I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 199 The 3 Big Three, "Hurricane" is on the air

Chapter 199 Overturning the Big Three, "Hurricane" is on the air

The lights in the cinema hall have been turned on again.

Only then did Zhuang Xiaobei see Su Wen's eyes were red, "Are you crying too?" Zhuang Xiaobei smiled slightly in surprise, and then handed over a tissue.

"Something got into my eyes just now." Su Wen blinked.

Zhuang Xiaobei didn't reveal it, this boy is kind of cute.

To ease his embarrassment, Su Wen said, "Your eyes are swollen from crying."

Zhuang Xiaobei: "Is there?"

Su Wen: "Yes. When your mother sees it later, she thinks I'm bullying you."

Zhuang Xiaobei: "I told my mother that I was bullied by you."

Su Wen: "Then can I go home alive?"

While talking, Zhuang Xiaobei's mother called and asked where they were.She said that we had just finished watching the movie, and we planned to eat skewers together, so we would not go back to the second aunt's house for dinner.

It turned out that Aunt Gu was her second aunt.

Hanging up the phone, Zhuang Xiaobei said, "It's noon, please eat skewers. I know a nearby one is especially delicious."

She was not in a hurry to go back... there is a joke! "Okay." Su Wen agreed.

But he didn't intend to let Zhuang Xiaobei treat him.

He will offer to pay.

While eating kebabs, Zhuang Xiaobei posted a message in the "Guerrilla" circle: "I just finished watching "I'm Not the God of Medicine", and I cried to death! The wall is cracked and recommended. But it is recommended to bring tissues before going."

Immediately someone responded: "Is it really good-looking?"

Zhuang Xiaobei: "A work of conscience! You can always trust Big Fish Studio. Anyway, my eyes are swollen from crying."


"That's not true, I was moved to cry." Zhuang Xiaobei said.

As soon as the topic started to chat, another fan said, "I watched it too, it's definitely a good movie! It's just delayed by the filming schedule! Such a movie is full of rubbish! It's not fair at all."

"I feel the same!! Damn it! I'm a 1.8-meter man and burst into tears. My sister laughed at me to death, and even took a video! I asked her to delete it, and she asked me for 100 yuan."

"The ending song is also nice."

"The opening music is also very magical."

After a while, the topic of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was discussed in the guerrilla circle.

However, because today is the first day of the holiday, many people are sleeping late at home, or traveling, and there are not many people watching movies on the morning of the 10th.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" has an attendance rate of only about [-]% for most of the shows in theaters.

So not many people have watched "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Even with word of mouth.

But it hasn't spread yet, so "I'm Not the God of Medicine" hasn't caused much topic for the time being, and the movie's box office is not ideal.

Zhang Yao was quite worried about this: "Boss, are we rushing this time? The premiere is over, and there is nothing hot or anything."

You must know that when "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was broadcast, it was a frequent visitor on the hot list.

Now "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is a bit colder.

Zhou You: "Let the bullets fly for a while."

wait slowly.

What are you panicking about?


Jiahua Entertainment, Shining Star Media, and Spotlight Entertainment are all paying attention to the situation of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

After all, their films will not be released until the afternoon or evening.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" premiered in the morning.

I have nothing else to pay attention to, so I have to pay attention to "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Jiahua Entertainment Wu Senyu said: ""I'm Not the God of Medicine" is very bleak."

Hu Chunsheng: "It is said that the attendance rate is less than [-]%, so it was very thorough."

Wu Senyu: "After the premiere, there was no big disturbance...the film is not threatening."

Hu Chunsheng: "Keep an eye on Ding Hai on the other side of the spot of light, that's the formidable enemy."


Spotlight entertainment.

Director Ding Hai flipped through the posts and comments on "I'm Not the God of Medicine" on "Hawkeye.com".

There are very few posts about this movie.

After all, there are not many people who have watched this movie, and there are even fewer people who are willing to post and write movie reviews after watching the movie.

But in the few comments, Ding Hai still saw some clues.

"The wind reviews are very good!" Ding Hai said to himself, "All the ratings are above 9 points, zero bad reviews, maybe it will be a dark horse in this year's prime time."

The zero negative reviews may be due to too few reviews...but judging from the existing reviews, this movie can accumulate word of mouth.

His film "Thirty Standing" has cooperated with Big Fish Studio.

"Ordinary Road" written by Xiaoyao made this film a hit.

So he didn't think Big Fish Studio would come up with a bad film.

After all, this is also a film of Big Fish Studio.

Everyone knows with their toes that Big Fish Studio wants to use this to enter the film field.

Thinking about it this way, Ding Hai thinks that "I'm Not the God of Medicine" should be paid more attention to. On the contrary, Jiahua and Xingyao are both "bright guns", so they won't be caught off guard.

The time slots and the number of shows for the three major productions are pretty much the same.

If the dark horse of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" counterattacks, it will inevitably snatch a lot of filming, Ding Hai must ensure that the film that is robbed is not his film... Jiahua and Xingyao don't grab the best!

01:30 in the afternoon.

The films of the Three Greats, Datang, and Shang Kingdom were gradually released.

In the afternoon, people had enough sleep and came out to play, date and watch movies.

Soon Jiahua's "Star Wars 2", Xingyao's "I Am Legend", and Guangdian's "Four Stooges" all achieved impressive box office.

"Star Wars 2" is the continuation of "Star Wars", the first one has already achieved great success, so "Star Wars 2" has a large audience base, and the box office leads other films.

The average attendance rate is 95%.

The venue was almost full.

"I Am Legend" is a wasteland theme that has become more marketable in recent years, and the response has been very good.

"Four Stooges" is the comedy that Guangdian is best at, and the theater burst into laughter.

After the first day, comments on the three movies were all over the sky.

They can also be seen on the hot list.

There are good news about the box office everywhere.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" has no sense of existence.

until the next morning,
The major theaters suddenly discovered the number of shows of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", and the attendance rate suddenly soared!Every show is almost full of spectators.

"Today, the attendance rate of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" suddenly increased sharply. What's going on? Does this happen in your store?"

"I am here."

"I am here too."

"I thought it was only my side!! It seems that the reputation of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has begun to ferment!! It is necessary to adjust the film schedule and increase the number of scenes appropriately."

As a result, all major theaters have increased the number of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" in the morning.

Soon the venues were full.

Moreover, the topic of "I am not the God of Medicine" has begun to ferment on the Internet.

""I'm Not the God of Medicine" is really good."

"Go in with a smile and come out crying!"

"I forgot to bring the paper, my girlfriend rubbed her snot and tears on me, after seeing my clothes are full of snot..."

"I cried the whole time too!"

The box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is gradually rising.

On the third day, the theaters made adjustments to the schedule of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" again, and filmed "I'm Not the God of Medicine" from 01:30 to 04:30 in the afternoon!
At this time, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" also aroused the interest of many film critics.

Film critic Yi Jiuzhou stepped into the theater.

After watching this movie, he posted a [-]D movie review!
In-depth analysis of this movie, at the same time, the bloody reality of chaebols raising drug prices, selling high-priced drugs, and people suffering for a long time is presented.

And posted a lot of data.

It is said that this drama truly reflects the problem of high medical prices in the Star Federation today.

His words are infectious.

Add the facts and make sense.

It resonated with countless movie fans.

"My childhood playmate died of leukemia!! I had no money, so I really had to go home and wait to die. Thinking about it, a young man in his twenties who was about my age left this world, and I feel very sad."

"What medicine is not expensive now? Don't dare to get sick."

"This movie is so real that it hurts too much!"

Yi Jiuzhou's article quickly attracted attention, and the popularity soared, triggering extensive discussions on medicine.

Of course, this also brought many new audiences to "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Tickets for "I'm Not the God of Medicine" were sold out that day.

It has reached the point where it is hard to get a ticket.

In the past few days of Wang Hou, the number of screenings of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" in theaters is increasing every day.Until October 10th, which is a week after the film's release.

The number of films scheduled is already the largest among all films released in prime time in October.

Reached 12724 games per day.

The box office is on the rise!
Cumulative box office exceeded 10 billion!
This kind of box office data is already very impressive. You must know that the box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was pitifully low in the first three days after its release.

Almost all of the 10 billion box office was contributed in the next four days.

And the box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is still soaring.

Wu Senyu of Jiahua Entertainment felt very depressed, because as the data of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" rose and became popular, the theaters cut off the schedule of his movie "Star Wars 2" a lot.

On the one hand, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is too strong.

On the other hand, "Star Wars 2" is indeed not as exciting as the first one.

So "Star Wars 2" can be regarded as driving high and low.On the first day, the box office exceeded 8000 million!But in the next few days, there were only more than [-] million, and there was no more than [-] million.

Do not increase but decrease!It hurts.

What's more terrible is that the theater has reduced the lineup of "Star Wars 2", which makes the daily box office decline more obvious.

After seven days, the cumulative box office was 6.1 million!
Nearly 4 million worse than "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!
Wu Senyu felt very frustrated.

In addition, Xingyao's "I Am Legend", a wasteland-themed film with a sci-fi flavor, has a box office of 9 million.

Guangdian's comedy "Four Stooges" is quite strong, with a box office of 11 billion a week!

""I'm Not the God of Medicine" drives low and high, it starts to drive so fast."

"The single-day box office on the seventh day has surpassed "The Four Stooges"."

"I have a hunch! The God of Medicine is going to explode."

Ding Hai saw the box office on the seventh day and said, "The medicine is over."

Sure enough, on the eighth day, the total box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" surpassed "The Four Stooges" for the first time, and it was thrown away.

At this time, the faces of the three major directors were not very bright.

Discussed in the group.

"The box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is unscientific."

"Counterattack all the way?"

"Hell started! It turned out to be the ultimate winner."

"Dayu Studio and screenwriter Ye Youshen have something to do."

The box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" finally exploded.

Zhang Yao was very excited, "Boss!! We have overturned the three books!! It's so cool."

Zhou You: "This is just the beginning."

Zhang Yao: "Counterattack step by step, don't you think it's very passionate?"

It turns out that Zhang Yao likes the mortal stream...but I like the invincible stream.Zhou You teased in his heart.


During the period when "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was released, Zhou You accompanied his sister Zhou Lingyu to the cinema to watch it.

The rest of the time, both siblings are at home.

Didn't go to any beach at all.

Zhou You helped his sister cover the past, and as a price, Zhou Lingyu cooked breakfast for Zhou You for a week.

During this time, Zhou You was working hard to write the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" series.

At the same time, he wrote the scripts of the upper and lower parts of "A Chinese Journey to the West".

During the tour, three prizes were drawn.

They were drawn respectively: "Those Flowers", "Sister", "Free loop".
"Those Flowers" is one of Pu Shu's classic works.

Pu Shu is a very personal singer.

Also a very pure musician.

He can get off work and leave when the program is being recorded, regardless of whether the program has been recorded or not.

Many people like him because he is Pu Shu, and because he has the kind of willfulness and sensibility that many people yearn for... When you have money, you can't see him in the public eye. When the money is gone, he comes out to sing two songs Songs earn some living expenses.

He refused to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

Is it because Zhou You refused the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala, so he got Pu Shu's work? Zhou You thinks it is very possible.

"My older sister has a pair of cute canine teeth, and she held my little hand with her big hand, and grew up with me. My older sister has black hair. When I find a beautiful girl in the future, I must be like her..."

This is the song "Sister" by Jia Shengqiang.

It’s not the song “Sister” by Zhang Chu.

When Zhou You first heard this song, he wished he could have a sister, but he didn't expect this dream to come true in this life.

During this period of time, I lived with my sister, got along a lot, and activated the lottery for this song, right?
As for "Free loop", it is a very healing work.Its MV tells the story of a boy and a piano.

In addition, this song is also a commercial song for Ford Motor.

"I'm a little used to wandering outside the rain, You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same~~ (I'm used to wandering in the rain, you can leave me tomorrow if you find a new belonging)"

The melody of this song is simply beautiful.

It belongs to the melody that you will fall in love with once you hear it.

This song is not young anymore.

Maybe you don't know the name of this song, but when you hear the melody, you will definitely say "Oh, so it's this one".


The box office of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has shown an upward trend all the way.

The song "Just Ordinary" also became popular with the movie.

Similarly, Li Yan's acting skills have also been greatly recognized by the audience, and the role of Lu Yiyi left a deep impression on the audience.

Many people said at night that "Lv Yiyi played by Li Yan is at the textbook level".

There are a lot of inventory of the roles played by Li Yan on the short video platform recently.

At this time,
"Hurricane" was announced after a two-day delay.

"Hurricane" has arrived!
The whole network is boiling!



The second update, I hope that the code word speed can soar all the way.

I also hope that the monthly pass can go all the way: ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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