information, I found that I guessed it right, and Xiaoyao really made a move.

In fact, Jiangnan and Xiaoyao have vaguely fought against each other.

But this is definitely the first head-to-head confrontation.

Jiang Nan really wanted to win Xiaoyao.

But he knows it will be difficult.

He couldn't wait to click on the song "Encounter" by an unpopular singer on earth.

The MV was played, and the prelude to the song sounded.

It is a very quiet and crisp piano sound.

Hearing this kind of piano sound, people's emotions seem to be substituted into a specific memory picture.

Jiang Nan also felt that the piano sound was a bit like the sound of raindrops falling.

"Hearding the departure of winter, I woke up in a certain month of the year, I thought, I wait, I look forward to it, but the future can't be arranged like this..."

Very lyrical singing.

It can touch people's emotions and memories.

Winter goes to spring... I hear winter leaving, I wake up in a certain month of a certain year... very artistic lyrics.

Guitar and piano arrangement, quiet but not monotonous.

The melody is bright and beautiful.

The lyrics are concise and lyrical.

Very moving.

"On a cloudy day, in the evening, outside the car window, there is a person waiting in the future, look forward from left to right, love has to turn a few turns before it comes..."

The simple lyrics construct a picturesque picture.

Finally, the song ushered in the chorus part.

"Who will I meet with what kind of dialogue, how far in the future is the person I'm waiting for, I hear the wind, from the subway and the sea of ​​people, I line up, holding the number plate of love..."

Regardless of the lyrics themselves or Su Qianxia's singing, Jiangnan has a sense of nostalgia for the past.

I remembered my first love.

Su Yuexi was not his first love.

But he was Su Yuexi's first love.

Although he confessed to Su Yuexi a long time ago, Jiang Nan still didn't dare to mention his first love in front of Su Yuexi.

At this time, Su Yuexi was beside Jiangnan, "Listening to this song reminds me a lot of the past?"

Jiang Nan: "Yeah, I still remember the first time we met..."

Su Yuexi: "We are married now, which doesn't match what this song expresses. I think you can recall the first time you met your first love."

Jiangnan: "..."

Alright, how come you become a Shura field after listening to a song?

It was the most beautiful accident when I met you~~
This lyric seems very familiar.

Hmm... It seems that she said something similar when she was a student and when she first fell in love, "We have to be grateful for that wonderful encounter."

Su Yuexi: "Why don't you talk anymore? How did you meet your first love for the first time?"

Jiang Nan: "Well... forgot, I can't remember. The song Xiaoyao is written too well. I feel that my "Notes" is very dangerous." Jiang Nan has already mastered the method of fooling around.

Su Yuexi didn't make things difficult for him, but said: "From the moment Big Fish Entertainment released the news, I expected it."

"We can't beat Happy."

Ever since Su Yuexi was defeated by Xiaoyao, she felt that Xiaoyao, a monster like Xiaoyao, needed to be dealt with by those even more monsters.

In addition, Jiangnan and Su Yuexi have been making up for it recently to improve their creative ability.

But such things as talent,

Sometimes hard work can't make up for it.


After the release of "Encounter", various data such as playback volume and word-of-mouth have risen rapidly.

Different people have different reactions to this song.

People who have lost their love are full of regrets when they think of their ex.

Those who are passionately in love are full of happiness when they think of their current husband.

Of course, the mother-fetal single dog who has never been in a relationship is asking hoarsely: "When will I meet my accident!"

"Ahh! Let the accident be more violent."

"The lyrics are beautiful."

This song brings back fond and regretful memories for many people.

At the same time, this song also inspired many people's yearning for love.

Some people said that after listening to this song, they secretly checked her/his WeChat circle, and found that she has become a wife and a mother...


After listening to this song, Tang Mengxi lost his composure instantly.

I don't want to meet "Encounter"!

My "Encounter" is not beautiful at all.

"It's over." She said in her heart.

The data and ranking of the song "Encounter" gradually climbed up.

At the beginning, I couldn't see this song on the new song list, but soon "Meeting" airborne to No. [-] on the new song list.

Then every 1 minute, or a few minutes, the ranking changes once.

47, 39, 26, fifteen...

Soon to be in the top ten.

The ranking of "Encounter" changes almost every time the page is refreshed.

In about three hours, "Encounter" rushed to No.3.

Ranked second only to Notes.

When "Encounter" rushed to No.3, Tang Mengxi became nervous.

"Don't go up! Just stop here!"

She prayed in her heart that the ranking of "Encounter" would not rise again.

But her prayers didn't work.

Half an hour later, the rankings of "Encounter" and "Notes" were switched.The former became the second and the latter the third.

The moment the ranking changed, Tang Mengxi was like a deflated ball.

"The best new female singer of the year is hopeless." Tang Mengxi was in despair.

Why is my luck so bad?
To release a new album, I met Su Qianxia who also released a new album!

The song "Encounter" continued to ferment.

Maybe it's its lyrical nature, or maybe the lyrics resonate well with the listener.

The heat continued to rise.

On the second day, "Encounter" had rushed to the top of the new song list, knocking out Zhou You and Li Qingyao's collaboration "A Bridge of Fate".

"Notes" did not do it!
"Encounter" did it.

So many fans have said:

"Happiness is awesome!! I knocked myself down from the first place on the list."

"Facts have proved that whoever sings the songs written by Xiaoyao will become popular!!"

"He can make rookie singers beat the new song charts!"

"It was the same situation when Zhou You made his debut. A cute new player was directly on the top of the list. A group of big-name singers were trampled underfoot."

"Hahaha, what Xiaoyao is good at is killing people by leapfrogging."

"Encounter" is completely on fire.

The popularity of this song laid the foundation for the hot sales of Su Qianxia's new album "Meet Su Qianxia".

When "Meeting Su Qianxia" was officially released the next day, it was very popular!
Of course, this is not only because of Xiaoyao's sake.

Also because the creative lineup of this album is quite luxurious.

Xiaoyao, Zhai Nan, and a group of B-level creators under Big Fish.

Zhai Nan, as one of the three scumbags, it is normal for Qian Qiuyuan and Lu Yu to write songs.

Therefore, the creative lineup of this album includes Xiaoyao, Sanjianke, and a group of B-level creators!

"Fuck!! The production team of this album is too luxurious."

"Does Big Fish Entertainment focus on a luxury configuration?"

"Top luxury lineup!"

"In the three major companies, even the singers who are highly praised by the company don't get this kind of treatment!! Big fish is really willing to spend money."

Before Zhou You released an album, the lineup was just Xiaoyao+Three Bitches.

The production lineup of Su Qianxia's album is even more luxurious than that of Zhou You's first album.

The only difference is,

Xiaoyao wrote five songs for Zhou You's album, but only wrote one title song for Su Qianxia's new album.

So Xiaoyao still prefers to travel around.

Su Qianxia's "Meet Su Qianxia" album sold 25 copies on the first day! !

It sold [-] more copies than Tang Mengxi's album.

This made Tang Mengxi directly dismiss the idea of ​​snatching the best new female singer of the year.

After this "service",
In the annual music festival held by Xiaguo Music Network in 2023, there should be no suspense for the best new female singer of the year.


When the album "Meeting Su Qianxia" was selling well.

The Little Prince was printed.

Daxia Publishing House began to preheat the promotion of "The Little Prince".

[Ye You Shen's new healing work "The Little Prince" is coming! The national premiere on November 11! 】

Daxia Publishing House did not point out the word "fairy tale".

Because the sales ceiling of fairy tale works is actually very low, promoting the word "fairy tale" may affect many young readers to skip this book directly.

Instead, the word "healing system" was chosen as a publicity stunt.

Since "Jieyou Grocery Store", Ye Youshen has been labeled as a healing department.

The healing department can attract many students and office workers and white-collar workers.

Facts have proved that this propaganda strategy of Daxia Publishing House is effective.

As soon as the promotional tweet went out, readers responded enthusiastically.

"A new work in the healing department? Is it another novel like "Jieyou Grocery Store"?"

"I love the healing department! I was really fascinated by watching "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" recently!! I was scared and needed to be healed."

"Shen Xiaolong's "Star Abyss" is the real despair!! Damn, I was depressed! I need Ye Youshen to heal my wounds."

"Looking forward to the release of the new work."

"The title of "The Little Prince" sounds cute."

The publicity effect of "The Little Prince" exceeded expectations.

Strictly speaking, Yeyoushen already has considerable appeal to readers with the accumulation of fame accumulated in the previous three novels.

This pseudonym already represents his influence and strength.

It doesn't even need too much publicity,

Just say a word: Night Tour God has released a new book!

Soon there are countless readers and writers attracted by it.

Come to watch and read.

The time soon came to November 11, and "The Little Prince" has been released simultaneously in major bookstores across the country.

Because the stock is sufficient, there is no out-of-stock situation.

However, on the day of release,

It is true that there are long queues at the door of major bookstores.


Luo Shimin is a sophomore student.

When she was just admitted to university a year ago, she was full of longing for university life.

Because teachers, parents and relatives have told her how colorful college life is.

But when she arrived at the university, the real university life was completely different from what she had imagined.

In high school, as long as you study hard and get good grades, you will be fine.

But in college, academic performance is only a small part.

She encountered great troubles and obstacles in the matter of interpersonal communication.

When she was a student before university, she was a good student with excellent grades in the eyes of her classmates, teachers and parents.

Her good grades belied her lack of social skills.

It was also because of the heavy workload in high school that Luo Shimin immersed herself in her studies and did not feel lonely.

But in college, there is a lot of spare time, she wants to make friends, but she doesn't know how to start, so at the end of the whole freshman year, she doesn't have a friend who can talk to her, and she feels lonely.

She tried to soak herself in the library.

But seeing the classmates talking and laughing in twos and threes, she was very envious.

How can I make friends?

She read a lot of psychology, social aspects of the book.

When I read it, I felt that the book made sense, but in practice, I found that I knew a lot of truths, but I was still socially imbecile.

It's not that others don't want to talk to her.

Rather, it is difficult for her to establish long-term intimate relationships with people.

In high school, she could talk to her parents when she came home from school, but now at school, her parents are not around, and she can only hide in her heart when she is wronged or unhappy.

this day,

Another day of shopping alone.

Unknowingly, she walked to the bookstore and saw many people buying "The Little Prince", so she also bought a copy by the way.

I saw the words on the cover of the book: "All adults were once children, although only a few people remember."

On the cover of the book is the back of a little boy, sitting next to a red fox with a long fox tail.

They looked into the distance together.

Watching the sunset.



Second more.

Every author once asked for votes every day, only I remember every day!Ask for a monthly ticket/ask for a monthly ticket/ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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