I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 211 "Fate 1 Bridge", are they a CP?

Chapter 211 "A Bridge of Fate", are they a CP?
The eyes are raining for him, but the heart is holding an umbrella for him.

Although Li Qingyao still couldn't fully understand this sentence, she repeatedly refused, "Mr. Shudong should have rich emotional experience?" She couldn't help thinking.

In this chat with Mr. Shudong, she confirmed one thing, she has a place for traveling in her heart.

Is this love?

The corners of her mouth lifted slightly.

The scene of meeting Zhou You appeared in my mind, and I fell asleep.


"The Little Prince" has been sent to Hu Liang, the editor of Daxia Publishing House.

In view of the popularity of the "Jieyou Grocery Store", "Devotion of Suspect X" and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" series, Yeyoushen has become a favorite of Daxia Publishing House.

Because of Yeyoushen, Daxia Publishing House completed the revenue target set at the beginning of the year in September.

The three books of Yeyoushen made an outstanding contribution to this.

In October, November, and December, the goal was definitely exceeded, and it was greatly exceeded.

Two days ago, Gao Ming, the editor-in-chief of Daxia Publishing House, chatted with Hu Liang about Yeyoushen, "This year, Yeyoushen wrote three books, and the new book may have to wait until next year."

Hu Liang: "Yeah, even donkeys have to rest. This year, because of Yeyoushen, our team has gone from being the bottom of the performance crane to the best seller!! It's so relieved. Yeyoushen hasn't moved recently, and it seems that he doesn't plan to write a new book. These three books are enough for his retirement. I will ask next year."

But when Gao Ming was chatting with Hu Liang, Hu Liang's cell phone just turned on.

Received an email from Zhang Yao from Big Fish Entertainment.

Zhang Yao hardly ever takes the initiative to contact Hu Liang, and every contact is basically because of the contribution.

So Hu Liang immediately became excited when he saw the news.

"It's a submission email!" Hu Liang said excitedly.

"Isn't it just a submission email? I don't know how many I receive every day, so why make a fuss." Gao Ming disagreed.

"It's Big Fish's submission email." Hu Liang said.

"Damn it!" Gao Ming said directly, "Download it and have a look."

Then the two big men locked the office door tightly and communicated and discussed in depth for an hour.

Hu Liang: "Yeyoushen actually started to write about fairy tales."

Gao Ming: "Could it be that Ye Youshen is married and has children?"

Hu Liang: "It seems so...but "The Little Prince" is not only suitable for children to watch, I, a 30-year-old macho, also enjoy watching it."

Gao Ming: "This is a fairy tale written for children and adults. How many copies should we first print?"

Hu Liang: "The book of the God of Night Tour, no matter what you do, you have to start with a million copies, right?"

Many writers sell tens of thousands of copies, even hundreds of thousands are difficult, but for Zhou You, a million copies has become his standard configuration.

In this way, "The Little Prince" began to go through the publishing process.

Hu Liang wrote the promotion plan of "The Little Prince" by hand.

It's a pity that Ye Youshen didn't show up, otherwise, with the success of the previous books as a foreshadowing, Ye Youshen could be packaged as a star author!
Celebrity writers, like singers and actors, can accumulate a large number of fans, accept promotions, endorsements, etc., and their worth and net worth will quickly increase and double.

I don't know what Ye Youshen thought.

Hu Liang thinks that Big Fish's singers and writers are capricious.


Three days passed quickly.

The music variety show "King of Songs" and "Battle of Kings of Songs" started broadcasting.

In the Battle of the King of Singers, there are a total of five star singers in the "decisive battle", and each star singer will invite a guest to help the battle.

Except for the singer himself, the director, and the agency behind it, no one knew who the contestants invited as assistants.

The show aired this afternoon.

Ka Wah Entertainment Department.

Gao Lili, director of the artist department, asked her manager He Chunyu, "Has Li Qingyao not let go yet?"

He Chunyu: "She still insists that she is looking for guests to help the battle, and she is unwilling to accept the company's arrangement and cooperate with Ya."

Gao Lili: "This Li Qingyao doesn't know how to flatter her! What does Manager Dong say? Does Manager Dong care about this matter?"

He Chunyu: "Agent Dong said that her daughter has grown up and has her own ideas, so she can't control it. She respects Li Qingyao's ideas."

Gao Lili: "Her daughter is ignorant! Dong Wenshu is also ignorant!"

The two were very angry.

In the final analysis, Li Qingyao and Dong Wenshu did not obey the company's arrangement to bring newcomer Song Ya.

Dong Wenshu quarreled with the company several times, saying that it was unfair to Li Qingyao, and it was also unfair to Dong Wenshu.But companies ask, "What is fairness?"

We made Li Qingyao popular.

Shouldn't she make a little contribution to the company?

Dong Wenshu could not agree with Jiahua Entertainment's logic.

very angry.

But this time even she couldn't do better.Fortunately, Zhou You is willing to help.

Gao Lili: "Has Li Qingyao found a guest to help?"

He Chunyu: "I haven't heard of it, maybe I haven't found it. She doesn't have many friends in the industry, especially well-known male singers. With her cold personality, who wants to be friends with her?"

Gao Lili: "Let's just wait and see her jokes."


Seven o'clock in the afternoon.

"The King of Songs" live broadcast.

The top five singers who participated in the recording and live broadcast of the program have arrived at the scene.

"The King of Singers" is a bit similar to Earth's "I Am a Singer", and all the singers are recruited for PK and duel.

It is not uncommon for singers to soar and show off their skills in the show.

Of course, there are also well-known singers tearing each other up.

Some outdated singers became famous through this show, and many popular singers used this show to hit higher status.

In the last season of the program, Zhang Heng became famous in this way.

At this moment, in the guest lounge, the singers for the final battle have already arrived, and they are guessing the guests that the opponent may invite to help the battle.

Among the five singers, apart from Li Qingyao, there is also a former singer Qiu Yang.

Xi Ruoxuan, queen of high heels.

Soprano Prince Mo Shuaijie.

Huang Xiaohua, a master of physical fitness.

Mo Shuaijie and Zhang Heng were discussing, "I heard that Jiahua made it difficult for Li Qingyao and asked her to lead a newcomer in the final."

Zhang Heng: "I heard about it. Surprisingly, Li Qingyao didn't obey this time."

Mo Shuaijie: "So who will Li Qingyao look for?"

She didn't look for me. If he had looked for me, I would have won the championship with her... Zhang Heng muttered in his heart for a while, and said, "I don't know."


Xi Ruoxuan looked at her supporting singer Qi Haoyang and said, "So Li Qingyao is the least threatening?"

Qi Haoyang: "It can be said that Jiahua Entertainment has not arranged for it to have any supporting guests. Li Qingyao rarely participates in social circles, so it is not easy to find strong support."

Xi Ruoxuan: "Sister Qingyao is very pitiful, she is put together by the company at this juncture."

Qi Haoyang: "It's not the first time Jiahua has played such a trick."


The situation that Li Qingyao encountered was known to the opponents through their own information channels.

In the eyes of Xi Ruoxuan, Qiu Yang, Mo Junjie and Huang Xiaohua, Li Qingyao will no longer be the most worthy opponent.

Without strong foreign aid, it is difficult to compete for the championship.

Because they found it!

The time soon came to eight o'clock in the evening.

The live broadcast of the "King of Songs" finals begins.

As soon as the show started, tens of thousands of viewers flooded into the live broadcast room of the show.

The lineup of "The King of Songs" is all big stars, and the show is very attractive. Who doesn't want to watch stars fight?
What's more, tonight is the night of the decisive battle.

With the influx of a large number of viewers, the comments and bullet screens in the live broadcast room gradually increased.

"Report for duty!"

"Come and see my sister Qingyao."

"Hahaha I like girl Ruoxuan more!!"

"Xiaohua is the eternal god."

"Why are you all here to see the girl? Am I the only one who came to see Mo Shuai?"

Huang Xiaohua is called Xiaohua, Xiaohuanghua, Huahua, Huajie, and various names. She is very topical.

Mo Shuaijie, he is good-looking, with both handsome and Jie in his name, so he is called Mo Shuaibi.

After long calls, the host finally appeared.

Read the rules of this decisive battle.

The top five will determine the top three first, and the top three will then have a qualifying match.

The top five contestants can choose when the guests will come out to help.

In the first round, none of the five "King of Songs" invited guests to help the battle, probably because they all thought that they could successfully advance to the top three.

In the end, Li Qingyao, Mo Shuaijie, and Xi Ruoxuan successfully advanced to the top three.

Qiu Yang and Huang Xiaohua missed the top three.

Qiu Yang felt quite sorry.

Huang Xiaohua was very open-minded, and she couldn't help teasing herself even though she was an optimist, saying that she was probably a little inferior in terms of appearance.

The qualifying for the top three will start soon.

Mo Shuaijie and foreign aid guest Zhang Heng took the stage first, causing the audience to exclaim.

"Damn it!! Mo Shuaibi actually invited Zhang Heng! Mo Shuaibi has stabilized this wave."

"Champion reservation."

"Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng! Ahhh, my dear Zhang Heng!"

As soon as Zhang Heng appeared on stage, the scene and the live broadcast room exploded.

Mo Shuaijie, as always, soared, showed off his skills, and played handsome.Zhang Heng also soared.The high-pitched sound waves of the two are higher than the other.

It seems that they are better than anyone else.

The two of them showed off their skills to the extreme.

Sing hello to the whole audience.

Immediately after the queen of high heels, Xi Ruoxuan and Qi Haoyang appeared on stage, they chose a love song known as "the most difficult duet between men and women to sing" by Blue Star Xia Guo.

The performance is also quite good.

So much so that after the two performances, everyone was discussing: "Li Qingyao is under a lot of pressure."

"Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan should be the champion or the runner-up. I feel that Li Qingyao is very difficult to surpass."

"Li Qingyao's singing skills are also very good. It's just that the first two selections are excellent!! If Li Qingyao's selection of songs is not good enough, I'm afraid I will lose this round."

In the player area, the eliminated Huang Xiaohua and Qiu Yang were chatting.

Qiu Yang: "I heard that Jiahua didn't support Li Qingyao in particular. When meeting these two monsters, Li Qingyao has almost no chance of winning the championship."

Huang Xiaohua: "Li Qingyao's personal strength is definitely higher than that of Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan, but it is really difficult to win the championship without strong foreign aid. The two supports Zhang Heng and Qi Haoyang are too strong. But it is not impossible to win. "

Qiu Yang: "How to say?" Qiu Yang was puzzled.

Huang Xiaohua: "If she invites Zhou You, maybe she has a chance of winning."

Qiu Yang: "Can she invite her?" For some reason, Qiu Yang's heart skipped a beat when he heard the name Zhou You.

The up-and-coming A-lister has been making few public appearances lately.

But his fan appeal is absolutely leveraged.

He is a man of the hour in the music world.

If he could come, it might indeed help Li Qingyao turn the tide.

After Mo Shuaijie and Xi Ruoxuan left the stage after performing, they quietly waited for Li Qingyao to come on stage.

Like the audience, they were very curious which singer Li Qingyao invited to help!
"It should be a singer of Jiahua Entertainment's king or queen level."

"Mo Shuaijie invited the Little Heavenly King, Xi Ruoxuan invited the Heavenly King, and the foreign guests invited by Li Qingyao will definitely not be low-ranking."

"But why do I feel that Li Qingyao is going to be cool? Everyone knows that Qingbao is not good at socializing. For Qingbao, inviting foreign guests is more difficult than the competition itself."

"Yeah socially disabled people feel the same way! It's hard for me to ask someone to help me."

Everyone was paying attention to Li Qingyao's appearance.

"Applause please!"

"Li Qingyao!"

The host suddenly turned up the volume, and the "big screen door" behind the stage opened to both sides, and Li Qingyao appeared on stage.

The host conducted a simple interview with Li Qingyao, and also warmed up for the upcoming competition.

Moderator: "One last question."

Li Qingyao: "Yes."

Host: "Who are the foreign aid guests we invited today?"

Li Qingyao: "Zhou You."

Li Qingyao spat out these two names, and a hint of joy and a smile flashed imperceptibly on her face.

And when they heard the name, the audience exclaimed, and the barrage in the live broadcast instantly went crazy.

"Damn it!! Qing Bao invited Zhou You here."

"Zhouyou is finally open!"

"They're not going to sing "Big Fish," are they?"

"Squat a happy new song!!"

Soon the barrage filled the entire screen.

When Mo Shuaijie heard the word Zhou You, he immediately said "Oops".

Xi Ruoxuan's heart sank slightly.

Zhang Heng and Qi Haoyang had complicated expressions, because they both knew Zhou You's evil ways and had fought against him before.

If Zhou You played, then the game would change a lot.

Gao Lili and He Chunyu of Jiahua Entertainment are also watching "The King of Songs".

They were looking forward to seeing Li Qingyao's jokes, but unexpectedly, Li Qingyao invited Zhou You!
He Chunyu: "How could it be Zhou You?"

Gao Lili: "The two of them sang "Big Fish" together in Ganzhou before, how could I forget about it."

He Chunyu: "That's the only time they'll be able to do it? No wonder Li Qingyao is so confident this time!"

Gao Lili: "It's not so good, I guess he's begging for nothing. I heard that this week he was very arrogant, and he refused many program invitations. He promised to help Li Qingyao, probably because of her pity. "

He Chunyu: "Hehe, it's really strange that Li Qingyao, who is aloof and aloof, would be ashamed to ask for help."

There was a sour taste in He Chunyu's words.

Soon on the live screen,
Under the host's voice of "applause, please Zhou You", Zhou You appeared on the stage in a rather artistic and textured suit.

Today's Li Qingyao put on high heels.

Standing with Zhou You, they are about the same height.

Li Qingyao's legs look very long in high heels.

The calf muscles tense.

It looks like a work of art from a distance.

Very beautiful!

"Teacher Zhou You, what kind of work will you and Qing Yao bring this time?" the host asked.

""A Bridge of Fate"" Zhou You replied.

What Zhou You didn't expect was that when the title of the song came out, the audience and fans immediately became enthusiastic.

Fans are not surprised that Zhou You and Li Qingyao will bring a new song.

And this should be a new song written by Xiaoyao.

It's no surprise that Zhou You sings new songs on shows.

What really surprised fans was the title itself.

A bridge of fate! !
"A bridge of fate, are Li Qingyao and Zhou You going to form a CP rhythm?"

"It should be "Big Fish" by fate"

"Why is the title of this song sweet?"

"There's sugar! There's the sour smell of love."

"Family! They won't fall in love, will they?"

Fans with clear brain circuits made all kinds of guesses.



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(End of this chapter)

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