Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 929 Tian Runsheng and Hao Hongmei

Chapter 929 Tian Runsheng and Hao Hongmei


You won’t know without checking.

After checking Hu Yonghe's projects, I realized how courageous Hu Yonghe was.

An Yeju.

Zhang San brought over the investigation materials and said, "Brother Sun, take a look. The bridge built by Hu Yonghe like this will collapse sooner or later."

Sun Shaoan looked at the investigation materials and asked, "Did you not let Hu Yonghe know about your investigation?"

"Probably not." Zhang San did everything carefully and secretly found one or two construction workers who were 'relatives'.

This relationship is also a roundabout relationship involving two or three people.

Yuanxi County is not big, so it is not too difficult to be related to someone.

Since they are relatives, it is easy to handle.

All the problems in the project were asked.

Moreover, the investigation will not be leaked or alarm Hu Yonghe.

"Brother Sun, what should we do now? We cannot allow Hu Yonghe to continue working on this project, otherwise something big will happen."

"In this case, you go to Huangyuan and hand these investigation materials to Tian Fujun face to face."

"Tian Fujun?" Zhang San hesitated, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Zhang San thought about whether to hand it over to Li Dengyun, Li Xiangqian's father.

Now, Sun Shaoan handed over to Tian Fujun.

This arrangement is better.

Zhang San quickly rushed to Huangyuan, but could not find Tian Fujun.

Tian Fujun went to the countryside.

Tian Fujun spends most of his time in the countryside doing research.

Tian Fujun is very busy and he is doing things down-to-earth.

If you want to do something useful to the people, it won't work just to drink tea and read newspapers in the office or hold meetings in the conference room.

You must be like Tian Fujun, who keeps going to the countryside and constantly communicating with the people before you can do something that can really help the people.

"Hey, Brother Sun, Tian Fujun is not here, he has gone to the countryside." Zhang San called Sun Shaoan from Huangyuan.

"Where did you go to the countryside?"

"I didn't ask." Zhang San didn't ask about Tian Fujun's whereabouts.

This is also normal.

Tian Fujun's itinerary should be kept confidential and not easily disclosed to others.

"I understand. You go to Huangyuan Hotel to have a rest first. I'll call you later." Sun Shaoan hung up the phone.

Wait until noon.

Counting the time, Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia should go home from get off work.

Sun Shaoan attacked Sun Shaoping's home in the provincial capital.

"Hey, Shaoping? It's me."

"Brother, is something wrong?"

"That's it, I have an important situation here and I want to report it to Xiaoxia's father.

But he went to the countryside and could not be contacted.

See if you can ask Xiaoxia where her father went to the countryside. "

"What's going on?"

“There is a man named Hu Yonghe here in the original West County.

The projects he did were very serious about cutting corners.

If it is not stopped, the bridges and houses built by Hu Yong in the future may collapse unexpectedly. "Sun Shaoan did not hide anything from Sun Shaoping.

Sun Shaoping understands the importance and will not talk nonsense.

"What?" Sun Shaoping subconsciously raised his voice, "I understand, let me tell Xiaoxia."

Before hanging up, Sun Shaoping told Tian Xiaoxia what was going on.

Tian Xiaoxia took the phone and asked Sun Shaoan a few questions, "Brother-in-law, I understand. I will contact my dad right away."

Tian Xiaoxia hung up the phone and called Xu Aiyun.

If anyone knows where Tian Fujun is, Xu Aiyun must know.

Asked about Tian Fujun's itinerary from Xu Aiyun.

Tian Xiaoxia called again to the place where Tian Fujun went to the countryside.

"Hey, Xiaoxia, what do you want from me?" Tian Fujun was a little surprised.

Daughter Tian Xiaoxia would not call like this easily.

"Dad, is there anyone around you now?" Tian Xiaoxia was quite cautious.

"No one. My daughter called me. Who would stand by and eavesdrop?" Tian Fujun said with a smile. After speaking, his face turned serious and asked: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Dad, Shaoping's eldest brother Sun Shao'an called and said that Hu Yonghe, an engineer in the original West County, cut corners during the construction. The bridge built by Hu Yonghe may collapse accidentally." Tian Xiaoxia said what was going on.

After Tian Fujun listened, he said nothing and thought for a while, "Xiaoxia, I understand what you said. In this way, let that Zhang San come to my office at five o'clock this afternoon."

"Okay, Dad, you haven't eaten yet, go and eat quickly."

"Okay." Tian Fujun hung up the phone, had a few bites, asked the driver to drive towards the city.

Tian Xiaoxia's side.

"My dad will return to Huangyuan City at five o'clock in the afternoon. I will tell my brother-in-law." Tian Xiaoxia said to Sun Shaoping.

Call Sun Shaoan.

"Brother-in-law, my dad is here. He said he would rush back to Huangyuan City immediately and arrive at about five o'clock in the afternoon. He asked Zhang San to go to my dad's office."

"I know, I'll ask Zhang San to go early." Sun Shaoan hung up the phone.

Then he called Zhang San and asked him to go to Tian Fujun's office at five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Brother Sun, don't worry, I'll be waiting at four o'clock in the afternoon."

in the afternoon.

A quarter past four.

Zhang San saw Tian Fujun’s car.

After a while.

Tian Fujun's office.

Tian Fujun quietly looked at the investigation materials brought by Zhang San.

read it.

"How outrageous!" Tian Fujun was furious.

Zhang San's investigation materials detailed Hu Yonghe's cutting corners.

Tian Fujun basically guessed that this material should be true without verifying it.

Therefore, Tian Fujun was furious.

He was angry at some people for being too bold.

They dare to build such a shoddy project regardless of the life and death of the people.

"This situation will be kept secret for the time being." Tian Fujun told Zhang San a few words and sent Zhang San away.

Tian Fujun pondered quietly.

Zhang San's investigation materials not only wrote about cutting corners, but also about Hu Yonghe's interpersonal relationships.

The reason why Hu Yonghe was able to get so many projects was because Hu Yonghe had a backer.

This backer is Gaofeng Pavilion.

Hu Yonghe is easy to deal with, but this Gao Fengge is not an ordinary person and is not so easy to deal with.

Tian Fujun needs to think carefully about what to do.

It didn't take long.

Tian Fujun picked up the phone and called.

"Hey, are you in the office?"

"Okay, I have something that I need to talk to you about in person."

An Yeju.


Zhang San rushed back.

"Brother Sun, everything has been done. Tian Fujun told us to keep it a secret."

"Let's not tell anyone, just wait for the news."

"it is good."

the next day.


Sun Shaoan went out to buy groceries. When he passed by Hu Yonghe's construction site, he saw a few well-dressed people chatting with the migrant workers working at the construction site.

Sun Shaoan didn't look much and left quickly.

in the afternoon.

When Sun Shaoan passed by the construction site again, he saw those people talking to migrant workers again.

At this time.

The foreman at the construction site also noticed these people.

"What do you do?" the foreman asked loudly.

"We want to build a house." The well-dressed man shouted back.

"It's easy to build a house. Come on, let's go inside and talk." The foreman called all these people in.

Then, I found a few old masters and told them the details of building a house.

After arranging these, the foreman went outside.

I found the migrant workers just now and said, "Those cowards just now, what did they ask you for?"

The foreman was very vigilant and guessed that those well-dressed people had evil intentions.

"Nothing, just asking us what materials we used on the construction site." These migrant workers told them everything they had just done.

The foreman's expression changed immediately.

Of course the foreman knew that they were cutting corners at the construction site.

No one is investigating this matter, so it’s nothing.

But, if someone is nosy, it will be troublesome.

The foreman panicked.

Cursed and left.

The foreman is going to Hu Yonghe's house to tell Hu Yonghe the situation.

The foreman had not run a few steps when someone stopped him.

Who stopped the foreman?

Sun Shaoan.

Sun Shaoan saw everything that happened just now.

Of course Sun Shaoan also knew what the foreman was going to do.

Therefore, Sun Shaoan stopped the foreman.

"Get out of the way!" The foreman was furious and raised his hand to push Sun Shaoan aside. "No!" Sun Shaoan refused to retreat. Instead, he grabbed the foreman so that he could not escape.

At this time.

Those well-dressed people may have noticed something was wrong.

They ran out and saw the foreman and Sun Shaoan pushing each other.

"What are you doing?" asked a well-dressed man.

"I am Sun Shaoan. He is the foreman of the construction site. He wants to tell Hu Yonghe about your investigation." Sun Shaoan said directly.

A few well-dressed people looked at each other, reacted, and then said: "You guys come with us."

While talking, he had to take the foreman and Sun Shaoan with him.

Seeing that Sun Shaoan was still holding on to the foreman, he said, "Let him go."

"Okay." Sun Shaoan let go of the foreman.

Suddenly, the foreman knocked aside a well-dressed man.

He was about to run away.

Sun Shaoan took a big step and immediately grabbed the foreman again, "Be careful, he is the foreman. If he runs away, things will be in trouble."

"Okay, okay." This time, the well-dressed man tied up the foreman and took him away with Sun Shaoan.

Sun Shaoan was more cooperative and was not tied up.

This scene was seen by many people.

It is estimated that soon Hu Yonghe will hear that the foreman of the construction site has been taken away.

The well-dressed man seemed to know that things were in trouble.

They quickly called Tian Fujun.

After Tian Fujun knew that Sun Shaoan was also nearby, he "asked Sun Shaoan to answer the phone."

"Second dad, I am Sun Shaoan." As soon as Sun Shaoan opened his mouth, several well-dressed people around him looked surprised. It turned out to be one of his own.

"Yes, I stopped the foreman, but I estimate that it won't be long before Hu Yonghe hears about the construction site."

"I recommend action be taken immediately."

"Okay, I'll help lead the way."

after an hour.

Hu Yonghe was taken away.

Along with Hu Yonghe, there were several people from the construction site.

They all have something to do with cutting corners.

Over there in Huangyuan.

Tian Fujun and others chatted with Gao Fengge.

After the chat, Tian Fujun's eyes were full of disappointment.

a few days later.

The news about Hu Yonghe spread.

"Hu Yonghe cut corners and the bridge he built is not good."

"Hu Yonghe's cannery used rotten fruit."

"Hu Yonghe"

All the bad things Hu Yonghe did were spread.

The day before, it was still a "leading household" in the original West County.

The next day, Hu Yonghe became the rat that everyone shouted to beat.

An Yeju.

"Brother Sun, Hu Yonghe is finished."

"He brought it upon himself."

"Yes, if you don't do good business and insist on doing something illegal, Hu Yonghe deserves it!"

A few more days passed.

An Yeju.

Zhang San brought new news.

"What? You want me to take over Hu Yonghe's mess?" Sun Shaoan looked surprised.

Hu Yonghe was taken away.

There are five or six construction sites left by Hu Yonghe, and all of them have stopped working.

This construction site needs someone to take over.

Someone thought of Sun Shaoan.

"Yes, Brother Sun, I pushed this matter away, but I can't push it away."

"This is troublesome," Sun Shaoan complained a few words, but still took over Hu Yonghe's mess.

On the construction site.

"Tear them all down." Sun Shaoan directed the workers to demolish the previous shoddy construction.

A lot of money will be lost in such demolition.

But it had to be demolished.

In the TV series version of "The Ordinary World", a bridge collapsed unexpectedly, causing many casualties.

Now, Sun Shaoan has avoided this matter.

Sun Shaoan became busy.

There are many things going on at the construction site.

Even if he finds help, Sun Shaoan still has to go to the construction site every day.

There are various things that need to be handled by Sun Shaoan.

Sun Yuhou also went to the construction site. "I don't do heavy work, so I just look at the gate and stuff."

Sun Yuhou couldn't rest.

It's easy, Sun Shaoan is busy at the construction site.

Sun Yuhou also followed suit.

Who told Sun Shaoan not to let Sun Yuhou return to Shuangshui Village to farm?

Time passes day by day.

Here in Yuanxi County, things are going as they should, and nothing is going on for the time being.

Let’s talk about Huangyuan Normal College.

Hao Hongmei is about to graduate.

At this time, work packages are allocated.

After graduating from college, you don’t have to worry about finding a job.

However, students who have the conditions will still take the initiative to contact their units to go where they want to go.

Hao Hongmei's boyfriend contacted the work unit in the provincial capital and promised Hao Hongmei that he would also help Hao Hongmei find a job in the provincial capital.

Hao Hongmei was very happy about this.

this day.

Hao Hongmei and her boyfriend walked hand in hand in the woods on campus.

"Nan Feng, how is work going?" Hao Hongmei asked.

Hao Hongmei’s boyfriend is Li Nanfeng.

"My dad is in contact."

The two chatted for a while.

Li Nanfeng wanted to hug Hao Hongmei and kiss her.

But Hao Hongmei dodged it.

Hao Hongmei is very conservative.

Although Li Nanfeng is her boyfriend, she only holds hands with Li Nanfeng at most, never hugs, let alone kiss or have sex.

a few days later.

"Hongmei, I'm sorry, you're having trouble finding a job." Li Nanfeng brought bad news to Hao Hongmei.

Li Nanfeng's job was decided, which was to go to the provincial capital.

But Hao Hongmei's job is uncertain and she can't go to the provincial capital.

"What should we do?" Hao Hongmei was anxious.

"I don't know either. I'll think of a solution later."

A few more days.

"Hongmei, I'm sorry, let's break up." Li Nanfeng took the initiative to break up.

The reason is very simple. Li Nanfeng's parents do not agree with Hao Hongmei being Li Nanfeng's girlfriend.

Li Nanfeng resisted, but the resistance was useless.

Therefore, Li Nanfeng could only compromise.

"Why?" Hao Hongmei asked.

But Li Nanfeng ran away, leaving Hao Hongmei crying alone in the woods.

What about Hao Hongmei’s job?

No need to worry.

Just wait for the work to be assigned.


Hao Hongmei's work was assigned.

Did not go to the provincial capital.

Nor did he stay in Huangyuan.

Instead, it was arranged to go to Yuanxi County.

In the original West County, Hao Hongmei went round and round and came back again.

Speaking of Yuanxi County, Hao Hongmei immediately thought of Sun Shaoping.

"Sun Shaoping went to the provincial capital and married Tian Fujun's daughter.

And I returned to the original West County. "Hao Hongmei couldn't help but feel sad again.

Hao Hongmei came out of Yuanxi County Station with an unhappy look.

"Hao Hongmei?!" a voice sounded.

Hao Hongmei looked up in surprise and saw a thin man, Tian Runsheng.

Tian Runsheng unexpectedly bumped into Hao Hongmei.

"Why did you come to Yuanxi County?" Tian Runsheng had surprise on his face.

"I graduated and my job was assigned to Yuanxi County."

"Really? Great, we have another classmate in Yuanxi County." Tian Runsheng was very happy.

"Where are you now?" Hao Hongmei looked at Tian Runsheng and found that Tian Runsheng was dressed quite well.

"I work as a supervisor in my brother-in-law's factory. Come on, I'll treat you to dinner." Tian Runsheng was very enthusiastic.

"No need?"

"Let's go, old classmates reunited, we should have a good celebration."

(End of this chapter)

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