I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 154 "The Great River and Mountain", Jincheng

Chapter 154 "The Great River and Mountain", Jincheng
The big gift package of "Swordsman" gave Zhou You a great surprise.

It seems that everything related to the TV series is a big gift package?

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is also a big gift package.The only regret is that there are no games in the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" gift package.It would be perfect if there is a game.

After the lottery draw, Zhou You took out his mobile phone and started playing "Peak Glory".

Zheng Hudong, Li Yan, and Sha Rui were all sleeping to refresh themselves, but Zhou You couldn't sleep, so they had to play games to pass the time.

At this time,
The leading film of the sixth episode of "Traveler" has been released, and it continues to ferment on the Internet.

The title Wang Hou wrote for the pilot film is: Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui join the tour group, "The Great River and Mountain" Journeys all the way to the West.

Deliberately enclose Heshan Dahao in written brackets.

The purpose of this is to tell the audience: There are new songs in the pilot film!
It turns out that this approach works well.

As soon as the audience saw the title, they fell into the pit instantly.

The pilot film edited by Wang Hou, the four-member group of Journey to the West "reunites", each confirms the identity of the Journey to the West.After that, eat, drink and hang out in Chang'an, and then climb Huashan.

Of course, the most important thing is the soundtrack "Heshan Dahao".

""Traveler" is promising. It is actually co-produced with China TV. The next episode will be broadcast simultaneously on Kunlun and China TV Travel Channel!"

"Is "Heshan Dahao" a song?"

"It's still written by Xiaoyao! Listen to it immediately."

The audience played the pilot film one after another, and went to listen to "Heshan Dahao".

The lead film for "Voyager" has long since exploded.

Now "Traveler" is Kunlun's hottest show, and it has always occupied the number one spot on the variety show list. Any movement will attract the attention of the audience.


After Li Qingyao's new album became popular, she has been busy for a long time with various announcements.

At the moment she is rushing to the nanny car at Jinghai Airport.

She is about to fly to Ganzhou to perform.

Li Qingyao in the nanny's car was swiping her phone.

Dong Wenshu, mother and manager, is talking to her about work.

She just responded one after another, but her attention was all on the phone...

"Zhou You and the others went to Chang'an." Li Qingyao saw the leading film of "Traveler" on Weibo Hot.

She has been paying attention to the travel variety show "Traveler".

Although the work is busy.

But she watched every episode.

For her, this program is relaxing and healing.

Due to work reasons and a mother who has a busy schedule as an agent, she doesn't have the opportunity to travel to many places, so she can only watch "Traveler" and see the world from the perspective of Zhou You.

She has been paying attention to Zhou You since "Heartbeat Journey".

Although he only met Zhou You once, he has a natural affection for him.

If only I could go to Chang'an too.

She thought so, and then clicked on the leading film of the sixth episode of "Traveler".

With the play of the leading film.

Among them, the background music "Heshan Dahao" rang in my ears.

The prelude is a nice, melodious flute sound.

Listening to the melodious sound of the flute,

Li Qingyao seemed to see the green grass and the beautiful village.

"The recent sub-health state

Legs get weak after sitting for a long time
The neck will be sore after watching the computer for a long time

The digital age seems to speed up the pace of life

It also makes people slow down.”

The R&B genre makes Li Qingyao very comfortable to listen to.

The melody and rhythm are brisk and moving.

The lyrics also resonated with Li Qingyao.

Although there was nothing serious about her health, she often felt tired and had poor sleep.Or can't sleep.Either fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night.

Waking up every day is a torment for her.

Probably the body is also in a sub-healthy state... She doesn't know.But her pace of life and work is indeed fast.

It is normal to fly to two or three cities a day.

Li Qingyao made a definition in her heart when she heard this paragraph: It sounds good!
The song written by Mr. Xiaoyao is beautiful!
Traveling around and singing is also nice.

At this time, her mother was still talking to her about the upcoming itinerary, and Li Qingyao completely lost interest.So she deliberately turned up the volume of the very low music, so that everyone in the nanny car could hear "Heshan Dahao".

"Busy, busy, why are you so busy?
The blue star will still revolve naturally when it is away from anyone

Sigh, sigh, flick your fingers, life is too short

The end point is unknown, the scenery along the way should be seen carefully”

The manager's mother, Dong Wenshu, was a little annoyed when she heard the music suddenly turned up.

Busy, busy, why so busy... Did she let me listen to this lyrics on purpose?
"Yaoyao, did you hear what I just said?" Dong Wenshu said.

"Don't talk." Li Qingyao said, "Listen to Teacher Xiaoyao's song."

Li Qingyao especially emphasized the words of Teacher Xiaoyao.

Dong Wenshu hesitated to speak.

This is a new song written by Teacher Xiaoyao!
Very nice.

Xiaoyao's song "Summer Wind" brought Li Qingyao's career to a higher level.Dong Wenshu still respects Xiaoyao very much.When Li Qingyao heard Xiaoyao's new work, she immediately shut up.

And listen with Li Qingyao.

"Mount Emei, Mount Lu, Mount Hua, Mount Song, take the time to take your parents around

Kyoto, Chang'an, Luoyang, Bianzhou, Anyang, Jinling, Yuhang, have a glimpse of the style of ancient capitals
Go out for a walk in a good mood, enjoy the blue sea and blue sky
Heshan is good to go out for a walk, don't stay at home and be a slob"

Lyrics Zhou You made some changes.

Li Qingyao unconsciously relaxed while listening to the song.

It seems that all the work pressure has disappeared in the melody of this song.

The melody of the song is brisk.

Sing it fresh.

It seems that every note is floating in the air with the wind.

Li Qingyao felt like she could smell the sun.

Heshan is great!I'm in a good mood!She really wants to go out for a walk.

Li Qingyao's music skills are very good.

After listening to the first verse, she had memorized most of the melody of the song, and when the second verse was played, she had already started looking at the lyrics and singing along. "Heshan is so good to go out for a walk, the blue sea and blue sky blow the wind."

She loves the lyrics.

Soon "Heshan Dahao" came to an end.

Li Qingyao looked at her manager's mother and said, "Mr. Xiaoyao's song is nice, isn't it?"

Dong Wenshu: "It sounds good."

Li Qingyao: "What do you think of the lyrics?"

Dong Wenshu: "Well written."

Li Qingyao: "I also think, what's the reason for being so busy? Teacher Xiaoyao is accusing people of their busyness. Blue Star keeps revolving around naturally without anyone. This lyrics is very reasonable."

Dong Wenshu: "Yes, yes."

Li Qingyao: "Without one Li Qingyao in the entertainment industry, it can still run very well. I've been too tired recently, so I can push back all the rest of the schedule. The performance in Ganzhou is over, and I want to go to Chang'an."

Dong Wenshu wanted to say something, but this time she only said good things.

Li Qingyao was quite surprised.

After a while Dong Wenshu said: "Do you really hate your mother?"

Li Qingyao: "It's okay."

Dong Wenshu: "Mom just wants you to develop better."

Li Qingyao: "So I didn't blame you. Without my mother's supervision, I wouldn't be where I am today. I just hope that my mother...can listen to my thoughts sometimes."

Dong Wenshu hugged Li Qingyao with open arms.

Before that, she found a psychiatrist for Li Qingyao, and hoped that Li Qingyao would go see it.

Li Qingyao couldn't die.

She reported this to the psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist said, "Broker Dong...I think you should see a psychiatrist."

She was very angry to hear this.

But later, she heard from a psychiatrist that she had a strong desire to control, so she began to accept the psychiatrist's advice carefully, and recently began to try to listen to and respect Li Qingyao's true thoughts.

The relationship between mother and daughter has eased.

At this time,
The comment section of the sixth lead film of "Traveler" has exploded.


"It's great for He Shan to go out for a walk, but he has to go to work."

"Xiaoyao and Zhouyou are urging me to resign again!"

"Submit your resignation now."

"Legs become weak after sitting for a long time, and neck becomes sore after watching the computer for a long time... This song sang to my heart. I know that sitting for a long time is not healthy! But I can only sit all the time at work every day."

"Heshan is good to go out for a walk and don't stay at home and be a slob!! He is trying to persuade us not to stay at home!"

"I immediately thought of "Sunshine Otaku"! I have to follow Wu Yan! Listen to people's advice to eat enough! So now I... go to work hard."

The comment area is full of comments.

Those who clamored to submit a resignation application immediately, after posting comments, they immediately got down to work.

As soon as the boss or leader shouted, he immediately ran over.

Leader: "This plan has to be rushed out before going to work tomorrow, so work hard."

Employees who want to submit a resignation application in the comment area: "Okay! Leave it to me and you can rest assured. The plan must be in your mailbox before going to work tomorrow."

Because "Traveler" has been co-produced by National TV's Travel Channel and Kunlun since the sixth episode.

Therefore, the official account of National TV also forwarded the Weibo of the "Traveler" program.

With the publicity and support of many parties.

The sixth episode of the program has raised the audience's expectations to the extreme.

This song "Heshan Dahao" also became popular.

Occupy No. [-] on the Weibo Hot List.

Yue Ting Music's ranking on the new song list has risen rapidly.

In the end, he insisted on suppressing the new work of Jin Shengtang, which rushed to the first place before.

"I'll go!! Jinshengtang was killed by Xiaoyao again."

"Personally, I feel that "Heshan Dahao" is not as good as Jinshengtang's song. It can reach the top of the list, which is entirely due to the promotion and blessing of the official account of China TV."

"No matter what! Anyway, Xiaoyao is ranked first again."

"Happy face!"

At this time, the creators who rushed to the list at the beginning of the month were very depressed.

It's been such a difficult few months.

It feels like in the past three months, the top ten charts on the Yueting music platform seem to be for Xiaoyao alone... This guy always ranks first!

Can it still make people alive?


Wu Yan is broadcasting live.

Ever since fans became popular in the persuasion circle, besides his own job, Wu Yan would broadcast live to interact with fans on weekday nights or during breaks.

Today he is live.

Suddenly, many fans said in the comment area and barrage of the live broadcast room.

"Brother Yan! Zhou You has released a new song."

"Brother Yan! Zhou You has a new suggestion: the rivers and mountains are so good to go out for a walk, the clear water and blue sky blow the wind."

"Brother Yan! Let's listen!! Let's go on a trip too? Let's have a live broadcast of the trip."

"That's right, Zhou You asked yesterday if you found a girlfriend. Did you reply? He immediately sang in the lyrics: You can faintly look forward to the arrival of a good relationship on the way~~~ Hurry up! Don't stay at home. Go out and find your beautiful woman .”

Wu Yan didn't know what was going on when he saw this sudden change in painting style.

Later, after asking fans in the live broadcast room, I found out that Zhou You sang a song "Heshan Dahao".He immediately searched for it in the live broadcast room.

Listen to it with fans.


[Play the game for an hour, life point +1]

[First Pentakill, life point +1]

Zhou You was playing games on the car heading to Ganzhou to earn a living. He kept receiving private message reminders on his mobile phone, but he ignored them at all.

Zheng Hudong snored loudly after falling asleep in the car.

Before Li Yan lived with Zheng Hudong, it was really hard for him.

Zheng Hudong slept all the way to Ganzhou.

He didn't wake up until Li Yan called him when he got off the car.

The place where Zhou You settled down is Jincheng, Ganzhou.

Jincheng is the capital city of Ganzhou.

Jincheng is definitely the geographical center of Xia Kingdom.

It is located at the longitude and latitude coordinate point of 36 degrees north latitude and 104 degrees east longitude. If this is the center of the circle, a circle can be drawn with the radius of any side point of Xia Kingdom, which can inscribe the entire China.It is not too much to say that it is the geometric center of Xia Kingdom.

Jincheng's median transitional climate is very obvious, making it neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.It is definitely a good place to escape the heat in summer.

Zhou You and the others got out of the car and immediately felt that the temperature in Jincheng was very comfortable.

"It's much cooler than Chang'an." Zheng Hudong said.

Zheng Hudong is afraid of the heat!

When I was in Chang'an, I kept drinking water and eating watermelon ice cream to relieve the heat.

When he came to Jincheng, he didn't open the fan in his hand.

But as soon as he got off the car, Zheng Hudong had a painful and distorted expression on his face.

He's lame!
"My muscles are even more sore after sleeping!" Zheng Hudong got out of the car by holding on to the door and getting out a little bit.

When the muscles are sore, the most fearful thing is "going down the stairs".

That's what happens the next day after leapfrogging and long-distance running in school days.I can't even swing my thighs straight when walking, and going down the stairs is simply fatal.

So Zhou You can understand Zheng Hudong's feeling.

Sha Rui: "My legs are so sore, I just have a good rest in Jincheng tonight."

Because Zheng Hudong, Sha Rui, and Li Yan had leg pains, Zhou You stayed at the Jincheng Hotel after they arrived in Jincheng.

It wasn't until night fell that Zheng Hudong, who was most concerned about what to eat, said, "What shall we eat?"

Li Yan: "I heard that Jincheng Ramen is good."

Zhou You: "Then go eat ramen."

I have heard of Jincheng ramen for a long time.

However, when Zhou You and the others walked out of the hotel to find Jincheng Ramen, they found that Jincheng did not have Jincheng Ramen.

Jincheng only has Jincheng Beef Noodles.

It was night now, but not quite dark yet.Zhou You went to eat Jincheng Beef Noodles at a noodle restaurant called "Jianqiang Beef Noodles" near the hotel.

This store is not big.

Not to mention famous.

It was just because Zheng Hudong and the others had sore leg muscles and didn't want to leave. When they saw someone queuing outside this shop, they followed suit.

While queuing up, Zhou You noticed that outside the store, many people were squatting on the road outside the store with big noodle bowls to eat.

This reminds Zhou You of the Eight Great Monsters in Guanzhong!
Squatting to eat is one of the Eight Great Monsters in Guanzhong.

But Zhou You and others didn't see him when they were in Chang'an.

I saw it in Lanzhou!
At the same time, Zhou You also remembered his hometown Yuzhou!
There are plastic stools outside many noodle restaurants in Yuzhou, but the plastic stools are not for you to sit on, but for you to put your noodle bowls on and eat Yuzhou small noodles there.

Many people in Yuzhou eat Yuzhou noodles on the street.

The scene in front of me is very similar to Yuzhou.

After queuing for more than ten minutes, Zhou You finally arrived.

Zhou You: "How much is a bowl of beef noodles?"

Boss: "7 yuan."

Zhou You: "So cheap?"

Boss: "Add beef, 8 yuan."

Zhou You: "A bowl of beef noodles at 8 yuan is also cheap."

Boss: "An extra 8 yuan for beef."

Well...Zhou You understands, 7 yuan is the price without beef, and a piece of beef costs 8 yuan.

In other words, a bowl of beef noodles is 15 yuan.

After figuring out the price, the boss asked again: "What kind of noodles do you want? Capillary, two-fine, three-fine, leek leaves, wide noodles, and big wide."

Zhou You was a little confused.

He probably knew that the boss asked him what kind of thick and thin noodles he wanted.

But before that, he only knew that there were thin noodles, wide noodles and biangbiang noodles...

"Which one is the second and third? Which one do you eat the most?" Zhou You asked.

Before the boss could answer, an uncle said: "Erxi is the best!"

Seeing that this uncle is a local, Zhou You immediately said: "Then ask the second brother!"

Sha Rui and Li Yan also followed suit.

Zheng Hudong is the most aggressive: "Give me a copy of the second, third, leek leaves, and big width."

Li Yan: "Second senior brother! What about losing weight as agreed?"

Zheng Hudong: "I walked so much yesterday and today, I have already used it up. Eating this will not hinder weight loss."

Zhou You, Li Yan, Sha Rui: ...

This guy has a big stomach.

Could it be that the second senior brother was reincarnated?

The four sat down at an empty table.

After a while, the beef noodles were served.

Noodles and beef are separate.

You need to sandwich the beef slices from a plate into the noodle bowl yourself.

Jincheng's beef is not cut thinly.

There are six pieces in one serving!

It's worth eight bucks.

Zhou You looked at the beef noodles in front of him.

The bowl is big and filling.

The color of the soup on the left is "clean", and the soup is dotted with green onions.On the right is red chili oil, which looks very fragrant.

Li Yan: "I always thought that Jincheng Beef Noodles was a clear soup, so how could there be spicy oil?"

The knowledgeable Sha Rui immediately "explained": "A good bowl of Jincheng Beef Noodles should be clean, white, red, green, and golden."

Li Yan: "What do you mean?"

Zhou You saw it in a travel guide, and said: "Clear refers to clear soup, white refers to white radish, red refers to red chili oil, green refers to coriander and chopped green onions, and golden refers to golden yellow noodles."

Li Yan: "Is there still this particularity? Try it."

As he spoke, Li Yan stirred the noodle bowl with his chopsticks.

Zhou You couldn't help but start.

Before stirring, Zhou You picked up the noodle bowl and took a sip of the soup.

The entrance of the noodle soup is just one word: fresh!

The rich flavor of beef soup spreads in the mouth.

Immediately stimulate the taste buds on the tip of the tongue to secrete saliva.

"This soup is delicious, absolutely perfect." Zhou You said.

Hearing what Zhou You said, Zheng Hudong also picked up the bowl and took a sip, full of praise.

Zhou You began to stir the noodles with chopsticks.

The clear clear soup on the left and the chili red oil on the right began to blend, and the collision of the two produced a rare delicacy.

Two thin noodles are between thick and thin.

Just right for traveling around.

Zhou You picked it up with chopsticks and took a bite.

The taste is bursting.

【First taste of Jincheng Beef Noodles, life point +1】



5000 word chapters.

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.That's all for today, I can't write.

(End of this chapter)

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