Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 969 Daishan and the story

Chapter 969 Daishan and the story

Andy couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't lose control of his emotions.

"I'm not going, can I give some money to Dean Xiuyuan?" Andy agreed not to go for the time being, but still wanted to express his gratitude to Dean Xiuyuan of the nursing home.

"As for money, I don't recommend giving it away now. Just give it food." Zhou Qiang continued to persuade.

"Why?" Andy's mood fluctuates greatly now, his mind is not clear, and he can't understand many things.

Andy just wanted to send money to Dean Xiuyuan to treat He Xiaoming better.

"Because money touches people's hearts. If you give money away, it will put Xiao Ming in danger." Zhou Qiang said.

"Yes." Fan Shengmei continued: "Many things are troublesome when money is involved.

Just like a family with several brothers and sisters, they are usually fine.

But after the family was demolished and they became rich, the brothers and sisters had a falling out over how to divide the money. "

"That's right." Zhao Qiping said, "There are many family quarrels and fights in the hospital because of medical expenses.

Sending money to a nursing home now may cause unnecessary trouble. "

Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying also nodded.

“The human heart cannot stand the test the most.

Andy, don't use money to test the bottom line of those in nursing homes.

When you have no money, nothing happens.

Once you have money, anything is possible. "Zhou Qiang said again.

"It seems so." Andy nodded.

"Also, didn't you say that Dean Xiuyuan treats Xiao Ming well?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"Yes, if Dean Xiuyuan hadn't taken good care of Xiao Ming, he might not have survived today." Andy was very grateful to Xiuyuan.

"Since Dean Xiuyuan is a good person, do you think she will accept the money from you?" Zhou Qiang asked next.

"This" Andy didn't know how to answer.

"Probably not." Zhao Qiping answered, "I have met many truly kind-hearted people. Not only do they help people without asking for anything in return, but they also resolutely refuse the gratitude of their families."

"So, if you want to express your gratitude to Dean Xiuyuan, you cannot give money directly." Zhou Qiang said.

"What should I give you?" Qiu Yingying asked quickly.

“You can start with Dean Xiuyuan’s family.

If anyone in her family needs to find a job, she can help solve their job problems.

For example, Dean Xiuyuan’s children need to find jobs after graduating from college. You can give them a good job opportunity.

If you have a mortgage or car loan, it can help them increase their income.

In short, there are many ways to help, it just depends on whether you use it or not. "

"Yes, Boss Zhou, you are right. I want to thank Dean Xiuyuan, and I must thank her wholeheartedly.

She has taken good care of my brother for twenty years, and I should repay her in this way. " Andy said seriously.

"Actually." Zhou Qiang hesitated, "Andy, there should be many people at the nursing home who know about Lao Yan looking for Xiao Ming, right?"

"Probably." Andy nodded.

"Lao Yan and Tan have always been friends, so Lao Yan should be richer, right?" Zhou Qiang continued to ask.


"When Lao Yan travels, the car is not cheap, right?"

"Yes." Andy thought of Lao Yan's motorcycle.

"This is a bit troublesome." Zhou Qiang frowned.

"What's wrong?" Andy asked hurriedly.

"The appearance of Lao Yan may bring potential danger to Xiao Ming."

"What do you mean?"

"Xiao Ming has lived peacefully in a nursing home for twenty years.

Suddenly one day, Xiao Ming had a very rich sister.

When other people hear this, will they have bad thoughts towards Xiao Ming? "

"Yes!" Qiu Yingying answered first.

"Yes, Andy's appearance may very well bring danger to Xiao Ming." Zhao Qiping had seen the sinister nature of people's hearts in the hospital.

In hospitals, there are kind people and there are also many evil people.

Good and evil appear frequently in hospitals.

"That's right, some people will do anything for money." Fan Shengmei said. As she spoke, she thought of her family.

"What should we do?" Andy was a little anxious.

"I just said that the delivery of meat to the nursing home may have to be canceled first." Zhou Qiang shook his head, "Not only that, but we also have to ask Lao Yan not to go to the nursing home.

You can also find someone else, quietly contact Dean Xiuyuan, and give Xiao Ming a mobile phone, preferably an outdated second-hand mobile phone.

Andy can contact Xiao Ming first.

Don't give anything else, money, meat, gifts, etc.

It's not too late to wait until Xiao Ming leaves there. "

In "Ode to Joy", because Andy suddenly appeared and because Andy gave a lot of money, He Xiaoming had an accident.

Suddenly a "silly father" of He Xiaoming appeared. The relatives of this "silly father" even snatched He Xiaoming away from the nursing home for Andy's money.

"Why is it so complicated?" Qiu Yingying couldn't help but say.

"It doesn't work if it's not complicated, otherwise Xiao Ming will be in trouble." Fan Shengmei said.

"Yes, Brother Qiang is still thoughtful." Guan Ju'er said.

"Yes, Brother Qiang has thought more carefully." Zhao Qiping nodded in approval.

"Boss Zhou, thank you." Andy thanked him seriously. Her mind started to spin at this time.

I understand that I can’t be in a hurry when it comes to He Xiaoming.

It is necessary to establish contact with He Xiaoming, but also to avoid bringing danger to He Xiaoming due to her appearance.

"You're welcome, we are neighbors." Zhou Qiang smiled, "If we don't have the right manpower, Yingying and I can go to Daishan to see Xiao Ming and see what's going on there."

"Okay, okay, Sister Andy, can Brother Qiang and I go to Daishan to see Xiao Ming?" Qiu Yingying said hurriedly.

Qiu Yingying had nothing to do every day, either shopping with Zhou Qiang or fighting in bed with Zhou Qiang. Life was too monotonous.

"Here" Andy hesitated, "I'll call Lao Tan first."

"Hey, Lao Tan, over there at Daishan." Andy told Zhou Qiang all the issues he was considering.

"Oh? Andy, who is making suggestions on your side? They are very well thought out and thorough. There are many problems that neither Lao Yan nor I thought of." Tan Zongming was slightly surprised.

"It's Boss Zhou. Although he is young, he has rich experience and considers issues very comprehensively."

"Boss Zhou again? It seems that he is indeed a talent." Tan Zongming smiled, "Well, just do what Boss Zhou said. You can ask Boss Zhou to go to Daishan to see Xiao Ming."

Andy hung up the phone, "Boss Zhou, I'd like to trouble you and Yingying."

"No trouble, I heard the scenery there is pretty good. Yingying and I will spend a few days there." Zhou Qiang said.

"Then I'll check the strategy now." Qiu Yingying was very positive.

"I'll check it for you." Guan Ju'er also picked up the phone.

Everyone else laughed.

"Boss Zhou, the cost of going to Daishan." Andy was about to say.

"It's easy to say, you are not short of money, and neither am I. If you feel bad, you can be responsible for all the expenses for Yingying and I to go to Daishan." Zhou Qiang said with a smile.

"Then it's settled, I'll be responsible for all the expenses." Andy also smiled.

"Without further ado, Yingying and I will set off early tomorrow morning." Zhou Qiang continued.

"Okay." Andy looked at Zhou Qiang with gratitude in his eyes.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

The gate of Ode to Joy.

Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying are preparing to leave for Daishan.

Andy and Guan Juer came out to see him off. They run in the morning and get up early. Fan Shengmei hasn't gotten up yet.

"Why is this car?" Andy was a little surprised.

Because the car in front of him was not Zhou Qiang's Mercedes-Benz, but a very ordinary domestic car.

"This car is not eye-catching and will not attract attention when going to Daishan." Zhou Qiang explained.

"That's right." Andy also understood.

Guan Juer also nodded, understanding that Zhou Qiang was very careful.

"Sister Andy, look, I have a tiny camera on my chest." Qiu Yingying reminded.

"Camera?" Andy was a little strange again.

"Yes, when Brother Qiang and I go to see Xiao Ming, you can watch it on your mobile phone. It is connected to the Internet." Qiu Yingying explained. Zhou Qiang asked someone to buy a camera so that Andy could watch the meeting between Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying and He Xiaoming.

"No need." Andy was about to say.

"Andy, the reason for doing this is to let you know more about Xiao Ming." Zhou Qiang advised.

"Okay." Andy's eyes showed gratitude again.

"Sister Andy, Guan Guan, let's go!" Qiu Yingying got in the car.

"Slow down on the road!"

"Yingying, Brother Qiang, have a nice trip!"

The journey was uneventful.


Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying drove directly to the nursing home.

"Yingying, turn on the camera." Zhou Qiang reminded.

"Okay." Qiu Yingying started immediately.

Andy received a message that the camera was turned on at the same time.

She hurriedly opened the video window on her computer.

Andy saw Qiu Yingying get out of the car, saw someone coming, and saw a small part of the nursing home.

The car Zhou Qiang drove was very ordinary, but it still attracted some people.

"What do you do?" an old man asked.

"Let's take a look, uncle, is the nursing home here reliable?" Zhou Qiang asked, handing him a cigarette. What he meant was that he wanted to inspect a nursing home.

"It's okay. Although the conditions here are not very good, the director is a good person. The room is very clean, the food is good, and the fees are not expensive." An old man said, "Anyone in your family wants to come to this nursing home? "

"Yes, the elderly at home are getting older and we can't take care of them while working outside, so we can only find a nursing home." Zhou Qiang made up a lie.

What Zhou Qiang said was heard by Andy in Magic City.

Andy nodded slightly, understanding what Zhou Qiang meant.

"It's all the same. My children also went to a big city, and my wife is gone, so I can only come to a nursing home." An old man said.

"Uncle, I wonder where the dean is? We want to know about the situation here." Zhou Qiang asked.

"Dean, over there, that's Dean Xiuyuan." An old man pointed.

"Okay, uncle, you are busy, we are going over."


Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying walked near Dean Xiuyuan.

"Are you the director of this nursing home?"

"Yes, I am, what's wrong with you?"

"There are elderly people at home and we want to know about the situation here." Zhou Qiang explained again.

“Oh, okay, let’s start from here.

This is an outdoor activity area with many exercise equipment.

Our outdoor facilities are quite complete and well maintained.”

"It's indeed good." Zhou Qiang nodded, and Qiu Yingying followed Dean Xiuyuan around for a walk.

"This is the canteen. We have three meals a day. Breakfast starts at 7 o'clock and ends at :. Lunch and dinner
Kitchenware cleaning and disinfection
If you want to eat at other times, there are chefs available during the day who can cook it, usually for free.

At night, I can only eat instant noodles or something. "

"This is okay." Zhou Qiang nodded.

“This is where I live, I’ll take you in and have a look.

There are single rooms and double rooms.
There is a separate bathroom in the room.
Bedsheets and bedding are washed once a month. Of course, if they are accidentally soiled, they can be taken away and cleaned at any time.
If you want to clean, do it at least once a day." Dean Xiuyuan introduced in detail.

"The management is very good. You must be a good and serious and responsible dean."

"I didn't do anything, I just walked around and looked around."

Several people walked to Dean Xiuyuan's office.

"I wonder what the charges are?" Zhou Qiang continued to ask.

"For a fee."

"It's not expensive, it's pretty good." Zhou Qiang nodded.

Qiu Yingying nodded.

Andy from Magic City also nodded, feeling that the conditions here are pretty good.

"I wonder how you are thinking about it?" Dean Xiuyuan asked.

"Well." Zhou Qiang hesitated, "Dean Xiuyuan, let's tell you a story."

"Story?" "Yes, about twenty years ago, there was a brother and sister. Their family no longer wanted them and sent them to an orphanage.
My sister was adopted abroad.

My younger brother was also adopted not long after, but not long after this younger brother was adopted, he was found to have intellectual problems.
The kind people in the nursing home adopted the younger brother.

Twenty years later, my sister has gained some strength through her own hard work.

With the help of friends, he returned to China and asked his friends to find his brother.

Inquire about adoptees at the orphanage
The orphanage didn't have it, so I thought I couldn't find it.

Unexpectedly, there is another village where there is a bright future.

By chance, I found my brother in a nursing home.

At this time, I realized that my brother had intellectual problems.

Originally, this sister wanted to come over immediately, but was persuaded by her friend.

Because this friend said that going rashly would bring danger to his brother." Zhou Qiang told Dean Xiuyuan about Andy in detail.

"Xiao Ming and his sister are both poor people." Dean Xiuyuan's eyes were a little moist, "When Lao Yan came to find Xiao Ming before, he did attract some people's attention.

Many people were still milling around Xiao Ming.

It did bring a lot of trouble to Xiao Ming.

If Sister Xiao Ming really comes and cannot take Xiao Ming away, there may be more trouble. "

"Dean Xiuyuan, we hope that more people will not know about this matter in advance.

That old Yan won't be coming anytime soon.

Please help take this second-hand mobile phone and let Xiao Ming video chat with his sister so that they can get familiar with it. "Zhou Qiang took out an outdated mobile phone.

"Okay, this is no problem."

"Um." Zhou Qiang hesitated, "Dean Xiuyuan, let me tell you another story."

"Is there any story?" Qiu Yingying was a little surprised.

Zhou Qiang nodded to Qiu Yingying, looked at Dean Xiuyuan and said, "More than 20 years ago, there was such a nursing home staff member."

This time Zhou Qiang told the story of Dean Xiuyuan.

Lao Yan had investigated a lot about Dean Xiuyuan before.

On this basis, Zhou Qiang also investigated and improved it.

Dean Xiuyuan is indeed a person who is willing to contribute throughout her life.

He has done many unknown, seemingly ordinary but 'great' things.

“This dean, regardless of personal gain or loss, regardless of remuneration, is willing to give silently.

Dean Xiuyuan, do you think such a person should repay you? "

"Don't say that, it's what I should do." Dean Xiuyuan waved her hands hurriedly, she was actually a little embarrassed.

"Please forgive my presumption, Dean Xiuyuan, you have a daughter named Zhang Xiaomin. She graduated from Shanghai University of Technology and Business. Is she looking for a job now?"

"Yes. Xiao Min wasn't very good at studies, so she was lucky to be admitted to university." Dean Xiuyuan could sense Zhou Qiang's kindness, so she didn't resent Zhou Qiang's investigation into her family.

"In order to do my best, I asked Shengxuan's HR to call Xiaomin for an interview." Zhou Qiang said this at the same time.

Over in Shanghai, Andy called Tan Zongming and asked Tan Zongming to contact the company's HR and notify Zhang Xiaomin to come to Shengxuan for an interview.

"Andy, don't worry, I'll make arrangements right away." Tan Zongming immediately called HR.

HR did not dare to neglect Tan Zongming's instructions and immediately called Zhang Xiaomin.

"I know, thank you." Zhang Xiaomin felt incredible when she received the call.

Daishan Nursing Home.

"No, no," Dean Xiuyuan declined hastily.

Ding-ding-ding. Dean Xiuyuan’s phone rang.

"Hey, Mom, I've received an interview notice. It's Shengxuan, a big company in Shanghai. If I can work here, I'll be happy to death!" Zhang Xiaomin's excited voice sounded.

"Ah, this." Dean Xiuyuan was trying to explain what was going on.

"Mom, let's not talk anymore. I have to prepare well, try to pass the interview, and stay and work in Shengxuan." Zhang Xiaomin hung up the phone.

Dean Xiuyuan was a little embarrassed, "This."

"This is our intention, please don't refuse, and we are just giving Xiaomin a chance. Whether she can stay in Shengxuan depends on her performance." Zhou Qiang gave some advice.

"Okay, thank you." Dean Xiuyuan could only accept it.

"It's us who should say thank you, Dean Xiuyuan. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Andy." Zhou Qiang stood up and bowed. Qiu Yingying also followed.

"No, no, no." Dean Xiuyuan hurriedly supported Qiu Yingying. She was too embarrassed to touch Zhou Qiang.

A few polite words.

Several people sat down again.

"Are our funds here not that sufficient?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"It's not quite enough, but it can still be maintained."

"In this way, we have ten nursing homes and welfare homes here. Each family donates 100,000 yuan every year to improve everyone's food. I will donate for five years."

"No need." Dean Xiuyuan was about to refuse.

"This is not just for you, but also for the elderly in the nursing home." Zhou Qiang urged again.

"OK then."

“Of course, don’t have anything to do with Xiao Ming.

We just want to contact Xiao Ming quietly.

After Xiao Ming can accept Andy, we will take him away.

During this period, I will continue to trouble Dean Xiuyuan to take care of Xiao Ming. "

"No trouble, it's what I should do."

"Everyone is in the yard at this time, can we go see Xiao Ming?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"Of course, let's go there." Dean Xiuyuan led the way.

In a simple room, the walls are painted with colors.

A thin young man is painting.

Seeing a few people coming in, the young man was a little nervous and scared.

"Xiao Ming, don't be afraid, these are your sister's friends." Dean Xiuyuan comforted He Xiaoming.

Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying were both looking at He Xiaoming.

Over in the Magic City, Andy's eyes were moist, and she also saw He Xiaoming.

"Hello, Xiao Ming!" Qiu Yingying greeted.

He Xiaoming glanced at Qiu Yingying but didn't respond.

"Xiao Ming, let me give you some chocolate." Zhou Qiang greeted.

He Xiaoming looked at Zhou Qiang and actually reached out to take the chocolate.

This scene surprised Dean Xiuyuan.

Because He Xiaoming is very timid and never interacts with strangers.

Unexpectedly, He Xiaoming accepted Zhou Qiang's chocolate when he met Zhou Qiang for the first time. This was very abnormal.

Andy saw He Xiaoming eating chocolate in the video and couldn't help crying. He was crying with joy.

Why isn't He Xiaoming afraid of Zhou Qiang?
Because Zhou Qiang is not an ordinary person.

He Xiaoming felt a strong sense of goodwill from Zhou Qiang.

"You are a kind person." Dean Xiuyuan looked at Zhou Qiang and said, "Otherwise Xiao Ming wouldn't want this chocolate."

"Yes." Zhou Qiang nodded, not modest at all.

"It's time to have lunch soon, let's eat together." Dean Xiuyuan invited.

"it is good."

"Xiao Ming, let's go to eat." Dean Xiuyuan pulled He Xiaoming away.

He Xiaoming looked at Zhou Qiang and said, "Brother, let's eat."

"Okay, let's eat together." Zhou Qiang smiled.

He Xiaoming also smiled.

This scene surprised Dean Xiuyuan again.

Several people went to the restaurant.

He Xiaoming, who was supposed to eat alone, rarely ate with Zhou Qiang.

This surprised everyone in the nursing home.

"Xiao Ming fell in love with that young man." Dean Xiuyuan explained a few words.

"Then this young man must be kind-hearted, otherwise Xiao Ming must be afraid of him."

"Yes, that young man must be kind-hearted."

"You're a nice young man. Do you know if you have a girlfriend?"

"Are you blind? Isn't the young man's girlfriend next to him?"

"You asked? Are you sure it must be? What if it's not?"

"I said yes." Several old men argued.

Zhou Qiang was discussed for a while.

"Xiao Ming, come, eat meat." Zhou Qiang helped He Xiaoming pick up the vegetables.

"Thank you, brother." The interaction between He Xiaoming and Zhou Qiang was pretty good.

Qiu Yingying was on the side, and Andy from Shanghai saw this scene.

Andy was moved to tears again.

Dean Xiuyuan shook her head, thinking Zhou Qiang was incredible.

Had a meal.

He Xiaoming actually followed Zhou Qiang for a walk in the yard.

He Xiaoming also took out his usual number-filling game and played with Zhou Qiang.

"Xiao Zhou, Xiao Ming and you are really destined!" Dean Xiuyuan sighed.

"Although Xiao Ming is a little slow, he can feel who is good and who is bad." Zhou Qiang said.

"So, Brother Qiang, are you a good person?!" Qiu Yingying said.

"of course."

Stayed in the yard for a while.

He Xiaoming was a little sleepy and asked him to go back and rest.

"We want to play here for a few days and have a place to live." Zhou Qiang said.

"If you don't mind it, you can live here and eat in the cafeteria." Dean Xiuyuan said.

"I don't mind, thank you Aunt Xiuyuan." Qiu Yingying said.

“There are places that everyone often hangs out around here.”

In the afternoon, Zhou Qiang and Qiu Yingying walked around the neighborhood and bought some daily necessities.


Had dinner.

He Xiaoming's room.

Zhou Qiang taught He Xiaoming how to video chat with Andy.

After connecting, "Xiao Ming, this is your sister, her name is Andy."

He Xiaoming looked at Andy: "Sister, sister."

"Hey, Xiao Ming, I'm my sister!" Andy couldn't help crying.

"Sister, don't cry."

"Okay, sister, don't cry."

"Xiao Ming, tell your sister what you had for dinner." Zhou Qiang reminded.

"Dinner is eaten. Sister, what did you eat?"

"The buns I eat, the pure meat buns, are the buns sold by your brother."

"I also want to eat the steamed buns sold by my brother."

"Okay, when you come to Magic City, my sister will take you to eat steamed buns."

He Xiaoming did not respond to this.

He Xiaoming is only close to Zhou Qiang.

the next day.

Had breakfast.

"Xiao Ming, this sister and I are going out to play, will you go?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"Brother Qiang and I will go together." He Xiaoming actually agreed.

Dean Xiuyuan was worried and followed her.

I took He Xiaoming to play around.

I also bought some local clothes and some food for He Xiaoming.

after a few days.

"Xiao Ming, we're going to the Magic City. I'll see you again in a few days." Zhou Qiang waved goodbye.

He Xiaoming waved his hand, with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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