Chapter 987 Marriage
Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying drove back to Yanshi.

This time Zhou Qiang drove a Mercedes-Benz, which cost more than one million.

In the courtyard of Qiu Yingying’s community.

As soon as the car arrived, it attracted a lot of attention.

"Yingying, are you back with your boyfriend?" Aunt Li came over to say hello.

"Aunt Li, didn't you go out to dance in the square today?" Qiu Yingying asked.

Zhou Qiang took many gifts from the car.

"You brought so many things?" Aunt Li didn't bother to talk to Qiu Yingying, and hurriedly stepped forward to see what Zhou Qiang was carrying, "This is a bird's nest, this is a sea cucumber, and the thirty-year-old Fen wine is all good stuff!"

Qiu Yingying smiled and said nothing more, "Aunt Li, we are going back."

After Qiu Yingying and Zhou Qiang left.

Many people came to watch the car.

"Isn't this car good? It costs more than one million, right?"

"Must be millions."

"Yingying found a rich boyfriend."

"It seems that the car you drove last time was not this one?"

"The last time I drove a car, it cost more than 100,000 yuan." Some people actually still remember it.

"Yingying has good taste, and her boyfriend is getting rich."

"Yes, Lao Qiu finally got over it."

"They're not married yet, right?" someone said deliberately.

"That young man is very energetic. Is he worthy of someone like Qiu Yingying?"

"When this man has money, he will change his wife, let alone his girlfriend."

The onlookers made many sarcastic remarks.

Qiu Yingying's family.

"You're back? Come in quickly, why did you bring so many things?" Qiu's father and Qiu's mother were very enthusiastic.

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Zhou Qiang was very polite.

"Okay, sit down quickly, the tea has just been brewed."

A few polite words.

Qiu Ma and Qiu Yingying went to the kitchen to cook.

Dad Qiu was chatting with Zhou Qiang.

"What are you and Yingying planning for the wedding?" Dad Qiu asked.

"We have a wedding in Yanshi. The specific time has to be decided by our uncle and aunt."

"It's convenient to hold a wedding in Yanshi. You have to check the almanac for your wedding time and choose a good day." Dad Qiu took out the almanac and asked, "How old are you? When were you born?"

"This is my birth date." Zhou Qiang took out the note written in advance.

"Are you all ready?" Dad Qiu happily took it, "When did Yingying come?" Dad Qiu muttered while flipping through the almanac.

Zhou Qiang drank tea quietly.

Qiu Yingying's family is not big, just an old one. The furniture and appliances are a bit old.

Zhou Qiang looked around casually, and after a while.

When the food is ready, start eating.

Dad Qiu opened a bottle of Fenjiu and wanted to have a few drinks with Zhou Qiang.

"Uncle and aunt, I respect you and wish you good health and all the best." Zhou Qiang performed well and did not disrespect Qiu Yingying's parents because of their average family conditions.

"Okay." Qiu's father and Qiu's mother drank a toast.

"Where do you want to hold the wedding?" Qiu's mother asked. She was in the kitchen just now and didn't know that Zhou Qiang said he was in Yanshi.

"It will be held in Yanshi." Zhou Qiang said.

"Okay, what about your hometown?" Qiu's mother asked if she wanted to hold the wedding in Zhou Qiang's hometown.

"I won't go back to my hometown. There aren't many people there anymore." Zhou Qiang didn't want to go back to his hometown. All that was left in that place were bad memories.

"It's okay if you don't go." Mother Qiu didn't ask any more questions.

"Do we need to invite a few tables in Shanghai?" Dad Qiu asked.

"Look at Yingying, I can do it." Zhou Qiang said.

"I definitely want to invite you." Qiu Yingying answered, "I want to invite my neighbors on the 22nd floor of Ode to Joy, as well as Zhang Sheng from the bun shop, and my classmates."

"They can arrange things in Magic City." Father Qiu waved his hand, "Let's decide on a good date here. I just checked the old almanac and found out the birth dates of Xiaoqiang and Yingying."

Dad Qiu and Mom Qiu discuss the wedding date.

Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying talked about when to get their marriage certificate.

We had a cheerful and lively meal.

As soon as I finished cleaning up, a neighbor came to visit.

Apparently they were neighbors who heard that Qiu Yingying and her boyfriend were back and came to inquire about the situation.

After just a few words of conversation, I heard that Zhou Qiang was going to marry Qiu Yingying and they had to choose a good date.

"August is a good day, September is a good day. We have a good hotel here." The neighbor was very enthusiastic and said a lot.

It's just a recommended hotel. It's of a higher grade and a bit expensive.

Qiu’s father and Qiu’s mother couldn’t make up their minds for a while.

According to their original intention, they found a hotel near the community. It didn't have to be too good, as long as it was passable.

But this troublesome neighbor insisted on recommending those high-end hotels, and said that so-and-so’s wedding was held there, and that the place was very good.

Zhou Qiang signaled to Qiu Yingying.

"Just that family's fortune." Qiu Yingying interjected.

The Fulinmen Hotel is of a higher standard, and there will be a banquet inside. After paying for various expenses with the gift money, there will basically not be much left.

It still depends on what kind of tobacco and alcohol you use.

If the tobacco and alcohol were better, they would definitely overspend.

"Yingying is still discerning. I ate at Fulinmen once, and the food there was delicious," the neighbor kept saying.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother had no choice but to agree to hold a banquet at Fulinmen.

After the neighbor left, "Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about money, I have money." Qiu Yingying waved her hand in an awe-inspiring manner.

"Well, uncle and aunt, I will be responsible for all the expenses for the banquet." Zhou Qiang also expressed his attitude and took out a bank card at the same time, "Uncle, aunt, there are 660,000 in it, which is the gift money. Yongying The card is Yingying’s ID card, and the password is Yingying’s birthday.”

"It doesn't need to be that much. The betrothal gifts in Yanshi are not that big." Qiu's mother said hurriedly.

"It's okay. Business has been good recently and I made a little more money. I can't wrong Yingying." Zhou Qiang put down his bank card.

"Mom, Brother Qiang recently opened a security program rental company, earning tens of millions a month." Qiu Yingying explained in a low voice.

"How much?" Qiu's father and mother Qiu were shocked.

Qiu Yingying showed off Zhou Qiang’s income.

Several people continued to discuss marriage.

The hotel was finalized and it was Fulinmen.

The wedding is scheduled for the eighth day of August.

"Brother Qiang also bought you a house," Qiu Yingying happily said about buying Ode to Joy 2201.

"Why buy us a house? It's fine for us to live here." Qiu's father and mother both said with a smile.

"Brother Qiang said that we have a child and asked you to help." Qiu Yingying blushed a little.

"You should go to help. I'll be there then. Your dad still has to work." Qiu's mother said.

"Brother Qiang told me to go with my dad. If he wants to work, he can go to a bun shop or a security program rental company."

"Yes, uncle, aunt, I really hope you can go to Shanghai. It will be more convenient to meet you this way." Zhou Qiang continued.

"Are we going too?" Qiu's father and mother Qiu were a little tempted.

"Oh, parents, just get ready. After the wedding, you will go to the Magic City." Qiu Yingying said.

"Yes." Zhou Qiang nodded.

"Okay then." Qiu's father and Qiu's mother hesitated for a moment. Seeing that both Qiu Yingying and Zhou Qiang wanted them to go, they agreed.

in the afternoon.

Father Qiu and Mother Qiu were walking around the community.

"Lao Qiu, your son-in-law is here?" Lao Zhang asked.

"Yes, Xiaoqiang and Yingying are going to have a wedding, and it will be on the eighth day of August." Dad Qiu said with a smile.

"Already getting married?!" Lao Zhang was shocked. He was just thinking about whether Qiu Yingying was good enough for Zhou Qiang and whether he should introduce his niece to Zhou Qiang. He just didn't know what Zhou Qiang did and whether he was reliable.

Lao Zhang had a lot on his mind, but his expression remained unchanged: "Where will we hold the banquet?"

"Blessing comes to the door."

"Is this Fulinmen?" Lao Zhang's face changed slightly.


"That's a nice place. Doesn't a banquet cost a lot of money?" Lao Zhang was a little jealous.

"It's quite a lot." Father Qiu also felt a little achy.

At this time, someone interrupted: "My son-in-law, the old Qiu family, is rich. Look at that car, it's over one million."

"Yes, Lao Qiu, what does your son-in-law do?" Lao Zhang continued to ask.

"I'm doing business in Shanghai, so I didn't ask much about what I was doing." Of course, Dad Qiu wouldn't tell everything.

"Lao Qiu, you finally got over it."

"Yes, Lao Qiu, Yingying has found a good son-in-law for you."

"When the baby is born, you still have to help, right?"

No matter what these people think in their hearts, the words they say are all good and they are decent in terms of face.

Stayed in Yanshi for a few days.

Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying returned to the Magic City.

Father Qiu and Mother Qiu are responsible for wedding preparations.

this day.

Zhou Qiang, Qiu Yingying, Fan Shengmei, and Guan Ju'er drove to the Qu family villa to attend Qu Xiaoxiao's wedding.

The Qu family villa is very large and magnificent.

"It's so beautiful here!" Qiu Yingying couldn't help but praise.

"She's so beautiful!" Fan Shengmei and Guan Ju'er also praised her.

"It's not bad." Zhou Qiang continued.

"Boss Zhou, Fan Xiaomei, Guan Guan, Xiao Qiu!" Andy came over to say hello.

"Sister Andy, when did you come?" Qiu Yingying asked.

"I just arrived too."

"The layout here is so beautiful." Guan Ju'er said. "Yeah, it's beautiful." Andy nodded.

Several people chatted.

The wedding of Qu Xiaoxiao and Yao Bin was very luxurious and lively, with many well-dressed guests.

Zhou Qiang, Qiu Yingying, Fan Shengmei, Guan Juer and Andy attended the wedding.

Others, Singularity and Zhao Qiping did not participate.

Although Wang Baichuan received the invitation, he did not come to the wedding.

Not a moment later.

Qu Xiaoxiao came over to say hello, "You are here!"

"Come here, let me give you a bear hug!" Qiu Yingying went up to play with Qu Xiaoxiao.

"Fairy Qu, why were you subdued?" Andy asked with a smile.

"It's hard to explain in words." Qu Xiaoxiao felt helpless and turned to look at Fan Shengmei, "Hey, Sister Fan, where is Wang Baichuan? Why aren't you here?"

Fan Shengmei's face changed slightly: "He and I have broken up."

"Sister Fan, you broke up with Wang Baichuan because Wang Baichuan went bankrupt, right?" Qu Xiaoxiao had business dealings with Wang Baichuan and knew about Wang Baichuan's bankruptcy.

"What? Handsome Wang is bankrupt?!" Qiu Yingying, Guan Juer and Andy were all surprised.

"Qu Yaoji, don't talk nonsense, Sister Fan is not that kind of person!" Qiu Yingying hurriedly spoke to Fan Shengmei.

"Yes, I broke up with Wang Baichuan because he went bankrupt." Fan Shengmei admitted with a sneer, "What about you? Did you marry Yao Bin because you liked Yao Bin?"

"I" Qu Xiaoxiao's face stiffened, "I don't need Sister Fan to worry about it.

Have you celebrated New Year's Eve?

At such an age, does anyone still want it?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Do you want me to introduce you to a rich boss?

Don't worry, I guarantee that you will not be over sixty!
As for whether it's okay in bed, it all depends on Sister Fan's ability. "

Qiu Yingying became angry and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhou Qiang.

"That's not necessary. I have a lot of people chasing me." Fan Shengmei sneered, "Dr. Zhao is also getting married to Xiaoguan. Can you come to their wedding?"

"What?" Qu Xiaoxiao was caught off guard and turned to ask Guan Ju'er: "Guan Guan, are you going to marry Dr. Zhao?"

"Yes, we will get married as soon as the house is renovated." Guan Ju'er admitted directly.

"Alas" Qu Xiaoxiao sighed, "Dr. Zhao and I missed it after all. We are destined to be together, so it will be easier for you."

"What's cheap? It's because Dr. Zhao doesn't like you!" Qiu Yingying couldn't help but interrupt.

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Qiu Yingying, then at Zhou Qiang, "Little earthworm, being with Brother Qiang will give you an advantage."

"Hmph, it's better for me to be cheap than to be cheap for you!" Qiu Yingying retorted.

"Huh!" Qu Xiaoxiao also snorted, not bothering to argue with Qiu Yingying, "Andy, when will you marry Mr. Wei?"

"We?" Andy was stunned and shook his head: "There's no rush."

"Sister Andy, you'd better hurry up. Brother Qiang, Guan Guan and Dr. Zhao and I are all getting married. You and Mr. Wei should get married too." Qiu Yingying interjected again.

"You are also getting married? So soon?" Andy was a little surprised.

Qu Xiaoxiao answered: "Why are you so fast?

Brother Qiang and Little Earthworm have been together for more than a year or two, right?

Guan Guan and Dr. Zhao have been together for more than half a year, right?

There's nothing wrong with getting married when you feel like it.

As long as you don't deliberately drag people along, you end up dumping them. "

At the end of her speech, Qu Xiaoxiao deliberately looked at Fan Shengmei, as if to say that Fan Shengmei deliberately dragged Wang Baichuan away and dumped Wang Baichuan.

Fan Shengmei rolled her eyes and ignored Qu Xiaoxiao.

"Little earthworm, Guan Guan, when will your wedding be held?" Andy asked.

"It will be held on the eighth day of August in Yanshi, but we will also treat guests in the Magic City." Qiu Yingying said directly.

"Has the date been decided?" Qu Xiaoxiao shook her head, "No, why are you in Yanshi? Isn't Brother Qiang's hometown in Sheyang?"

Qu Xiaoxiao actually remembered where Zhou Qiang’s hometown was.

"I don't have any relatives in my hometown anymore. The office is in Yanshi. If you have time, you are welcome to go." Zhou Qiang answered.

"Of course I'm going." Qu Xiaoxiao agreed.

"Yes, I will definitely go when the time comes." Andy, Guan Ju'er, and Fan Shengmei also said.

"Guan Guan, where are you and Dr. Zhao?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Probably September." Guan Ju'er said. By September, the house I bought will be renovated.

"That's soon. I'll prepare gifts for you in advance." Andy said with a smile.

"Hey, Andy, where is my gift?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked hurriedly.

"Of course you have a gift, but your notice was too late, so you can only buy one temporarily. Just don't dislike it." Andy said with a smile.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, just have it. Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have to say hello to the others." Qu Xiaoxiao left.

Soon, the wedding begins.

It's a Western-style wedding, just like foreigners.

"Brother Qiang, are our weddings going to be a Western style or a Chinese style?" Qiu Yingying asked.

"Chinese style." Zhou Qiang said.

"Oh, I also want to have a Chinese wedding." Qiu Yingying turned to Guan Ju'er and asked: "Guan Guan, what wedding are you planning to have?"

"We also hold Chinese-style weddings." Guan Ju'er said.

"Where's Sister Andy?" Qiu Yingying asked.

"Me? I might not hold a wedding, but just travel and get married." Andy said.

"What if we don't have a wedding? Let's have a Chinese wedding?" Qiu Yingying advised.

"Okay, let's have a Chinese wedding, and you guys will help me then." Andy said.

"Okay, no problem." Qiu Yingying and Guan Ju'er agreed happily.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying have returned to Yanshi.

"Xiaoqiang, Yingying, the wedding is almost done. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be prepared in advance?" Qiu's father and Qiu's mother put a lot of thought into this wedding.

"Everything is fine." Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying were very satisfied.

They came back early and did nothing.


Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying stayed in the hotel where the wedding was held.

They were about to fight.

Qiu Yingying's cell phone rang.

"Little earthworm, how are you doing there?" Guan Ju'er and Fan Shengmei video chatted with Qiu Yingying.

"It's almost done."

"Sister Fan and I, as well as Andy, will be leaving in a few days." Guan Ju'er said.

"Okay, come early, I will take you out to play."

Not a few days.

Zhang Sheng, Liu Xiaolong, Liu Xiaohu and other young men from the bun shop came a lot.

They all came to help.

Zhou Qiang asked them to follow Father Qiu's instructions, which helped a lot.

After that, Andy, Qi Dian, Guan Ju'er, Fan Shengmei, Qu Xiaoxiao, Yao Bin and several others came.

Qu Xiaoxiao's belly became the focus of everyone's attention.

"I was just telling you, Qu Yaoji, why did you suddenly get married? It turns out you are pregnant!" Qiu Yingying teased loudly.

"What about you, little earthworm? When will your belly get bigger?" Qu Xiaoxiao didn't care about Qiu Yingying's teasing.

"I" Qiu Yingying blushed at Qu Xiaoxiao's words, "I'm not in a hurry."

"You are all tired from the journey, why don't you have dinner in the hotel first and then take a rest?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"Okay! I'll order the most expensive one, and I'll eat up the little earthworm!" Qu Xiaoxiao shouted.

"Eat whatever you want!" Qiu Yingying is a rich little woman and doesn't care.

Talk and laugh, eat, and go to the room to rest.

after that.

Zhou Qiang arranged for someone to take Andy and the others out to play.


On the eighth day of August.

The wedding started.

Eight large sedans carried Qiu Yingying.

Zhou Qiang rides a tall horse.

It took a lot of effort to get this horse.

Many people advised Zhou Qiang not to ride a horse, fearing that the horse would be frightened or have other problems.

But Zhou Qiang insisted on doing so, and no one else could stop him.

Fortunately, the horse was very obedient under Zhou Qiang and nothing happened.

Worship heaven and earth!
Two thanks to the high hall!

Husband and wife say goodbye!

Send it to the bridal chamber!

The entire ceremony, whether it was clothing, wedding items, etc., was completely Chinese.

Andy, Fan Shengmei, Guan Ju'er, Qu Xiaoxiao and others were all stunned.

"This kind of wedding is very interesting, Guan Guan, do you and Dr. Zhao do it like this?" Andy asked.

"Hmm, I also want to have such a wedding." Guan Ju'er was moved, "Sister Andy, you also want to have such a wedding, right?"

"Yes." Andy nodded, "I think this kind of wedding is very good, and I want it too."

"Andy, you grew up abroad, shouldn't you have a Western-style wedding?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked.

"To be honest, compared with your and Xiaoqiu's wedding, I still think the Chinese style is better." Andy said.

Qu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and glared at Yao Bin next to her.

after marriage.


When the mood came, Zhou Qiang rode a big horse and took Qiu Yingying with him. He galloped wildly, making Andy, Qu Xiaoxiao and others envious.

(End of this chapter)

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