I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 142 Strong Production Lineup, "Once Upon a Time You"

Chapter 142 Strong Production Lineup, "Once Upon a Time You"

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu" collided and premiered on the same day.

Blue Star TV dramas are generally broadcast on TV stations and the Internet at the same time.

The preferred online platform is Kunlun, the largest video platform.

Not only did the two premiere dates collide.

Even the first broadcast platform also hit.

Both dramas chose to premiere in Kunlun.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is the first TV series produced by Dayu Studio.Although Big Fish Studio has been in the limelight recently, it is only a studio after all, and the number of employees does not even exceed ten.

Jiahua Entertainment is one of the three major entertainment companies and a well-deserved entertainment giant.

Compared with Jiahua Entertainment, Big Fish Studio is far behind in terms of size and strength.

This can be seen in the investment of the two dramas.

The estimated cost of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is 9000 million, less than [-] million.

And Ka Wah Entertainment's "Fairy Journey" plans to cost [-] million to produce!
In addition, there is a big gap between the production team and the cast of the two dramas.

In the team of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", except for the director Ye Chen and Li Xiaoyao's actor Hu Ge who are relatively well-known, the rest of the members are not very well-known.

And the lineup of "Fairy Way" can be called luxurious.

Directed by veteran director Hu Chunsheng.

Hu Chunsheng's resume is quite beautiful.

He has won many of the most authoritative film and television awards in Xia Kingdom.

Wanhua Award for Best Director, Shenlong Award for Outstanding Director, Shenlong Award for Best Film...he has won these awards more than once.

His work that won the Dragon Award for Best Film is "Immortal Gu", which is still regarded as a classic movie of Xianxia.

Hu Chunsheng's fame and status in the industry are not comparable to Ye Chen's.

The screenwriter of "Fairy Way" is Sun Ye, the gold medal screenwriter of Jiahua Entertainment.

Gold medal screenwriters and A-level gold medal creators have the same status.

In the screenwriting industry, he definitely has a head and a face.

In comparison, Ye Youshen, the screenwriter of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", is a little less important.

Although Ye Youshen wrote two popular novels, it is not uncommon for novelists to switch careers and write scripts... After all, writing novels and writing scripts are two different things.Ye You is a pure newcomer in the screenwriting world.

In terms of cast, "Fairy Way" has Li Rui, the popular floret, Yang Yan, the powerful actress, and Fu Qing, the national male god with acting skills.

In addition, there are mixed-race Rose Wendy, Xigu Tianyu and other friendly guest stars.

The lineup is not bad.

Li Rui and Fu Qing are both Jia Hua's cash cows.

Yang Yan is an artist of Shining Star Media, one of the three major entertainment giants.

Wendy and Tian Yu have their own studio.

It can be seen that behind "The Immortal Journey" is not only funded by Jiahua Entertainment, but also co-produced by Shining Star Media, many artist studios, theaters, etc.

Behind this is a closely connected network of relationships.

Bluestar's major companies compete and cooperate with entertainment companies. The competition is fierce, and of course the cooperation is also close.After all, many screenwriters' choices of roles are not limited to their own companies.

Therefore, the major entertainment companies are still kind on the surface.

But privately grabbing territory is also absolutely unambiguous and soft-handed.

Get started when it's time to get started.

There are no permanent friends, and there are no permanent enemies... This sentence is perfect for Blue Star's entertainment circle.

Based on this background, the first broadcasts of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu" collided, which immediately triggered heated discussions inside and outside the circle.

"Dayu Studio's "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is miserable this time. It premiered at the same time as "Xiantu", and the chances of hitting the street are extremely high."

"Let's change the premiere time of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" to avoid the edge for now."

""Legend of Sword and Fairy" is too unlucky! I actually met "Xiantu""

"The disparity in the production lineup is too great."

"Li Rui, Yang Yan, Fu Qing, Wendy, Tian Yu... any one of them can overwhelm the cast of "Legend of Sword and Fairy"."

"In terms of scripts, Yeyoushen is good at writing novels, but compared with the gold medal veteran Sun Ye, there is no comparison at all."

"Ye Youshen is a genius-level writer, even Shen Xiaolong was slaughtered. I don't think his script is bad. I'm looking forward to it! You must watch it when it airs."

Most netizens think that "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has a high probability of hitting the street this time.

Its director Ye Chen actually wanted to postpone or advance the broadcast.

He is also a little imaginary.

But this is a project of Big Fish Studio, and only Big Fish Studio can decide when it will be broadcast. He just hopes to lose too badly in front of "Xiantu".

Ye Chen has complete confidence in the script.

I also have confidence in my directing skills.

But whether a drama can be popular depends on the script itself and the ability of the director. In addition, the cast will largely determine the final performance of a drama.

After all, the audience appeal of popular actors is still very strong.

From the day it was scheduled to air,
The production team of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is under a lot of pressure.


On the other hand, Zhou Lingyu has successfully joined Dayu Studio.

What she didn't expect was that on the first day she joined the company, the company had already won an advertisement for her—an advertisement for the Wrangler brand.

The commercial song "Wrangler City" created by Xiaoyao for Wrangler has been adopted. Now she needs to write a commercial shooting plan, and then form a shooting team to shoot this commercial.

The appeal of Wrang Ma is very simple, to shoot a group of commercials that can resonate with urban young people, especially urban white-collar workers.

After all, the main audience of Wrang Ma is young people.

After communicating with Muma and understanding their demands, Zhou Lingyu started to complete the advertising plan.

At the same time, the recruitment information of the department was also sent out.

"Listen to the song "Horse City" first." Zhou Lingyu thought.

This Xiaoyao is so partial to his younger brother...but now he has come to work in Big Fish Studio, and he has never seen the shadow of Teacher Xiaoyao.

But listening to the song sung by younger brother Zhou You in Dayu Studio has a different feeling.

The feeling of fighting side by side with my brother!

Come on!

Zhou Lingyu!You can make the advertising business of Big Fish Studio flourish.

After cheering herself up, she opened the song file of "Horse City".

"Walking in the streets and buildings, my heart is about horses and hunting grounds..."

Pictures of young urban white-collar workers rushing in and out of office buildings come to mind.

In a hurry.


In the end, I found myself doing nothing.

Lots of ideals...but already trapped in the urban forest.

Urban Forest! !
Such a creative concept immediately popped up in Zhou Lingyu's mind.


The three days when Zhou You returned to Jinghai passed quickly.

The fifth episode of "Traveler" finally released the leading film on July [-].

The fifth episode of the program is the end of the trip to U-Tsang.

Director Wang Hou has learned it well this time, and carefully edited a pilot film of 30 minute and [-] seconds.

In the pilot film, there are the starry sky of Mt. Everest and the tip of the iceberg of the Jinshan Mountain in the sunshine; there are Gang Rinpoche and A Diao; there are Sangyan and vultures; meet.

Only there is no part where Zhou You came to the stage to sing "A Diao".

"Director Dog has learned this time? Isn't he a real man in three seconds?"

"There is no scene of Zhou You singing in all of this! Poor review!!"

"Fuck!! Is that Qian Qiuyuan, the three scumbags? Did the three of them go to Wei Zang too?"

"They were talking and laughing while eating together! They seem to be very familiar."

"what's going on?"

This time there is no traveling and singing.

But there are three scumbags.

Wang Hou deliberately cut some of the interaction between the three cheap guests and Zhou You.

And these carefully edited shots left a broad space for the audience's imagination.

So much so that everyone is speculating about the relationship between Zhou You and the three lowly guests.

It also whetted the appetite of the audience.


The performance of the program "Traveler" has been relatively stable.

Now, regardless of whether the pilot film or the feature film is updated, the playback volume is 3000 million times.

There is no pressure at all for the prince.

This is also another popular program on the Internet after "Heartbeat Journey".

The popularity of "Traveler" has also created many followers.In the entertainment industry, following trends is nothing new.

Nowadays, major platforms and entertainment companies have launched similar travel programs one after another.

But it can't make the texture of "Traveler" at all.

They tried every means to invite actresses to join the program in order to differentiate and gain traffic.

But "Traveler" with the participation of Zhou You and Li Yan was not as popular.

After all, these two people can always do some unexpected things together.

The leading film of the fifth issue of "Traveler" has been released, which means that the fifth issue will be broadcast in three days.

The shooting and production of the sixth program is imminent.

Wang Hou contacted Zhou You: "Mr. Xiaoyao, we will leave for Chang'an tomorrow, is your place OK?"

Zhou You: "No problem."

Wang Hou: "Then I will send a car to pick you up tomorrow, is it still at the original address?"

Zhou You: "I've moved, um... I'll come and meet you myself." Zhou You lived in the super luxury Junting Villa worth over [-] million yuan, and asked the prince to pick him up. Zhou You was worried that he would be shocked.And Zhou You didn't want to be so high-profile.

Zhou You insisted on going there by himself, but the prince had no choice.All I have to say is meet at the airport.

Before hanging up the phone, Zhou You asked, "Didn't you say there will be a new travel companion? Who is it?"

The prince made a fool of himself: "They are already in Chang'an, and they will know when they see you tomorrow."

Zhou You: "They?"

Prince: "Yes, two people."

Zhou You: "Okay." I thought it was a threesome...but now it's four.

Wang Hou: "Mr. Xiaoyao, we need to make a pilot film for the new journey. At present, only "Once Upon a Time" and "Song of Trouble" are left to release my songs, which are not enough. Do you have any new works in hand?"

Zhou You: "I'll send you later."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou You sent the three songs in his hand, "The Great River and Mountain", "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", and "Childhood".

These three songs may come in handy.

"Wrangler City" is the commercial song of Wrangler, so it will definitely not be released. "Encounter" is currently his own version, and he is more inclined to find a female singer to record and release. "Just Ordinary" is prepared for "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

"Tomorrow is the 31st." Zhou You looked at the calendar and whispered.

I originally wanted to wait for the advertisement of the Muma brand to be released at the end of July, but now it is hopeless.It seems that tomorrow I will only post a song to make up for it!
Only in this way can we successfully break through 1000 points!

He was promoted to a C-level creator when the points were settled on August [-]st.

Which song should I post?
"Song of Trouble", "You Once", "Childhood"...Zhou You ran through the unreleased works in his mind.

There is an intuition that Zhou You should publish "Once Upon a Time You".

As for why he couldn't tell.

But there is just an intuition... maybe "Once Upon a Time You" is similar to "Blue Lotus".Or maybe the trip to U-Tsang is over.This song is more in line with his current state of mind.

Send a message to the prince to say hello.

Then Zhou You set up a scheduled release on the Yueting platform.

"Once Upon a Time You" will be released on the 31st, that is, at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

After setting the timed release, Qian Qiuyuan sent a message to Zhou You via WeChat, not to Xiaoyao.

Qian Qiuyuan: ""Summer Night Wind", this song has been changed, and I am quite satisfied with it."

Zhou You: "Thank you, Teacher Qian."

Qian Qiuyuan: "My brother, you're welcome. I'll write two more songs for you later. You can ask Xiaoyao to write two more. Let's put together an album. After debuting for so long, it's time to release an album."

Zhou You: "Well...it depends on the situation." Qian Qiuyuan is more active than myself.

Qian Qiuyuan: "This matter can't be delayed, we have to strike while the iron is hot. Don't worry about the song, the second and third will help you write it. While the heat is high, hurry up and become a king. Then we will drink you with Xiaoyao celebration wine."

Hearing this, I understand that traveling around.

Cooperating with you is just trying to see Xiaoyao in a different way.

Such a work of prostitutes and three sluts...Zhou You is still a little bit sorry, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems to be quite cool!

Zhou You: "Well, I'm planning and planning."

Qian Qiuyuan: "How many points does Xiaoyao have now?"

Zhou You: "More than 900."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Then he is not going to become a C-level creator this month?"

Zhou You: "Chong. A new song will be released tomorrow."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Can you listen to me first? I'm very strict! Keep it secret."

Generally speaking, people who say they have a strict mouth often turn around and spread the word... It's not that Zhou You doesn't trust Qian Qiuyuan.

Instead, it is inappropriate to send it to him.

You must know that in Qian Qiuyuan's eyes, Zhou You and Xiaoyao are two people... Zhou You has to do a full set of plays.

Zhou Youdao: "I'm sorry, Teacher Qian, I have to respect Teacher Xiaoyao in this matter."

Qian Qiuyuan: "It's okay. Then I'll wait for tomorrow to listen. I'm going to sleep."

Zhou You: "Good job, Teacher Qian."

Just as Zhou You was about to put down his phone, Qian Qiuyuan sent Xiaoyao another message on Xiaguo Music.com.

Aren't you sleeping?
This feeling is like a girlfriend telling herself that I'm going to bed good night, and then chatting with other boys the next second... Don't believe the chat partner's good night and go take a shower with me.


Six o'clock the next morning.

A-level creator Jin Shengtang opened the Yueting music app as soon as he opened his eyes.

This month he is attacking S-level creators.

Among the A-level creators, he was already considered the last batch of seniors.

He is only one ranking away from the S-level creator.

Three songs have been released this month!
"Far Away" released yesterday is the third song!
This song is also the last song in his hand.

It's also one of the best quality.

"Far Away" has been very strong since it was released yesterday, and its ranking on the Yueting New Songs Chart has risen rapidly!

It has soared to No.2 last night.

The gap in popularity with "Life Like Summer Flowers" is narrowing step by step, but he stayed up late last night to write songs, and he couldn't bear it any longer, so he had to sleep.

He writes songs very slowly!
Notoriously slow!
For example, Qian Qiuyuan may sing one song every few days, or even one song a day.

But the Golden Temple can't.

It takes at least a week for him to write a song, and sometimes a month or even a few months... He has a problem, he always likes to revise and revise what he writes.

And this modification process is very time-consuming.

Because he will always find dissatisfaction.

Once dissatisfied, it will be revised until it is satisfied, otherwise it will not be submitted and published... This may also be perfectionism or obsessive-compulsive disorder in a certain sense.

Can you reach the S-level creator in July!

Just look at the song "Far Away".

Because according to his calculations, at present, there is only one point left to successfully advance to the S-level creator!

And this point needs "Far Away" to surpass "Life Like a Summer Flower" from the second place on the list to earn it!
and so!
The number one ranking this time is particularly important to Golden Holy Church.

The first thing to do when you wake up is to look at the rankings!
NO.1 "Life Like Summer Flowers"

NO.2 "The Far Away"

The popularity of the former is 9999 million.

The latter has a popularity of 9698 million.

"It's almost over!" Jin Shengtang excitedly said.

Although he was looking forward to waking up to see "The Far Away" at the top of the list, he managed to get the last point.His expectations were not fulfilled at the moment.But the gap has narrowed to 300 million popularity, and it should be a certainty to reach the top of the list today.

The transcendence can be completed before twelve noon at the earliest.

Why not post a new song and earn that point directly?
Because there is no song in hand.

Hmm... It's not that there are no songs, but that there are no works that he is satisfied with.He is OCD!Before a song has been modified to full satisfaction, he will not put it on the market for the audience.

This is his persistence!

It belongs to the persistence of the craftsman.

So even if he has a work in hand, he doesn't allow himself to send it out casually to earn a little points... He regards his reputation and the quality of his work as more important than his own life.

During the princely time, he had to look at the ranking and popularity of the list every one or two minutes.

The good news is that "Far Away" is catching up with "Life Like a Summer Flower" in popularity.

The gap is decreasing over time.

His heart also became more and more joyful.


In the "Per Capita Masters" group, A-level creators were discussing Jin Shengtang's promotion to S-level creators.

The "Per Capita Masters" group is a group of A-level creators.

All A-level creators are in the group.

Everyone chats and farts in it, communicates, and sometimes exchanges resources in their hands.Everyone helps each other.Not very hostile.

But the competition is still competition!

There are not many things to initiate challenges and PK in the group.

"The Holy Church has been promoted to an S-level creator this month."

"Should be able to surpass "Life Like a Summer Flower" in the afternoon to top the list."

"Another boss is about to ascend successfully!! When can I be promoted to S-level creator?"

"Congratulations to the Holy Church in advance!"

"Remember to treat the church!"

"It's okay to send a big red envelope in the group without a treat."

Everyone is paying attention to the changes in the ranking of Yue Ting's new song list, and everyone hopes to witness Jin Shengtang's online soaring!
S-level creators are called masters.

Also known as the Great God.

Therefore, the successful promotion also came up with a "flying promotion".

The time soon came to ten o'clock.

"Once Upon a Time" will be released on time!


5000 word chapters.Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.

Let's make an update today.The state is too bad.This book seeks to write well, not how fast to write.However, the monthly update is maintained at more than 24 words.This is my bottom line.It is only said that there may be fewer updates on some days, and more updates on some days.Depends on my status.

(End of this chapter)

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