I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 148 Carbon Water Capital, Biangbiang Noodles

Chapter 148 Carbon Water Capital, Biangbiang Noodles

Jinghai, a certain villa.

Jiang Chuxue screamed in the room.

Because her mobile phone's "dong dong dong" message prompt sound is different.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is on fire!
Zhao Linger is on fire!
Jiang Chuxue is on fire!
Now fans call her fairy sister, fairy, Linger, wife...

Since the first episode of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", Zhao Linger's popularity has never stopped growing!
At the beginning, refresh the number of followers by one or two hundred, then three or four hundred, and then seven or eight hundred, and now it is even more exaggerated, refreshing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of followers once!

After "Heartbeat Journey" ended, she had millions of followers on Weibo.

It didn't rise much after that.

It wasn't until "Legend of Sword and Fairy" started filming and publicity began that her fans started to grow again, but only a few hundred to a thousand a day, and at most two thousand.

However, every time it is refreshed like now, the number of fans grows to tens of thousands, which really only exists in a dream scene.

"400 million!" Jiang Chuxue couldn't believe it was true.

From 100 million fans to 400 million fans, only a few hours have passed.

crazy! !
Really crazy!

Is this an explosion?
yes!And it exploded overnight!
Jiang Chuxue felt that all this was so unreal, that she was dreaming, but she also knew that all this was really happening.

"This way...I'm closer to Brother Zhou You." Jiang Chuxue was very happy.

She likes acting.

I don't care if I can be popular or not.

After all, the family is not short of money.

After "Heartbeat Journey" ended, she began to think about it gradually... because it was only in this way that she could keep up with Zhou You's pace.

Zhouyou is on fire!

Jiang Chuxue felt that there was a gap between Zhou You and Zhou You.

So she worked hard to narrow the gap, just to get closer to Zhou You...and attack him!The reason why she can play the role of Zhao Linger so well is because every time she calls Brother Xiaoyao, she thinks about Brother Zhou You in her heart.

So every time she filmed, the image of Zhou You actually kept deepening in her heart.

So much so that she felt that she liked traveling more and more.

Just like Zhao Linger likes Li Xiaoyao.

She took good care of the puffer fish brought back from Yazhou.

It is still alive and well now.

Every time she sees the puffer fish, she thinks of Zhou You.

This night, Jiang Chuxue's Weibo fans grew rapidly. Later, she turned off the notification sound and fell asleep listening to "Write the Story as Us" sung by Zhou You.

This is Zhou You's favorite song among all her works.


Early the next morning, the four of you got up early.

I heard that the morning market in Chang'an is very interesting, how can I miss it?
When it was daylight, Zhou You and the others went out.

Because it was relatively early, the four of them only finished simple washing.The clothes and so on are very casual, just like living at home, getting up in the morning and going downstairs to have breakfast.

So today not only Jung Ho-dong has big pants and slippers.

Zhou You, Li Yan, and Sha Rui also left the hotel in loose shorts and slippers.

Four public figures, all in shorts and slippers, relaxed and casual.

The morning wind is very cool.

Fresh air.

The freshness that hits the face makes every pore of Zhou You stretch out, enjoying this long-lost "freshness".

Zhou You remembers living in the countryside when he was a child in his previous life. Every morning when he woke up, his favorite thing was to open the window or go outside to take a breath of fresh air.

Then the whole person was completely awake.

Later, when I lived in a big city, I still got up very early every day, but I rarely felt this kind of refreshment. I don’t know if it’s because my mentality has changed, or because there is no such phenomenon in big cities.

At this moment, I experience this feeling again in Chang'an.

Enjoyed traveling around.

[Awakening state with fresh air in the morning, life point +1]

The streets were still quiet around six o'clock in the morning.

But there are also many vehicles and pedestrians who hurriedly started to make a living.

The breakfast shop is already busy.

The convenience morning market has also set up stalls.

Vegetables, poultry, eggs, fruits, early... everything is sold.

The sound of yelling and hawking, the men, women and children passing through, are full of market flavor.

"It's been a long time since I've experienced this kind of fireworks in the world." Sha Rui said, "I don't have time to go shopping when I'm working. I either order takeaway or find a restaurant to eat. When I want to cook, I buy some food online. , the delivery guy will deliver it directly to your home.”

"Although this kind of life is very convenient," Zheng Hudong said, "but it always feels like something is missing."

"Life is missing." Zhou You said.

Life is a little less life... Zheng Hudong found Zhou You's answer quite interesting, "What do you think is the definition of life?"

"It seems difficult to define." Li Yan said, "Everyone is talking about life now, but what life should look like is a very vague concept. In fact, as long as you live happily and comfortably, that's life."

"Yes, life is different. There is no difference between good and bad." Sha Rui said, "But I think there is a difference between living and being alive. Life needs a little bit of light and a little bit of sweetness in life. Ups and downs, Everything has a bit. It can’t be all bitter.”

Zhou You also has his own definition. The so-called life means being born and living!
Zhou You four wore loose shorts and slippers, mixed into the crowd, and walked into the market. At this moment, they seemed to have lost their star halo.

Celebrities are people too...

Top actresses can shit too.

When a star takes off her halo and changes her clothes, she is still an ordinary person.

"What do we have for breakfast?" Li Yan asked.

"Eat whatever you see and want to eat." Zheng Hudong would go up to the breakfast stand when he passed by, "Boss, how do you sell the golden silk cake?"

"Five dollars each," said the boss.

"Come one." Zheng Hudong's eyes were shining, "Do you want to eat?"

"I'll look at the others." Li Yan said.

Zheng Hudong bought a golden silk cake, and ate it while walking, praising the deliciousness, but his eyes did not stop searching.

When I saw the pancakes, I bought one. I couldn’t help but want to eat zeng cakes, and I wanted to try Caijiamo.

Chang'an is known as the "Capital of Carbon Water".

Every food is a carb bomb.

The chubby Zheng Hudong didn't care at all, he should eat and drink.If you go to hell, you will gain weight.

Li Yan had to weigh it in his heart.

In U-Tsang he was very relaxed, but he gained weight really fast.

Seeing Zheng Hudong feasting without any scruples, Li Yan was greedy, but thinking of a play to be performed next month, his weight and figure should not be too outrageous, so he could only restrain himself.

He buys very little.

Every time, he "grabs food from the tiger's mouth" at Zheng Hudong's place, and leans forward: "I will taste a little."

Zheng Hudong: "Buy it yourself."

Li Yan: "You treat Master Ni's son like this? No, you treat Master like this?" He is now Tang Sanzang.Zheng Hudong is the second senior brother Bajie.

Zheng Hudong: "It's all right, for Master's sake."

There was a lot of joy along the way.

The portions of Chang'an delicacies are really big, and the prices are not so outrageous.One person eats one portion, and if you eat two more, you really can't eat the rest.

So Zhou You felt that Zheng Hudong's generous "feeding by the tiger's mouth" should also be in consideration of not getting full so quickly, so that he can eat a few more delicacies.

Zhou You bought a Caijiamo for 4 yuan.

To Zhou You's surprise, the vegetable steamed buns sold for only 4 yuan, but you can pick the vegetables casually... Isn't the boss afraid of losing money?It's the first time I've seen Zhou You.

In addition, Zhou You was very curious about Zeng Gao, so he bought a portion of Zeng Gao and shared half with Sha Rui.

Steamer cake!The local dialect reads Jing Cake.

The glutinous rice is soaked for twelve hours, steamed, smoothed, and then a layer of jujube and kidney beans are spread on top, and stewed overnight.

It tastes soft and glutinous, sweet but not greasy.

Zheng Hudong is worthy of being a "gourmet" who loves to eat. He is super edible. He can have his current figure and weight, which is probably all from eating.

"I can't stop at all." Zheng Hudong said, "I can eat from morning to night here."

While talking, he bought another "vegetable box", a persimmon paste, and a spicy soup.

Just opposite this Hu La Tang is selling mixed liver soup.

Zhou You ordered a haggis soup, and took it to the stall opposite Zheng Hudong eating Hu spicy soup, and ate with them.

"It's all carbon water..." Li Yan expressed despair.

want to eat!

But it's all high-calorie carbohydrates, so hopeless.For a moment, he wanted to give up the actor's last persistence.

Zheng Hudong frowned at the side, "Occasionally, it doesn't hurt to let go of your stomach and eat once in a while. Eat today and exercise tomorrow, and the negative and negative will be positive. Isn't this a calorie balance? Eat as much as you want, don't hold back."

"It seems to make sense." Li Yan's faith quickly collapsed in front of Zheng Hudong's fire and feasting. "Go back to exercise after eating!!"

So I bought the oil paste Xuan (big oil cake) stuffed with beef and chives nearby, and ordered a haggis soup like Zhou You.

That greasy paste was bigger than Zheng Hudong's face.

This can be regarded as Li Yan not doing two things endlessly.

Retaliatory eating.

Prepare to eat a cool posture at once.

Zhou You was eating haggis soup leisurely.

There are lamb tripe, lamb lung, lamb liver, lamb head meat, vermicelli...

Drink soup, eat haggis, and break buns.

Break the bun into small pieces, soak it in the haggis soup, and then put two tablespoons of spicy oil on it!
Zheng Hudong saw that Zhou You added spicy peppers to the haggis soup, and he also added two tablespoons of spicy spicy peppers to his spicy soup, which made him so spicy that he enjoyed it.

This morning market breakfast was very satisfying for the traveling group.


Portions are plentiful.

[Visit Chang'an morning market, life point +1]

[Drink haggis soup and break buns, life point +1]

After breakfast, he went back to the hotel and changed his clothes. Zhou You and his party went to Yisushe Cultural Street and visited the Qin Opera Art Museum.

It happened to be a performance of Qin opera.

So they sat down and listened to a Qin opera.

Qin Opera, also known as Bangzi Opera.One of the oldest dramas of the Han nationality, it originated in the Western Zhou Dynasty and originated from Xifu.Mature in Qin.One of the national intangible cultural heritage.

One of the Eight Great Monsters in Guanzhong.

The so-called Eight Great Monsters of Guanzhong refer to the eight strange customs in Guanzhong.

They are: noodles are like belts, pot helmets are like pot lids, chili is a dish, half of the house is covered, papa is worn on the head, girls do not go out, do not sit and squat, and sing and shout.

When singing opera, it is called Qin opera.

The Qin opera is high-pitched and intense.

It is said that there are three conditions for singing Qin Opera well.

First of all, the stage has to be strong, otherwise it will collapse.

Second, the actors must be in good health, otherwise they will have no energy to sing with two voices.

The third audience should be bold!Otherwise, this high-pitched tone can scare you.

[Appreciating Qin opera for the first time, life point +1]

After listening, Li Yan and Zheng Hudong followed suit.

Zhou You: "You two can also sing Qin opera?"

Zheng Hudong: "Cross talk and funny singing, and Qin opera have been learned a little bit. Although my apprentice didn't learn it well and embarrassed our master, I still know a little bit."

Li Yan: "Zhou You, can you sing?"

Zhou You: "I haven't learned it."

Although Zhou You has a perfect singing voice, it is indeed the first time he has come into contact with Qin opera and opera.

Having a good voice doesn't mean you can sing.

This stuff has to be learned.

The whole morning passed quickly, and it was lunch time.Zheng Hudong, who ate the most in the morning, was the fastest hungry, "What shall we have for lunch?"

Sha Rui: "Hudong, are you hungry now?"

Zheng Hudong: "There is more meat and fat, and the energy consumed by walking is more than you."

Zhou You thought of the "noodles like a belt" in the Eight Great Monsters of Guanzhong.

I have eaten a lot of "carbohydrate bombs" in Chang'an.

But I haven't eaten Chang'an's noodles yet.

Zhou You has always liked to eat noodles.

In the morning in Jinguancheng, I have to find a noodle shop, and in Uizang, I want to eat Tibetan noodles.But my favorite is the small noodles in my hometown of Yuzhou...I miss that taste.

Wei Zang's Zangmian was also thinking about it.

Passing by an "Old White" noodle shop.

Zhou You immediately thought of Bai Zhantang in "Wulin Biography"... "Wulin Biography" seems to be set in the Guanzhong area.

Tong Xiangyu also spoke authentic Guanzhong dialect.

Shopkeeper Tong's "voice and smile" seems to be right in front of his eyes: "I'm wrong, I was wrong at the beginning, if I don't get married, my husband won't die, and if my husband doesn't die, I won't be reduced to a sad person." place……

Does Laobai Noodle Shop have Laobai?
This question sounds like asking if there is a wife in the wife pie.

Zhou You and his party walked into the old white noodle shop.

"Boss, do you have biangbiang noodles?" Zhou You asked as he walked into the noodle shop.

The first time I knew biangbiang noodles was from the TV series "White Deer Plain".

The scene of Bai Jiaxuan eating noodles made biangbiang noodles popular all over the country again.

Biangbiang noodles are named for the sound of biang and biang when pulling the noodles.

"Yes!" The boss greeted the guests with a loud smile, "Four bowls?"

"Give me an extra bowl." Zheng Hudong has always been proud when it comes to eating.

"Well, we are all extra noodles, three yuan each." The boss said.

"Are you talking about root numbers here?" Zheng Hudong was surprised.

"Our noodles are long and wide, and one piece of noodles is enough." The boss said.

"Then give me two more." Zheng Hudong said.

The boss wanted to say that if you add two sticks, you might not be able to finish it, but seeing Zheng Hudong's size, he swallowed his words back.

After calling Zhou You and the others to sit down, the boss went to the back kitchen to make noodles.

Zhou You and Zheng Hudong followed to see the production process.

The cameraman brother also turned on the camera and started to take pictures of the food.

While waiting for the meal, Zheng Hudong noticed a very large and complicated character written on the wall in front of the noodle shop.

The word biang on the side of biangbiang. (can't type)

Zheng Hudong said, "How do you pronounce this word?"

Sha Rui: "This is the biang on the side of biangbiang."

Zheng Hudong: "This character is so complicated, how many strokes are needed? Can you remember how to write it?"

Sha Rui: "There is a special formula for this word."

Then Sha Rui recited the mantra again.

Flying to the sky at one o'clock, the Yellow River bends in two ways; the mouth is wide open, and the words go in; when you twist, I twist, both sides of the words are blocked; the left one is long, the right is long, and Madam Ma sits in the middle; the heart is in the middle At the end of the day, the moon is by your side, and you can hook up and hang sesame candies; it’s so fun to be free and easy, and go shopping in Xianyang by car!
After hearing this, Zheng Hudong immediately gave Sha Rui a thumbs up: "As expected of a cultural person! I am convinced."

While talking, biangbiang noodles were served.

Zhou You, Li Yan, and Sha Rui all served in big bowls.

Only Zheng Hudong used a large stainless steel basin for his portion.

Because he added two noodles.

The biangbiang noodles are mixed and eaten.

Put side dishes, chili noodles, and pour hot oil, and the aroma is tangy.

"It smells so good." As soon as the noodles came up, Zheng Hudong could smell the strong fragrance, and his lips and teeth salivated.

Zhou You noticed that Zheng Hudong's inconspicuous Adam's apple rolled.

This side is really delicious.

Zhou You picked up his chopsticks and started stirring.

Meat sauce, spicy peppers, meat cubes... Sure enough, Chang'an people can't eat without spicy peppers.

After mixing the noodles,
The biangbiang noodle, which is as wide as a trouser belt, is evenly dyed with red oil and hot pepper, with a stronger fragrance and attractive color.

Zhou You swallowed his saliva, and couldn't wait to pick up the large noodles with his chopsticks and took a bite.

The noodles are soft and chewy.

The aroma of noodles and spicy peppers quickly spread in the mouth.

The spiciness further stimulates the secretion of saliva.

The meat inside the noodles is absolutely amazing.

It tastes similar to the scorpion in the Qishan scorpion noodles that Zhou You and they ate in Huimin Street before, and it is delicious.

The meat of Qishan saozi is hot and sour when fried.

It is very refreshing to eat in this hot summer.

"This noodle tastes so good! It's unrestrained and satisfying." Zheng Hudong directly stuffed the wide noodles into his mouth.

There was already a layer of shiny chili oil on his mouth.

good to eat.

Also spicy.

Fragrant but not oily.

"Boss, what do you want to drink?" Zheng Hudong had to drink something to relieve the heat.

The boss quickly brought a bottle of frozen Bingfeng.

Zheng Hudong took a sip, and in his words, he was so refreshed that he almost flew up.

After that, Zhou You and others also asked for a bottle of chilled Bingfeng!
Eat a mouthful of noodles, drink a mouthful of Bingfeng, the spiciness of biangbiang noodles and the icy coolness of Bingfeng blend and collide!There is a kind of pleasure of ice and fire.

[Biangbiang noodles with ice peaks, life is like the peak, life points +2]

Zheng Hudong is not satisfied after eating a pot!

He added two noodles.

Call the boss, "Boss, make me another pot."

Boss: "Good appetite."

Zheng Hudong: "Your home has gluten, enough flavor, and delicious! It's very good. I can't get enough of it."

Zheng Hudong chatted with the boss.

The boss is also talkative.

Hearing Zheng Hudong's praise, he also cheered up, saying: "The biangbiang noodles are a must in Chang'an! One of the Eight Great Monsters in Guanzhong."

"Qinchuan is dusty for 3000 miles, [-] million people from Qin are roaring at Qin opera, serving bowls of biangbiang noodles refreshed, muttering without adding spicy peppers, the boss won't let me use spicy (stingy) spicy peppers!"

The pure Guanzhong dialect spoken by the owner of the noodle restaurant made Zhou You and others smile.

"The boss is a bit interesting." Sha Rui said.

"I have to eat another bowl even if I say this to the boss." Li Yan said.

"Didn't you control your diet?" Zhou You said.

"Uh... let it go to hell." Li Yan said, "Only when you are full can you exercise."



The first update, 5000 words.I'm not sure if there are any more tonight... Everyone has seen it, and the content of the writing is based on reading a lot of materials.Well, I will try my best to write the second update.

Ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, or a fucking monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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