Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods.

Chapter 683 Wang Dong'er: Dad, I beg you, please let Yu Hao go

"I really don't like what you said."

Tang San raised his right hand and pressed it towards Huo Yuhao.

Suddenly, an unprecedented terrifying oppressive force descended from the sky.

Wang Dong'er was directly shocked back.

Huo Yuhao had no time to react. He was pinned to the ground, unable to move. His bones made popping sounds as if they were about to shatter.

He wanted to struggle, but found that he had no strength. It felt like a huge mountain suddenly fell on his shoulders.

Every bit of Tang San's pressure turned into sharp blades that wreaked havoc in his body. Intense pain instantly spread throughout his body, causing his face to turn red. Blood even oozed from his mouth and nose.

But he gritted his teeth and held on without saying a word.

This is the God.

Mortals were as fragile as grass in front of him. Just one move or one look could easily defeat everything he had. His proud mental strength was defenseless.

Life and death only requires a thought.

At this moment, in Tang San's eyes, the stubbornness, pride, backbone and tenacity maintained by Huo Yuhao were like a clown who brought disgrace upon himself, absurd, funny and ridiculous.

this is the truth.

Without equal strength or background, the so-called backbone is just a joke. No one will appreciate you, they are more likely to laugh at your arrogance.


Wang Donger cried out in grief and rushed over desperately, trying to help Huo Yuhao up.

However, as soon as she got close, before she could help Huo Yuhao up, she was knocked away by the terrifying pressure again.

The terrifying pressure made Wang Dong'er's face pale instantly, and her body swayed a little, almost falling down. Although she was not injured, she was in a very embarrassing situation.

Watching the person she loved suffer in front of her eyes, and being unable to do anything but watch, this feeling almost made Wang Donger collapse emotionally.

Huo Yuhao really wanted to say to Wang Donger, "It's okay, don't worry," and other comforting words, but under the pressure, he could hardly utter a single word.

All we can do is be anxious.

"No, no..."

Tears flowed down like a dam breaking.

Sadness comes from it.

She knew that her father did this on purpose.

He was waiting, waiting for me to take the initiative and ask him for help.

He deliberately let himself watch this scene so that he could beg her and completely destroy his will to resist.

Although shameless, it is effective.

Because she couldn't just ignore the torture that Huo Yuhao was suffering.

So, regardless of her physical discomfort, Wang Dong'er suppressed her inner fear of Tang San, stood between Huo Yuhao and Tang San, and slowly knelt down to her nominal "father".

"Dad, please, please let Yuhao go... Please, let him go, let him go..."

However, Wang Dong'er's pleading did not win any mercy from Tang San.

He slowly withdrew his right hand and looked at the young man who was lying on the ground, convulsing all over, but enduring the pain without saying a word, with an indifferent expression.

"Disrespect for God should be punished." "Therefore, this is a punishment."

“The price of disobeying the gods is not something you can make enemies of. Remember this lesson, Huo Yuhao. The majesty of the gods cannot be challenged. Life or death depends on my thoughts.”

Tang San's tone was slow, his eyes were calm and full of majesty.

Then, he looked at Wang Dong'er who was kneeling on the ground, as if nothing had happened, and spoke lightly.


Tang San was still gentle and polite, with a soft voice.

But to Wang Dong'er's ears, it sounded like the whisper of a devil. Her whole body stiffened instantly, her pretty face turned pale as paper, tears kept dripping, and her body twitched slightly.

She trembled and prayed to Tang San again.

"No, no, Dad, let Yuhao go, don't kill him, please, please, Dad, don't... let Yuhao go..."

"Don'er, be obedient and come to daddy."

Tang San’s voice sounded again. Although he did not mention Huo Yuhao, the threat in his words was evident.

"I...I'll go there, I'll go there now!"

After taking a look at Huo Yuhao, who was still being tortured, bleeding from all seven orifices and might die at any time, Wang Donger finally chose to compromise.

She forced herself to stand up, staggering to her feet, and stumbled to Tang San. With a thud, she fell to her knees again.

No matter how much she feared Tang San, she didn't dare to delay for even a moment. She was really afraid of losing the most precious person because of her momentary hesitation.

"Dad, please, let him go. Please, I beg you, Dad... wuwuwu..." Wang Dong'er burst into tears, tears in her eyes dripping like pearls from a broken string.

Huo Yuhao used all his strength and raised his head with difficulty to look at Wang Donger, wanting to tell her not to ask Tang San, not to ask him, because every word he said was a lie and he would never keep his promise.

But under such heavy pressure, he could not even utter a single word. He could only watch Wang Dong'er begging the guy she feared the most to save her.

Tang San stared at his daughter who was kneeling at his feet with deep eyes, complex light flashing in his eyes.

He didn't say anything, but raised his right hand and gently rubbed Wang Dong'er's blue-pink hair. At this moment, he really looked like a father who loved his child.

A slight curve appeared at the corner of Tang San's mouth. He knew that Dong'er had surrendered.

My goal has been achieved.

Controlling Wang Dong'er is equivalent to controlling Huo Yuhao's vital point, and there is no need to worry that he will not submit.

As for what Wang Dong'er was thinking, Tang San didn't care. Even if she had to submit to him just because she was afraid of his strength, he didn't care. What he wanted was the result.

In his eyes, everyone is a tool to achieve his goal. As long as Wang Dong'er stops being disobedient and becomes such a daughter, that's enough.

"Get up."

Wang Dong'er raised her head, and through her tearful eyes, she still saw that cold face.

"Thank you, thank you, Dad. Thank you."

Wang Dong'er quickly stood up, subconsciously wanting to return to Huo Yuhao's side, but just as she raised her foot, she remembered something and abruptly retracted the step she had taken, standing behind Tang San, not daring to overstep the mark.

Seeing this, Tang San smiled with satisfaction, but behind his smile, he was hiding coldness and ruthlessness.

Then, under Wang Dong'er's pleading gaze, he looked at Huo Yuhao and said calmly: "For Dong'er's sake, I can give you another chance to choose again."

“Huo Yuhao, think carefully before answering. Don’t let Dong’er down for the sacrifice she made for you. If there is a next time, no matter how Dong’er pleads for you, I will not easily forgive you.” (End of this chapter)

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