Chapter 95 Poison Technique

Neither Ma Li nor Manao are at home.They all live in courtyard houses.

Mark lives alone in a big house in Jinxiu Community.

In an empty house, a middle-aged man sat on the sofa.

"Is it too hasty for me to give up the whole forest?" Mark felt lonely.

In the past, he always had several teachers who taught him various knowledge.His life is colorful and lively.

Now, he is alone in the vacant room, feeling a little lonely.

He looked down at his hands and washed them carefully.

"Since you have nothing to do, let's get busy for a while."

He went to the study to speculate in U.S. stocks.

He intends to make more money and recharge more.


Mark is fine.

He went to Doctor Zhang and continued to study Chinese medicine.

"A Tale of Poison" Mark is reading this book.

He intends to unlock the second skill in medicine: Poison.

Poison art is found in both Chinese and Western medicine.

While learning from Dr. Zhang, various prescriptions for treating poisoning in Chinese medicine, he read the introduction and treatment plan of poison in Western medicine.

Most of these prescriptions are empirical prescriptions summed up by predecessors, and they have been proven to be effective in practice.But the world is changing, maybe the medicinal properties of herbs have changed, and some prescriptions are not so effective.

Western medicine is more about studying the ingredients of medicines and the corresponding chemical molecules. After one medicine is combined with another medicine, the chemical molecules between them will change, so as to achieve the effect of detoxification.

Chemical molecules are less variable, so most of the drugs that are effective in the laboratory are also effective in actual use.

If you look at it this way, Chinese medicine is just a local prescription, while Western medicine is the product of science.actually not!
Chinese medicine does not only have empirical prescriptions, but also a corresponding set of theories.And those who only know the prescriptions are not considered true Chinese medicine practitioners.

The balance of yin and yang is the fundamental theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and there are also theories such as the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements.

Most people who don't understand will regard the fundamental theory of Chinese medicine as metaphysics, and thus regard it as feudal superstition.

The balance of yin and yang is the fundamental theory used to explain the universe.

As a fundamental theory, there is no problem in explaining a microcosm like the human body.

It can be seen that it is very unusual for scholars in ancient Xia to have such insights and theories.

Chinese medicine is expounded in a more macroscopic form.It is often difficult to explain why, because the theory is too big and too general, it is not easy for people to understand, and sometimes it may not be explained clearly.

Under such a grand theory, if you want to interpret the human body well, it is actually difficult to refine it to all aspects.Therefore, what Chinese medicine pays attention to is the actual effect.Proceed from the results to verify whether the theory is correct.

However, Western medicine only pursues single things such as the ingredients of medicines, the molecular formula of medicines, etc., but it falls into the inferiority of partial generalization.Although sometimes more effective.

The starting point of Western medicine is the blind man feeling the elephant.

Or, the starting point of Western science is the blind man feeling the elephant.

They feel that what I can understand now is what reality is, and the rest is unclear and needs to be studied.

They feel that such a spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic is very good. Even if I get it wrong now, it doesn’t matter. The future generations will step on the shoulders of the predecessors and continue to develop, and one day they will understand everything.

They are brave enough to admit that they are wrong.

They dare to overthrow previous theories.

Their theories can be all hypotheses, and then they are constantly improved.

Such an idea seems reasonable, very 'scientific'!
In fact, the effect of this is that ants swallow elephants.They want to let the ants know the elephant through a long time.Is this possible?I don't know, maybe it will work, maybe it will be a dead end.

The grandeur of Chinese medicine or the subtlety of Western medicine, which one is better?
In today's society, most people are more willing to accept Western medicine, which is the impact of Western science.Because it pays more attention to the present, can solve practical problems better, and is simpler and more effective.

However, Chinese medicine often sees protection and cannot break the inheritance.It seems that Chinese medicine has been abandoned by more and more people.

So is Chinese medicine really abandoned by people?

Maybe not so, maybe Chinese medicine was abandoned by some people with ulterior motives!
For patients, I don't care about 21 and [-], as long as my disease is cured, I don't care whether you use Chinese medicine or Western medicine.

Therefore, if we say abandoning Chinese medicine, it is probably because doctors or people who manage doctors want to abandon Chinese medicine.

Mark read the book for a long time, and he only had such thoughts.He is just a person, not a god, nor a saint, and there are too many things he doesn't understand.

He doesn't know which is better, Chinese medicine or Western medicine, but he prefers to believe in Chinese medicine.

Because Chinese medicine pays more attention to the way of nature, and the medicines it produces are things that can be quickly dissolved in nature.Mark believes in natural things more.He believes in the law of nature.

Western medicine is more chemical products, which are chemical molecular formulas generated under specific circumstances.Not saying it's bad, but it's far from the way of nature.Mark doesn't like such things.

However, Mark did not refuse Western medicine.It is foolish to blindly reject any theory when practice proves to be effective.

What Mark prefers is to use the theory of traditional Chinese medicine as the main body and use the methods of western medicine to assist in the study of medical skills.

Mark's study of traditional Chinese medicine is now gradually integrated into western medicine.

But this approach seems good, but it is actually very difficult.

Not to mention anything else, just the same thing, with different descriptions from Chinese and Western medicine, can drive people crazy!
Terminology!Chinese medicine has its own version of Chinese medicine, and Western medicine has its name as Western medicine. Just understanding these is not easy.

Then, the two theories are not corresponding, but each has its own theory. How do you combine them?

Therefore, Mark now only pays attention to things that are easy to blend between the two.

And poison is something the two easily combine.

Mark wanted to try the combination of Chinese and Western medicine by studying poisons.

His idea seems to be feasible, but he doesn't know if he can quickly develop poison skills and get started.Then, he used more high-end krypton gold means to become a generation of poison doctor, haha.

"Little Ma, come, give this patient an injection!" Dr. Zhang shouted.

"Here we come, Doctor Zhang!" Mark shouted.His current acupuncture, Dr. Zhang has been willing to bow down, so, for patients with this aspect, it is Mark who comes forward to treat him.

"Xiao Ma's acupuncture skills have surpassed mine, and I feel ashamed." Seeing that the patient was a little unhappy, Dr. Zhang explained to the patient.

"Congratulations, congratulations, blue is better than blue." The patient laughed.

"Hey, Second Uncle, why don't you come to see me?" Wang Xiaomi's lovely voice sounded.

Wang Xiaomi's voice always puts Mark in a good mood.

"I'm studying with Doctor Zhang, I'll go find you later." Mark said with a smile.

"Second Uncle, I have good news for you, my mother agrees with us to be together!" Wang Xiaomi said happily.

"Really? That's great! Xiaomi, I'm going to find you now!" Mark said happily.

"Okay, Second Uncle, I'm at the beauty salon, come quickly." Wang Xiaomi said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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