I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 129 Courage and Will, Rich Rewards

Chapter 129 Courage and Will, Rich Rewards
"let me try."

Hearing Zhou You's voice, everyone looked at him one after another.

There was doubt and suspicion in his eyes.

"Zhou You, do you know how to climb rocks with bare hands?" Li Yan asked in surprise.

"Try." Zhou You said.

"It's not fun to try." Li Yan said, "Try and die! Professional rock climbers have to be careful, and accidents will happen, so let's not try..."

Li Yan didn't know why Zhou You had such dangerous thoughts.

Zaghi can be considered a master, he has made mistakes and got injured, why are you singing along to join in the fun?I admit that you are stronger than me... stronger!Kidneys are better than mine.Unlike my kidney deficiency... the muscles are also strong and well-proportioned.

But such things as free solo climbing are no joke.

Zhaji looked at Zhou You. He knew that Zhou You was a star and a singer, and said, "Young man, I admire you very much. You have guts and courage. But freehand climbing here is not as simple as climbing in the rock climbing base. The situation here is even more serious. It’s complicated, and there will be problems if you are not careful. So let’s forget it.”

Zaji looked at Zhou You's physique, and he instinctively thought that Zhou You was the kind of person who often exercised.

And he should have received a lot of training at the rock climbing base before he dared to stand up and say that he wanted to try this kind of thing.

But rock climbing in the artificial rock climbing field of the rock climbing base is much easier than here.

The risk factor is not that high either.

A good rock climber at the base may not be enough to see here.

Director Wang Hou was startled when he heard that Zhou You was going to climb rocks to pick beehives, and hurried up and said, "Zhou You, this is not a joke, let's not be brave."

Rosen of the brave expedition team, who admires the brave and admires the courage, said: "The brave must dare to retreat."

It seems very reasonable.

Everyone felt that Zhou You's idea of ​​wanting to climb the rock with his bare hands to pick beehives was naive.

Zhou You looked at the hive hanging from the cliff.

Would love to rip it off!
It's like taking a woman to bed, the underwear is already undone, and it's just a step away from it!What does it feel like to be staring at you right now?
Don't tell me you just want to take off her shoes, take off her socks, take off her pants, take off her underpants, and then pull out the monkey rubber band in her underpants to make a slingshot and hit someone's glass!

if so,
Zhou You just wanted to say: "Increase the dose!"

Zhou You was tempted by the "half concealed".

He said: "I have been professionally trained and take good safety measures, so it is not a big problem."

On the one hand, wandering around trying to collect beehives, taking off people's underpants and only pulling out monkey rubber bands is not what a real man should do.At the same time, the villagers have been busy for a long time and returned without success. Zhou You felt somewhat disappointed.

On the other hand, after Zhou You got the professional rock climbing skills, he had never experienced it before, so now is a good opportunity.

And it's not like climbing completely unprotected.


If there were no protective measures, Zhou You might have to hesitate.

The prince was surprised when he heard the words, "You really know how to climb rocks with bare hands?"

"Will I play with my life?" Zhou You looked at the prince.

Also... Who would risk their own life because of this kind of thing?If it's just for the effect of the show, then it's unnecessary!Happy is his vest.Just sing two songs and you will be able to get out of the circle smoothly.

It seemed that he really wanted to climb up.

And looking at Zhou You's determined eyes, he seems to be really an expert.

Li Yan, Zaji, Luo Sen and all the villagers were quite surprised when Zhou You said that he had received professional training in freehand rock climbing.

Zaghi asked as if confirming: "Is there really no problem?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Zaghi: "Then... just please."

In fact, Zaji was somewhat unwilling.

After all, there is only one step away from successfully picking off the hive, only a little bit.If he hadn't been injured and couldn't climb up again, he wouldn't have let this mouthful of meat fly away.

Zhou You's self-confidence and determination made everyone no longer object.

Zaji took off the "equipment" on his body, and Sang Dan helped Zhou You put it on.

This equipment includes gloves, and some bee sting clothing and head coverings.

When Zhou You put it on, there was some mystery immediately.

"Why does it feel like the masked flower picker in a martial arts movie?" Li Yan said.

"I don't pick flowers, only honey." Zhou You said, Tang Mi's 36D appeared in his mind.

Li Yan, an old driver, understood Zhou You's meaning almost instantly, "Picking honey is more excessive than picking flowers."

Run~~ This word popped up in Zhou You's mind, but he didn't say it.

Talking and laughing, Zhou You has come to the cliff.

When he faced the almost vertical slightly wet stone wall, some factors in Zhou You's body became more agitated.

There was a slight sense of familiarity with these strange rocks in an instant.

When the palm of his hand touched the cold and hard stone wall, his eyes became clearer and sharper, and all the details on the stone wall could not escape the insight of his eyes.

Observation is enhanced to the extreme.

Every protrusion comes into view, and the brain runs calculations quickly, just like a sophisticated computer, quickly matching a set of freehand rock climbing routes and plans in the mind.

At the same time, his heart quickly calmed down.

The surrounding sounds were quickly blocked.

It seemed that only he and the stone wall in front of him were left in the whole world.

It seemed that he had only one goal left, and that was to conquer the precipice in front of him.

When everything was ready and ready to climb, Li Yan said solemnly: "Be careful!"

It could be seen that Li Yan was worried.

Zhou You: "I will."

The prince also came up and warned: "Safety comes first, don't force it."

Zhou You: "Understood."

Rosen of the brave expedition team said, "Come on."

Zhou You: "Thank you."

It was not until the end that Zhaji said: "The effect of using smoke to drive away the hanging rock bees can last up to two hours. After our delay just now, many hanging rock bees should have returned. Be careful. If you get stung by them, serious injuries will occur. Human life. Later we will hang a new torch for you with a rope from above, and you'd better smoke it again."

Zhou You nodded, "Okay."

After a brief exchange, Zhou You faced the stone wall again.

That state of stillness of mind and soaring insight is back.

The world is quiet.

In fact, Li Yan, Wang Hou, Zaji, Luo Sen and the others did calm down, either nervous, or holding their breath, each with their own thoughts.

Wang Hou, Li Yan and others were still worried about Zhou You's accident.

All eyes fell on Zhou You's back facing the stone wall.

Traveling around for a while became the focus of everyone.

At this time, Zhou You had already started his first free-hand rock climbing.

Grasp a bump in the rock with the palm of your hand.

As the palm was exerted, the joints became clearer, and the thick veins on the back of the hand bulged, showing the strength of that palm.

The strength and flexibility of Zhou You's body were brought to the extreme.

Use palms and arms at the same time.

Step on the protrusion with both feet to stabilize the body, and at the same time give upward force.

Although the muscles in his arms are tense due to exertion, in fact, the state of roaming is very relaxed at the moment. The center of gravity of the body is stabilized with three fulcrums, and the center of gravity of the body is constantly adjusted and shifted with his climbing movements.

Zhou You gradually climbed up the rock wall like a living spider.

His body always kept a certain distance from the rock wall.

This is the key to maintaining stability and balance, and the key to saving effort.

Seeing Zhou You climbing a few meters away from the ground and skillfully climbing up the rock wall, Li Yan exclaimed: "He really knows how to climb rocks! No bragging!"

Prince: "I just want to know what other sports he can't do."

Diving, surfing and other sports in "Heartbeat Journey" gave Wang Hou a glimpse of Zhou You's athletic talent.

But I didn't expect him to be able to climb rocks.

Diving, it should be said that free diving, surfing, and rock climbing are all considered extreme sports.Zhou You like extreme sports?It seems so!When he parachuted in Yazhou before, he was as steady as an old dog!

No wonder he has such good physical fitness, and he didn't have the slightest rebellion in U-Tsang.

And the muscles and strength on his body... like a special soldier.

Wang Jia: "It's amazing, it's worthy of being my idol."

Rosen: "He looked professional."

Please remove the three words that look like... Zaji said: "Much better than me." Zaji turned to Wanghou and others and asked, "Is he a professional rock climber?"

Wang Hou: "It should be just a hobby." His main job is a singer... No, his main job is a creator, a creator named Xiaoyao.Singing may just be his hobby.

While everyone was talking, they had already climbed more than ten meters, and his body gradually became smaller in people's sight.

Wang Hou used the drone to fly high into the sky to take a 360-degree shot of the rock climbing process of Zhou You without dead ends.

This is the exclusive treatment only available when traveling around.

It is also the prince's only favorite of Zhou You.

As the distance from the ground gets farther and farther away.

Zhou You felt the wind from the high altitude of the rock wall, which was very wet and cool.

The world is also much quieter.

There is no distraction in my heart.

There is only one mountain left to climb!

The upper and lower limbs are stretched in harmony, and the pan-eye rhythm is just right.

Pulling up and climbing down, the center of gravity of the body falls on the feet, facing the rock wall, three-point fixed support, standing upright on the rock wall, and the strength of fingers, wrists, and arms can be retracted freely.

Zhou You's manipulation of the body is subtle and extreme.

No effort was felt during the climb.

Instead enjoy and relax.

Grasping, holding, hanging, digging, chopping, pinching, pulling, supporting... all kinds of movements are skillfully switched and used.

All this made Li Yan below think: "See how he enjoys rock climbing so much?" He was worried about Zhou You at first.But after seeing how professional Zhou You was, his worry gradually turned into appreciation and enjoyment.

As Zhou You climbed higher, only a whole piece of rock wall and Zhou You's figure remained in the sight and picture.

Traveling around at this time looks a bit lonely.

And such a picture is also shocking and admirable.

I also want to try... Li Yan suddenly had such an idea!Because of traveling around, the sport of rock climbing attracted him with an extreme beauty and charm, which made him also want to learn rock climbing and try rock climbing.

Rosen: "He looks very relaxed."

Zaghi: "Yeah, this is the real master. I was really making a fool of myself just now."

Even Zaghi admired Zhou You's rock climbing skills.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly began to rain.

It is rainy season.The precipitation in Chentang has always been abundant. It is normal for the weather to be sunny and rainy in a day.

Ten miles of different days is not a "groundless rumor".

Zaghi: "Oops, it's raining. The rocks will be more slippery in the afternoon..."

When Zaji said this, everyone became nervous.

Wang Hou looked at Zhou You on the high-altitude rock wall, "Will it be dangerous if it rains?"

Zaghi: "Yeah, it's best not to climb any further."

Wang Hou wanted Zhou You to stop at this moment, but Zaji said, don't disturb him at this time, distract him, otherwise it will be more dangerous.

The rain is getting heavier!
Everyone's nerves were tense to the extreme following the rain.

They followed Zhou You's every move.

I am afraid that there will be another accident like Zaghi.

At this time, the tour around the rock wall was also affected by the sudden rain.

The rain hit the rock face.

making the rock more slippery.

There was already some moss on the rock wall, but after being wet by rain, it became even more slippery.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of natural rock climbing!

Zhou You's hand searched for several points of strength, but it was not easy to hold it firmly. He could only look for the gaps and cracks between the rocks, and let his fingers dig in to increase the adhesion.

Zhou You's climbing speed slowed down.

Encountering difficulties does not make him give up.

Instead, it aroused the desire to conquer in his heart!
Conquer this rock wall!

A surge of courage and challenge hidden in the depths of the human soul surged out, and Zhou You had a strong belief-climb up!Even death will climb up!

He remembered that someone said: The person who climbs Mount Everest is not the one who climbs the mountain the most, but the one who wants to climb it even if he dies.

It is a will.

The will not to admit defeat.

Suddenly it ignited.

Zhou You's gaze became sharper.

He adjusted his climbing plan and route, and continued to climb.

Rosen: "Is he still going up?"

Zaghi: "Would you give up if you encountered a snowstorm on Mount Everest?"

Rosen: "No."

Zaghi: "The same goes for rock climbing. Once you start climbing, you will never give up no matter what you encounter. Unless you die. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand. Only those who really start climbing will know that this is a sport that inspires people's desire to conquer. It requires courage, strength and wisdom. Every time you climb a little bit, even a little bit, your courage will surge, and with the blessing of this kind of courage, you will not easily give up halfway."

Rosen understood.

They have also experienced many dangerous expeditions, and they know that in this world, sometimes giving up is death...

Although Zhou You's climbing speed slowed down obviously.

But he is getting closer to the hive.

I don't know how long it has passed, for Zhou You it was just a short moment, but for the nervous and worried Prince Li Yan and others, this period of time was as long as a world.

Travel around and reach a distance of more than one meter below the hive.

As Zaji said, many Himalayan rock bees have flown back, and there is a buzzing sound in his ears, and some rock bees have stopped on his "black anti-sting net".

A huge bamboo basket and a torch hang down from above.

It was still Sang Dan who hung down.

Zhou You used a rope around his waist to pull the bamboo basket over. Before that, Zaji and others had designed a plan...

The bamboo basket smoothly slid to Zhou You's side.

Sandan handed over the lit torch.

Zhou You stuck his left hand firmly into a stone crevice, reached out his right hand to take the torch, and placed it under the hive.

The thick smoke sent the Hanging Rock Bee flying again.

After no hanging rock bees flew out of the hive, Zhou You discarded the torch, and reached out with his right hand to grab the hive that was pulled to the hive by Zaji.

Suddenly, a large piece of the huge hive was torn off.

The palms are sticky.

It was sticky honey that flowed out.

Zhou You put the large pieces of honeycomb into the bamboo basket, then tore off the remaining half and put it into the bamboo basket.

During the whole process, the left hand and both feet kept the body upright on the rock wall. After doing all this, Zhou You felt his left wrist was sore and his fingers were a little numb. His right hand immediately grabbed a rock protrusion, and then waited for Sangdan to pull the bamboo basket In the past, untie the rope, and then the person on the cliff will pull the honey up.

Sang Dan gave Zhou You a thumbs up.

Zhou You just nodded, and then began to continue climbing down, returning to the ground according to the original route.

That's another pretty long time.

During the period, Zhou You's right foot slipped twice.

It looked very dangerous.

Li Yan, Wang Hou and the others below were so frightened that they dared not breathe out, their nerves were tense to the extreme.

Fortunately, Zhou Youdu saved the day and no danger occurred.

When Zhou You's feet stepped on the ground down-to-earth, Zhou You also pulled out of that extreme state of concentration and insight.

Perhaps because of the physique of the special forces, the body doesn't feel much.

On the contrary, it was the extreme concentration of rock-climbing mental power that made him feel a little mentally exhausted at the moment.

Li Yan, Wanghou, Zaji, Luo Sen and others quickly surrounded him.

Li Yan: "The two skids just now scared me to death."

Zhou You: "With a safety rope, what are you afraid of?"

Li Yan: "But it's still very dangerous!"

Zaghi: "It's amazing. If it were me, I might have given up halfway when it rained."

Rosen: "You are a true brave."

Prince: "It's okay, thank God."

Everyone applauded warmly after some compliments, and Zaji and the villagers also expressed their thanks.It is said that there is no traveling around, and it is definitely useless to pick beehives this time.

Zhou You looked indifferent amidst the praise and applause.

At this time, dense reminders sounded in my mind.

[First natural rock climbing, life point +4]

[Picking a Himalayan rock bee hive for the first time, life point +2]

[Unarmed rock climbing gets praise and admiration from others, life point +1]

He even got 7 life points at one time!

Although there are certain risks, the rewards are really many.

There were 4 points of life for the first rock climbing, but unfortunately, there was a huge rock on the cliff that blocked it.

Otherwise, Zhou You would choose to continue climbing instead of retreating.

If you can go up to the top of the cliff.

The life points obtained may be more.

"Have you been stung by the Hanging Rock Bee?" Wang Hou asked concerned.

"No." Zhou You said, "This set of anti-sting equipment is quite effective."

As he spoke, he took off the "equipment" and handed it to Zaghi.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Sang Dan and the villagers on the top of the mountain took the hives picked by Zhou You from the top of the mountain.

Surrounded by Zaji, Luo Sen and others, Zhou You returned to Chen Tang.

Zhou You is called a brave man by them.

Zaji said: "I feel that Zhou You is more Sherpa than Sherpa."

Sang Dan: "We must celebrate tonight, and thank Brother Zhou You."

But Li Yan is most concerned about, "Zhou You, when did you learn rock climbing?"

"Zhou You, where did you learn rock climbing? Recommend me a coach."

"Why don't you teach me directly."

"If I could be like you, it would be too spicy!"

Li Yan became very interested in rock climbing.

Along the way, I was chatting with Zhou You about rock climbing.

Zhou You wanted to say... If you could just shut up, that would be great!Of course, Zhou You didn't have a coach to recommend him, why don't you learn about the system?


5000 words.This is more like yesterday.I didn't finish writing last night, so I didn't update it.It's too sleepy!I am exhausted.There are still another [-] words today.

If you can vote for monthly votes and recommended votes, then this matter is simply... I love you all!
(End of this chapter)

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