Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 933 The movie is good

Chapter 933 The movie is good

The next day.

in the afternoon.

Sun Shaoan came to the construction site.

There are some things that need to be handled by Sun Shaoan himself.

"This time, the steel and cement are not good. They are all returned to me. Cutting corners will never be allowed on my construction site." Sun Shaoan discovered some problems.

"Boss, these steel and cement are not bad, not much different, we can make do.

You see, if we return it, it will definitely affect the construction period. The foreman feels that the loss is about the same and there is no need to return it.

This foreman was chosen by Sun Shaoan.

He is a down-to-earth and hard-working man in his thirties, and his family is from a nearby village.

In fact, the steel and cement used this time are pretty good.

When Hu Yonghe joined forces, he would never have used such good steel and cement.

Moreover, if you return it, not to mention the hassle of going back and forth, you will definitely lose a lot of money. Therefore, the foreman advised Sun Shaoan.

"No, it must be withdrawn. The construction period can be postponed. The quality must not be sloppy!" Sun Shaoan was slightly unhappy and reprimanded.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave immediately." The foreman agreed immediately.

Sun Shaoan looked around and found problems and corrected them immediately.

The workers at the construction site were all a little surprised.

They discovered that “the boss knows a lot, understands everything, and can’t fool anything.”

In fact, Sun Shaoan is the one who should say that most, "No one knows better than me."

After being busy for a while, I didn't see Tian Runsheng.

Usually, when Sun Shaoan comes to the construction site, Tian Runsheng will definitely follow him, talking a lot.

This time, no one was seen at all.

"Why can't you see Runsheng?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"Boss, Runsheng went to find the teacher he had a blind date with." The foreman knew about Tian Runsheng's blind date.

"Going on a blind date again? Teacher? Which school are you from? What's your name?" Sun Shao'an asked one more question.

"There is a new teacher in the county junior high school, her name seems to be Hao Dongmei."

"Hao Dongmei?" Sun Shaoan doesn't know who Hao Dongmei is? Could it be Ma Dongmei?

But it can’t be Ma Dongmei.

This is not Xihong City.

"Oh, by the way, it's Hao Hongmei." The foreman thought again.

"Hao Hongmei?" Sun Shaoan was slightly surprised, "Hao Hongmei is Runsheng's high school classmate."

"Yes, Runsheng said, we are classmates in high school."

"Okay, that's it. Remember, we must strictly control the quality and never cut corners!"

"Okay, okay, boss, don't worry, I will take good care of it."

Sun Shaoan was walking on the road, thinking: "What a coincidence, is Tian Runsheng going to be with Hao Hongmei again?"

Five p.m.

Tian Runsheng has been waiting at the gate of the junior high school for half an hour.

The county is not big.

Tian Runsheng didn't need to come early.

But Tian Runsheng couldn't help but come.

After parting ways with Hao Hongmei yesterday, Tian Runsheng's mind was filled with Hao Hongmei's thoughts.

I dreamed about Hao Hongmei at night, and I dreamed about hugging Hao Hongmei.

Today, Tian Runsheng survived the morning.

At lunch, I felt a little absent-minded.

In the afternoon, I didn’t go to the construction site at all.

I have been taking care of myself at home.

I have changed my clothes several times. The clothes that I usually think are good are not good enough now.

Hair wax was also applied to the hair.

It makes people look like dogs.

Then, come to the school gate early and wait for Hao Hongmei.

Arrived just after five o'clock.

Hao Hongmei came out.

After Hao Hongmei separated from Tian Runsheng yesterday, she had been thinking about whether to have a relationship with Tian Runsheng.

Tian Runsheng's advantage is obvious. With Sun Shaoan's backing, his income is very high.

However, Tian Runsheng is not tall, not as tall as Sun Shaoping.

In terms of looks, he's just average.

Hao Hongmei didn't have the urge to pounce on Tian Runsheng as soon as she saw him.

But Tian Runsheng has a high income.

This one advantage is enough to cover up all the ugly things.

"Runsheng, when did you come?" Hao Hongmei looked at Tian Runsheng with a smile.

"I just arrived a while ago." Tian Runsheng stared at Hao Hongmei's beautiful face and couldn't bear to take his eyes away, "I bought a movie ticket and some melon seeds. Let's go see a movie."

"Okay." Hao Hongmei followed Tian Runsheng to the cinema, talking and laughing.

The movie is great.

Although the movies of this era are inferior in technology and other aspects.

But the plot of the movie is very good, very vivid and touching.

The actors' acting skills are also very good, very contagious and touching.

Sun Shaoan also often takes Tian Runye to watch movies.

Sun Shaoan found every movie enjoyable.

Especially the movie "Wrangler" released this year, Sun Shaoan took Tian Runye to watch it several times.

The phrase "Old Xu, do you want a wife or not?" in the movie is unforgettable.

There is also the movie "Shaolin Temple" released this year, which Sun Shaoan also watched several times.

In the cinema, Tian Runsheng and Hao Hongmei watched the movie quietly.

Tian Runsheng was a little distracted and glanced at Hao Hongmei from time to time.

As for Hao Hongmei, her face felt a little hot when Tian Runsheng looked at her.

Although the movie was good to watch, both of them were a little distracted while watching it.

Finished watching a movie.

The two followed the crowd and walked outside.

"Hongmei, there is a good restaurant over there. The mutton steamed buns are delicious. Let's go and try it."

"it is good."

Didn't go far.

The two entered the restaurant.

"Boss, please bring two bowls of mutton steamed buns." Tian Runsheng shouted.

Wash your hands with Hao Hongmei first.

Then, he took two bowls and some pancakes, and broke the buns with Hao Hongmei.

"You said yesterday that your brother was farming at home?" Tian Runsheng asked.

Yesterday, when Tian Runsheng met Hao Hongmei, Hao Hongmei said that her brother had not found a job after graduating from high school and farmed at home.

"Yes." Hao Hongmei nodded, "It's hard to find a job now."

"It's not bad. My brother-in-law has several construction sites here, and they have hired a lot of people."

"Really? I heard that if you want to enter those construction sites, you have to give gifts to the foreman." Hao Hongmei also inquired about the construction sites recruiting people.

"You said that was before.

No more now.

My brother-in-law doesn't let the foreman mess around.

Those foremen didn't dare accept the gifts. "

"Oh, is the construction site still hiring?" Hao Hongmei asked.

"No more recruitment. We have already recruited enough last month."

"That's a bit late." Hao Hongmei looked disappointed.

"Don't worry, it's easy to find a job. Your brother wants to go wherever he wants. My brother-in-law has more than a dozen construction sites and several factories. He can go wherever he wants." Tian Runsheng said a little loudly.

Tian Runsheng couldn't help but want to show off in front of the woman he liked.

"Really? You can go anywhere, as long as you have a job." Hao Hongmei looked happy.

She wanted to find an opportunity for her brother to find a job and asked Tian Runsheng for help.

Unexpectedly, Tian Runsheng would offer to help.

"Of course it's true, let your brother do it." Tian Runsheng thought to himself: "After dinner, go to your brother-in-law and talk about this matter. Don't let your words go unkept."

"Runsheng, thank you." Hao Hongmei smiled sweetly at Tian Runsheng.

"You're welcome. Come on, the steamed buns are ready. Let's eat the steamed buns."

The two of them happily had a meal of mutton steamed buns.

After dinner.

"Let's go for a walk by the river?" Tian Runsheng suggested.

"Okay." Hao Hongmei agreed happily.

It was still early, and Hao Hongmei didn't want to go back early. By the original West River.

Tian Runsheng and Hao Hongmei walked side by side.

"Hu Yonghe's construction site was cutting corners. If the bridge was built, it would definitely collapse unexpectedly.

After my brother-in-law took over the construction site, he repeatedly said that his construction site must not cut corners." Tian Runsheng also boasted about Sun Shaoan.

Tian Runsheng didn't know what to say about the others, he could only say Sun Shaoan.

Hao Hongmei listened carefully. She was very interested in Sun Shaoan's affairs.

After hanging out for a while, Tian Runsheng sent Hao Hongmei back to the school dormitory and made an appointment for the next meeting.

After leaving school, Tian Runsheng ran directly to An Yeju.

"Sister, I'm back." Say hello to Tian Runye.

He hurriedly said to Sun Shaoan: "Brother-in-law, the brother of one of my classmates wants to find a job. Do you think he can be allowed to work in the toilet paper factory?"

"Enter the toilet paper factory? Isn't there a shortage of people there?" Sun Shaoan asked instead without agreeing.

"This, this, that, how about we go to the cannery?"

"The cannery is also full, there is no shortage of people." Sun Shaoan said this a little deliberately.

"Then let's go to the construction site." Tian Runsheng was a little helpless.

"Construction site? Didn't the construction site recruit enough people last month?"

"What should we do?" Tian Run was anxious.

"Tell me first, which of your classmates' younger brothers is looking for a job?"

"That's it." Tian Runsheng blushed a little, "He is my high school classmate."

"Which one? What's your name?"

"My name is Hao Hongmei." Tian Runsheng's face was already red.

"Hao Hongmei? I think I've heard of it. Has she stolen anything from the supply and marketing cooperative?"

Hou Shengcai told Sun Shaoan about Hao Hongmei's theft.

Sun Shaoan told Hou Shengcai not to tell anyone else.

Hou Shengcai really didn't tell too many people.

I only told Gu Yangmin's parents, Sun Shao'an and a few other people.

"Ah?" Tian Runsheng was a little surprised. He knew that Sun Shaoping whispered about Hao Hongmei's stealing. Unexpectedly, Sun Shao'an also knew about it, "Brother-in-law, how did you know?"

"Hou Shengcai from the supply and marketing cooperative sued me."

"Oh, brother-in-law, Hao Hongmei didn't count as stealing. She had no money at the time." Tian Runsheng explained a few words to Hao Hongmei.

However, Tian Runsheng felt that even if he didn't have money to buy gifts for his classmates, he shouldn't steal them.

Tian Runsheng felt that Hao Hongmei had done something wrong.

However, the matter has passed and there is no need to hold on to it.

"Didn't Hao Hongmei get admitted to Huangyuan Normal College? Why did she return to Yuanxi County?" Sun Shaoan didn't say anything about Hao Hongmei's stealing.

"She was assigned to the county junior high school after graduation."

"Oh." Sun Shaoan nodded and suddenly asked, "Did you go on a blind date with Hao Hongmei?"

"Ah!" Tian Runsheng was dumbfounded, "Brother-in-law, how did you know?"

"Just say that, right?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"Yes." Tian Runsheng admitted.

"What? Are you attracted to Hao Hongmei?"

At this time.

Tian Runye came over and interrupted, asking: "Which girl does Runsheng like?"

"Hao Hongmei, a high school classmate of Runsheng and Shaoping. It seems that this Hao Hongmei was here when Shaoping and Xiaoxia got married."

"Hao Hongmei? I remember who said that Hao Hongmei stole things from the supply and marketing cooperative." Tian Runye also knew about Hao Hongmei's stealing.

"That's a trivial matter. This girl was confused for a moment and it's over. There's no need to talk about it anymore." Sun Shaoan changed the subject with one sentence.

"Runsheng, do you like Hao Hongmei?" Tian Runye asked Tian Runsheng.

"Yes." Tian Run admitted bravely.

"Then bring it here and I'll show it to your brother-in-law." Tian Runye said hurriedly.

Tian Runsheng's marriage is not only urgent for Tian Futang, but also for Tian Runye.

"This, this." Tian Runsheng didn't know what to say, and he hadn't even written the horoscope yet.

"Is this girl not interested in you?" Tian Runye asked.

"No." Tian Runsheng shook his head hastily.

"That's it." Sun Shaoan said, "Runsheng, you bring Hao Hongmei over this weekend, and I'll see if you are suitable, her brother's job will be easy to handle, and she can go wherever she wants."

"Here," Tian Runsheng hesitated, "Brother-in-law, I just met Hao Hongmei twice. Isn't it a bit uncomfortable to bring her here to see you now?"

"Oh, I'm a little anxious. In this case, you ask her to bring her brother over. I'll meet her brother and see where she can work."

"Meet his brother?" Tian Runsheng thought about it, "Okay."

Seeing what Tian Runye wanted to ask, Tian Runsheng hurriedly said: "It's getting late, sister, brother-in-law, I'm going back."

Tian Runsheng left in a hurry.

"Hao Hongmei, does she have a good relationship with Shaoping?" Tian Runye became interested in Hao Hongmei.

"That's right. When they were in high school, they went to the countryside together and performed in shows."

"Yes, it seems that Hao Hongmei looks pretty good, but I don't know what her character is like?" Tian Runye was a little worried, after all, Hao Hongmei had stolen things.

"We'll know in a few days."

the next day.


Tian Runsheng came to see Hao Hongmei again.

Hao Hongmei has classes all morning.

Originally, Tian Runsheng did not make an appointment with Hao Hongmei at this time.

However, Tian Runsheng was eager to tell Hao Hongmei what Sun Shaoan said last night.

between classes.

Hao Hongmei saw Tian Runsheng outside and hurried over, "Why are you here?"

"I told my brother-in-law last night about your brother's work." Tian Runsheng explained a few words.

"Then I call and ask someone to sue my brother and ask him to come quickly?"

"Yes, let him come early."

"Runsheng, thank you." Hao Hongmei winked at Tian Runsheng.

The next few days.

Tian Runsheng asked Hao Hongmei to go out to eat and walk around from time to time.

The relationship between Tian Runsheng and Hao Hongmei developed rapidly.

Tian Runsheng has already taken Hao Hongmei's little hand.

The relationship between the two is considered a match.

this day.


Hao Hongmei's younger brother, Hao Hongyan, came to Yuanxi County.

"This is my brother, Hao Hongyan."

"This is Tian Runsheng, my high school classmate," Hao Hongmei introduced to Tian Runsheng.

"The young man is not bad, he is quite tall." Tian Runsheng exchanged a few words with Hao Hongyan, "Let's go find my brother-in-law. He is at the construction site now."

The three of them went to the construction site.

Sun Shaoan saw them from a distance.

Sun Shaoan greeted him.

"Brother-in-law, this is my high school classmate Hao Hongmei, and this is her younger brother Hao Hongyan." Tian Runsheng introduced.

Sun Shaoan glanced at Hao Hongmei.

This girl is good looking.

As for her figure, except for her long legs, everything else is ordinary.

This kind of girl is the type that young virgins like Tian Runsheng like.

On the other hand, Hao Hongmei's younger brother, Hao Hongyan, is tall, strong, good-looking, and energetic. He is a good young man.

Sun Shaoan exchanged greetings with them.

"It's really hard to find a job now. Young man, what do you know?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"I went to high school. I usually farm at home and can only drive a tractor." Hao Hongyan doesn't know many things.

If I know how to drive a tractor, I learned it from the villagers in the village who drive tractors.

"It's okay. You can learn if you don't know how. I have several factories and many construction sites here. Where do you want to go?"

"I can go anywhere." Hao Hongyan said hurriedly.

"Haha, there's no need to rush. In this case, Runsheng, you tell Hongyan about work and see what you want to do, then let him go." Sun Shaoan waved his hand.

"Okay, thank you, brother-in-law." Tian Runsheng was happy.

Sun Shaoan agreed happily, which made Tian Runsheng very proud.

"Thank you, you're welcome. Okay, I have something else to do, Runsheng, take care of your classmates." Sun Shaoan left.

"Runsheng, your brother-in-law is so kind to you." Hao Hongmei couldn't help but say.

"Yes, my brother-in-law is very kind to me. Come on, let's go to dinner and talk about Hongyan's work."

(End of this chapter)

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