Dissuade you from the live broadcast?I, destiny hit the worker

Chapter 61 061. Finally, 4 Analysis Reports

Chapter 61 061. Finally, four analysis reports
Before I knew it, more than a week had passed.

During this time, Jiang Yan has gradually become familiar with the life of the club.

Although the daily training is still done by myself, the whole biological clock tends to be more like that of a professional player.

These guys, games are usually played at night, so most of them are night owls.

He's streaming live every night now, and it's the same.

If it wasn't for getting better and better physical fitness, it might really delay the time for exercising every morning.

How many others?
As expected of Yu Junzhe, this young man is very energetic, and he is very adaptable to the life in the training base.

To be honest, he is also the best integrated among the four, as if he has become a member of the youth training camp.

Cai Ze has a relatively introverted personality and doesn't communicate much with others, but he is pragmatic and shrewd. He feels like a big brother among a group of teenagers in the youth training camp, and he doesn't do badly.

Although the level of the game has not improved, but the relationship between people is really good.

As for Xu Jiaxin.

I was originally a flying guest, and I often asked for leave to run announcements.

After being hammered several times by Jiang Yan, he didn't have the thought of chasing the heat at all. He was not in the base for two or three days, but it saved a lot of trouble.

This, on the contrary, made Jiang Yan appreciate him more.

At least know how to stop losses in time, and when you find that a road is not going to work, it is more profitable to know what you are going to do.

It would have been even better if I hadn't been so blind at the beginning and insisted on participating in such an unrelated program.

He doesn't know yet.

The reason why Xu Jiaxin always asks for leave and refuses to come is because he avoids him.

Since the last time the Hammer Interstellar players were blasted, things have further fermented.

Professional players who play Dota, Overwatch, King of Fighters, FIFA, and even card players come to their door one after another.

Xiao Xiba has completely let go of himself, showing their competitive spirit to the fullest!
Jiang Yan did not refuse anyone who came, and did not give anyone's face.

But this time, he did not directly agree, saying that he would not, and it would take a few days to practice.

Listen, is this a special piranha? !

Xiao Xiba waited and waited, waited for three days, the players who played DOTA were begging to be hammered...

Then three days later, the player who played Overwatch returned home...

Netizens watched the big drama for several days in a row, and followed Jiang Yan's live broadcast room to wander among major e-sports games.

Those of you in the melon fields, you can't hide those bright little eyes!
It's miserable for Bangzi, but anyone who dares to come to find trouble will be slapped in the face.


In the past few days, the news of Brother Huo's narrow-mindedness has already spread in the base.

Everyone is kind and awed to him, in a superposition state of wanting to get close and wanting to stay away.

In the eyes of everyone, Brother Huo is just like his cat.

Most of the time, they are cute and even inexplicably want to get close.

But an occasional convulsion can make you suffer an indescribable crit in the field you are most proud of, and then feel uncomfortable for a long time.

When you finally got up, repacked your luggage and set off again.

Then I saw him suddenly jumping out from another track, giving another person a big kick and knocking him to the ground, and at the same time, it also aroused the PTSD in your heart.


Anyway, don't challenge Brother Huo!
Others are guys who can't challenge others to eat with their hobbies.

Brother Huo is the opposite.

Don't take the guy you eat to challenge his hobbies!

Because it will break.


"My friends, another week has passed since the mid-term review, and now it's finally time for the final answer to be revealed. Are you looking forward to it as much as I am?"

"However... this last link has to wait. We need to interview four guests first, and let them talk about the half-month youth training life and what feelings they have brought."

It was still the conference hall half a month ago, and it was still the same people.

The host Qi Xiaoran smiled like a flower, and his mood was obviously much better than half a month ago.

At least there was no rivalry in Jiang Yan's gaze, but a trace of admiration instead.

After the opening remarks, the microphone in his hand was handed out directly.

Jiang Yan was taken aback, looking at the smiling Qi Xiaoran and the microphone in her hand, he was speechless for a while.

"Why are you arrogant before being respectful?"

Someone is wondering.

But it's better to keep such words in your stomach, otherwise Qi Xiaoran will definitely let him know how straight dogs die.


After taking the microphone, Jiang Yan cleared his throat and began his concluding speech.


Outside the shooting location, Director Xu Da slapped his forehead with a slap.

"Little Ran, what's going on, I said to compress his time, why is he the first one to give him the wheat!"

Zhu Xiaotian was also taken aback, and then asked: "Then what should I do, director?"

"What else can you do? Go talk to Coach Ma and adjust the length of the summary."

Xu Sheng had a headache, and he didn't know how long Jiang Yan would talk with his big mouth.


In fact, he thought too much.

Jiang Yan didn't say much.

Jiang Yan has already talked a lot about the e-sports industry in the live broadcast.

This time, he just briefly talked about his feelings, and handed the microphone to Yu Junzhe beside him.

After one round, the four of them talked together for about ten minutes.

Next, the microphone came to Coach Ma from the youth training camp.

"I'll announce the results?"

Lao Ma held a few cardboards in his hand, and checked with the host Qi Xiaoran.

After getting an affirmative answer, he let out a long breath.


"After getting along during this period of time, everyone understands my personality, so I can speak directly."

"First of all, it's Xu Jiaxin."

He pulled out one of the cardboards and turned it over.

On it is a large hexagonal data map, and the shape on it is almost a crescent moon.

And in the final score, there is also a big "?" It makes people dumbfounded.

"Xu Jiaxin's operation and operation ability are not bad, but other aspects..."

On his side began public executions.

The audience in the live broadcast room was very dissatisfied.

"The desire to survive is so full?"

"What is this?"

"What the hell is this question mark?"

"Haha, can he get an A for his operation and operation?"

"Don't be embarrassed upstairs, maybe the full score is SSS?"


A group of fun people complained wildly, and Xu Jiaxin's fans started to fight back.

"You just can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour!"

"That's right, my brother Jiaxin is so handsome, what's the matter with adding points?"

"Aside from the facts, is this A low?"

"Some people just can't see the good in others!"


A lot of mysterious speeches filled the live broadcast room, and I don't know if they were reversed.

Fortunately, the director team also knew that Xu Jiaxin's side was a minefield, so they arranged him first and made special treatment.

 The first round of tribulation was successful, and the next round is the second round of TT. Brothers, especially in these few days, the most critical period has arrived~
(End of this chapter)

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