I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 176 "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and "Happiness", lost

Chapter 176 "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and "Happiness", lost

"Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" was released on the day of the Ghost Festival.

But the release time is a bit strange, it is on sale in major bookstores at [-] pm.

Under normal circumstances, writers would choose to release their new book around ten o'clock in the morning. At the same time, they would also plan a new book launch event, sign sales, give back to fans, and spread the word to promote the new book.

The God of Night Tour is good, this is already the third book.

Never showed up.

Don't even think about book launches or anything like that.

As soon as the news of the new book was released, the reader circle immediately became lively.

Xia Kingdom's largest reader exchange website, Golden House, the news released by "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City" has been popular.

Readers only need to log in to the Golden House, open the APP of the Golden House, and immediately see the news of "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City".

There are a lot of comments on this post.

It has exceeded [-].

"Why did you choose to go on sale at six o'clock? This is too strange."

"Everyone just got off work at six o'clock, so I just went to buy and have a look."

"Have you forgotten the previous slogan? On the Hungry Ghost Festival, people light candles, ghosts blow lanterns... Today is the Hungry Ghost Festival! People light candles at night, and ghosts blow lanterns at night, right? I guess Ye Youshen wants us to These readers read the book at night."

"Fuck! His heart can be punished!"

"It doesn't matter. After traveling around in "Legend of Sword and Fairy", I swear that I will never watch TV dramas and novels of Ye Youshen in my life! I won't watch them to death."

"Are you sure you don't want to read it? I heard that Xiaoyao also wrote a song for this book. You need to scan the QR code after purchasing the book."

"Fucking shit!! I know my book might be rejected by readers, so I asked Xiaoyao to write songs to create momentum, right? Well... I only have a little desire to read it. I just don't watch his TV series..."

"Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Ancient City of Essence" has not been released yet, but the popularity on the Internet is already very high.


After Jiang Chuxue played Zhao Ling'er, she became an instant hit.

There are so many notifications every day now.

But Jiang Chuxue didn't feel tired.

enjoying the moment.

Recently, many scripts have been placed in front of her for her to choose. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a script like "Legend of Sword and Fairy" that she likes.

But also took a costume drama.

Before "Legend of Sword and Fairy", she was a loyal reader of Yeyoushen, because brother Zhou You seemed to like Yeyoushen... After playing Zhao Linger, she liked this writer even more.

Seeing the release of "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Ancient City of Essence", she immediately asked her assistant to buy it for her.

After returning home, I reviewed the script of the new drama for a while, and then took a beautiful bath.

After washing the incense, I lay on the bed and slowly read this "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Ancient City".

The sense of ritual must be fully pulled.

Jiang Chuxue went to the bathroom to take a bubble bath.

When I take a bath, I don’t forget to appreciate myself. These legs are so white, this stomach is so flat, and these breasts... Hey! ! !How can I grow up?

I don't want to be an A student.

I want to be a C-level scumbag.

How did Sister Mi grow up so big... Jiang Chuxue was very worried. Her family's diet was not bad. There was fresh milk every day, and the aunt was also very good at matching meals.My mother is not poor either... My mother often said that I look like my father, ah, it can't be my father's inheritance... This is unscientific!
A mess of strange thoughts popped up in Jiang Chuxue's mind.

Jiang Chuxue grasped herself in the mirror.

Hmm...it seems to have grown.

Putting on light pajamas, drying her hair, Jiang Chuxue rolled on the bed all at once, and then lay on her stomach...Because of A, lying on her stomach will not feel uncomfortable.

He casually grabbed the "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City" and couldn't wait to read it.

"Grave robbery is not a treat for dinner, not a fuss... Grave robbery is a technology, a technology of destruction..."

It turned out to be about tomb robbers.

Ghost Blowing Lamp... The title of the book is so scary.

When Jiang Chuxue mentioned tomb robbery, two images immediately popped up in his mind.The first one is on the grave, someone is frantically waving a shovel.Another picture shows archaeological experts entering the underground tomb.

I've never read a novel like this, but it seems quite interesting.

"Ghost Blowing the Lantern" also mentioned the tomb mechanism in the introduction, "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Art", these elements all attracted Jiang Chuxue.

She has a strong sense of curiosity.

Then I looked down and saw "my" grandfather Hu Guohua. The background was set in the Xia Kingdom 150 years ago. At that time, a rebellion happened in the Star Federation. The western continent was involved in the flames of war, and the eastern continent was also in turmoil... …

This is Zhou You's adaptation based on the history of Blue Star.

Hu Guohua became addicted to cigarettes.

Need to smoke opium to continue life.

The Hu family was originally a well-known rich man, but in Hu Guohua's generation, all the Wanguan family property was ruined by Hu Guohua. When he ran out of money, he lied to his uncle that he wanted to marry a wife, and his uncle gave him the money, and he used it to buy drugs!
Uncle wants to see his wife.

He bought a paper man to fool his uncle.

Then the paper man was still alive!
Seeing this, Jiang Chuxue was immediately frightened... That damn picture!The atmosphere is very Hungry Ghost Festival... Jiang Chuxue suddenly had the urge to watch it again during the day.

But want to see again!

It's really delicious and loves to watch.

People light candles, ghosts blow lamps... She felt it. She was afraid that the lights in her room would go out suddenly, so she lit all the lights, and then continued to look down.

After reading Chapter 3 Mouse Friends, she suddenly thought that Xiaoyao had written a song for this book.After purchasing this book, you can scan the code to unlock and listen to it.

Just forgot about it.

Now thinking of Jiang Chuxue, she immediately found the QR code on the back of the book and scanned it.

The page will jump soon.

[Thank you for your support of "Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City", the song "囍" has been unlocked]

Immediately afterwards, it jumped to the interface of the Yueting music platform "囍".

Could it be that Ye Youshen knew that ghosts blowing out lanterns was scary, so he asked Xiaoyao to write a festive song... ok, ok, listening to a festive song can dilute some of the horror.

So Jiang Chuxue chose without hesitation to listen to the song and watch Ghost Blowing the Lantern at the same time.

The prelude to the song "囍" is very quiet and gentle.

Not noisy.

It didn't affect Jiang Chuxue's reading of novels at all.

At this moment, Jiang Chuxue saw the title of Chapter 4: Murderous Corpse in the Desolate Grave

Just the title made Jiang Chuxue feel creepy.

Fortunately, accompanied by the music of "囍", it seems that the night is so quiet... Thank you, God of Night, and thank you for Xiaoyao.

"The eighteenth day of the first month, the auspicious day of the zodiac, the sorghum is lifted."

"Put on the red dress, cut it one foot at a time, and cut it hastily."

Hearing the singing of "Happy", Jiang Chuxue frowned slightly.

Such a special song.


Radio tone?
There are.

This singing... sounds like goosebumps.

But it sounds pretty good.

With the sound of music in the room, Jiang Chuxue didn't seem so scared anymore.Throw away the plot of the paper-making man you saw just now.

Keep looking down.

Hu Guohua was still smoking opium, but he was short of money, so he had to go to the barren grave in Shisanlipu to "digging the grave and turning the bucket".

Following the description in the text, Jiang Chuxue imagined a desolate cemetery and was there personally.

Suddenly, I felt the wind blowing behind me.

"Night cats follow a few streets (gai), and their necks are crooked when they climb up trees..."

The lyrics are being sung here.

Hu Guohua suddenly saw a black wild cat in the cemetery of Ghost Chuideng.The wild cat's eyes glowed with a strange blue light in the dark night.

It meowed.

Hu Guohua was taken aback.

Jiang Chuxue was also taken aback.

Hu Guohua sang "Eighteen Touches" for courage and scared the wild cats away.Jiang Chuxue also turned up the volume of the song.

Soon Hu Guohua began to dig his grave.

He dug out a coffin.

Prying open the lid of the coffin, there is a beautiful woman inside, with a lifelike face... She is wearing a phoenix coronet and a red silk auspicious robe, and she is actually dressed as a bride!

Seeing such a description, Jiang Chuxue instantly thought of the word "ghost bride"!

At this time,

The sound of the music being turned up penetrated into the ears.

"She laughed and cried, she laughed and cried
Guess how she laughs and cries, cries, you see how she laughs and cries..."

Originally, Jiang Chuxue didn't feel anything.

On the contrary, the singing can make her less afraid.

But at this moment, suddenly, the suona sounded!
woo woo woo woo~~~
Like weeping like complaining.

As sad as painful.

As soon as the suona sounded, Jiang Chuxue felt her scalp go numb and goosebumps appear all over her body!It was as if a dark wind was blowing from behind, and a sense of horror rushed over.

When the suona sounds, it is either ascending to heaven or worshiping the church! !

In an instant, Jiang Chuxue recalled a blue star ghost movie she watched when she was a child, "Ghost Bride". In this movie, in the mountains and fields, four ghost messengers carried a red sedan chair. The Ghost Bride in the Scarlet Bridal Dress...

It happened to be the female corpse described in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" now!
Also dressed in red bridal attire.

Ascension!Goodbye!Don't these two things go together?
Before, I was still wondering why "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was accompanied by "囍", but now Jiang Chuxue understands... Ahhhh!terrible.

Listen to suona at night!
am i crazy
Jiang Chuxue immediately turned off the music.

But off!
The suona sound is still circling in my mind... I can't get out!Suona is indeed not a musical instrument, but a magic weapon! !It cast a spell on me?
Jiang Chuxue, who is good at food and loves to listen, finally had the courage to continue playing music... Then she didn't dare to sleep all night, and kept turning on the lights.


In addition to Jiang Chuxue, there are many night owls who watch "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" at night, and believe in the evil of Daxia Publishing House.

Buy a book and get a song!

How fresh.

I don't know which marketing ghost came up with the idea.

When many readers read the chapter of the murderous corpse in the wild grave, they happened to hear the part where the suona sounded, and many people were frightened.

It's late at night, but the readers of Golden House, the largest reader exchange website in Xia Kingdom, are discussing enthusiastically.

"Fuck! Trust me, don't watch "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and listen to "Happy" at the same time."

"Damn it! I was scared out of my soul. The female corpse suddenly grabbed Hu Guohua's place, just as the suona sounded."

"Reading this book and listening to "Happiness" at night will really make me vent."

"Brother, don't scare me! Are you scared to piss or...to be soft?"

"Driving back to my hometown with my wife, walking on the mountain road, my wife suddenly said to listen to Xiaoyao's new song, the suona sounded, and I almost rushed off the cliff!"

"We're getting married tomorrow! The house was decorated with red and festive decorations. I played "囍" in the living room, and I told my mother that this song might be used as background music. As a result... my mother almost beat me up after hearing it. Die!!! My mom: What are you doing with this stuff on the big day? Then it’s mixed doubles.”

To know,
This night is still the Ghost Festival, and then ghosts blowing lanterns, and then "囍" and suona... Readers have expressed, what kind of hell are Yeyoushen and Xiaoyao doing.

Some people say damn it, I stopped reading the novels of Ye Youshen, and then I hid under the covers and read the last one secretly.

Someone scolded Ye Youshen, "What about the promised cure? Why are you getting depressed? Please don't learn from Shen Xiaolong."

The ending of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" made many people depressed.

Now this "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" is another underworld thing!

Nocturnal theology is broken.

As readers discuss in the House of Gold.

The popularity of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" continued to ferment, and it quickly became popular on Weibo's hot list.

The song "囍" also became popular.


Western Regions.

Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui are eating big plate chicken!
The recording of "Traveler" is completed today, and it is also their last day in the Western Regions. Tomorrow they will part and go back to their own work.

Li Yan is about to start filming "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Sha Rui will also serve as the historical interlocutor of "China in the Classics".

Jung Ho-dong to star in "Comedian".

"Zhou You, what are your plans next?" Li Yan was curious.

In fact, Zhou You has received many program invitations recently, but Zhou You has rejected them all.

Participating in "Heartbeat Journey" gave him a small amount of money. During the recording of "Traveler", he released novels, produced TV dramas, and released songs... Da Da's studio is gradually on the right track, and Zhou You is no longer short of money.

It doesn't make sense to stay on the show.


What's next?
Maybe... Let life slow down again, go home and have a look, live aimlessly for a while, and do something meaningless.Spend more time with your family.

"I haven't thought about it yet," Zhou You said.

"There are rumors that you are going to release an album, do you have any plans?" Zheng Hudong asked.

"Yeah." Zhou You nodded and admitted.

A new album is definitely coming out.

The album title has also been confirmed.

It's just that the selection of songs for the album is still a long-standing problem. Zhou You hopes that the style of this album will be relatively uniform...

After eating the "breakup meal", the four of them returned to the hotel with their own concerns.

Li Yan bought "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City" at Qilu Central Bookstore.

Li Yan: "What a coincidence, just after we went to the ancient city of Jingjue, Ye Youshen wrote it."

Zhou You: "It's a coincidence. This should be written by Ye Youshen before we went to Jingjue Ancient City. After all, it was published."

Li Yan: "It's also... ghost blowing the lamp, I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

It's strange if you've heard it... Zhou You muttered in his heart, this is a novel about the earth.

Zhou You ignored Li Yan, and suddenly Li Yan said: "I remembered! Yes, yes!! At Ranwu Lake! You ask me if I have heard of ghosts blowing lanterns... At that time, Ye Youshen was writing this book, and then you will know ,Right?"

Zhou You was stunned... Is there such a thing?It seems to have.Recalling carefully, he really asked such a question.

At that time, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" hadn't been drawn yet, it was purely a joke.

I didn't expect Li Yan's grandson to have such a good memory.

It's hard for Zhou You to deny it, so he just said: "Ah... yes, Teacher Ye Youshen mentioned it before, I have read the manuscript." He could only lie.

However, Li Yan is not so easy to fool: "No!! This is not right. You said before that you and Teacher Ye Youshen have never met before, and you are not very familiar with each other... For those who are not very familiar, how can you read the manuscript for you?"

"there is only one truth!"

"Zhou You," Li Yan suddenly looked at Zhou You very seriously, "You are the God of Night Tour, right?"

Zhou You's heart suddenly trembled.

This is off the charts.



First more.

You have a monthly pass, right?Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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